MAGA Strip: Palestinians To Be Pushed Into Europe, Gaza To Become American Territory Afterwards

As many people have correctly pointed out, Trump is trying to spook Hamas into accepting a long term deal and the Arabs into occupying Gaza and rebuilding this mess.

1. Israel doesn’t have the ability to resume the war and accomplish this on its own.

2. Congress would never accept the “MAGA Strip” becoming an American territory.

3. There is no support for this in Europe or America or on Capitol Hill.

Trump is taking a Palestinian state off the table in order to force the hand of the Arab states who have been content to do nothing to resolve the problem for fifty years.


  1. The US is the only thing preventing an actual Final Solution from occurring because the jews are now the most universally hated ethnic group in the world. They used to be regarded as plucky underdogs(thanks to their control of the media and entertainment industry) but they have been revealed to be psychotic thieves.

    • Nobody forced the Palestinians to vote for Hamas, nobody forced the Palestinians to go in and slaughter 1200 civilians last October. The Palestinians are not playing a very smart game of poker with an extremely weak hand. Hamas never even built a modern sewage system in Gaza with the millions showered on them. Nothing but weaponry. What did they think was going to happen?

      • Israel funded Hamas because they hated the PLO. Actions often have unintended consequences. The IDF killed probably at least half of those civilians thanks to the Hannibal Directive. Why was the “most secure border in the world” left unmanned for two hours anyway?

      • @Nightowl,

        “Nobody forced the Palestinians to vote for Hamas, nobody forced the Palestinians to go in and slaughter 1200 civilians last October. The Palestinians are not playing a very smart game of poker with an extremely weak hand. Hamas never even built a modern sewage system in Gaza with the millions showered on them. Nothing but weaponry.”

        Totally true. The US actually provided more per capita civilian aid to Gaza than Israel. Together with aid provided by Europeans and other international organizations, Gazans received even more civilian aid than Israel. At this point Gaza should already be one of the most magnificent metro regions in the world. Instead, being Sand N@ggers, they used all the money to build a fortified prison in which to agitate the local populace into fanatics. Now, they are paying the price for their decisions.  

  2. If the United States simply stopped funding Israel, they would quickly conclude an equitable agreement with the Palestinians because it would be in their own interests to do so.

    As long as America is fighting Israel’s battles, paying Israel’s bills, and providing Israel with diplomatic cover, the Israelis will continue to scheme for expansion in Gaza, East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria, and they will continue to act as if they have the right to exact thousandfold revenge on anyone who ares fights back.

    Trump has done the exact opposite of what needs to be done. He has vastly expanded America’s commitment to Israel.

    This is what happens when “anti-activists” spend all their energy trying to silence right-wing criticism of Jewish supremacy in America, and whine that everyone should only ever say positive things about Trump.

    Trump should have been loudly confronted from the right as soon as he made his first ultra-Zionist executive order. Maybe he would’ve gotten the message that Jared Kushner’s ideas are not popular.

    Now Trump has made a gigantic unforced error. He has squandered immense amounts of political capital.

    • Well, the US originally supported Israel because there were millions of Jewish refugees in Europe after the war and as Truman said if they don’t go there they’ll end up coming here. Back in 1900 when the first settlers from Eastern Europe began to trickle in Palestine was a sparsely populated area of the Ottoman Empire that they neglected to develop with Arab men who spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing. In 1945 the West still had a colonialist attitude because they (correctly) understood the lack of a modern, productive mindset among most 3rd worlders and thought this was a good place to put them. They also didn’t foresee the oil boom that would allow newly minted Arab states to buy weapons and stir up the shit. But the fact is Israel is a Fiat Accompli and Arabs are going to have to learn to live with it and get on with their lives instead of futile attempts that just make things worse for them.

      • In 1916 Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and France were all nearly bankrupt because of WWI. Britain and France were dependent upon U.S. war matériel, paid with loans, to continue the war. A failed 1916 Allied war bond in NYC brought matters to a head in London with important members of the Imperial War Cabinet urging peace talks with Germany. Secretly, Germany was exploring peace talks too through the office of the Woodrow Wilson administration.

