Nick Fuentes Glazes Yedolf’s Manic Episode

Every single time I watch this guy I cringe and become a little less antisemitic. I now understand why Jared Taylor completely avoids the issue. It is because it turns activists into retards like this.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. First time I have ever watched a Fuentes video was his one above bashing the South. I have no good thoughts about that dude. I hope he and his ilk stay far away. He is not my countryman or even a potential ally.

  2. Unfortunately, Yankees like Nick are invading the South. I see too many New Jersey and Minnesota tags down here in Mobile. If they want to visit that’s fine but I don’t want them moving down here and breeding with us.

    On another note there is a little bit of a tall poppy culture here in the South but thankfully that seems to be falling away and perhaps maybe hopefully going back to a more Antebellum/Colonial mindset that is more accepting of sticking out ( within reason )

    • @BlackKnightYrre,

      “Unfortunately, Yankees like Nick are invading the South.”

      Indeed. The Southern States need to take pro-active measures to reduce this colonization. First, make it more costly to move to the South. For example, charge higher registration fees for out of state vehicles from outside the State and the South.

      Second, the Southern states need to require extra residency requirements to obtain State citizenship and challenge the Chambers of Commerce who will file court action all the way up to SCOTUS.

      Third, the Southern States need to increase residicency and citizenship requirements to obtain certain privileges and pay extra fees for those who are not, at both local and State level.

      Fourth, the Southern States need to put on natural born state citizen requirement to hold elected office. The fact some dirt bag Chicago puke or greasball New Yorker can be elected the Mayor of a Southern city let alone Governor is a travesty. Time to end it.  

  3. Cookie cutter BONE SMOKER, don’t know about a Diddy party, be he damn sure, been to a DIP SHITTY party, ya coming from a fruit fly, who pushes old women around ……..

  4. “Every single time I watch this guy I cringe and become a little less antisemitic.”

    You have always been pro jew. You want a white movement that hates n!ggers and supports jews, this is not viable. The only realistic way forward is being absolutely anti jew, because jews are always profoundly worse than even this miscegenating black.

    • No, I have been critical of Jews for years, but there is so much low IQ monomaniacal garbage floating around now that I increasingly want to just wash my hands of it. The worst thing that can happen to lots of low IQ people is get “redpilled” about Jews.

      • “so much low IQ monomaniacal garbage floating around”

        I strongly suspect much of that is fed by interlopers working to discredit the truth.
        Yeh, there are also a lot of tards.

    • @Aryan Uprising,

      “You (Hunter Wallace) have always been pro jew.”

      Thus, spayketh JewAnon. Hunter is also actually a Jew. Just like me, and anyone else who doesn’t publicly pray for the 2nd common of Adolf Hitler and the creation of Jew Extermination camps.  

  5. I LMFAO at the tweets and people still pearl clutching over the NSDAP but then again what would they have to talk about.
    Why so serious and relax Adolf doesn’t lurk behind every router.

  6. ‘I now understand why Jared Taylor completely avoids the issue. It is because it turns activists into retards like this.’

    Don’t group those of us who are rational with the crazy attention seekers.

  7. ‘Jews hate whites from the Germans of WWII’ … YE

    Totally ignorant of history. The hatred of gentiles is over 2300 years old, it predates Christ.
    Ye has just stumbled upon a common truth, the JP, and is now busy covering it with crazy sauce.

    • > Ye has just stumbled upon a common truth, the JP, and is now busy covering it with crazy sauce.

      Yedolf Yidler is just fiddling away on the leaky roof as instructed by his handlers. That special krazy sauce he dribbles on drives normie white folks away.

    • He would not be allowed within the borders of the Third Reich. Not only his mental illness, but his race mixing would be ample reasons to reject him to even visit the Reich let alone be admitted as a party member.

      For the record, the NSDAP would only allow true adherents of their ideology to become party members, therefore, they did not allow Germans trying to jump on the bandwagon for their own advantages.

      Anyhow, rap is both Jewish financed and the primitive utterings of negroes. Genuinely, the two lowest denominators of culture and civilization.

  8. Just as the basic ordering principle of the physical world is gravity, so is Jewish power the basic ordering principle of the social and political world in which we live. Just as you can’t ignore gravity in studying the physical world, so can you not ignore Jewish power in the social political world. Jews control every major lever of power whether directly or indirectly. They cannot be ignored and their power cannot go unexposed and unchallenged if we are to survive.

  9. Might be that Jared Taylor’s wife is possibly a jew.

    You southerners were always judeophiles, southerners would go shouting down America First Charles Lindbergh calling him a Nazi when he did antiwar speaking tours in the south. Voting wildly for FDR down there. Then the South went on to become the proIsrael core of the Western world.

    You just want to keep blacks away from your women and gays away from your boys, and you think it’s White liberals you need to fight when it is the jews behind the whole lgbtqp anti-White project.

    Kanye is a nut but that’s really the point. Normie idiots hear him talk about the jews, they’ll never hear William Pierce or David Duke or even mild voices like Pat Buchanan, but they’ll hear a rapper. It is a good sign that the jew system is imploding that its own pet negroes are now biting amd yapping at it.

    • > Kanye is a nut but that’s really the point. Normie idiots hear him talk about the jews, they’ll never hear William Pierce or David Duke or even mild voices like Pat Buchanan, but they’ll hear a rapper. It is a good sign that the jew system is imploding that its own pet negroes are now biting amd yapping at it.

      You’re so close. You almost got it. Here’s a question for you: Why is it that a nutcase kneegrow is given massive media exposure (keep in mind who owns said media – same folks who own the kneegrow pissing the crazy sauce all over the stage), while the thoughtful critics Duke, Buchanan, Kevin MacDonald and even Pierce are totally memory-holed? Yedolf Yidler yipping away like a rabid chihuahua gets massive airtime. It’s a fine two-fer they’ve engineered: Normies associate all criticism of the unmentionables with the rabid chihuahua while the serious critics are shoved into obscurity. Timing is interesting also. Just as a huge revelation is emerging about all of the abominable crap which has been funded by USAID et al, with even Soros getting several millions to spread evil, they start up the big minstrel show with Yedolf Yidler – the shittiest, most retarded Hitler ever.

