?President Trump announces all aid to South Africa will be cut off “until further notice!” pic.twitter.com/ihVojtblyX
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 9, 2025
Openly calling for genocide against white people!! https://t.co/3yfSkDndPJ
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 9, 2025
Immediate sanctions for Malema and declaration of him as an international criminal! https://t.co/KLwfsp9c2j
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 9, 2025
Why do you allow this, @CyrilRamaphosa?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 9, 2025
This is a major political party in the South African parliament and their leader is calling for genocide of white people. https://t.co/P41AG2JIeB
He is chanting kill the white farmers to a cheering stadium https://t.co/SYKFc1ntOU
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 9, 2025
Anti white racism is a threat to the west.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) February 9, 2025
It must be rooted out.
Trump should withhold any and all dollars to South Africa until this practice is abolished and codified into law.
America ended institutional racism on ALL fronts. Time for the countries we fund to follow. https://t.co/TqbiKo4KFG
Why is Trump the only world leader calling out a genocidal anti-white government? pic.twitter.com/RhcYnLew4G
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 9, 2025
JewAnon already has an explanation for this.
South Africa is being punished for going after Israel at the ICJ.
Alternatively, maybe it has something to do with the fact that 1.) how it plays on X which is the audience has become the measuring stick for everything that happens in the White House, 2.) the whole federal government is now being staffed by Zyn-ed up, pilled up 20 something staffers like the DOGE kid and 3.) Elon himself is from South Africa and he is Trump’s most important donor now.
The reason something like this never happened before is because X didn’t exist, because the social media landscape was different, because Elon wasn’t as rich as he is today, because Elon wasn’t giving $290 million dollars to Trump and going all in MAGA, because Elon hadn’t defeated the ADL’s advertiser boycott, because conservatives didn’t start radicalizing until the George Floyd riots, because the people staffing the White House in Trump’s first term were Reince Preibus and Mike Pence’s people, etc.
That’s a hard pill to swallow.
Jews are not Trump’s biggest donors. Jews do not control X which is the nerve center of the rightwing media. Conservatives are also a lot more sympathetic to this stuff now. Some people have a hard time admitting this because it falsifies the ideological prison they are trapped in.
South Africa, Greenland, Israel, Panama – what happened to America First? Wasn’t Trump going to tackle food inflation, energy bills, housing, income taxes, etc? This is just more dogwhistling to the Right by Trump. You can’t say his handlers didn’t learn from his first term.
Sometimes you must destroy enemy in the remote battlefield.
As long the international criminal syndicate is not destroyed, all other actions are temporary useless waste of time.
For example, if The Donald had got his Big Beautyful Wall in the first term, then uncle Biden had teared it down within months.
All wars are attrition wars and when Deep State must defend their crap from Ukraine to Israel to South Africa, then sooner or later something breaks from somewhere and then chain reaction will follow.
For example their lobbists will fight for the remaining resources and destroy each other without our side involvement.
“Jews are not Trump’s biggest donors. Jews do not control X”
This is only a very recent development. It doesn’t disprove our, the j-aware crowd, primary thesis.
You may mock us, but history and the greatest minds that ever lived have confirmed this truth.
Even my local Presbyterian preacher has mentioned how by it has become with governments openly discriminating against Whites.
Took your preacher long enough.
Does he need to get frostbite to figure out that it’s cold out?
“Took your preacher long enough”
Preachers are always behind the times and out of sync with events, unless it’s some woke idiocy, then they cheerlead for it.
Way back in 1970s when black terrorism ramped up in SA and Rhodesia the US should have put several divisions of troops into Southern Africa to secure the borders and governments. Instead, under the surreptitious control of Henry Kissinger, the US put crushing economic burdens on both.
Land confiscation:
Notice this, they never mention confiscating the diamond, gold or platinum mines. Why is that? Could it be that the primary financial backer of these black parties are the Oppenheimers, who control Anglo American?
That would be a very good guess. I’ve also read that Soros and Blackrock want the Boers exterminated so they can be sole providers of feed to the ANC to pacify the dindoos and keep the minerals flowing to City of London and other coffers. It will be interesting to see of the whites there finally wake up. The farmers still prefer to hire black farm labor over whites living in shantytowns in Johannesburg and other cities, then act surprised when their workers leave the doors unlocked for Malema’s goons bent on murder – those that manage to survive.