        A combination of Wilson’s amateurish diplomacy, Germany’s foolish Zimmerman Telegram and unrestricted submarine warfare and division over peace talks in London led to failure of the peace initiative. While things stood in the balance in London Lord Balfour, a committed Christian Zionist, arranged further war financing from a consortium of The Usual Suspect bankers tilting the balance in London in favor of continuing the war.

        This financing was a quid pro quo for Imperial Britain agreeing after the war to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the ‘Balfour Declaration’. This financial lifeline ended British Government interest in a negotiated settlement. Great Britain had already promised Arabs there a homeland too in return for their support against Ottoman Turkey, a German Ally.

        Before this the suspicion in Great Britain amongst the public was that Jews were pro-German because of family names and connections they had in Germany. Many Anglicized their names in response including even the Royal Family which changed from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the House of Windsor in 1917. The Jews were actually serving their own interests of course, not Great Britain’s. They temporarily had mutual interests and an endless well of money from the U.S. to fulfill the Zionist Dream of a homeland in Palestine.

        We are still living with the catastrophic results of Lord Balfour’s decision and the failed attempt at a peace conference to settle WWI.

        See: The Road Less Traveled, Philip Zelikow, Copyright 2021, PublicAffairs Hachette Group, NYC, ISBN: 9781541750951

      • Not quite.

        The area like Gaza, to be specific, looks like it was a charming date, olive, sheep, banana and orange growing agricultural small town. Images of the town exist from the pre ww1 era. Looks like bucolic paradise quite frankly. Photo albums from the Victorian period and Edwardian period look nice enough. Why are you invested in changing Gaza into another Malibu? What are you being paid?

    • Its weird reading all the psuedo-Nazis explaining how the world would be better if only Hitler came back, but because Trump won’t resurrect him, Trump is a Jew.

      Just because someone doesn’t give a Seig Heil to a crowd of people like the bisexual Richard Spencer, or plan to re establish death camps for Jews, doesn’t make that person a Jew. It just makes them not insane clown posse provocateurs.

      Another lame idea is that if only the US stopped funding and abandoned Israel, then glorious peace would happen because Sand N@ggers would join the psuedo-Nazis in drinking a coke together like in the commercial. The fact is, the psuedo-Nazis don’t realize that not only will all the American Jews not have a place to go to in the future, but all their Israeli cousins will move to America. This thinking will only worsen the situation they proclaim is why we must lose more anyways to win. Again retarded.

      Basically, the Psuedo-Nazis who comment here, agitate so publicly at rightwing and nationalist events are obviously taking orders from a cabal of anti-rightwing and anti-nationalist leaders. The sooner that the rightwing totally and forcefully expels these retards, the sooner the rightwing and nationalists can get to winning.

      • There were no “death camps.” There were labor camps that typhus and later starvation (due to all-lied bombings of railways and food warehouses. That you repeat that (((British intelligence))) and (((Nürnberg Trials))) blood libel could only mean that you will be wearing a yellow devil’s footprint AKA star of david next time.

        Retards in the US that cite German concentration camps seem to forget about the Andersonville P.OW. camp during the War Between the States and its Union equivalents.

        The British also used concentration camps against the Boers that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Dutch Afriikkaner women and children during the Boer Wars.

        So, both Anglos and jews can fuck off on the subject of “death camps.”

  3. The idea that Chuck Schumer is somehow pro-Palestinian is palpably absurd.

    That remark reveals how isolated Trump is within an ultra-Zionist bubble.

  4. After Gaza, there is West Bank, Golan Heights, Sinai peninsula and lot of other problematic placrs too so that every arab country knows that accepting Gaza refugees or doing any deal with Israel opens the hells gate.

    Only thing what Donald pressure accomplish, is forcing all Middle East countries work together to solve this 80 years of Jew nightmare forever.

    Abraham accords caused small war, this thing will cause big one.

  5. “Palestinians To Be Pushed Into Europe”

    Worst idea EVER!! We DONT NEED any additional ‘Brown Bastards’ mucking up European genetics than we already have there!! When will we stop the madness?? Europe for Europeans!!

