Yedolf Goons Out On X

This will be the last post about Yedolf.

There is nothing further to say about this attention seeking lunatic.

Yesterday, he was calling himself “God” and claiming Jesus Christ was a Jewish psyop, as Groypers took turns slobbering over their “president.” Today, he started the morning by posting multiple naked photos of his wife. He then escalated to posting multiple hardcore interracial pornography videos.

Moral of the story? This is a teachable moment about what happens when you base your entire “movement” on nothing but antisemitism. HE’S SOOOO BASED! HE LOVES HITLER, BRO!


  1. So Yedolf Yidler wants to compete with Pornhub now? One hell of a fuhrer that Nicky and the Goypers chose as their leader. Clown-World in full display. Yedolf is indeed an IQ-test: Those who follow him must have IQ’s of room-temperature or below to remain among the select group truly faithful to the cause (whatever that may be).

  2. Yep, Ye is an obvious psyop to discredit the far right, criticism of Israel and Jews, just as I always said.
    And so is anyone who supports Ye, including Nick Fuentes.
    Fuentes was always a waste of time.

  3. Fuentes needs time to quietly and for a long time reflect on his decisions, alliances, words, and viewpoints he has espoused over the years because this is just plain madness.

    It’s sad too because he actually has good points at times but then he supports this?

  4. This is among the many reasons our ancestors segregated blacks. They sharply observed their behavior and thinking, seeing that it always devolves to savagery. Today it’s porn and dragging his whore around naked, tomorrow it will be butchery and cannibalism. They read the accounts of people like Andrew Battle ca1625 , blacks eating an entirely human flesh diet and burying their babies while still alive. They knew black behavior and that blacks would spontaneously revert to it without strict supervision .

    People just won’t accept that behavior is as genetic as skin color and can only slightly be modified by environment . Without rigorous and strict enforcement they will return to savagery.

    I’m so sick and tired of the lies of racial equality and the myriad of lame excuses used to support it.

    I don’t want to live in a society savages, whether it’s USA , UK,Sweden, France or Germany.

    Bringing blacks to the Western Hemisphere was one of the worst errors in all of civilization.

  5. Oh, same goes for Nick Gay Fuentes and MAGAtards, Patriotards, or any other civic nationalists cheerleaders for the powers that be.

  6. Fuentes, crossbreeding gone wrong, fruit flies and skunks, should not be my mixing, see what happens, you get freaky Fuentes ….. That’s what his podcast/personal life is a ” A FREAK SHOW ” …

  7. Iirc, Matt Parrot was a Ye supporter when he was naming jews in Hollywood, MSM, and government.

    Has “Birdman,” changed his tune since joining you on the Trump Train?

  8. I thought it was insane when some factions in the racialist right looked to Ye as the great White hope! How can you be a racialist and approve of your leader having a White wife? I swear sometimes the White racialist movement has more drama than a teenage stripper.

  9. A retarded negro savage parading his buck-naked white woman in public and opining about Jesus Christ?

    What an utterly sick, filthy, and degenerate nation this is. Legions of our forefathers from General Lee to George Wallace are rolling in their graves…

    • What’s even more sick are the numbers of whites who self-identify as “white nationalists” who give the clown and his minstrel-show a free pass solely because made some observations about jewish behavior that have been made far more convincingly by whites over a century before.

      Fuentes and his followers own this one. Since Fuentes is fake-opposition (either a fed or funded by the NGOs propped up with fed money) and Yedolf Yidler the manufacture of Pedowood, those dumb enough to fall for the scam are hapless fools who need to take a look at where they went off the rails.

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