Spiderman March Turns Violent In Ohio

Normally, I wouldn’t even bother to comment on a story like this, as I have been watching these groups like Creativity come and go for 25 years now. I treat it like background noise.


“Local residents confronted and drove off neo-Nazi demonstrators waving large swastika-emblazoned flags along a highway overpass on Friday between Lincoln Heights and Evendale, Ohio, home to a historically Black community that has endured a long history of racism.

White nationalist groups in Ohio have recently grown increasingly brazen in expressing hateful rhetoric and racist ideologies. Last November, Hate Club, a newly formed White supremacist organization, paraded through a Columbus neighborhood, waving swastika flags and shouting racist slurs.

About a dozen neo-Nazis, wearing all black clothing and red face masks the marchers in Columbus also wore, were seen on traffic cameras waving the swastika flags. They had also pinned red swastika banners on the fence of the overpass and a sign reading “America for the White Man,” according to photos shared with CNN. …”

In related news, Springfield is suing Blood Tribe.

I’m not sure if the group above in the Cincinnati metro area was Blood Tribe or a splinter group. Does anyone know if Blood Tribe has already collapsed? Why are these people dressed the same?

New York Times:

“The city of Springfield, Ohio, which was singled out by Donald J. Trump and JD Vance during the presidential campaign with false and outrageous claims about Haitian immigrants, has sued a neo-Nazi group that helped draw national attention to the small city in the first place.

The suit, filed in federal court on Thursday, was brought by the mayor, Rob Rue, along with several city commissioners and Springfield residents. It says that Blood Tribe, a four-year-old neo-Nazi group, began a campaign of intimidation focused on Haitian immigrants in the city. It culminated last summer in “a torrent of hateful conduct, including acts of harassment, bomb threats and death threats” against locals who spoke in support of the Haitian residents.

The plaintiffs cite the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which makes it a crime to deny individuals their civil rights, and accuses Blood Tribe of ethnic intimidation and inciting violence. …”

Anyway, the only reason why I have anything to say about this is because self-described “antisemites” have felt it necessary to initiate this debate about ideology, strategy and tactics, so I think it is proper to write a few articles in response about why I disagree with them.

In Occidental Consent, I pointed out how “antisemitism,” which I define as the monomaniacal belief that the Jewish Question is “the only issue that matters,” generates legions of violent cranks, people who play the clown for laughs and donations on the internet, crackpots, conspiritards, Third Worldist LARPers who live vicariously through groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, anti-Christian pagans, belligerent incels who hate White women and professional losers who are waiting on “The Collapse” which is their Rapture. In all of its various incarnations, my problem with it is that it is ineffective and antipolitical. The goal of all of these people is to demobilize Whites and to lose at politics to our political enemies.

Dressing up like Spiderman and parading through Springfield or Cincinnati with swastika flags seems to be the main thing these groups do though in their short lifespans. It is important to understand that this is theater, not politics. There is no political message like “stop refugee resettlement” or “immigration replaces Southern workers.” No one is even trying to persuade politicians of anything. No one is trying to persuade an audience of anything either. Instead, this is about acting out a fantasy ideology. These people are also not “revolutionaries.” They are not trying to violently overthrow the government.

Team Antisemitism insists that “naming the Jew” is what matters. They vehemently oppose participating in “the system” unless it is to vote for, say, Kamala Harris to own the Rightoids. My response to these people is to point to the practical results of their ideology … dressing up like Spiderman and getting hooted down off overpasses in Ohio, prostrating themselves before mentally ill black rappers because Ye “names the Jew,” storming synagogues to shoot 14-year-old Methodist Eagle Scouts, and so on.

Convince me and other skeptics that this is a politically effective tactic. I don’t see these people having any success in politics. I do see lots of self harm though. I do see lots of goofballs.

Note: I will have some thoughts on loserpilled activists in another article. These are people who have made losing – in relationships, in politics, in business, in every aspect of life – their ideology. They approach everything that happens in the world with a loser mindset.


  1. Wallace’s schtick now is pretty much badmouthing Whites and telling everyone to stop obsessing over the jews. He’s kind of like a hillbilly version of Richard Spencer.

      • Hunter Wallace
        “Anyway, the only reason why I have anything to say about this is because self-described “antisemites” have felt it necessary to initiate this debate about ideology, strategy and tactics, so I think it is proper to write a few articles in response about why I disagree with them.

        In Occidental Consent, I pointed out how “antisemitism,” which I define as the monomaniacal belief that the Jewish Question is “the only issue that matters,” ….

        The goal of all of these people is to demobilize Whites and to lose at politics to our political enemies.”

