Democrats Ponder Future In Political Abyss

It is always darkest before it gets pitch black.


  1. This culture war thing was always a waste of time for the supposed right wing to be fixated on. Some are saying they are “winning” because they have dorks like Vance and his half breed spawn, or changing lbgt to lgb, etc, the only thing that really matters is race. Whites already are below 50% of the population (jews, Arabs, Turks are not white), there is rampant miscegenation and jews are in total control, this is the real Abyss.

    This pro wrestling style of fake rivalries between the two parties is one of the biggest problems for white interests.

  2. I was intrigued by the situation on Worcester. Arresting these people would be easy in the South. They would all be arrested for felony obscenity charges, disturbing the peace, and other public order crimes. Then the juries would all return unanimous guilty charges and they would be thrown into a jail cell to be butt raped by large Black inmates. But, in the North were the “real” White Nationalists live, the ones who are so much better in the North than us dumb “Rednecks,” these LGBTQ people are celebrated and can get online to gin up Occidental Dissent as pretend White Nationalists.

    Note: Worcester is only 48% or so White Non-Hispanic. Only 22.5% is Protestant. The remaining 26% of Whites are Catholic. Yankees are little more than about 12.5% of population with various White Protestant immigrants filling out the remaining 10%. The remaining 26% of the White population is ((White)) Ellis Island people. The largest group are ((Irish)) at about 10%, ((Italians)) at 7.5%, French Canadians at 5%, various ((Polish)), ((Germans)), and Jews fill out remainder. ((Hispanics)) are almost 25% of the population. In total, Papists represent about 55% of the population.

  3. Unlike most posters here, I’m not anti-left, I believe the left has a place in society, but this present incarnation of ‘the left’ is totally f’n useless and needed to be put out of its misery.
    The left has to relearn how to address the concerns of ordinary working men and women, until then it deserves to either languish in obscurity, or become an obsequious handmaiden to the right.
    If the left is going to change for the better, it will have to become more grassroots, the PMCs have totally failed us.
    But there always has been and will be a left, even the middle ages had guilds and various peasant uprisings.
    But I don’t think it’s ever been this detached form the concerns of ordinary people, the contemporary left is basically the right in drag.
    It’s time to take the veneer completely off, they deserved to lose the culture war, which was all they had, nothing material/substantive/tangible to offer the people, just a more diverse, condescending and insufferable group of PMCs.

  4. The sight of these repulsive, trannie fruitcakes just makes me wanna reach for a weapon. I truly despise them.
    Who can look at those things and think, gosh I want to join their cause?! They should be hidden away.

  5. Nah.

    They’ll probably just cheat and steal elections back into power.

    MAGAtards trust the system because Trump was allowed to win this election cycle.

  6. >Democrat rep just claimed “manufacturing” is a sexist term because it has “man” in it.

    It also has the word “ma” in it, which means mother. And all men come out of their ma at birth. Ma “manufactures” children (even these crazy Dems). Need a lot of factory recalls I think.

    So net gender bias = 0. Crazy Dems… they get paid for that?

  7. They seem to be self-destructing. Stoller’s comment hit the nail on the head; what was not necessarily obvious a few months ago is that once Dems were stripped of power, the real loons would step forward and take center stage – rather than the gay-black-muslim-tranny props being quickly memoryholed in favor of white and Jewish normies,

    MAGA and Trump needs to exploit this moment and smash them into the dirt. Keep up flood-the-zone, ram through legislation to end the culture wars for good (in particular abolishing “disparate impact”), demolish Activism Inc. with funding cutoffs and investigations.

  8. The Left, based upon the false idea of social “progress” i.e. constant turmoil, was Communism, Socialism and milder versions of these ideologies, such as Equality. It is now a coalition of the useless, deranged, mentally ill, permanently angry and unhappy, vicious, violent, criminal, parasitical freaks of nature; perverts, fools, frauds and a mostly colored people coalition with one unifying feature, hatred of normal White people. This notorious coalition is so unhinged, so detached from reality that even The Usual Suspects, the flywheel that has kept the institutional Left going, is keeping its distance now because of bad optics, support for The Usual Suspects’ enemies and electoral failure.

    What is surprising is a city like Worcester, MA would become a haven for these freaks. Worcester was a tough, working class, manufacturing city. It was old line Democrat, Union, with lots of war memorials with the names of the dead from every war, with no tolerance for perverts and freaks. The city was a manufacturing center for more than 150 years, until the Reagan era, making M-16A1 rifles, amongst other non-tranny inspired products. Now the manufacturing is gone and old factory buildings have been converted to “art spaces” where nothing good happens. I guess that is the end point of an economy when it transitions from manufacturing to finance. The freaks also transition from the fringes to the center until the money runs out, then their pity party is over.

    • Nice thumbnail history. From Worcester to Weimar in four short decades. Finance capitalism is just a polite term for debt-racketeering. As Satan-Klaus would like to say: You vill be in slavery und own nothing, und you vill love it!