Precisely.I’ve said this also.They want to steal the White farms which take hard work yet they ignore the easy pickings of the gold and diamonds.Very unlike Blacks.But when Jews who own them also own the U.S. and Britain then it all becomes clear.White nations betraying South Africa and Rhodesia is only because White nations are controlled by the most vile murderers of Christ.The are truly the children of Hell.
When you google Elon Musk’s name, the first suggestion that comes up is “Elon Musk Nazi Salute.” While some of that is the effect of Recency Bias, what it also shows is that people who google Elon want to know if he actually did throw up a Roman Salute. And, even if Google is being mischievous and deliberately pushing that search to the top of the algorithm, that means they think it will make Elon look bad.
Absolutely nothing has changed on race since 2013, or 1993, or 1964. White Americans – conservatives especially – are just as antiracist now as they were 10 years ago and 70 years ago.
Its amusing how Elon has turned Twitter into his own plaything, in which he manufactures the algorithm to make it look like there is a MASSIVE RESISTANCE against the “woke mind virus” *cringe* that turned his son into a tranny. (His son was biologically defective. End of story). Meanwhile, Jared Taylor is still banned, whereas in the summer 2015, Andrew Anglin was allowed to shitpoast freely under Jack Dorsey’s old regime.
Hunter, you can be forgiven for wanting to believe in something positive, or that things are changing for the better. But as far as I’m concerned, there’s no ideological prison break to be made here. Its the same basic situation as it was in 2007 when the internet was still in its Wild West phase, or in 2013 when things were relatively quiet on the political front and where we got giddy over a single mention of us in the mainstream media.
The real problem is a total lack of racial consciousness, and thus, a total lack of a will to assert ourselves or defend ourselves. Aryans lack the most noble trait of all. We will spontaneously evolve it and act out on it, or we will all go down in the most humiliating, miserable way possible.
I see the situation like this. I call it, “The Cat and the Flashlight.”
Imagine that one race has so utterly vanquished its foe, that it now holds the power to mock them and torment them before killing them. Imagine a silly child who wields a flashlight towards the wall, making the helpless cat chase it everywhere it goes. Maybe the child make the cat jump in a vat of urine, or gets it to fall down and hurt itself, or flashes the light somewhere in a direction designed to maximize the frustration of the poor cat chasing it.
The Aryan Race was reduced to such a state of pitiful existence when Rome was conquered by the conspiracy laid out by Marcus Eli Ravage in 1928, and which was identified by Edward Gibbon, Friedrich Neitzsche, and Revilo Oliver. Jews are in the process of consolidating their power, and the second Trump term is ushering it in. All this crap on X, all the executive orders – like the one with the little Aryan girls surrounding Orange Man as he signs the order banning trannies from womens sports – is the cat chasing the flashlight. Its fake. It means nothing and will have no lasting effects by the time Gavin or Kamala or some other “DEMONRAT” occupies the White House in 2029.
I do not have faith that Whites will spontaneously evolve a racial consciousness that allows us to take action and either stop chasing the flashlight and tear apart the tormenter like a saber tooth tiger, or, as I suspect would happen in such a scenario, die with dignity and honor and nobility.
There is nothing to root for and nothing to be gained from Donald Trump’s second term. Its fair to call this JewAnon. They have so successfully enacted their plan for going on 2000 years that they now can torment us, and all who resist them, with impunity. The beatings will continue until the cat chasing the flashlight stops doing so. And that, I fear, is unlikely to happen.
Agree.The Jews mock us with all their TV of blonde girls and ape men.They show big Black mouths eating food on many commercials and this is also to mock us.Or Blacks obese and ugly bodies on same TV.It is all mocking a beaten foe.As a racially aware man for the entirety of my life I can attest to the fact that most Whites could care less about their own race.Compare this with Whites of even the recent past and I conclude that a demonic power available to the Jews has mesmerized Whites in the last 50 years.A Satanic power propels these Jews and anyone who does not believe this is a fool.
They only talk about confiscating farms, WHITE productive farms.
Let’s see, if they confiscate farms from WHITES that will result in less food production, then there will be food shortages. Then when there are food shortages the government will have to ration food. Then only party loyalist will receive ration coupons and those not loyal to the ruling party will go hungry. The perfect communist system for endless and absolute control. Just like Rhodesia.
I forgot to mention an important premise of “The Cat and the Flashlight.”