        Ok, I can see its not the ONLY issue, but I’d dare say its near the top in importance – after all its not the Amish who are demanding white countries be flooded by illegals, now is it?
        So the ques. I’d put to YOU, Hunter Wallace, is what would u do about the Jews?
        I’d hope u wouldn’t say let them live among us! Their influence is the problem!

        • @Charlie

          The answer to what to do about Jews is the same as for every other ethnic group. We should and must unapologeticically advocate our own interests, if necessary to the exclusion of other people’s interests.

          If you look close, and listen to what is happening under this administration, that is essentially the essence of MAGA. America First. We are the majority here, and we put Trump in office to redress this intolerable situatuion of systemic discrimination against Whites and Christians, and the corruption of the government that was flooding our country with infinite brown people.

          Our interests as White people are not by definition mutually exclusive to everybody elses interests. We need a stable economy to thrive, a level playing field in the justice system, and a government not actively trying to genocide us.

          Unfortunately, this is the current state of affairs, and we share those issues of concern now with a huge array of difference ethnic groups in the US, including many Jews.

          Nobody here is saying we don’t need to be pushing back hard against Jewish influence, but it needs to be kept in perspective. The JQ isn’t now even top five of our biggest problems. Trump is trying to destroy that old power structure, and he’s doing more than anybody in the dissident right ever managed for White interests. That what he is doing also benefits other people doesn’t mean it isn’t in Whitey’s interests to do it.

          Keep an open mind. Focus on White interests more than the JQ. Give it time and I think you will start to see what I mean. Consider whats necessary to actually IMPROVE White people’s lives. How can those things actually be accomplished with the circumstances we have here and now, not as we wish they were.

          Look at how hard people pushed back on Vivek Ramaswamy and his infinity Indians. Look at the open discussion about American interests needing to supercede Israel’s national interests. Pushing back on Zionism is now the norm, because it was the cause behind Neo Conservatism, which is publicly reviled by pretty much everyone but the boomer cons and whichever democrats still think a tacit alliance with the Bush dynasty was a good idea. Nobody wants more wars for Israel. Thats the only thing Israel does want from us. They won’t get it now if Trump gets his way. He’s the only man in the world nobody can bully by calling him an antisemite. If he can’t keep us out of another war for israel, nobody can.

          Bismarck said correctly that politics is the art of the possible. That political action must be pragmatic and seek attainable, practical ends. I argue that the most attainable and practical ends are free speech (as universal as possible within reason), an economy that isn’t rigged against Whitey, global stability (peace is a pipe dream), and good schools for White kids, or the means to afford private/home schools instead so people can choose for themselves. And low inflation.

          These are attainable and practical goals. They are also the immediate priorities of the current presidential administration.

          • Perfect answer. Many people on the right can’t even get out of their own way to win. We’ve got farther in a month than all the nazi parades, protests, etc did in 50 years

        • I’m not making this up.

          I’ve heard multiple activists claim that the Jewish Question is the only issue that matters. This is why they care about things like deporting foreign students who are pro-Hamas. It is why they are so obsessed with Lebanon and what goes on in the Middle East and far more so than immigration or jobs here.

      • Those cranks are almost always Feds or their paid operatives.As a Southern man and follower of Christ I believe all this is what the Bible tells us will happen.Most Whites aren’t just brainwashed with Scofield and race-mixing but in my experience over a life time most of them lack a pride or belief in our supreme race.An I don’t say that lightly.Whites are too damn sympathetic to every race but their own.I truly believe the power of Satan is behind this malaise in Whites.And I truly believe the Jews are the literal children of the Devil.No other race has sick sexual perversion as they do.No other race gains such pleasure from taking away the purity and goodness from others.The only answer is to look for our Father in Heaven for the solution.And while we wait the best we can do is to keep ourselves from becoming like the mass of people.

    • I don’t think that’s what HW is advocating here. He’s merely pointing out that there are more effective ways to fight the Kosher Nosetra “slave-Power” than continually harping on about Jews 24 x 7 x 365. Yes the KN has become immensely powerful, poisonous and destructive. As I noted in a previous post, by 1967 they were already so powerful that they were able to order a sitting president to forbid a rescue mission and allow a US Navy vessel to be attacked and sunk with all hands aboard. That’s flat out high-treason. LBJ, John McCain II (the Incitatus’ dad), McNamara all got away with it scot-free and the whole thing was basically memory-holed for decades. Apart from LBJ (a likely crypto-jew) all those involved in the crime and cover-up were white gentiles. Why do some ignore these criminals altogether?