    • Forgot to add: Yedolf is being ordered/permitted to act out. He’ll be muzzled lickity-split when they’ve drawn attention away from something serious. Don’t be fooled. That clown never had a truly independent thought in his entire existence. Calling him a yapping lap-dog is an insult to yapping lap-dogs.

    • @Brian,

      “Might be that Jared Taylor’s wife is possibly a jew.”

      Having personally met Mrs. Taylor a few times and gotten to talk with her extensively, she categorically denies any Jewish ethnicity, and claims herself a solid Christian and card carrying Republican. I personally verified her bona fides in this regard. She is also a very engaging and down to earth woman, pretty, family supporting, educated, and just plain nice. Jared was fortunate to marry such a woman.

      If it ever comes out she is the opposite of what I said, then she is some sort of crypto-Jew, mafiosa, or foreign intelligence. In which case, then you are dealing with something so sophisticated and adversarial there is little even a veteran American like myself or certainly you guys could do to counter it short of government intervention. You wanna go down that rabbit hole, be my guest.

    • George Lincoln Rockwell made a possibly apocryphal observation about regional-specific blind spots: Northerners were wise about J&vvs but naive about b1@cks, and Southerners were wise about b1@cks but naive about J&vvs. As a Minnesota Copperhead, I’m not at all proud of my state’s role in Lincoln’s war, but very proud of the efforts in my state to keep the USA out of both world wars.

  10. Boy, that’s stunning. Maybe he doesn’t realize Dixie is historically the real America eg “mother of presidents” — the good early ones. But he has to know there’s vastly more conservatism down here incl. activism and organizations. Maybe he feels embarrassed deep down about people like him perpetrating the mind-numbing rape-murder of the CSA.

    That’s really pathetic of him. I’ve stood up for him for years against rightist contempt — no longer.

  11. You understand Jared Taylor now? He works for Zog and always has. I actually believe you don’t get it at all. You misunderstand broadly. You surely don’t understand Fuentes. He works for Zog too, always has. Zog has been employing these freaks since the time of George Lincoln Rockwell. The nigger in question now, Ye, is a highly successful entertainer, in the Hollyweird tradition, who has been drugged and gone through MK-Ultra like torture for many years. But like Marshall Mathers in the past, this Ye goes off his programming from time to time, and the Jews have to shut him down. After this rant they will probably just kill him and call it an overdose.

    10,000 legal immigrants came in today, as they do every day, essentially 99% non white. While ICE just released a few hundred more illegals back into the JUSA because the 11,000 beds they have are all full. “Mass deportations” my left testacle. It is not happening

    • Absolutely.

      Look at Nick Fuentes who has 500,000 followers on X and Yedolf having a mental breakdown while ranting in his gimp mask all day in ALL CAPS or parading around the Grammys with his naked White prostitute wife.

      Look at Groypers who joined a cult. Some of them literally bent over and allowed themselves to be ass raped by black pedophiles like Ali Alexander.

      “Naming the Jew” turned that whole scene into a joke that generates black school shooters like “Niggercel.” Politically, these people have accomplished nothing and even went in reverse in that sitting members of Congress who used to speak at AFPAC now want nothing to do with them. They sit around all day and post grotesque memes of raping Wifejak cartoons.

      They are social pariahs and losers. Their whole ideology is losing.

      • “Yedolf having a mental breakdown while ranting”

        Supposedly, ye has a chronic addiction to N2O.

        • Many bots.

          Musk’s twitter bot army was boosting Fuentes, until he said he wasn’t supporting Zion Don in late 2024.

          Boosting Fuentes also serves the purpose of leading young men of marriage and fatherhood ages to not breed. It’s a schizophrenic relationship that hurts us both ways.

        • @United States of AIPAC,

          ““Nick Fuentes who has 500,000 followers on X””-Hunter Wallace

          “Are those paki click farmed ?” US of AIPAC.

          INDEED! When Nick was just getting going, in the hope of creating a youth movement supporting the right, we worked to establish him. Even to our later consternation we turned Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow on to him. Another thing we did was put him in contact with people who could buttress his social media influence, many of which used bots. Nick’s betrayal of our support is just an example of why he is turdball. Whether today’s social media numbers are mostly fake is unknown, but certainly part of it.

      • Candace Owens addressed “niggercel” as another jewish trick to paint her as a domestic security threat that should be censored and deplatformed.

        The Australian parliament Zion-cucks agreed with their talmudic master’s marching orders.

        • Niggercel’s mention of Candace Owens in his manifesto was copy and pasted from Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto. It wasn’t even original. The Tarrant shooting in New Zealand happened before she began to publicly criticize Jews.

          • @Hunter Wallace,

            “Niggercel’s mention of Candace Owens in his manifesto was copy and pasted from Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto. It wasn’t even original. The Tarrant shooting in New Zealand happened before she began to publicly criticize Jews.”

            Thank God you noticed this too. Its these kind of direct action propoganda of the deed, which becomes further politicized thru deception operations that serve to bifurcate, undermine, and fragment movements. Whether Candace was a witting paws in this particular example or not will remain to be seen.

      • I’m not on Twitter so I don’t see all the weird memes, but the young men I met at AFPAC were sane and normal. They had good jobs and wives.

        I’m not sure what to think about Nick himself, but when he presents interesting information and solid analysis I pay attention. Maybe it is a Tucker Carlson / Blake Neff situation, where the real brains behind the solid content is some other man who lets Nick get all the glory.

        Kanye West’s basic observation is accurate. Jews and Whites are two separate groups of people, and it is Jews, not Whites, who are screwing over the Blacks most of the time.