In an ordinary situation, when one tribe or one species defeats another, they kill their competitor immediately. No time wasted. Such a dangerous enemy is not to be kept alive for any longer than need be. That’s the rational thing to do. It what animals do, and it what humans do.
Except Jews.
Jews have demonstrated a capacity for cruelty, malice, and malevolence that effectively makes them like monsters masquerading as humans. Whether that is literally the case or not is irrelevant. Jews, and Jews alone, are the only race that would deliberately keep its vanquished foe alive just so that they can torment it. They derive irresistible pleasure from torment. They are sadists straight out a movie script. I submit that every Horror/Slasher film to ever exist shows scenes of what Jews want to do to non-Jews, funneled under the guise of a generic script. They are totally malevolent.
The rational question from those who doubt the total supremacy of Jewish control naturally arises: “If they have *that* kind of power, the. why don’t they just kill us already? What are they waiting for??”
Cat and the Flashlight. The ultimate Black Pill.
Jews won because of the simplest formula in the book: When one side is relentlessly pushy, while the other side is reliably submissive and gullible, the pushy side will always win, no matter how ugly or rat like or inferior they might be otherwise.
Jews are not a Master Race in the sense that they look and act like Elves. Far from it. But you don’t need that to win. You simply need to be better than the other guys. Jews cry persecution, and Aryans not only believe them, but the lowest among us actively tries to mimic them and their tall tales. Its no wonder they view us with total disgust and inhumanity. They torment us and our women and our children with impunity, and we erect memorials for their Holocaust and give their country whatever they want. How could they *not* view us with contempt?
There’s no Overton Window to be moved here. Aryans lack a racial conciousness. Its why we took to the Civil Rights Movement like a fish to water. Winning looks like the entirety of the White Race having a spontaneous realization that Hitler, Pierce, Oliver, Rockwell, and every racial prophet ever was 100% completely and totally RIGHT.
“The world will know I was right.” That happens, and we stand a chance. It doesn’t, and we are finished.
I agree.Only my South resisted the Jewish Civil Rights Movement farce while filthy America lapped it up.My Southern people were then destroyed through forced mixing.I say let this bastard nation collapse and rot in Hell.My great people live on in Heaven.
I had a friend who knew what she was talking about on a huge array of issues. She said a large proportion of SA “whites” are actually jews. Wonder if the country’s 1994 act of hara-kiri would have happened otherwise.
It’s never really made sense.
People are hip that Trump’s actions have much more for South Africa’s government bringing war crimes charges to the International Criminal Court against Zion Don’s beloved pissrael than land being stolen from Afrikkaners.
Very astute.I concur.
I believe the father of the founder of Orania warned Afrikaners to carve out a large piece of South Africa as an all-Afrikaner Ethno-State which would be self-sufficient before they gave Blacks the right to vote. Orania is not a nation but a small settlement. The powers that be in South African could wipe it out in a day if they so choose.
That’s the reason for a free independent Western Cape. But ,as you say, it should have happened before black rule was allowed. I’m still hoping the Western Cape can break away from SA.
Look at the timeline, if Trump and Elon are doing this then LARPING LIKE BLOOD TRIBE IS STUPID! We’re winning, no need to RUIN THAT WITH GAY LARPING.
BLOOD TRIBE cease and desist, you are a detriment!
For the sake of argument, let’s say the only reason Trump is doing this is that the Jews are pulling his string because they’re mad at South Africa for agitating against Israel post-10/7.
My response?
It’s being done, someone with that kind of powerful bully pulpit is calling attention to the issue AND backing it up with some sort of action.
Then again, I think the notion that he’s only doing this because Jews is easy to refute, even though this argument is not logical:
Post-Apartheid black-run South Africa has always tended to be hostile to Israel and always rattled the sabres against white farmers to one degree or another. In all that time, there were the Presidencies of Clinton, Bush 43, Obama and Biden, along with Trump. So why didn’t the Jews agitate Clinton, Bush 43, Obama and/or Biden to call attention to the pogrom against white farmers?
Key to African elections,
Whoever gives out the most t-shirts wins the election.
Hunter being ridiculous as always. Jews have no influence like they used to, yet here you have Trump fellating Netanyahu, promising Israel endless amounts of money and weapons and pushing for censorship against talking about jews.
Somebody tell Trump he is wearing the wrong shirt. It should be orange, white, and blue.