  6. “The defense minister noted the legal duty of countries to allow the entry of Gazans. “Countries like Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have leveled false accusations and blood libels against Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow any Gaza resident to enter their territory.

    “Their hypocrisy will be exposed if they refuse to do so. There are countries like Canada, which has a structured immigration program and has previously expressed willingness to take in residents from Gaza,” Katz added.”

    FUCK THAT !!

    It is the legal duty of all Gazans to ASS RAPE every Jew in Israel so that they can understand their limitations.

    • @Charlie,

      “It is the legal duty of all Gazans to ASS “RAPE every Jew in Israel so that they can understand their limitations.”

      Your beloved Sand N@ggers tried that. Instead, they got their asses handed to them, all 2,250,000. Now, we own a beautiful beach area redolent with ancient Phillistine, Greco-Roman, and Crusader sites and archeology. It will be European again.

      • “Your beloved Sand N@ggers tried that. Instead, they got their asses handed to them, all 2,250,000. Now, we own a beautiful beach area redolent with ancient Phillistine, Greco-Roman, and Crusader sites and archeology. It will be European again.”

        give me a break!
        First off u need the right beloved Sand N@ggers (my beloved??? I think not) to “RAPE every Jew in Israel in the ASS” (I think u need some of the biggest blackest for the job) :
        2ndly we dont need to own a beautiful beach area; we’ve got Europe for Europeans!!

        • @Rebel Roy,

          “Wishful thinking Jew.Noone here thinks you care about anything but your fellow noses.”

          I’ve already moved the needle at OD away from retards like you. I only need one person to listen to me. The rest of you don’t don’t count and are just visiting.

    • @Charlie,

      The jews occupying Palestine have been raping men, women, and children since the first Nakba. That is in the nature of that heinous species.

  7. Not just pushed in to Europe…

    Pushed in to “the West” (translation, the few remaining still White majority countries, towns).

    This plan was openly presented, prophesized by two Israel J MPs, published in the US “Conservative” (yeah right) newspaper of record.

    The Wall Street Journal.

    Here’s the Jerusalem Post account of this:

    We (me) at OD have “noticed” the strange alliance between Arabs/Muslims and Jews in current events, current politics, who sleeps with whom of Arabs/Muslims and Jews conspiring together to dispossessed, enslave (“White slavery for our girls), genocide, ethnically cleanse ha White non Jewish Gentiles everywhere we still exist, except to keep some sexy young Shiksa for their GF, mistresses, porn stars, concubines.

    “We” racially aware JQ aware Whites in Spain expelled all the Jews and Arab Muslim Moors from Spain in 1492 or made remaining Js convert to Catholic Christianity under the Spanish Inquisition torture for just doing what they are doing here… conspiring with Arabs/Muslims to invade, occupy, enslave our people in Europe, UK, North America – the ha White west.

    • The alliance is between Jewish supremacists (both Zionists and “Culture of Critique” liberals) and Sunni supremacists such as HTS (aka Al-Qaeda).

      Palestinians, Shiite Muslims and secular Arab nationalists resist the supremacist alliance.

      US foreign policy, unfortunately, sides with the Axis of Supremacy (Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan) against the Axis of Resistance (Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestinians).

      We are helping to build a new power block which will function like the Umayyads or the Ottomans – a seriously threatening hostile power that hates the West and seeks to destroy it.

      These are the stakes. The Jewish supremacists and the Sunni supremacists both hate us and want to utterly subjugate us. Our best potential allies are the Shiites, the secular Arab nationalists, and the Palestinians.

      But for a long time, our foreign policy focuses on attacking our potential allies, thus helping our worst enemies.

      We should learn from the early modern European Christian powers who routinely allied with Safavid Persia against the Ottoman Empire.

  8. “The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United States by Israel at the conclusion of fighting”. So says Trump, after simultaneously claiming that he has brought peace to Gaza. The whole thing is pure Trumpian BS.

    With respect HW, your interpretation seems to be borne of cope for what is patently blatant support for ethnic cleansing by a man whose moral compass is guided by the Melian Dialog (the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must).

