DOGE Staffer Rehired After Resigning Over Racist Shitposts

The most amazing thing has happened.

A DOGE staffer was doxxed by a “journalist” and resigned over racist shitposts.


“A key DOGE staff member who gained access to the Treasury Department’s central-payments system resigned Thursday after he was linked to a deleted social-media account that advocated racism and eugenics.

Marko Elez, a 25-year-old who is part of a cadre of Elon Musk lieutenants deployed by the Department of Government Efficiency to scrutinize federal spending, resigned after The Wall Street Journal asked the White House about his connection to the account.

“Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool,” the account posted in July, according to the Journal’s review of archived posts.

“You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity,” the account wrote on X in September. “Normalize Indian hate,” the account wrote the same month, in reference to a post noting the prevalence of people from India in Silicon Valley. …”

It is a good thing that I didn’t I have time to write about it.

A campaign was started on X to bring back “Big Balls” which is the alt the young man used online where he posted about getting rid of the civil rights acts. Elon started a poll in response.


“Elon Musk posted on X Friday that a staffer with his Department of Governmental Efficiency who resigned after racist social media posts were unearthed “will be brought back.”

Why it matters: The White House swiftly announced Marko Elez’s exit after the Wall Street Journal first reported on the blatantly racist posts, which included “normalize Indian hate” and “I was racist before it was cool.” But Vice President Vance and Musk’s online army both rallied behind Elez, and Musk has now declared that he’ll be reinstated. …”

Vance and Trump came out in support of bringing him back just to spite “journalists” and to stop cancel culture. Elon announced that Big Balls would be rehired.

Note: Last year, I wrote a series of articles in which I made a very measured case for Trump, but I never imagined that radical cultural and policy changes like this would happen so quickly. At one point, I did tweet a few times that one side could break, but I erred on the side of caution.


  1. “Muh, but Trump isn’t Hitler, so rally behind impeaching him.”

    -Pretty much all the commentators at Occidental Dissent.

    • All this is what happens in a femmed out society, don’t post what you can’t back up, you hear or read something offensive, turn the page, turn the channel, turn the page, scroll elsewhere, down with censorship …… Keep up the good work J.D. …….

    • That’s a remarkably dumb comment. Maybe a third (if that) are doubtful of Trump’s intentions, which is entirely understandable as his whole first term was a clown-show. While the flurry of EOs has been impressive, do note that at least 4-5 are already struck down by blackrobes – including this extremely important one:

      > A federal judge has temporarily barred the US Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington’s primary vehicle for funding political projects abroad, from putting thousands of employees on paid leave. The order was in response to a lawsuit filed by two labor unions representing federal workers.

      > A “limited,” temporary restraining order issued by Judge Carl Nichols in the US District Court in Washington, DC, on Friday, banned the US government from placing around 2,200 USAID workers on administrative leave or evacuating them from their host countries before the end of the day on February 14. The ruling also reinstates some 500 employees who had already been furloughed.

      > “All USAID employees currently on administrative leave shall be reinstated until that date, and shall be given complete access to email, payment, and security notification systems until that date, and no additional employees shall be placed on administrative leave before that date,” the order reads.

      > A request for a longer-term pause will be considered at a hearing on Wednesday, according to the ruling.

      … and guess who appointed this particular ‘Philosophah-Kang’ – Carl Nichols in the US District Court in Washington, DC? None other than Donald Trump, no doubt advised by his son-in-law Jared Wormtongue. Guess that one was somehow not accounted for in the plan to get rid of USAID, which absolutely needs to be destroyed root and branch.

    • Trump isn’t Hitler. Trump is Stalin.

      When you check the History, Trump follows exactly Stalin playbook in the 1937 year purges.

      Only difference is that Stalin purged Jews with brats, now it looks other way, Jew power is used to purge woke brats.

      Next diversity will be used to purge Jews. Like Stalin did with his Central Asian buddies lead by comrade Lavrenti Beria.

  2. Yes, Musk deserves credit for refusing to bow to virtue-signal demands from presstitutes – who have even less virtue than common streetwalkers.

  3. The U.S. Constitution is fatally flowed in that there is no checks and balances on black robed tyrants. At least the Confederate Constitution allowed individual states to impeach federal judges. I suspect most of his executive orders will be declared unconstitutional. How does it feel live in a dying civilization that is beyond reform?

