Donald Trump Raises Deportations Quota

I’m enjoying this new dynamic.

Birthright citizenship is under assault.

Border crossing have plummeted to nearly zero.

ICE and DHS are raiding sanctuary cities for a change.

Foreign leaders like the president of Colombia are being humiliated.

Christian refugee resettlement NGOs like World Relief are howling in pain.

The mayor of Minneapolis is flirting with being arrested by Tom Homan for harboring illegal aliens.

Temporary Protected Status for the Venezuelan illegal alien who wrecked my car in June is being revoked.

Tom Homan is being criticized FOR NOT DEPORTING ENOUGH illegal aliens and his quota is being raised.

Note: I was assured by activists that no one would be deported and that Trump and Joe Biden would have the same immigration policy with just as many people coming in under a new Trump administration and that Kamala Harris was the better choice for president!


  1. Agreed. These are rookie numbers. To get 30 million people deported in four years they need to be doing about 20k per day.

  2. It’s an impressive list by any measure. We are now in uncharted territory. This is just the beginning though. It’s going to take a long, steady and unrelenting battle against all of those who have been making tons of money off the invasion. That part hasn’t really even begun in earnest.

  3. So they raised the deportation numbers some. If they raise it some more and then double it again, they will catch up with Obama’s deportation numbers.

    They will need 20,000 per day to match the number of immigrants coming in.
    Illegal entries are now near zero? Nah. There will still be plenty of them coming in.

    The difference is, the situation that began under Trump that all illegals could present themselves to the border patrol, and be welcomed in, and released into the U.S. with a court date many years away, that has changed. Trump’s extreme policy continued under Biden, but now it has changed.

    Now the invaders will have already gone back to just sneaking in. It is easy to do. There will be no way to count them, but they will be coming in, every night.

    A Chinese will pay around $150,000 to get in. A lot of that goes to the Cartels and their Coyotes. And a lot goes to the Triads back in China who work with the Cartels. Some goes to the CIA, because it is their border. Some goes to the Brown Border Patrol, in exchange for looking the other way. This is how it works.

    I know you are excited. Millions are excited about this charade. This is why they call us Goyim, i.e., cattle.

    • The Obama administration counted people turned away at the border as deportations in order to look tough on immigration while pushing comprehensive immigration reform and the DREAM Act. Those numbers do not reflect interior deportations

      • “Note: I was assured by activists that no one would be deported”

        Who are activists ?
        Your description sounds like that of lame do-nothing defeatists.

  4. “simply being in the country without permission is NOT a crime:”

    By all rights and reason it is theft of citizenship.
    The most valuable thing that most of us have is our US Citizenship.

  5. “But who will pick my blueberries for my smoothies?!”

    Lots of willing college kids in the Willamette Valley.

    (Most ag labor is done by Guatemalan Indians on temporary work visas.)

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