    Trump took a Palestinian state off the table with the Abraham Accords. Hamas’ response to Trump’s latest offer was, predictably, “come and take it”. What are the Gulf states expected to do – provide the infantry for the next Israeli ground assault? The Amalek have proven to the whole world that they intend to remain in their home – what is left of it – whatever the cost. Trump’s defunding of UNRWA is presumably part of the genocide-assistance program. He is destroying the last vestiges of the good will America has long enjoyed as, at least nominally, a supporter of humanitarian values. This kind of intangible cannot be counted in dollars and cents but its loss will definitely be felt further down the road.

    Trump thinks only in terms of ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. Israel gets his support simply because he is told they are winning. He thinks everyone is for sale at the right price. The shark tank of the NYC real estate developer make people like this – who have no concept of what drives a people to want to die rather than leave their home. I support much of what Trump is doing, but there is no lipstick to be put on this pig.

    • Hunter Wallace, James Kirkpatrick, Jason Kessler, and Greg Johnson have all morphed into Neocons.

      They unconditionally cheer everything done by Donald Trump (Jared Kushner and Howard Lutnick).

      They routinely attack anyone who criticizes Jews.

      Are they being paid?

      • Neocons are people who want to use the U.S. military to spread democracy overseas and particularly in the Middle East and along Russia’s borders. Those people supported Joe Biden and backed the war in Ukraine for years.

        • The only reason the Neocons wanted to “spread democracy” in Iraq, Libya and Syria was to destroy the military power of Israel’s regional adversaries. They had no intention of “spreading democracy” in the UAE, Bahrain or any other country friendly to Israel.

          Russia was targeted because it was Syria’s patron, and Syria in turn was the most important sponsor of the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance.

          The essence of Neoconservative foreign policy is using the resources of America, both physical and moral, to serve the interests of Israel.

          Donald Trump is pursuing the same goal with a different strategy. No more “democracy promotion”, an obsolete strategy anyhow now that Assad is gone. Instead he offers to use the full resources of the US government to solve Israel’s Gaza problem, and their Yemen problem, and their Iran problem, and their campus free speech problem.

          Right now Trump and his defenders are functioning as defacto Neocons – using the resources of the United States for the benefit of Israel.

          All the wrong people are delirious with joy because of Trump’s Gaza plan. Alan Dershowitz, Julia Ioffe and Dana Milbank are 3 of the absolute worst anti-White bigots who ever lived, and they are all smiling from ear to ear – Dershowitz because he frankly loves the plan, Ioffe and Milbank because now they can plausibly claim that Kamala Harris was the lesser evil on the Palestine question. They are gloating and lecturing the “Uncommitted” and “Abandon Biden” movements, everyone who ever called Biden “Genocide Joe” and everyone who ever protested Kamala “I’m speaking” Harris.

          Trump won in 2024 because the left was bitterly divided over the Gaza issue. If Trump follows through with his plan to behave even worse than “Genocide Joe” did, then he will re-unite the left with terrible consequences.

          The single most disturbing thing he said in that disastrous press conference was when he said “everyone I talked to loves the idea”. Every single person he consulted thought this was a good idea? Does that include his chief of staff for policy, Stephen Miller? Does it include his senior advisor for Middle East an Arab affairs Massad Boulos? Or does it only include rich New York City Jews, the only people he really respects, Kushner, Lutnick, Witkoff, Adelson etc.?

          In retrospect, the 2017 cruise missile attack was indeed an accurate harbinger that Trump’s first term would be disappointing, precisely because it proved that Jared Kushner was in a position of influence. The Cesar Sanctions which Trump signed into law were the force which eventually led to Assad’s fall. Trump’s actions on immigration and culture war issues fell far short of expectations and promises, to say the least, again because of Kushner’s influence.

          Trump needs to be ruthlessly and continuously shamed for this catastrophic mistake, until he learns his lesson and chooses better advisors.

        • @Hunter Wallace,

          “Neocons are people who want to use the U.S. military to spread democracy overseas and particularly in the Middle East and along Russia’s borders. Those people supported Joe Biden and backed the war in Ukraine for years.”

