About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And are you somehow expecting the woketards at PBS to even be factual about this event? Not even worth watching unless you’re a masochist who wants to be nagged and preached at for over an hour by self-hating whites and woke kneegrows posturing. PBS is another outfit which should be asset-stripped and destroyed. Just more gaslight media, gaslighting their way into white people’s living rooms. Why would anyone expect different from a propaganda ministry of the very aptly named Empire of Lies.

      • PBS is for White liberals to watch to feed their already enormous, sanctimonious pride that they are more moral, smarter and therefore better than other Whites. The colored folks are just stage actors in their morality play. The “liberal” Whites hardly notice them.

    • ” Not even worth watching unless you’re a masochist”

      Sometimes they let truth seep out . You may have to watch an hour to get 15 seconds of key critical facts, but that takes a lot of experience and a sharp skeptical eye to discern. It happens, once in awhile.
      Also, you can posit the opposite of the woke narrative and that can lead to discoveries.

      • That is true, and Camille Paglia admitted as much about feminism as well. I recall she described it as sifting through five tons of bullshit to find an 1/8 carat diamond of truth. Depends of whether or not one has the patience for it.

  2. What? Trying to shame the South over “racism”? Can you believe it? Tell me there is no such thing as hypocrisy especially among these “angelic” (fallen ones) anti-Southerners.

    Has anyone ever studied the life of Julian Carr? You know the guy who has been relatively recently vilified because at the dedication of a Confederate monument Silent Sam he gladly confessed before the UDC ladies who raised money for the erection of the monument on the campus of UNC (Chapel Hill) that he chased down a young black wench who on the streets of Chapel Hill had insulted a white Southern lady and fled to the campus of UNC where the Union forces after the war were stationed and in front of 100 of them and whipped her? You can’t get much braver than that for sure since this was less that 90 days after 19 year old Carr who left his studies at UNC to fight for NC in the War for Southern Independence surrendered with Robert E. Lee at Appomattox.

    And for those who hate the South and think Julian Carr tried to “hurt” the Blacks in the South, read this:


  3. Devon Stack in an Insomnia Stream titled ‘Thrown to the Dogs Edition’ covered this last summer 2024. It can be found on Odysee, Rumble and Bitchute.

  4. I have heard this lamenting about Wilmington coming from these “Yankees” (South-hating Northerners), radical Blacks and southern white scalawags in southern universities for a number of years now. Same argument. They can’t get enough of it. These Neo-abolitionists are like a 5th column in the South who seem to always entertain and want to keep the hope alive that Blacks will finally “rise up and kill all the Whites” in the South that the radical abolitionists were foaming at the mouth about 150+ years ago and think of anything they can say, write, produce or do to provoke this final chapter of Reconstruction. These “abolitionists” are the real haters if you have to point the finger at someone.

    From this documentary within the first two minutes you hear this lie:

    “It was the only armed overthrow of an elected government…”

    Really? You honestly think this was the only armed overthrow of an elected government? What was Lincoln’s-War-To-Deny-the-South-Their-Independence (euphemistically called the American Civil War) all about then? The South voted to secede (secession was not unconstitutional), they wanted to ensure that slavery was continued (slavery was not unconstitutional) and voted on the offices held in their new government and wrote a new Constitution based on the original Constitution of the USA. All legit!

    I do wish that the South would become more aggressive in these culture wars and make a lot of films/documentaries/etc presenting the South in a more positive light and exposing the North’s racism and slavery-owning and shipping of African Blacks to be sold to Southerners but that sounds just as negative and just a reverse attitude of what the South has had to endure from these “university” elite liberals who think they are better than everyone else.

    But these one-sided attacks against the South with comical Yankee actors with funny fake Southern accents are entertaining though… I am listening and laughing right now…

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