        The basic outline of our situation, as I see it, is as follows. The ruling class in the USA right now is Jews, mostly because of their high levels of ethnocentrism. As long as Jewish supremacy persists in the USA, there is no chance for a dignified future for White Americans. I think the only viable strategy for dismantling Jewish supremacy in the USA is an “antisemitic rainbow coalition”, including old-stock White Americans, Catholic 19th century immigrants, Blacks, Muslims, Arabs each seeking to dismantle Jewish supremacy for their own reasons. There will be time enough to equitably address our differences with other groups after we’ve dismantled the supremacy of the one group which has utterly proven itself to be irredeemably hostile.

        Catholic supremacy + contempt for Southerners is, of course, an absurd foundation on which to build a new future for America, but that is not the danger we face at the moment. The danger we face at the moment is the continuation of the catastrophic Jewish supremacy we’ve lived under all our lives.

        The ONLY valid question to consider right now is “what strategies should we employ to diminish Jewish supremacy”? If you have a better idea than “antisemitic rainbow coalition” I’d love to hear, but until I hear a better strategy I’m sticking with the only one that gives me any hope for our people.

        Nick can be useful for this purpose. He is the only person I know of on the far right who can currently assemble 2000 young Christian White American men who have the ability to spontaneously self organize to hold a march and a demonstration in an ultra-liberal city when their meeting venue is shut down. The message they presented was “America First” and “Christ is King”, and they recited the Lord’s Prayer. There was no weird mention of “wife jack”, whatever that is.

        There are high IQ critics of Jewish supremacy among non-White groups, and we can learn from them. For instance, The Nation of Islam’s “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews” Volume 1 is the best summary of Jewish control of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and Volume 3 is the best available history of the Leo Frank case. Mary Phagan’s family thanked the Nation of Islam for setting the record straight. If you haven’t already read it, you might be surprised at the level of respect they give to Tom Watson, arch-segregationist though he was. They view him as an adversary worthy of respect, in sharp contrast to Leo Frank’s team of powerful Jewish supporters, whom they view as contemptible enemies.

        Likewise, the Palestinian activist who met up with me when I was protesting outside the ADL headquarters in Manhattan made a very good impression on me. The same is true of the SHiite Muslims and Arab Christians I met in Detroit. They are leaving the door open for cooperation with the American right, but obviously it would be foolish for them to completely burn their bridges with their leftist allies before the American right is ready to be their allies. They are certainly paying close attention to what Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson have to say.

        At every protest I’ve attended, I’ve noticed that the only people who were violently hostile to me were the Jews – both the Zionist Jews and the leftist “anti-Zionist” Jews! In fact, the “anti-Zionist” Jews showed me more hate than the Zionists did, even though I was protesting for a free Palestine. They DO NOT like the idea of American conservatives, especially not evangelical Christians, fighting for a free Palestine. Their plan was to use us as scapegoats.

    • > After this rant they will probably just kill him and call it an overdose.

      That would be an amazingly stupid move on their part. They way they’ve been acting of late one can’t really rule it out either. Killing this ranting clown would just yank their smiley-face mask off even more – and it’s already slipping badly.

    • Both HW and Fuentes want Whites in the US to remain on the GOP plantation that fairly obvious by now. They are both plan trusters of the fake and gay new GOP of Kushner, Adelson, Lutnick, Akerman, Zuckerberg, Musk, and other bad actors.

      Only another revolution will turn things around, but very few are willing to do what is necessary to achieve a better future f for Europeans. They are too comfortable, too cowardly, and too cucked.

      • Am I the only one who has noticed there is nothing “revolutionary” about these “revolutionaries”?

        1. They aren’t plotting a violent overthrow of the government. Most of these “revolutionaries” don’t even own firearms.

        2. They aren’t engaged in any type of political activity whatsoever including supporting a third party.

        • Political activity has gone online, and there is plenty in what you have termed “ghettos.”

          If the powers that be were so sure of themselves, would they need to use censorship, speech laws, and imprisonment of dissidents that point out their lies?

          By supporting the established powers that be, MAGAtards are no better than NPC normies that still wave the US flag, take their hats off for the national anthem, and believe that voting will prevent us from becoming a minority majority hated group by the 2040s.

          Voltaire was correct again when he wrote, “You cannot free slaves from the chains they revere.”

      • ” HW and Fuentes want Whites in the US to remain on the GOP plantation”

        Think you’re wrong about HW and his type.
        If anything, HW and people of his persuasion are having a strong effect in pulling the GOP right. Trump is turning much farther right than any republican in a 100 years.

        How can you put HW and Fuentes in the same sentence ?

        • They are both republicans.

          HW didn’t support Zion Don in 2020, but Fuentes did.

          Fuentes didn’t support Zion Don in 2024, but HW did.

          They are both what passes for ultra-“conservative ” republicans with an American nationalist thrown into the equation.

    • Because Trumpenstein’s and Homsn’s scam cannot be rationalized away.

      Ffs, they are using ICE raid photos and stories from as far back as 2008 and changing the dates on them to appear recent.

  12. The way out of the anti-semitic downward spiral of lunacy is to gain objective perspective.

    There’s a commenter here, November, who often cites Whitney Webb. Webb is a living miracle. Her research and dedication is truly amazing. Especially her two-volume set “One Nation Under Blackmail.”

    Southerners should read first: Murray Rothbard’s “History of Money and Banking in the US”, to see how the Civil War was the first step towards a unifying power grab (destroying local banking systems), then read Webb’s two-volume work to see how the project continued into our modern day. Webb names names.

    The picture that emerges is comparable to a prison yard. Having spent a year in a prison, I’m intimately familiar with the Hollywood stereotypes, some of which are accurate: the prison population is dominated by black, hip-hop “gangsta” culture – from lingo to nomenclature. But there’s a sizeable Mexican influence in prison culture as well as a smattering hold-over of the old Anglo-American, especially in how inmates deal with CO’s and the Warden.

