Donald Trump Reimposes “Maximum Pressure” Sanctions On Iran While Calling For New Nuclear Deal

The MAGA Strip overshadowed the news about Trump’s plans for Syria and Iran.

Times of Israel:

“US President Donald Trump on Tuesday restored his “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran that includes efforts to drive its oil exports down to zero in order to stop Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

The move brings back the tough US policy on Iran that Trump practiced throughout his first term. Trump has accused his Democratic predecessor, former president Joe Biden, of weakening US resolve toward Iran. …”

New York Times:

“President Trump on Wednesday vowed to negotiate a “verified nuclear peace agreement” with Iran, saying he wants to avoid a military clash by reaching a deal that prevents Tehran from acquiring an atomic weapon.

Mr. Trump, who withdrew from the 2015 nuclear accord that Iran negotiated with the Obama administration, effectively called for a do-over on Wednesday. In an early morning post on his social media site, the president said the United States and Iran “should start working on it immediately, and have a big Middle East Celebration when it is signed and completed.”

“I want Iran to be a great and successful Country, but one that cannot have a Nuclear Weapon,” Mr. Trump wrote. …”

Trump himself shot down the idea that he wants a “war with Iran” and said this morning that he wants to negotiate a new nuclear deal. This confirms the Axios reporting from a week or so ago.


  1. what a wonderful transformation to a real life way, to the joy that this world portrays and is actually finding its true way, tho it is difficult sometimes. but it is getting closer to a peaceful way, of accommidating each other, thru insight and growth that together we can move to a place that has been waiting to be formed, realizied and enjoyed for the unseen to become seen, and expressed, and become a way to open up the messing link!of all that is before us….we may not now imagine, but will!!!

  2. I can’t remember – did Trump start letting Bibi yank his strings and obsessing over Iran this soon after Trump’s first inauguration? This go-around it seems much sooner. Don even wore that “Flag Of Israel Blue”-colored tie for the occasion.

    • Cuck blue tie to his master’s alpha red one.

      Even worse was Zion Don push in Bibi’s chair like the zio-whore he is.

  3. It wasn’t Iran that tried to assassinate Trump. The Pennsylvania shooter was Antifa, an the would-be assassin on the golf course was a Ukraine sympathizer. It is very foolish of Trump to say he left instructions for Iran to be obliterated in case of an assassination. This just gives Zionists a major incentive to assassinate Trump.

    Trump is operating under the delusion that a “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran would have prevented October 7. It would not. Hamas does receive some aid from Iran, but it is not a decisive part of the equation. Most of the weapons used by Hamas are locally produced, with unexploded Israeli ammunition being repurposed. Hamas would have had the capability to conduct the October 7 attack even if they never received any aid at all from Iran.

    This maximum pressure campaign is a terrible mistake. Economic sanctions are a step down the road towards war, but even if war is not the end result steps like this are still bad for the economy.

    The single easiest thing that can be done to boost American exports and build the American industrial base would be to end all economic sanctions. This would instantly increase exports.

    The only sanctions should be sanctions against foreign terrorist groups which have conducted terror attacks against the American homeland, such as Al-Qaeda and the JDL.

    • > It is very foolish of Trump to say he left instructions for Iran to be obliterated in case of an assassination. This just gives Zionists a major incentive to assassinate Trump.

      Yup, though a failed assassination attempt may be even better as it would leave the “greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House” alive and angry. I’m sure the MOSSAD are already on the case. The feds’ Miami office already has a profile of an ‘Iranian’ perp, complete with a motive:

      • People don’t realize just how recklessly Zionists are willing to act.

        For instance, one Zionist group planned to send letter bombs to Winston Churchill!

        No politician, not even Balfour himself, ever did more for the Zionist movement than Churchill, yet they were willing to murder even him to gain a slight tactical advantage.

        • Don’t forget the King David Hotel Holocaust, the murder of Folke Bernadotte and Colonel Serot, the Nakba, the Lavon Affair, the Suez Crisis, the USS Liberty Holocaust, etc. Ambassador Bernadotte was Swedish diplomat who had protected several Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe, and his friend Serot had fought in the French Resistance, but they were deemed insufficiently sympathetic to the Zionist cause, so they had to be whacked.

          Zionist terrorists murdered British officials and soldiers while the British were still at war with the Third Reich, which effectively made the Zionists pro-Axis co-combatants. The body count even included Lord Moyne, senior official over the region and a close friend of Churchill. Winnie’s contemptible response to the assassination was pure cuckery, and it’s worth juxtaposing to his blustery chest-thumping at Hitler over the Danzig Reconquista.

  4. The tone of the article suggests that Trump is taking a hardline on Iran, but you spin it to project your own views onto Trump (which your views are anti-interventionist).

  5. Is Satanyahoo still here directing the show? One thing to keep in mind about Trump is that he talks a great deal and makes all kinds of outrageous remarks to trigger his enemies. This keeps them in a chaotic state of mind. One always has to sit back, calm down and wait a while before what’s he’s really up to becomes apparent.

    For example: How many illegal invaders are actually leaving? How many are honestly being deported? Is DHS back to their old catch-and-release bullshit? There have already been at least three rulings by blackrobes saying he can’t do various things. Is he going to meekly obey like last time or will he quote the great Andrew Jackson: “The court has made its decision. Now let them enforce it.” As I noted in a previous thread the Repuke party is *not* controlled by Trump. Congress – one of the more useless legislative bodies in world-history surpassed maybe only by the Roman senate in the Imperial era – managed to impeach only 8 blackrobes in its entire hsitory. Given the ‘philosophah-kangz’ notions of such clowns from the days of Marbury v. Madison the list should run into the hundreds.

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