ICE Is Actually Responding To Your Reports

I have incredible news.

Did you know you can report illegal aliens now and actually get a response from ICE?


  1. In Australia where pretty much ALL politicians are leftwing, the Chinese, Vietnamese or Afghan nationals, many of whom are illegal,can commit multiple crimes then do five months in jail. Once released, are they deported on character grounds?
    No. They remain at large. “Human rights” and all that.
    But yet, when a Middle eastern crime identity want’s to actually leave the country and return to live in his country of birth or become a foreign fighter for whatever cause he supports, the authorities suddenly become competent and stop them at the airport.
    So we let them in, but won’t let them go! It’s damn infuriating for most Australians.
    If they actually WANT to leave……then just let them!
    We don’t have right wing parties here, just leftwing and slightly less leftwing. None of em would pass as right in a bygone era.
    I hope the Trump factor catches on here, and throughout the West.
    He’ll never do everything you want, but at least he’s doing what he can in the circumstances.

    • Heck, none of your parties would even pass as “left wing” in a different era.

      Labor established the “White Australia” policy, restricting immigration to boost wages for the working class.

      There is no “left” or “right” anymore, just fruity Woke dingbats.

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