    The international cartel that runs America is similar, only instead of hip-hop culture, it’s dominated by jewish cultural norms. Even their occult superstitions are largely Kabbalistic and astrological. This jewish cultural dominance is tempered by Italian mob history and, as in prisons, a smattering of Anglo traditionalism.

    So while jewish elite nepotism and power structures are a huge problem, they’re not our main problem.

    We’re dealing with spirits and powers in the high-places; ultimately, we’re dealing with death itself, the ever-present friend to mankind. Everyone is grabbing all they can to secure themselves against scarcity, then committing all sorts of crimes to maintain themselves in their elite positions.

    We have to show them death doesn’t have to be a problem.

    There was this one man from Nazareth…

    • @Scott Terry,

      Whitney is originally from Florida, but raised in North Carolina by her beloved grandparents. You can still hear a little twang in her speaking voice. She went on the god-awful Glenn Beck Show because her grandparents and their friends watch that rubbish.

      Miss Webb’s intelligence and bravery is a marvel.

      I am glad that some OD readers are following her writting and videos now.

  13. Take notice of the cultural comfort level Nick Fuentes explains he likes. He notes how he is a city guy, a Chicago guy, a Papist guy. Some sort of White guy. Then, he complains about the cultural conformity of the South and goes into detail the differences between it and himself. It makes him deeply uncomfortable to see Southern culture so widespread wherever he goes when he goes South, and it clearly overwhelms him, so he calls it comformist. Nick is merely noticing his own otherness from the larger American nation.

    What Nick is noticing isn’t conformity in comparison to his own identity, but rather the large scale diversity of various small communities that he grew up around on Chicago, versus the vaste size of us Southrons and our American culture. Nick grew up around Spics, N@ggers, Dagos, Paddies, Blacks, Asians etc. all living in close geographical proximity to eachother. Each uniquely ethnic with a veneer of Americanism, but not American, like the South. Even though he’ll bash on other White ethnics in Chicago, outside of Chicago around these Southrons and their Americanness makes him discontinent with his own identity but whicb ironically  unites him in otherness with all the other Dagos, Polaks, Spics, and Paddies.

    In the North, in his hometown, Nick couldn’t travel a few miles in Chitown without moving across a few different ethnic communities. Not even the Whites are all similar in Chitown except for their own unique Ellis Island Rif Rafferry. Italians with their wife beater shirt, Irish with their jeans and flat caps, etc etc, onku held together by their similar dielectic of Immigrant English and unspoken ever declining City WASP mores. Additionally, in his travels in Chitown, he will come across all sorts of different non-White communities, even different Black communities. Virtually, no square mile is the same. Its nothing but a hot mess of strangeness and otherness.

    In contrast, Nick could travel for scores, even hundreds of miles in the South, come across several farming communities, various small towns and villages, a city or two, and all the White people will be roughly the same to his Chitown eyes: Vaguely British, definitely Protestant, semi-rural, and formal. We call that American. And its everywhere as far as the eye can see in the South. Even the N@ggers in the South almost act more American than the Ellis Island Rif Raf Whites which Nick encounters in Chitown.

    So, Nick isn’t comfortable in the South. He isn’t even comfortable in Chitown anymore, because what he is realizing, although he can’t admitt it, is his own unique otherness, within the American nation. He is a Mexican-Irish-Italian Immigrant American. While nostly White, he realizes he has mostly shallow roots in the American nation. Only his Irishness, gives Nick a slight tug to America and that too is hyphenated with all sorts of carve out exceptions, to identifying with the American Nation that predominates in the South.

    This is why people like Nick, can never be true American Nationalists, but at best can become some sort of racialist, identifying to a shallow form of Whiteness. This is why the term “White Nationalist,” captured for a time so many White conservatives from the North. It wasn’t American Nationalism, of the type most pronounced in the South, but a vague Whiteness differentiating them from all other forms of racial darkies. But, Nick isn’t unique. Loads of Ellis Island Rif Raf are in his predicament. Thats why so many of the Southern critics are also solely focused White Racialists here at OD, end up turning out to be ethnic White Catholic and Northern like Nick Fuentes.

    Until we remove the more recent foreign immigrant element from America, which includes about 8,500,000-10,000,000 Blacks and upwards of 10,000,000 so called Whites, as well as the scores of millions of Latinos, Asians, Middle Easterners etc, settle the Northern Ellis Island Rif Raf occupied cities with Southerners, and subordinate the White Ethnics to our Amerocan culture, America will never be truly united. In turn, neither will the Righwing Nationalists, which will always have punky, city, White Catholic Ellis Island weirdos like Nick Fuentes in it until real American nationals assert themselves over media, academia, government, and of course, the movement. 

    • > What Nick is noticing isn’t conformity in comparison to his own identity, but rather the large scale diversity of various small communities that he grew up around on Chicago, versus the vaste size of us Southrons and our American culture. Nick grew up around Spics, N@ggers, Dagos, Paddies, Blacks, Asians etc. all living in close geographical proximity to each other. Each uniquely ethnic with a veneer of Americanism, but not American, like the South. Even though he’ll bash on other White ethnics in Chicago, outside of Chicago around these Southrons and their Americanness makes him discontinent with his own identity but whicb ironically unites him in otherness with all the other Dagos, Polaks, Spics, and Paddies.

      Interesting observation. Kind of reminds me of Paulie Walnuts in The Sopranos riffing about having to hide out in “Elvis Country” to a couple of his fellow wiseguys. His audience asked him what “Elvis Country” was and he ‘splained to them that there weren’t many Italians or Jews out in the hinterland where Elvis came from, just white boys and kneegrows – so he was worried about standing out if the feds showed up. In any case, Dviersity + Proximity = War is a pretty accurate formula overall.

      > In turn, neither will the Righwing Nationalists, which will always have punky, city, White Catholic Ellis Island weirdos like Nick Fuentes in it until real American nationals assert themselves over media, academia, government, and of course, the movement.