          Its pointless explaining this to these people. Unless, you pray for the return of Adolf, and are prepping to recreate Concentration Extermination Camps, you are a Jew to them. They obviously thought you were one of them. Its clear you’ve crossed the Rubicon with them. They won’t rest until you submit or are exiled from the Right. You’ve made a Faustian bargain with these demonic retards, it won’t be easy to extricate yourself.

          I’ve gone from believing Anti-Semitism wasn’t a problem to believing its not just a problem, but the number one reason the Right hasn’t been successful until Trump. I used to think the ADL, SPLC, Jewish Council, etc were out of their ever living mind over fear of anti-semitism. I knew there were anti-semites in the right, but considered their views as hyper critical but understandable.

          Now, I’ve come to realize that these Anti-Semites have been used to subvert our movements and smear them by association with fanatical insanity. If you don’t tow the line, they will attack you, conser you a Jew, and try to exile you from the Rightwing. They are determined to seize control of the Right.

          During the early Cold War, some of the most vicious anti-communist political campaigns were waged by liberals against presumed commies in their ranks. Perfect example was Reagan, a liberal Democrat who fought commies influence in Democrat dominated Hollywood. Our fight will be the same against these Anti-Semites in our ranks. Its clear by their nehavior that they must be broken if we are to succeed.  

        • A quibble. Neocons invaded various places in the Middle East to protect Israeli interests.

    • I’m all for ethnic cleansing in this case. It’s the only way to end this conflict, instead of leaving it as a giant, festering boil that will erupt and require interventions over and over again.

      There will not be a Palestinian state. They are far too weak to fight the Israelis, and the only thing they accomplished in their recent uprising was to destroy or weaken every ally they had in the region. Assad is gone, Hezbollah is nearly destroyed, Iran now looks like a weak horse, and Israel actually expanded into Syria – all because of them. Arab governments love to use Palestinians for propaganda purposes, but they never want to help truly resolve this issue, and they certainly don’t want to take Palestinians in (ask King Abdullah of Jordan why.)

      I definitely don’t want to see Palestinians relocated to the West, but if they can be settled elsewhere in the Middle East, I fail to see how that’s a loss for Whites. Third Worldists are not your friends. It’s a stupid and anti-White ideology.

    • Having said that, the Houthis have really impressed me. They truly are the good ol’ boys of the Middle East.

  9. My “tweet” (what is it called now that Twitter is Elon Musk’s “X”) that Lisping Lindsey Graham was a flaming homo, who used tax payer $ to tent expensive DC homosexual prostitutes – my Tweet was deleted by the new “Powers that Be”.

    I wonder if anyone is now allowed to “Tweet”, “X” the not so hidden Je* puppet hands pulling the strings to flood an additional 2 million Arab Muslims (it’s always the horny Arab/Muslim, Paki unskilled males of military raping age to that invade first) in to Europe , UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia – what remains of the “Ha White West”.

    F*#&$@ .

    Yeah, I know this sounds lame…

    “Let call our Congressional offices”.

    I will work very hard to get everyone the Congressional staff members to contact by name.

    • There are nearly 50 majority Muslim countries in the world.
      2 million Gazans divided by 50 equals 40,000.
      That should be the solution. Those countries would hardly notice the refugee increase. No more Muslim immigration into the West!

      • If the Israelis get to expel the Gazans and take over the beach front formally, Jews in the US will revert back to advocating brown immigration into the US. Once the Coast, so to speak, is clear normal business resumes.

      • Yes , spreading the Palestinian Muslim Arabs to other Muslim countries – that would be best for us .

        When have Muslims or Js ever done what s best for us ?

        Je&s and Muslims remember the sack of Constantinople , the ethnic cleansing of ha White Pied Noir French from formerly French Algeria in 1963 and the 700 year Arab Muslim Moor occupation of Spain like it was last year .

        Arabs /Muslims and anti ha White Jews have always worked together to f&@“ us over , to pimp our beautiful White girls , Je&s selling our girls and yes ha White boys in to slavery .

        Muslims and Js remember Muslim Moor occupation of Spain as their golden age .

        Of course regular 5 days a week Negro Football addicts have no clue about the real racial , ethnic religious history of Muslims ( Turk, Arab now Pakistani ) , Je&s and their secret plots to subvert our White societies and enslave us or genocide us .

