Florida Law Enforcement Deputized To Enforce Immigration Laws

27 states have Republican governors.

Texas and Florida have been deputized to enforce federal immigration laws.

Looking ahead, I anticipate all 27 states with Republican governors will be “deputized” to work with DHS and ICE, and that this new enforcement power will become a way for Republican governors like Abbott and DeSantis to compete in who can arrest and detain the most illegal aliens. It might also become a partisan football in state elections. States with Democratic governors will try to shelter illegal aliens. It will become a way to put illegal immigration directly on state ballots like abortion.


  1. Does that mean I can now turn in the hundreds here in Crestview Florida who are building DR Horton homes and doing all the roofing jobs?

    In the past calling his office and emailing him has resulted in nothing.

    • My wife reported illegal aliens in Montgomery and ICE showed up and raided the place. Make of that what you will. I personally never bothered because what is the point?

      • Great sign. Thanks for sharing that. I will give that a try. Northwest Florida has been overrun in the past 4 years. We even have stores with signs in Spanish which I had never seen except in South Florida and El Paso. If you drive by our schools during recess you will see almost no White children, but I think that is simply a sign of the overwhelming black population growth. We are seeing once nice Destin now having to impose curfews due to “Youth” crime. I actually watched my first gang of “youths” being chased out of the North Crestview Publix this past week. I have considered moving to Montana.

        • I have fled enough. No more running. Defend Florida & defend your state like there’s nowhere else to retreat.

  2. They have tethered the Texas and Florida cops to ICE. They have to turn them over to ICE, which will likely just release them.

    But hey, it’s good press

    • Indeed. Jamie Lee Curtis’ actual name should be Jamie Lee Schwartz. Her father was the jewish actor who changed his name to Tony Curtis. Henry Ford knew and wrote about tribe members doing that trick.

      • @United States of AIPAC,

        “Indeed. Jamie Lee Curtis’ actual name should be Jamie Lee Schwartz. Her father was the jewish actor who changed his name to Tony Curtis. Henry Ford knew and wrote about tribe members doing that trick.”

        Indeed, this is true. The rise of Jews in Hollywood, first in the producer area, then the studio area, and finally in the actor area is important for those studying the changes in American ethnic power interests. Tony Curtis was of Hungarian Jewish background. But, to use this use as the mark of some insidious concentrated Jew power is limiting.

        For various reasons, Hungarian Jews are among the most European and good looking of Ashkenazi Jews. Some other examples include the Gabor sisters. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabor_sisters. Tony Curtis was another. These good looks helped them navigate throughout European high society. Something that was also prevelent among these Hungarian Jews was their lightweight Jewish cultural attributes. Again allowing them to move throughout Europe relatively unnoticed. One such person was the notorious George Soros.

        These attributes were used extensively by the Catholic Hapsburg ruling family with their court Jews and their sub-agents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_Jew They served superbly as Spies, Diplomats, Commercial Agents etc. As court Jews and their agents could be relied upon to be simultaneouIsly free of Papal influence and engage with Protestants, and could provide financing, they were extremely valuable to Continental, usually Catholic European Dynasts.

        As Papist, the Hapspurgs had to be be conscious of both Papal and Protestant espionage in their circles. Jews proved a perfect trustworthy party. Even the Papist Dracula demon used them and appear along with other utilzed ethnicity, like Gypsies, Eastern Europeans, etc in Bram Stokers “Dracula.” Note, it took a WASP coalition of an American Texas Ranger, Anglo-Irish Protestant soldier, English gentleman fighter, Scottish philosopher, and Oxford Professor to overcome the Popish Demonic plot emanating from Transylvania. Although fictitious, mostly, it describes greater conflicts than silly anti-semites are prepared to admit.

        Tony Curtis and his family quickly adopted the mostly secularized Yankee values of their new community in New York. There was little problem changing a name to suit the taste of an audience still opposed to White ethnities, especially Jews. In turn, when he married he married a good Protestant Yankee half breed of Yankee Protestants and Danish Immigrant Protestant background.

        Jamie Lee Curtis, celebrated Christmas, grew up around the kind of secularized amd commercialized American Christian world of the post War era. She knew her Jewish background and certain ethnic memorials were followed, but in general Jewish identity was little more than they would be supportive of Ann Frank.

        However, later in life, Tony and his daughter re encountered their Hungarian Jewish heritage. In the post commie world, they got involved in restoring Jewish ethnic community heritage in Hungary, including that most basic of allegiances to your past, protecting the tombs and temples of your forefathers. These are values we should respect in any ethnicity, nationality, or race. They are hardly examples of some world wide conspiracy of crypto-Jews.

        When Tony died, he died as a typical Amerocan Hollywood actor of the 20th century. He was buried not with a Yamulka but a cowboy hat, as he loved Westerns, Western history, and worked to preserve the heritage of the American West. But, he wasn’t buried in Levi’s or something traditional Western, but in an Armani suit, and race car driving gloves. While Jamie Lee Curtis has obviously inherited the liberalism of 20th century and Greenwich village New York City cosmopolitanism to a strong degree, its hard to say she or her father were some sort of super crypto Jew Spies. If they were, given their provenance, they’d be working with the Papacy, Hapsburgs, or some sort of non-sectarian American super power group. Thats the conspiracies you need to worry about more. 

  3. Watch, a mass in-migration to red states and out-migration from blue states, especially by those with msans.

  4. The White House said Trump is also going to announce a program to resettle white South African farmers and their families as refugees. Nypost

  5. Good. Bring immigration enforcement down to the state level and let it stay there. And then let the states cooperate among themselves in marshaling the correct resources to plug “holes” in their enforcement, especially the Southern states.

  6. Out of curiosity, will they be deputized to enforce these laws against those who hire the illegals, like Tyson’s Donnie King? Donnie would be a nice poster boy for the porcine clowns who benefit from the racket. A white goy who could be destroyed (he absolutely deserves it too) pour encourager les autres. Next they should destroy the operation in Postville, Iowa – a fine Kosher meat-processing plant run by the unmentionables – and major importer of foreign invaders including lots of Somali musloids.

  7. Joys of illegal immigration coming to a county near you.

    Thanks, Joe & Kamala, for opening our borders WIDE open…

    Hey! That’s our stuff!

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  1. The Bulwark: ‘Open Season’: Local Republicans Rush to Out-Trump Trump on Immigration – Occidental Dissent

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