  9. Even though I forgive Trump so far since he is apparently ending the Ukraine war, I still think I am completely right with my idea of the Jewish New Deal. Jon Stewart’s little clip above is like a nutshell. Jews abandoned DEI during Gaza because DEI turned out to be deeply anti-semitic. Stewart was a prime antiwhite DEI agitator for the entirety of the Trump political era before Gaza going all the way back to 2015, but now he wants to talk about New Deal values. Also, it is precisely New Deal values that the GOP is attacking, which is what they always wanted to attack, while the cultural toxicity of the Democrats is being stuffed into the transsexual scapegoat so Republicans will not have to confront the poison pills of race and sex i.e. feminism directly. Once the tranny scapegoat sinks to the ocean floor, the GOP will go right back to colorblind-ism and market fundamentalism. The Democrats are actually feeling the same way. Besides the permanent blacks in that party, the rest are using trannies as the scapegoat for the race and sex poison pills. That’s exactly what Stewart is implying above. Hakeem Jeffries understands it exactly, which is why he immediately invokes Maya Angelou as an implicit protest to his black privilege being questioned. He will lose and the Stewarts of the world will win.

    • It makes sense for the colored people to vote for Cackling Kamala and her ilk, she is one of them. They were voting their interests when they voted for her: racial solidarity on the march. That is what the Democrat Party has relied upon since LBJ, anti-White antagonism.

      There is no excuse for Whites to vote for people who hate us and want us gone, six feet under. That is always the fundamental problem, Whites unnecessarily afflicted by a guilty conscience while excusing all the crime and misery caused by non-Whites. This White self-loathing and destruction while denying obvious truths about race, such as crime statistics, is the big problem.

      • “It makes sense for the colored people to vote for Cackling Kamala”

        Only in the very short term.
        Like Zimbabwe, they voted for Mugabe and got starvation and terror.
        Blacks under the most racist WHITE ruler live better and safer than blacks under liberal black ruler.
        Blacks don’t understand the system and structure that give them prosperity. They think the gibs just magically appear out of thin air.

        “Uz juz prinz lotz mony ‘nd ebberbody bez rich”.

        • True, but the colored folk can only think short term, the future is a distant planet, completely unknown. In their little minds they were sticking it to Whites now and that’s what counts.

          Also true, of course, about Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. They got great joy when they saw the Ian Smith government toppled from power as they did in S. Africa when apartheid and White rule ended there. Now the railroads have stopped because of metal thefts; tracks are ripped up and signal equipment has been sent to the scrap yard. The electrical grid is no more, just islands of electrical generation with many interruptions and food and water shortages everywhere.

          It’s all a mystery to those people, a mystery that will only deepen if S. African Whites leave en masse taking their mysterious technical magic with them. Combined with Trump ending technical support for S. Africa and other Third World beauty spots by ending USAID and other frauds the locals will just have to rely on their native genius to keep things going. Good luck with that.

          They aren’t very good at figuring out that whole cause and effect thing.

    • I want this judeo-socially engineered monstrosity to crumble.

      Trying to breathe new life into this corpse is only prolonging the inevitable.

  10. The left was already dead, the walking dead, it died in the 1980s and 90s without much of a fight.
    The liberal elite was more than happy to let Thatcher, Reagan and Mulroney do away with all the economic gains that took many decades of struggle to build up through organized labor and activism.
    Blair, Clinton and Chretien didn’t pushback against neoliberalism, instead they doubled and tripled down on it.

    What the right just did under Trump was kill the burlesque left, the corpse left, the pretention they cared about workers and the poor.
    The liberal elite no longer cares one bit, most of them never really did, I mean look how they sabotaged Bernie.

    This may actually be the best thing for the left right now because it means it can be led from the underground and redefined.
    The real left was always about working class struggle and solidarity, not pushing decadent, demented sociosexual agendas.

    This may indeed be the death of the liberal order, just as the Soviet Union fell in the east, the liberal order appears to have fallen in the west, substantively in the 1980s and 90s and stylistically in the 2010s and 20s.

    Trump is no white or Christian nationalist, not by a long shot, but he appears to be a genuine civic nationalist and social conservative.
    The right is being redefined, it turns out you can be a strong national conservative without tying it to a particular race or religion.
    This is not paleoconservatism, instead it’s a new, avant garde conservatism, one that’s ultra modern, techy and absorbed many what were long ago considered liberal ideas about capitalism, democracy, racial and religious pluralism and sexual equality between man and woman.

    Of course capitalism and democracy will continue to be heavily rigged under Trump, even more so, no change there, Trump and his people are corporate oligarchs of course, but culturally it’s a civic national conservatism not tied to a particular color, creed and not patriarchal, instead this conservatism is about upholding corporate capitalism, corporate democracy and a more overt imperialism that’s perhaps a bit closer to home, aimed at some of America’s neighbors and ‘allies’, as well as about maintaining law and order, borders and social but not patriarchal, racial, religious conservatism.

    And of course the Jews, who’re about a 3rd of America’s and the world’s billionaires and control the mob, will in all likelihood continue to dominate this new, conservatish order.
    Trump and Musk bent the knee to Zionism, they all do.
    Make no mistake, while there are meaningful differences about this new conservatism, it is still ultra kosher, perhaps more than ever.

  11. Marxism, progressivism, Socialism, liberalism or whatever you want to call the Left, it is feminine at it’s core.

    Conservatism including Trumpism is masculine at it’s core.

    The political divide is less about race and more about sex now. Unmarried women are the biggest constituency of the commies.

    • John, what you say is mostly true especially in regards to single women but I am not sure the political divide is mostly about sex. White women overall typically lean Republican. Black men have yet to do this and Hispanic men and Asian men usually don’t. Whites are actually more divided regionally than by sex. White Southern women voted for Trump in higher percentages than white men outside the South. White women in the Midwest voted better than white men in the Northeast and Pacific Coast.

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