
I guess no one is “doing the work” anymore.


  1. A religion, any religion needs the backing of the state to take hold and grow. Trump in power does not mean it is dead, it only means it is no longer backed by the state.

    • Good point. Political Correctness appears to have lost its state backing, at least on the surface. But until Whites are free to organize for our OWN interests without being slandered, censored or otherwise punished you can be sure Political Correctness is very much alive and well.

      • Until ‘Free Association’ for Whites is recognized as a natural right, every bit as important as any enumerated right in the Constitution, we don’t have a victory. We need ‘Whites only’ spaces and institutions to thrive, just as blacks and other colored people have their own spaces. Coloreds are legally entitled to priority in White institutions now under the pursuit of equality, enforced through ruinous NAACP et al. “Civil Rights” (sic) lawsuits. This has wrecked the U.S. as a “crisis of competence” in every field of endeavor has naturally followed “Civil Rights” (sic) implementation. China does not suffer under such egregious stupidity and is outpacing the U.S. in numerous fields without the burden of minorities.

        Anti-White discrimination is codified in law with non-Whites legally given advantage over Whites and Whites not allowed to establish our own neighborhoods or organizations. Blacks and other non-Whites can form or more likely, The Usual Suspects can form for them their own housing and “advocacy” organizations to leech money and other benefits parasitically from Whites through the corrupt legal system. This naturally leads to failure as Baltimore, Detroit, Newark NJ, St. Louis, Selma and numerous other cities’ destruction testifies to. DEI in Boeing, air traffic control, the U.S. military etc. are other examples of failure.

        The recent helicopter/passenger jet crash in Washington DC was apparently caused by the black, female, helicopter pilot flying too high into the path of the jet. Ironically, this Army helicopter unit and training routine is part of “Continuity of Government” planning to rapidly transport VIPs from Washington to secret locations away from danger in times of a pending attack. The U.S. Government’s own policies of Coloreds First, putting them into positions for which they are unqualified, such as helicopter pilot, led to this crash which would have killed the very same Government officials who inflict “equality” on other Whites daily while believing they are immune to its consequences.

        Not anymore.

  2. The litmus test for me is whether Trump uses his leverage to ensure the confirmation of Tulsi Gabbard.

    Gabbard stood up to the Israel Lobby when she denounced Operation Timber Sycamore, which was the CIA program which armed Al-Qaeda to overthrow the Syrian government. This program was the latest installment of the “Clean Break” strategy developed by the Neocons and Netanyahu. This was a very clear case of treason on the part of the Neocons and the Obama administration – siding with America’s enemies, Al-Qaeda, in order to benefit a foreign nation, Israel.

    Gabbard also stood up to the intelligence community when they illegally spied on Americans. She stood up for Edward Snowden when he exposed the intelligence community’s illegal abuses of power, and she criticized the unconstitutional “section 702”. As long as the intelligence community, in cooperation with vigilantes like the ADL, SPLC and Antifa, continues to illegally and unconstitutionally engage in the surveillance and harassment of American patriots and Christian conservatives, there will never be any possibility of a full and honest debate of the important issues in this country.

    • Tulsi is a lifelong Communist, with stints at various Communist groups, a former WEF young leader, former member of Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), a leader in Bernie Sanders’ (Communist) Congressional Progressive Caucus, and on and on, the Communist DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), and more. She is a Communist and a fanatical Climate NAZI.

  3. Army refuses to identify female Black Hawk pilot killed in DC collision..NYpost

    What’s wrong, ain’t they proud of inclusion ?

    DIE withb DEI.

    • To be fair, it appears that the female was the co-pilot. Obviously the facts are all in those black box recordings. One wonders if she neglected to notice or report some anomaly to the pilot that she should have been monitoring.
      Because she was a co-pilot, ultimate responsibility rests on the pilot. Who knows what happened. However, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that such a disaster occurred and a female was involved. Despite DEI initiatives, my guess is that qualified army helicopter pilots are still at least 15:1 males and 10:1 white males, so having a female in the cockpit was an outlier for sure. The real kicker will be if the female pilot was also black. (Which is probably why they’re withholding her identity).

      • “it appears that the female was the co-pilot.”

        She was the command pilot at the time of collision.

      • good thing I didn’t listen to all the activists who famously predicted Kamala Harris would win

        My suspicion as well.

    • The UH-60 was apparently on a Continuity of Government training flight. Gotta wonder if that’s a “six way from Sunday” message to the guy who has just rescinded a whole bunch of security clearances from security state big shots.

      • Very possibly so. Or there was someone on the AA liner who they needed to eliminate. I have my doubts this was a mishap. The video shows the chopper literally flying right into the plane as if it was intending to do so. One point surfaced that the pilot was flying with night-vision and a co-pilot is absolutely required when flying thus as the goggles induce a kind of tunnel-vision that would effective render the plane invisible. It now seems there was a co-pilot so this is strange.

  4. The winning that is occurring is almost unbelievable. But, it’s about right for what I said was going to occurr in a great case scenario. Meanwhile, the ((Usual Suspects)) in the OD Commentariate are claiming that we are losing because Hitler isn’t President still.

    • The defeatists want total and immediate gratification of all their wants or nothing at all.
      It just won’t happen that way.

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