  4. @AGB:

    Matt Parrott said it so well in that tweet. We are experiencing a forgery of victory, not *actual* victory, which would entail:

    -Repealing the 1965 Hart Cellar Act, and forcefully repatriating all non-whites brought to America legally through that horrid act. Aryan Living Space for Aryans only.

    -Taking away the Jews ownership rights to media, movie studios, and private corporations, as well as removing them from all academic positions and administrative roles. Institutions must be Jew free, and Jews should not be allowed to own private property in Aryan territory.

    Following the above two necessary foundations, the governments of Aryan countries, all of them forming an economic and military alliance that effectively makes them one single organizing unit, would proceed to encourage economic growth and pour trillions into infrastructure development of all kinds. The long term singular goal would *not* be to enable a utopia of comfort for its citizens – although such comfort would in fact be the default existence on a day-to-day basis. If we achieved the economic utopias of the Left and Right, we’d get bored within a year and want to do something else. Thus, economic prosperity alone is not the long term goal. Heaven does not exist, and *should* not exist.

    The long term singular goal would be vertical and horizontal:

    On a horizontal level, we neutralize all enemy threats from other human species by reducing China once again to a regional country only (a difficult but necessary task), securing the entirety of the temperate zones for Aryan living space, including South America and Australia, and securing all necessary trade routes and supply lines as we see fit, with no input from the barbarous, spiteful races of the tropics, who contribute nothing to the advancement of our race, or our planet.

    On a vertical level, and operating simultaneously with the projects of the horizontal, we use the funds from economic growth to invest in space travel, and the eventual colonization of Mars and the Asteroid belt. We keep Planet Earth clean and habitable even as we use its resources wisely – which we long ago proved ourselves capable of doing. But, we never rest on our laurels. We never declare, “its over, now we can all live in peace and prosperity.” We don’t settle for utopia. We keep on reaching, keep on striving, keep on getting better. We nourish the best of our kind, and cut off the worst. We set the rules for the whole world, and others follow those rules or get reminded what happens when they mess with the apex predators. We take pride once more in our accomplishments. We beam with delight at our history. While being humble about it, we recognize the superiority of our blood, and we finally develop a racial consciousness that never again allows for miscegenation on a mass scale, or sharing living space and territory with other races, who, again, are not needed for progress or upward striving.

    Never again shall we see ourselves as “sinners” in need of a Jewish savior. Or any savior. We evolved to become the gold standard of humanity. Our consciousness is more advanced than any other race. We are the stars of the play. History revolves around us. May we own that role once again.

    • @DP84
      Jesus Christ is Lord.
      Whites have in large part rejected or forgotten that Fact to their own downfall.

      • @Joe

        Jesus of Nazareth was not divine. He was not God. He was not any god. He was no “savior.”

        Humans Evolved.

        From Revilo Oliver:

        ”Like all “revealed” religions, Zoroaster’s invention blighted the minds of all who succumbed to its meretricious and vulgar attraction. It substituted faith, an emotional and irrational conviction, for intelligent observation and reason. It was a baneful deterioration from the relatively reasonable polytheisms it replaced, which did not really fetter and paralyse the brain. In the Graco-Roman world, for example, the Aryan mind perceived that the human species had to be the product of some kind of evolution. As every reader of Lucretius’s magnificent poem well knows, the basic principle that determines the survival or extinction of animal species was well known, and the evolution of civilized man from lower, less human stock was recognized, as was the determining factor, the ability and will to civilize themselves. With just a little imagination and journalistic exaggeration, one could see in a passage from a play by Moschion (probably fourth century B.C.) an adumbration of the evolution of our species from the anthropophagous Australopitheci to Greek civilization.8 Even before Democritus, intelligent men saw that the notion of a special creation of human beings by some clumsy god was nonsense, and thinking men tried to account for the existence of our peculiar form of animal life by reasoning logically from such data as were available to them, reaching, in the fifth century B.C., hypotheses more rational than anything known in Christianized Europe before the Nineteenth Century.”

  5. I love watching the usual suspects seethe even if all the recently seemingly good news comes to naught.

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  1. Donald Trump Signs Executive Order On South Africa – Occidental Dissent
  2. Donald Trump and Elon Musk Continue To Attack South Africa – Occidental Dissent
  3. Vox: Why Trump’s Second Term Agenda Is So Wildly Different From His First – Occidental Dissent

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