      Fuentes is there to disrupt and discredit opposition. He’s following Cass Sunstein’s playbook. It will be interesting to see if he’s on the list of payees should USAID and other fed agencies like FBI et al be fully exposed.

      • “Fuentes is there to disrupt and discredit opposition. He’s following Cass Sunstein’s playbook.”

        You’ve alleged that he’s FED. I think it could be some NGO, think soros.

      • “Fuentes is there to disrupt and discredit opposition. He’s following Cass Sunstein’s playbook. It will be interesting to see if he’s on the list of payees should USAID and other fed agencies like FBI et al be fully exposed.”

        I agree. Nick himself wouldn’t know how to do half of what he does. It’s clear he is getting support, from some sort of PR firm and/or Fed and/or Intelligence. I am sorry to say I actually promoted him to the elders, including Brimelow and Taylor, before he was on their radar screens. I did mention to them I hadn’t vetted him and to be careful. When it became clear he was subverting us, I warned them to stay clear.

        Instead, the youth giz was too strong tonresist foe them and they embraced him more strongly. Idiots! I warned them that Nick and his Mic Paddy Sein Fein colleague would smear them and defame them by association and subvert their standing with traditional Anglophile Protestant Nationalists in the US and overseas. All of that has occurred. Now, the last thing people are going to remember about Taylor, Fitzgerald, and Brimelow is they larped about with Nick the N@gger Lover and Keith the Carbomb Lover with White Nationalist Northern Catholics.

        As a result of all these ops, from Nick to Letitia James, from Papist infiltration to self sabotage, the remnants of Vdare are under Papist caretaker status with the likelihood the Castle will be sold under the Talbot Family’s control, while the groypers are forever associated with trannies, perversion, and n@gger living from the Middle East to Detroit and AMREN is being superseded. And all just at the moment of national breakthrough. Tragic.

  14. I find it difficult to believe that a majority of Southerners that cling to the CSA are “antisemites.” After all, had there been no war between the states, and something happened to Jefferson Davis, Judah Pail Benjamin would have become the second president of the Confederate States of America.

    Devon Stack has done multiple rants about how the South and its inhabitants are philosemitic Protestants, and need to be severed off from the rest of the West. Reading both identity Dixie and OD, I am inclined to concur.

      • Loser Pill in what way(s)? He is a bit too redundant on his topics for my taste, but he was/is not wrong about Trump and his sycophants.

    • Guess I’m just a dumb Southener like this gay, fed Fuentes guy says. I say stop giving him the time of day in articles BG. I’ve never watched any of his stuff except when I see it here. He’s a loser. Why does he waste his breath? Is he jealous? He says we are feminine? What a joke. We grow up hunting and shooting while this city boys are sipping yuppie bucks. Yankee WN’s vs CSA Southern types as November says… let’s see who wins that battle. Ha. Bring it. Guess this is “inter” fighting but so sick of the Southern disrespect as yanks flock here non stop. And the WN’s looking down on us for our religion. God is real sorry about your luck. Rant over. Sorry BG. They got me going this morning.

      • Rusty, glad you watched it so I didn’t have to. If he said Southern males are feminine then maybe he should try saying it to their faces, then he will know for sure whether his conclusion is even accurate.

    • @November,

      “I find it difficult to believe that a majority of Southerners that cling to the CSA are “antisemites.””

      As a proud member of the SCV, I can sat that it is true the majority are not anti-semitic. But I wouldn’t call them philosemites either, although there are some. They general are supportive of old Southern Jews, the few that remain. Most of their anti-Semitism stems from encounters with Northern Jews entering the area and riling up Blacks during Civil Rights. But, they felt the same toward the far larger numbers of Papists and Yankees who were doing that.

      Today, most Southerners aren’t even part of the SCV. The suburbanizarion and modernization of that started in the North and West Coasts in the 1950s has worked its inexorable leveling in the South by now. So, what the SCV says today is less a voice of a majority than a voice of respectable heritage. Southerners are no more anri-Semitic than your garden variety Midwesterner. They just think they are going to hell for being Christ deniers.

      Additionally, most Southerners have been pounded with Dispensationalism. So, there is a paradox in the view of Jews. On the one hand, a group of people to be protected and respected cuz Dispensationalism, then on the other, they are going to hell and better not do things to mislead our children. Added on top of this,   Southerners being traditionally supportive of Colonialism, including the Zionist variety, results in a super majority of them being Pro-Israel. But that doesn’t make them philosemtic.

      There is still alot of negative viewpoints about Jews in the South, primarily because they are Christ deniers. They will tolerate even celebrate Southern Jews, but they better stay in their lane and not attack Christianity or try to stop Bible readings and prayer in school. Regardless, there is little worry. Overwhelmingly, Southern Jews are in alignment with Southern Christian culture. Its Northern Jews who are considered problematic.

      Those problems have more to do with socio-economic takeover of Southern communities by Northerners in general, and the vitriolic hate they spout at Southern culture. When Northern Jews do that is when Southrons can become quite explicit in their derision Jewish ethnicity. But in general, anti-semitism isn’t just a thing in the South when you got 22,500,000 Blacks, half as many Mexicans, and another then million or so Catholics and Protestants moving down there to worry about too.

      Lastly, something to consider, people can be Pro-Israel even Pro-Zionist but be considered Anti-Semitic. This was the feverish worry of so many Jews in the beginnings of Zionism. They said it was because all the Gentiles were trying to get rid of them and die in the desert. Contrastingly, you could be Anti-Zionist but Philosemtic. I mean, how much more pro-Jew can you get than saying you want Jews to stick around your country, rather than go fight Sand N@ggers. That’s the irony of all the so called White Nationalists, who pretend to be Anti-Semitic but, ally with San N@ggers to stop Israelis so Jews can stay next door to Nick Fuentes. 