        I ve certainly tried to teach this reality – ha Whites don t want to hear it . They want to watch the Negro Felon League .Bomb Iraq – Get Saddam Hussein , Syrian leader Assad who are the latest Hitler “ gassing little children “

        I wonder where they got this “ gassing little children “ story ?

      • Nice of the Israelis to show their true colors, though. They blatantly seek to harm White European nations. Jews and Muslims are two sides of the same coin.

    • “I will work very hard to get everyone the Congressional staff members to contact by name.”

      far better to send them a ‘donation’ (i.e. bribe) bigger than what a J can ‘donate’; that’s the only ‘speech’ they listen to

  10. Hegseth is already crowing that military recruitment is up. All those southern and midwest cracker boys are lining up for their MAGA leader.

  11. I told you it ain’t over. Gaza is going to be an American territory. Meanwhile, Norway has previously accepted Palestinians and still has the largest population of Palestinian refugees of any Scandinavian country. I understand FM Katz position to let Norway eat its own word.

    Similarly for all the others. FM Katz is just telling them to stop virtue signaling and start virtue executing. The only way to stop that immigrarion is for the countries themselves to stop it. With or without the war, they’d still be taking in Palestinians, nothing has changed.  

    The change that is needed, isn’t for Israel to continue allowing Sand N@ggers living in Gaza and attacking Israelis, but for the aforementioned Sand N@gger loving countries to refuse allowing more into their countries. Its for the Sand N@ggers to live with fellow Sans N@ggers.

    All Gaza Palestinians have Egyptian birth certificates. The camel jockey riding Mamalukes must accept the Gaza Palestinians. The other Moslem Arab countries can provide the funds to re established their communities in Egypt. Meanwhile, our money and resources should go into making Gaza Strip an American colony where Palestinian, European, and American Christians can turn it into a beautiful place. It can and will be done.

    • Do you think by saying sandnigger 500 times you are going to trick us into becoming dupes for your fore-skin sucking,hook-nosed demons.I think not Jew-boy!

    • Katz can go drown in the Red Sea. That thorn in Israel’s side in Gaza keeps the yids honest enough to have to show their fangs, talons, tentacles repeatedly.

    • “he change that is needed, isn’t for Israel to continue allowing Sand N@ggers living in Gaza and attacking Israelis, but for the aforementioned Sand N@gger loving countries to refuse allowing more into their countries. Its for the Sand N@ggers to live with fellow Sans N@ggers.”

      no, the change that is needed, is for Israel to stop attacking Sand N@ggers living in Gaza

  12. Imposing angry little Mussos onto Europen streets and it’s women? What could possibly go wrong?
    Israel should take them, or another Muslim country where their ideal culture, religion and way of life is already in place.
    Maybe give Southern Europe their Christians, but that all…… assuming this ever goes ahead.

  13. He means what he says; Gazans evicted into White countries, US military occupation of Gaza, jews like Kushner develop it for the beachfront and the offshore gas.
    Not that it will happen but it could. Who will stop him if the jews want it?

    • Trump doesn’t have the military numbers to occupy Gaza and fight for Our Greatest Ally. The increase in White, male, enlistment in the Army isn’t sufficient to make up for previous years’ shortfalls and the Army is riddled with angry, black females, low IQ types and other unsuitable recruits, it’s all they could get for years. The other services are also suffering from years of bad recruiting practices. It will take time to change this and it’s doubtful there are even enough young, White, Christian males available to create a 1960’s size military even with conscription which is politically a non-starter.

      If Trump were to deploy U.S. forces to the Near East public support, already a tiny minority for such an adventure, would plummet to nothing as his numerous enemies cheered his stupidity, amplified by the Lügenpresse. The civilian population behind the military will not take casualties for Our Greatest Ally or Taiwan (nor should they). If the U.S. military gets all bollixed up again in the Near East it will be without any allies this time and China will cheer it on, waiting for an opportune moment to seize Taiwan. Trump will destroy his presidency if he is serious about taking Gaza.

      The best thing he could do would be to permanently send his miserable, evil, amoral son-in-law to Israel and be rid of him. That is the only way to end his money grubbing, destructive ways.

