Matt Walsh: Trump Takes a Stand Against Anti-White Persecution

In my view, it is a good thing that these topics are being debated in the mainstream. This is an improvement over the previous twenty years of ignoring the issue.

Elon has continued tweeting about it to the point of condemning it as White genocide. This is another example like drawing renewed public attention to Muslim rape gangs in Britain or trashing the German government where he is doing a lot more good than harm around the world.


  1. Musk is paying heavily for that Roman salute. NYtimes is running hit pieces, front page, top, on the improprieties of his business dealings. They are driving Tesla shares down, like crazy. I’m sure fellow jwz are working in stocks trading to disrupt order flow, driving prices down.

    Just watch, over the future weeks to see hit piece after hit piece on Tesla, it will be a coordinated attack. Watch major financial publications to do feature stories on his ‘questionable’ finances and business practices.
    He’ll pay dearly for that gesture.

  2. In the words of rabbi Meir Kahane, “judaism is a religion of vengeance”. Musk is going to find out.

  3. Elon Musk began hustling the now meaningless rape gangs to divert attention away from his real intentions that he stupidly exposed over H1B. White females have been pimped out for decades in Britain and Europe. No one cared. No one still cares or will ever care, because we have fake politics. We accept the fake politics and give it recognition. Elon Musk is a grifter and conartist like Vivek. Britain’s great replacement already happened in the 2010s. Now, they cannot even protest three little girls getting stabbed in broad daylight by an African but Ben Shapiro’s employee throwing out a cookie is…victory? This is the post-Gaza Jewish permission for louder dog whistles I commented about elsewhere. The Republican Party and Zionists adapted to us and thereby nullified us. Not the other way around. Elon Musk tweeting about white genoicide is about the same as Kayne West talking about Hitler. They are both dumb, fake, ignorant clowns. If Musk was ever pressed on the issue he would instantly cuck for colorblind civic nationalism.

    The Left will blow up Elon Musk as a diabolical nazi puppet master to make themselves feel relevant again because they are pathetic losers incapable of forming a resistance to anything anymore now that Jews have abandoned them, not even to Hitler.

  4. Serious question. Is Kyle Kulinski gay? Everything he says has that “wow just wow” pearl clutching tone to it. “LIKE OMG TRUMP IS SO RACIST OMG”
    I can understand the fact that he’s pointing out an inconsistency. But clearly Kyle doesn’t really care about immigration policies being racist. If he did, and if he were consistent himself, he’d be vlogging about the SPLC and ADL keeping a countdown clock on the number of years until white people become a minority. Antiwhiteness is racism.
    To pearl clutch about one and not the other is to be OK with racism, and as such is racism in itself.

    (I don’t care to admit that I’m biased towards having more white immigration)

    By the way, his name would be perfect if his middle name was Kirk. Just sayin

    • He is a rich brat from Westchester County, his dad owned a Chevy dealership and I suspect he’s living on a fat trust fund.
      He’s married , but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s bi.

  5. Mmmhhhhhhmmm, I’m sure Matt Walsh, who works for Ben Shapiro, and was out front throwing the McMichaels under the bus with his “jogger”/”typical guy interested in construction sites” BS narrative, is totally taking a stand against Anti-White persecution by the tribe that he worships and works for.

    Get real dude.

  6. The above Kyle kulinski ‘secular talk’ is a chronic liar, he twists and distorts every fact. Kyle is a virtual clone of Brian Tyler Cohen. I think they have the same script writer, I also believe Kyle is crypto.

  7. If not for global pressure on SA, the country would be another Congo, with the mass torture slaughter of WHITES, just like the Congo crisis of the 1960s.

  8. “FARRR RIGHTTT”………”we need to bring attention to the persecution of whites in South Africa and rape gangs in the UK. People are dying and being pack raped”.

    The Left…….”jail all Jan 6th rioters for life. They invaded an official building!!”.

  9. Its a hell of a lot easier to take pro White positions now than in any part of my adult life.

    Seems unequivocally good to me.

    Looks today like the mideast ceasefire is on a knifes edge and Israel is getting let off its chain again because the rich arab nations won’t come fix their mess. If its gonna be a mess, at least israel is doing its own fighting for once. That too is unequivocally good, and not at all what we would have seen any other time in the last 40 years.

    Not sure what the endgame looks like there, but this should put an end to Hamas.

  10. I guess the only way that Trump could do these pro white things was grovel around Likud. On a cost benefit chart I guess it can be justified. He’s done several things well now. But you do have to wonder if there is a larger surprise coming.

  11. Part and parcel of the larger global “JX question” and tekton tikkun olam dialectic of anti-natal ethno-nationalism “anti-racism” for the global monarchy (see Jefferson on the monarchy) … The old Confederates didn’t suffer and die for a Yankee style global “Jesus” tekton-financial neo-feudal communistic (anti-allodial “you will own nothing and will love it”) usury monarchy!

    “The story of the American political order, at least to this point, is the collapse of the influence and autonomy of the local into a consolidated political-religious and financial order, what Jefferson’s people called [theocratic] monarchy. This order is not merely political, it includes cultural, social, RELIGIOUS, and political mores and habits [globalist] in their scope and often emanating from institutions closely aligned with the centers of [globalist] political and economic power.”

    They were contra this “global Jesus” balderdash: “” and this ““

    We true Confederates stand here:

  12. “In my view, it is a good thing that these topics are being debated”

    That’s the underlying problem in all our social problems and legislation, the ‘controlled narrative’. They control the narrative to such a degree that they can completely exclude any issue they don’t want discussed. It is defacto censorship.

  13. I’m happy that many things are moving to “the right” direction…..
    however, my concern is that the identitarian movement may become in some cases an antics and a grotesque show: for example the fact that the leader of AfD party in German is a lesbian married with an Asiatics girl.

    Ok some gay people and black people are joining “far-right” or identitarian movement and some people can see this as a good thing…… Personally I think is a bad thing for a movement that want to free the West from LGBTQ whims and that claim to be white identitarian movement. We risk to become clowns because we are represented by people who are the contrary of what we preach.

  14. I’m happy that many things are moving to the “right” direction.
    However, my concern is that the movement may become in some cases an antics and a grotesque show: for example the fact that the leader of the identitarian AfD party in German (Alice Weidel) is a lesbian married with a an asiatic girl.
    Some gay and black people are joining far-right and identitarian movements and some people see this thing as good. Personally I think it is a bad thing because it may transform our movement into a circus. We should not be represented by people who are the expression of what we oppose, who are the contrary of what we preach. We stand against LGBTQ whims and white guilt and then (like in Germany) we are represented by people who are the contrary of what we believe.

    • We do not believe in anything except for Trump, apparently. I’m sorry but it is a Cult. Oh, how the Mighty have fallen.

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