      “After all, had there been no war between the states, and something happened to Jefferson Davis, Judah Pail Benjamin would have become the second president of the Confederate States of America.”

      Ah, yes the Judah Benjamin shoboleth. God, you guys get old bring this out. First, let me state, that Southern Jews supposedly had the 2nd highest casualty rate in the CSA behind only South Carolinians. The war probably devestated Southern Jews more than any other ethnicity, as I don’t think there was a Southern Jew who didn’t own a Black slave, their plantations were heavily financialized, leaving them practically destitute after the war. Add on all the Southern Jewish males who died, their women mostly left with only Christian Southerners to marry, there is a reason Southern Jews declined precipitously as a percentage in the South. Only the arrival of the Eastern European Jews at the end of the century reinforced their numbers. But never again did they hold the socioeconomic standing they had in Antebellum South until after Civil Rights.

      Second, with all that being said, it was Northerners who soon had more Jews than the South did. Probably by around 1870-1880. Even before those years, Northern Jews were already making their mark, chiefly German ones as early bankers. In population, there weren’t far behind the South either. Its this early Jewish Banker vector which brought in most of the later Jewish finance capital during the Gilded Age.

      Besides this upper class of Northern Jews, lets not forget the many Northern Jews of less social standing during the Civil War. Many also fought in the Union Army. Many more were involved in the contraband trade and military supplying of the Union Army and Reconstruction. There were so involved that Grant and other generals found it necessary to issue military orders keeping them at bay. So, who is more philosemitic today. Well, obviously the North, not withstanding Judah Benjamin and the tens of thousands of dead Confederate Jews.

      “Devon Stack has done multiple rants about how the South and its inhabitants are philosemitic Protestants, and need to be severed off from the rest of the West. Reading both identity Dixie and OD, I am inclined to concur.”

      What are you going on about? Devon Stack has been echoing my criticism of the Catholic Church. Can you provide some citations about his heavy Anti-Southern bias?

      Note, I have seen him criticize the South and the existence of the black subculture. But, like what do we do about that? Black Southern Americans have been in the South and North long before the Ellis Island and Great Wave immigration happened. Southerners had to find a way to integrate them. Its baked into America’s pie. Today, half of America’s Blacks leave outside of the South.

      • ” And the tens of thousands of dead Confederate jews ” C’mom, you know that ain’t true, ten’s of thousands, that’s bull, to the hundreds of Jews who served in our southern armies, who died in service to the cause, RESPECT and many thanks …….don’t make their numbers out to be what they were not, distorting ” Historical Truth ” to push a current narrative/ agenda, is sneaky, misleading, unbecoming of the ” Rising BOURBONITE Class ” and frankly as UNCOOL as Name dropping and publically posted profanity …….IMO ….

        • @Terr Smith,

          “C’mom, you know that ain’t true, ten’s of thousands, that’s bull, to the hundreds of Jews who served in our southern armies, who died in service to the cause, RESPECT and many thanks.”

          Correct. Mystypo. Its thousands of dead Confederate Jews. There were about 50,000 or so Jews in the South and about 7,000 to 10,000 served in the Confederacy. There were over a hundred Confederate colonels. Total dead was upwards of 3,000.

          In contrast to the South, the North had actually around 100,000 Jews (more than I thought). But only about 5-7,000 served. Interstingly, there were many Jewish Union Army generals but in the South, apparently few if any at all.

          Southern Jews served with distinction on the battlefields on both sides, but especially in the South. There losses there were very high and together with the economic losses of the war, came Reconstruction. The Southern Jewish aristocracy was more finished than even the Christian one.

          I will add that while the Southern Jewish numbers were rather small, they carried more than their weight in numbers. While in the North, Jews mostly stayed out of the war in terms of their numbers. As a result more Jews as a ratio died in the Confederacy than in the Union.

      • Devon Stack brings it up from time to time.

        I am not going to track down specific time stamps from literally 100s of podcasts.

        Either you believe what I wrote he said , or choose to not believe it.

        Devon Stack was raised a Mormon btw. He is generally more sympathetic towards Christianity that most of his listeners, but he understands that it is way too corrupted to be of any use going forward.

        Charlestown, SC was the jews first center of concentrated financial power in the US, and would have remained so had the war between the states not occurred.

        The very worst jews to migrate to America came from Eastern Europe. They are the ones that set up the Hollywood studios and control of the media and culture. Watch the documentary based on the book, “An Empire of their Own” about how jews in Hollywood subverted American culture.

        Of course, the jews expelled by The National Socialists known as The Frankfurt School were warmly welcomed with open arms by the peers that be in Washington and NYC.

  15. Ye is a weird, ultra-rich blaq guy. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.
    Off topic
    What happened to Paul Kersey of SBPDL?
    Is he okay? No posts in 3 months

  16. “Ye” huffs A LOT of nitrous oxide. He’s probably certifiably insane. His antics are fueled by drug use and if he wasn’t using I doubt he would be acting this ridiculous. I’m sure the gaypers know this and probably huff the slop also judging from their absurd nonsense.

  17. The older generation was pounded with dispensationalism. The younger generations are awake to this. That tired Judah P Benjamin argument is all you JQ types have. I’m awake to the JQ and understand it completely. Yes, many Southerners still need to wake up but I’m damn proud I’m from the South and we took a stand against yankee tyranny. Stay up north we don’t want you here! We can be separate and all you godless white nationalist yankee types can have your space. Leave us alone. Why do y’all constantly come South? Go back home! Just so sick and tired of the same old tired argument “muh Judah Benjamin.” Lame. And yes I’m not writing all philosophical and sophisticated like most attempt to do on this forum because they enjoy smelling their own farts.

    • Rusty, Lived in deep south, south Georgia for sixty years and in my coastal community California and yankee do-gooders are inundating my community and changing the complexion over night. I hate them. They crap in their hat and now move here to tell us how backward and misguided we are. F em.’