      As Keven MacDonald has noted, KN power is starting to wane. Much of the reason for this small loss of their power is due to their own arrogance and hubris – Gaza being a perfect example. Those who are Christian understand that they are Satanists and thus do have a measure of supernatural power – but they are not dieties. They could not have obtained the level of power and control they have were it not for many, many whites at all levels willing to accept their 30 pieces of fake silver to betray Christ, their nations and their own flesh and blood. To break the chain of power one must go after the weakest link. That isn’t the KN, but the largely white step-n-fetchits: Judases who will sell out anyone. These are the people who are presently screaming bloody murder about the NGO’s who employ them suddenly being defunded. If Trump is honestly after USAID and the rest of this (a big if given his history), it will do more to break the chain than all of the marching around waving the flags of a failed-regime could ever do.

      • Some very wise words Cyclops and I concur.They have Satan’s power behind them but also they benefit from Whites failings in standing up for their race.I ask myself:Are most of my fellow Whites worth saving?Are they even remotely like our ancestors were for all time?To me the good are mostly gone,save a few here and there(such as us).We shall have to trust only that Gods will be done.

    • It is worse than that, Hunter Wallace is essentially the Daily Wire and Breitbart now. Don’t believe me, then how about mentioning any meaningful difference there is between him and them.

  2. “, my problem with it is that it is ineffective and antipolitical. ”

    Beyond ineffective, it’s grossly counterproductive, terribly damaging.

    • @US of AIPAC,

      By design.

      Blood Tribe probably was receiving USAID funding, or more likely ADL shekels.

      Everyone in the *ghettos” of the DR disavows them.

      • Correct November.They are most certainly Feds.Besides you can’t get 13 Whites to do anything but eat Mexican slop and drink silly craft beer.

  3. I suspect most of these participants are young and consequently naive.

    This so much reminds me of (((Frank Collin’s))) ‘NAZI’ march in Skokie IL., just in time to help push through legislation for a holocaust museum.

    Funny, how these cohencidences happen.

      • “might be a fed or informant”…. as instigator.

        Don’t discount NGO participation, Open Society Foundations (OSF).

      • You know the base guy, Rinaldo Nazzaro used to work for the FBI AND the Pentagon.


        The question could not be more obvious, who do worship, Christ or the one the jews would have you worship, the jew straw man Hitler/Nazi/white supremacist blah blah blah. Be as god made or be as the jews would have you be, your choice.

    • You are correct Sir.All Feds.All doing their part in the big production the Jews stage for what passes as life in the Western world.

  4. Are you sure this is actually REAL White Nationalists instead of some federal bureau psy-ops? It seems like these groups (who the average White American has never heard of before) seem to come out of the woodwork whenever a Republican occupies the White House.

    It seems these “White Nationalist Extremist” groups on steroids came out right after Trump got elected in 2016, again when Trump ran and lost in 2020, and now again since his comeback in 2024 where he is explicitly defending White interests for a change.

    Another thing that is very suspicious is that these masked “Hage Club” Nutzees are in great shape similar to that of those buff also-masked Patriot Front “White Supremacists.” They strike me so much as federal agents provocateur that they could glow in the dark.

    I find these actions particularly suspicious since Trump and his team are dismantling every DEI and other Anti-White laws and agencies that they can find. Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m sure that Trump’s explicitly Pro-White administration is being allowed in hopes that young White men will overwhelm military recruiting offices to enlist only to find their patriotic behinds patrolling and dodging gunfire in Gaza.

    But still, the average Normie isn’t as cynical as I am. There is no reason for any White Nationalist or other White with Pro-White leanings to pull a stunt like this. That’s why I am calling FAKE on this stunt.

    • These are excellent observations. The timing of this nonsense is very peculiar indeed. There are a number of indentified feds who have been mysteriously elevated to leadership roles (Spencer, Fuentes and others) since 2016. Then there are the followers – who are basically being setup to be destroyed and have zero clue that this is what’s afoot. The whole operation of January 6, 2021 was a superb example of it, as was Charlottesville.

  5. You are concocting a flimsy excuse to avoid confronting the problem. Hopefully the FBI will stop it with these staged events that you and I dislike so much, when the Jeet takes over. It takes moral courage to confront the JQ. Luther had it. You just don’t have it. You prefer to ignore the elephant in the room. That is why it is a waste of time for me anymore. Other more honest websites are available.

    • If you are interested enough to think it through, everything and I mean everything you see and hear is being done out of a hatred of Christ. Once you understand that Rangewolf you have found the truth. He just hasn’t found the truth yet, but he will. We all will. All but the jews. Who have been eternally cursed to the darkness.

  6. Why is CNN so concerned about Knotzees? They’re fine with them as long as they’re busy killing Russians. Why are they still in business at all?

