Poll Watch: Trump Has Positive Approval Amid “Energetic” Opening Week


CBS News:’

“With most describing him as “tough,” “energetic,” “focused” and “effective” — and as doing what he’d promised during his campaign — President Trump has started his term with net positive marks from Americans overall.

Many say he’s doing more than they expected — and of those who say this, most like what they see. Very few think he’s doing less.

His partisans and his voters, in particular, say he’s got the right amount of focus on matters like ending diversity, equity and inclusion programs and deporting those who are in the country illegally. 

His deportation policy finds majority approval overall — just as most voters said they wanted during the campaign — and that extends to sending troops to the border, too. …”

Is it a Trump honeymoon?

If so, public opinion could sour quickly, which has been the norm.

Alternatively, it is possible that Trump could be becoming more popular because lots of people who were skeptical are liking what they are seeing and reassessing their opinions.

Note: Trump has a positive approval rating with Zoomers and Millennials. Kamala Harris lost because of the collapse of support for Democrats among younger voters.


  1. My biggest takeaway from that selection of polls – immigration restriction is more popular than Trump.

    53% approve of Trump.

    59% approve of deporting the illegals.

  2. “Kamala Harris lost because of the collapse of support for Democrats among younger voters.”

    Mostly because young Democrats were disgusted by Kamala’s support for the Gaza genocide.

  3. The best descriptor for Trump 2.0 is ‘strong willed’.
    (And that’s an attribute jwz hate to see in a gentile.)

  4. Some leaders are popular due to policies. Some are popular due to charisma, or both.
    All Trump has to do is be “caught” by the media doing something human like attract a speeding ticket or visit a club with pole dancers inside, or get impeached or summoned to court again…….and he’ll keep the public on his side. If he keeps upsetting the left, that will help his image as well.
    The public like leaders with problems and issues they have to deal with as well. If your enemies are also Trump’s enemies, then he’s seen as helping to fight your fight.

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