      Luther’s Turd

    • He’s not reliable.
      As with any POC, you can’t expect consistent and coherent thinking. You’re expecting WHITE behavior from a non-white.

  18. Looks like the moderating guidelines are still getting broken. Why are we allowing non Southerners to come on here and bash Southerners all the time? Never has there been a group so hated both by the left and the right. The odd thing is that hardly anyone on the left or right leaves us alone even though we are so awful. If you hate us so much then number one….. never move down here please and two…..stay away from our websites. I doubt either will happen though because despite what outsiders claim, they are jealous of us.

    If people can come on here bashing Protestant Southerners the way they do then Aryan Globalist Bro should be able to say whatever he wants about Catholics. I was trying to stay out of these inter ethnic squabbles but if comments aren’t equally moderated on both sides, then these new guidelines aren’t going to work.

      • Yes there is much more talk – mostly negative – about Fuentes’ nasty attack on Southerners than there is about Southerners themselves. Someone above pointed out the popularity of the dispensationalist heresy in the South but others have noted that it’s in serious decline with the younger generation. Just as a side note, a type of dispensationalism was inserted into Vatican II so it’s not only Protestants who have been infected with the lie. With Vatican II, the RCC basically ended all attempts at evangelization of Jews (and Muslims).

        • Exalted Cyclops, I strongly disagree. I am not sure if you are just making an observation about just this one discussion, or this website at large, or if you are commenting on our movement at large, but there are way too many people in our movement in general who constantly nit pick at Southerners while ignoring problems in the rest of the country. Other Southerners above appear to be irritated about this. Not just me. As far as this website in particular goes, there are more than a few posters who constantly show up attacking how the South does things while ignoring the far more obvious issues with the rest of the country.

          • I was referring to this thread only. The negative references to southerners have been reduced since the guidelines were announced, but not gone away. With Yedolf Yidler’s self-immolation I’m hoping that Fuentes – who is clearly a bad actor and the source of much the southern stereotyping – will be on the way out.

          • Exalted Cyclops, I hope you are right. In your original comment you said you only saw one anti Southern comment when speaking of just this discussion and I myself saw more. I for one don’t understand the point of these people constantly bringing up “ Jews in the Confederacy “ when the South is today clearly more conservative than the rest of the country.

            I have really been studying the exit polls lately of the last election and the rest of the country really has no room to talk. Southern white males and females voted for Trump in higher percentages than anyone else. The same people above will lecture me about how bad Trump is while ignoring the fact that whites outside the South voted for Kamala in higher percentages than we did down here. I guess that is better?

            I am so tired of this hypocritical nit picking at the South for meaningless reasons.

          • Hi Courtney,

            > I have really been studying the exit polls lately of the last election and the rest of the country really has no room to talk. Southern white males and females voted for Trump in higher percentages than anyone else. The same people above will lecture me about how bad Trump is while ignoring the fact that whites outside the South voted for Kamala in higher percentages than we did down here. I guess that is better?

            Absolutely true. HW has been saying so also. The only other part of the country that even came kind of close to the South in terms of voting for Trump are rural sections of the mid-west. The followers of Yedolf Yidler and his disciple Nick Fuentes might rant on about Judah Benjamin and David Yulee in order to paint southerners are Christian Zionists but that doctrine didn’t become widespread in any place until the degenerate lawyer Cyrus Scofield (a mid-westerner) popularized in in the 20th century. It is indeed hypocritical nitpicking, especially if they went and voted for the likes of Harris.

  19. Ye is a product of your tax dollars at work, via the welfare system. Blacks get welfare and other tax funded grants then spend it on nggr trash. And there’s also the drag-along effect of wiggers copying the behavior.

  20. United States of AIPAC, I am not talking about those of you who haven’t bashed us. I posted that comment for two reasons:

    1) A while back, some new posting guidelines were posted saying no more inter ethnic squabbling on here. One of the main posters a lot of people were concerned about was AGB’s “anti Catholic comments” ( I honestly really don’t care but if guidelines are posted, I will follow them).

    The problem is that the people complaining about him are the same people bashing Protestants, evangelicals and Southerners. For a while the new guidelines were being honored on both sides but I am seeing more and more “ offenders” seep through and the overall impression I get is that there is this idea that it is more okay to bash one group (Southerners, wasps,Protestants) but not the other ( Catholics, ethnics etc….).

    I don’t care one way or the other what guidelines are brought forth or not brought forth, but either both sides get moderated equally or not at all.

    2) There are in fact a lot of people in our circles who really enjoy picking at the South for everything we are doing wrong down here while saying very little about whites in other areas of the country. Do we really want to go there? Southerners could have a lot of fun with that if non Southern whites really want to pick that battle.

    I am not saying everyone outside the South is guilty of this but too many are.

    • Hi Courtney,

      Yankee, here, raised in the North but with a southern grandmother and extended family in the South.

      If anything I’ve written while commenting on this blog was perceived by you as disrespectful to the South, my apologies. That was not my intent.

      My big worry is that the Jews, who committed a genocide in Gaza under the direction of Biden’s very Jewish cabinet (Blinken, Yellen, Garland, Mayorkas), will now try to scapegoat old-stock White Americans, especially evangelical Christians.

      The important decisions about foreign policy are now being made by powerful New York City Jews who surround Trump – Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick who led his transition team, Miriam Adelson who was one of his largest campaign contributors, Jared Kushner his son-in-law, and Steve Witkoff his special envoy to the Middle East. They are now all on record supporting Trump’s grotesque plan to use American resources to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for the benefit of Israel.

      But the Democratic Party, which is the political party of choice for 80% of Jews, hates White people and Christians, especially old-stock White Southerners and evangelical Christians. The Democrats aren’t blaming Kushner, Adelson, Lutnick and Witkoff, they are blaming “Christian Zionists” – by which they mean White evangelicals.