    As for these hapless fools and clowns, did they learn nothing from Charlottesville? You don’t go into enemy territory to demonstrate. The gaslight media is not ever going to report your side of the story and the city government are enemies as well.

  7. Blood Tribe are glowies that support jewkraine.

    They supported Biden because he was giving weapons to kill Russians.

    They are another fed trap like the Order of Nine Angels and Terrorwaffen.

    GDL made the mistake of rallying with Blood Tribe in Florida, and guess who showed up? Laura MAGA/MIGA Loomer by some cohencidence.

    • Interesting. (I know little to nothing of Blood Tribe). They do glow very brightly and there has never been a shortage of glowies, since the regime itself has repeatedly proclaimed that the “greatest national security threat” is “white supremacism” – since the Clinton era.

      Here’s another factoid to put into the stew-pot: ADL is backing Springfield OH in bringing the suit against Blood-Tribe. That might seem nonsensical at first glance, but it does serve a purpose. If, as per your theory, Blood-Tribe are glowies they will deliberately fold in court so that ADL shysters can set precedent for going after others who are *not* glowies, but mere white folks objecting to their town being flooded with foreign invaders.

  8. I suppose I have to go over Politics 101 again. The idea of a march is to project strength. Otherwise, when something like this happens and you get run out of town (or off a bridge) that projects weakness especially if police are there and have to protect you from getting lynched by Antifa. The idea is to attract the White middle and working classes not scare the Hell out of them with bizarre appearances and lack of numbers.

    • Thank you for pointing out that aspect. So, based on what happened, the only logical position is that the 13 marching clowns appeared in Nazi regalia in enemy territory (where there would be zero police protection for their first amendment rights) planning to lose bigly from the outset. This basically leaves only two explanations for these clowns:

      1. They are an enemy-funded operation (whether it’s the FBI, USAID, ADL or another enemy NGO makes no difference).

      2. They are beyond stupid, possibly high or drunk, and of no value to anyone except our enemies.

  9. Why so serious?
    Breaking-The NSDAP was soundly defeated 80 years ago.
    You can stop clutching pearls now.
    You’re welcome and enjoy ZOG, it will be mandatory.

    • You cannot defeat an idea that is flourishing by the European nationalist youths around the globe.

      It took Christianity 400 years to achieve power of the Roman Empire. It’s only been 80 years since the end of WWII, and in the ensuing decades every opposition propaganda tool has Ben used to sully National Socialism.

      Disregarding Blood Tribe, like the fable of the resurrection of Jesus, National Socialism is making a comeback.

  10. They’re just a collection of fools with no message, no intelligence and no hope.
    Blue haired libtards are walking advertisements for the Right.
    Nazi groups like this are walking advertisements for the Left.
    Their presence and image just sets our cause back without achievng a damn thing.
    The movement has to be intelligent, united and mainstream. It has to resonate with the wider public.
    Groups like this are so useless that they’d achieve more by merely not existing at all.

    • “They’re just a collection of fools with no message, no intelligence and no hope.”

      They’re young, they don’t have experience, they need the guidance of older experienced heads.
      For God’s sake , what do you expect of young people ?

      • @USoA,
        What do you call “young”?
        They’ve likely been around a while and should know better before getting into these activities.
        Like you said…….they need the guidance of older, experienced heads. Well how about they seek out that guidance before doing anything else?
        When you look, act, dress and talk like and extremist, you will NEVER win over the public. If you don’t win over the public, you will never get anywhere.

  11. This is just dumb. What is the goal here? To keep the leftoid/jewish boogeyman alive? It’s not winning anyone over, and THIS IS NOT GERMANY. From GLR to these grugs, no one ever learns.

    • I think ppl learn.

      David Duke tried this cosplay stuff when he was very young. He found out that it didn’t work. Others have learned by watching his progress.

      Younger groups should contact ppl who have been around, just to learn what doesn’t work.

  12. No doubt these people are being prodded by feds. The feds have an extensive track record of taking morons, idiots, retards, schizos, etc. and goading them into saying or doing something stupid. Jerry Drake Varnell, Emanuel Luchtman, Glendon Crawford, the Gretchen Whitmer “kidnap” hoax, Ray Epps, the fake DNC “pipe bomb” hoax, etc. etc.

    They do it to Muslims, stupid Negroes, “white supremacists,” “anti-Semites,” etc. etc. If we have learned anything from the USAID revelations, it is that the feds are stirring more pots than even the most wild-eyed, tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists ever imagined.

  13. Of course jews are not the “only” problem. About half of whites are mentally damaged and against their own people. It’s not going to get fixed with stupid stunts like this.

  14. They don’t have anyone showing them the truth and real history.
    America, prior to 1940, was far more racist than anything in NS Germany, advocated or practiced.

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