  14. Me:

    Isn’t Israel [really should be renamed Judah] responsible for most of the infrastructure damage in Gaza?


    Yes, Israel has been responsible for much of the infrastructure damage in Gaza, particularly during its military operations in the region. The Israeli military has carried out airstrikes and artillery shelling, targeting buildings, roads, bridges, power plants, water infrastructure, and hospitals, among other critical facilities. These attacks are often aimed at Hamas, militant groups, or their associated infrastructure, but they also result in widespread damage to civilian infrastructure.

    During Operation Protective Edge (2014), and again during more recent escalations such as the 2021 conflict and 2023 military operations, reports from organizations like Human Rights Watch and the UN have documented significant destruction in Gaza. Human rights groups have often condemned the scale of this damage, which they argue disproportionately impacts civilians and violates international humanitarian law by targeting or causing excessive harm to civilian infrastructure.

    The damage to Gaza’s infrastructure is a major concern for recovery and rebuilding efforts, as the region already faces challenges due to the blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt. The lack of adequate infrastructure, particularly for water, healthcare, and electricity, exacerbates the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

    While Israel argues that its military actions are in self-defense, specifically to neutralize Hamas and protect its citizens from rocket attacks, international observers and human rights organizations frequently raise concerns about the proportionality of Israel’s responses and their impact on Gaza’s civilian population.

    Israel needs to be punished and brought to justice for this and made to rebuild everything they deliberately destroyed in Gaza in their attempt for a long-term solution in Gaza just as the Yankee Empire (USA after Lincoln and his fellow radicals destroyed the original Constitution) needs to be punished for their atrocities/infrastructure damage/etc in the American South 160 years ago, for dropping nukes on two civilian cities in Japan and their war against Iraq falsely claiming it was all about weapons of mass destruction. I feel that only God will ever bring these two to justice. They both are arrogant and think and act as if they are too big and powerful to be punished. And they will become belligerent against ANYONE who tries to get in their way.

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

  15. I think we can be reasonably sure of one thing: Israel will sacrifice practically nothing to make this “deal” work or any other subsequent “deal” work.

    I can’t help but think our “Greatest Ally” is blackmailing our so-called leaders. I don’t know how to explain this slavish devotion to Israel any other way.

    • @more of the same,

      “I can’t help but think our “Greatest Ally” is blackmailing our so-called leaders. I don’t know how to explain this slavish devotion to Israel any other way.”

      of course they are, and bribing them too

  16. @Nightowl,

    “Nobody forced the Palestinians to vote for Hamas, nobody forced the Palestinians to go in and slaughter 1200 civilians last October. The Palestinians are not playing a very smart game of poker with an extremely weak hand. Hamas never even built a modern sewage system in Gaza with the millions showered on them. Nothing but weaponry.”

    Totally true. The US actually provided more per capita civilian aid to Gaza than Israel. Together with aid provided by Europeans and other international organizations, Gazans received even more civilian aid than Israel. At this point Gaza should already be one of the most magnificent metro regions in the world. Instead, being Sand N@ggers, they used all the money to build a fortified prison in which to agitate the local populace into fanatics. Now, they are paying the price for their decisions.

  17. ” . . . I can’t help but think our “Greatest Ally” is blackmailing our so-called leaders”

    Bribery and extortion are the mother’s milk of democracy, the political system we enjoy now, unfortunately, until its collapse. The financial and other demands from the various factions in GloboHomo are infinite but the resources to pay in blood and treasure are finite so something must eventually break. Until then the circus continues.

    Regarding bribery and extortion, see Jeffrey Epstein and find out what he thinks. He had some experience along those lines, didn’t he? Is Trump going to release the FBI files on Herr Epstein? To ask is to answer.

    Here is the Copper King of Montana’s (after whom Clark County Nevada was named) summation of the arcane workings of Congress and the scumbags residing therein from 1899:

    ““I have never bought a man who isn’t for sale.”

    “There is nothing new under the sun.”

  18. The Jews are going to be in a world of pain when the boomers are gone. The world is just waiting to pounce on them. There will be no place for them to run and hide any longer.

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