      The truth is, the overwhelming majority of our fellow White evangelicals simply don’t pay much attention to foreign policy and certainly don’t vote based on foreign policy, but since they vote for Republicans in general and Trump in particular, the Democrats are trying to turn them into the scapegoats for all the horrors inflicted on Gaza.

      So my question to you is, what should be our strategy to prevent our people from being scapegoated for the crimes of the Jews?

        • I intend to write letters to the President and Vice-President voicing my opposition to their Israel-first foreign policy. If I had a Republican congressman and Republican senators, I would also write them.

          I also plan to give purchase a copy of Mearsheimer and Walt’s book “The Israel Lobby” for everyone in my extended family

    • Courtney,

      You have to dismiss ~10% of posters as cranks, otherwise you’ll be fighting endless battles.

    • @Courtney from Alabama,

      I’ve tried to hold my tongue and hew to the moderating standards. Even when I’ve mentioned Papists, its been only in reference to a discussion of Catholicism already at hand, like Nick discussing his Catholic background versus the South. But, it gets really aggravating to listen to snide underhanded remarks about Southerners constantly.

      Literally, this doesn’t surprise me. Until the Papists are firmly subordinated within our movement and the wider American socioeconomic community, they will remain a substantial thorn in our side. Best, to wall them off entirely from our groups by explicitly stating we are Southern Protestant and/or American Protestant group. I know the elders around BG have had this discussion already and made a determination, but that’s my two cents.

      The last thing we need are Papists like Nick Fuentes blowing up our groups like he has done already or, worse, like Guido “Guy” Fawkes tried to do to Parliament. We need to remember, that the settlement of America began in earnest after that gloomy night in the cellers of Parliament in 1606. That was the night when many an American ancestor discoverd and fought a demonic Papist plot just in time before Parliament was blown to Kingdom Come by the Papist terrorist Guido Fawkes. We’ve forgotten our history lessons to our detriment. There will be more Nick Fuentes and more Guy “Guido” Fawkes. There are some even here at OD.

      • AGB, thanks. I for one am having a hard time understanding the whole point of these people bringing up the Confederacy’s “ love of Jews”. If that is true, it doesn’t seem to have hurt the South as we are clearly the most conservative part of the country. I have been studying the exit polls and even white men and women in Utah didn’t vote for Trump as high as white men and women in Southern states did, and I am talking about a difference of 20 to 30 points. People should look for themselves.

        • “having a hard time understanding the whole point of these people bringing up the Confederacy’s “ love of Jews”.

          They’re confusing southerners with the sects of fundamentalists that preach incessantly that ‘jwz are God’s chosen people’, which is predominantly found in the south.

        • “AGB, thanks. I for one am having a hard time understanding the whole point of these people bringing up the Confederacy’s “ love of Jews”. If that is true, it doesn’t seem to have hurt the South as we are clearly the most conservative part of the country. I have been studying the exit polls and even white men and women in Utah didn’t vote for Trump as high as white men and women in Southern states did, and I am talking about a difference of 20 to 30 points.”

          You are welcome Courtney. You hit the nail on the spot. As to your question, these people are most probably leftists, pretending to be Nazis, pretending to be pro-Southern, but subverting us by questioning the Confederacy and Southern heritage as Judenlovers. Or, they could honestly be White Ellis Island Ethnics, who simply hate the South cuz of our Anglo-Saxon-Celtic background but want to seize control of us because of Whitness was insufficiently Papist and Anti-Semitic. Either way, its a form of propoganda to defame our people’s history, but simultaneously trying to obtain leadership of our people thereby proving the propoganda against us. Neutralization complete.

          The fact is, OD, CoCC, LoS, SCV, UDC, etc are under non stop 360 degree propoganda attack. Its hard to fight back. By allowing anyone outside of our ethnic group to be part of our ethnic group cuz they stand with us temporally makes us that more vulnerable. Ethnic outsiders need to be pushed outside the organization. The reason is these outsiders are at best attempting to obtain control of our groups as cannon fodder for their ulterior agendas or at worse trying to set us up to be smeared and eliminated. Perfect example is what Nick Fuentes did to the rightwing Youth movement in general and the groypers in particular. I dont think you want OD to be defending Yedolf’s porno smear cuz he’s so brat with Anti-Semitism. That’s a lose, lose, lose scenario.

          Meanwhile, one way to fight back on Judenlove/hate is to accept the serve, and hit the ball back:

          “Sure, Confederate Jews were outsized supporters of the Confederacy. Why do Jews hate on the Confederacy then? Did y’all forget about all the Union Jew Generals, who got appointments for graft? At least our Jews died on the battlefield and didn’t rape and pillage their own kind like the Union did. The Southrons and their Confederacy, was and is overwhelmly Anglo-Protestant, but it was so respected and beloved that even Jews died for it unlike the Jewish Northerners who would only grift for the Union. So, say again how being supportive of our Confederate heritage is Anti-Semitic.”

          Our side has the power and the numbers. Our side elects Presidents and the greater number of Congressmen. Without the South, the GOP would cease to exist. We are owed our control of Congressional and Executive leadership. Its Southerners who got Trump elected not Hispanics, Blacks, Northerners, Papists, or Gays. Its Southerners who most ethnically represent Americans. Its Southern history that is the best in America. Even America’a historical Jews thought believed that.

          So, the SPLC and ADL and Neo-Nazis and Neo-cons can go suck it. Time to wall off our Southern identity groups from these outsiders. Let the Papists, Ellis Island people, Northerners and Midwesterners have their own groups. When and if they want to collaborate as hyphenated Americans, then we can set up collective orgs for that, but meanwhile, our Southern identity groups are for us true Bonnie Blue Americans. Time for us to be more discriminating in favor of our kin.

      • The Confederacy had not exited for twice as long as the Third Reich has been gone.

        What part of a hypothetical scenario of a successor to the presidency of Jefferson Davis being Judah Benjamin is “Southern Bashing?” Who do you believe would be next in line to the CSA presidency had Davis died in office or resigned?

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