Insulting someone is not a crime, and criminalizing speech is going to put real strain on European-US relationships.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 17, 2025
This is Orwellian, and everyone in Europe and the US must reject this lunacy. https://t.co/WZSifyDWMr
Vance has chimed in.
The chairman of the Munich Security Conference is literally in tears over JD Vance’s speech on Friday.
— Inevitable West (@Inevitablewest) February 17, 2025
Europe is being governed by weak, effeminate degenerates. pic.twitter.com/IWof7APV1y
Imagine complaining about JD Vance who is the only politician in our lifetimes who is brave enough to publicly defend anonymous racist shitposters in this country and in Europe. I don’t want to hear the “worse is better” shit anymore from activists. Trump and JD Vance are objectively better than this.
Living under despotism in countries like Germany or the UK or Canada hasn’t made their politics any better than ours. We don’t share common values with Germany.
“Free speech needs boundaries…”
Then it isn’t Free Speach !
That’s exactly what they want here.
“I don’t want to hear the “worse is better”
There isn’t any limit to that bottomless pit.
“We don’t share common values with Germany.”
I wish ppl would start saying Occupied Germany, because Germany is Occupied and garrisoned by the USA. These woke laws are not endemic to Germany or the German people , they originate from behind the (((curtain))).
Thanks HW for posting my comments First , Identity Dixie has been as well, thanks as well!
I only knew about the dissent right vs conservative republicans via web sites, The Daily Stormer, History Review, and renegade tribune.
“We don’t share common values with Germany” – as usual smooth-brained Wallace fails to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the decent people of a country vs their jew-controlled government and – yes – we in the US also have a ZOG it’s just a kindler, gentler version of it.
I didn’t think it was necessary to point that out
Why not Mr. Wallace ? Why do u protect the truth spoken about Jews ?
The German government is an Orwellian despotism bent on destroying and replacing the German people. If you are on a site like this, I don’t think it is necessary to spell this out
Brad, as a European, i hope that Trump crush the European deep state (which has always been tied and linked to American deep state) and free us to our oppressors like he did in USA. I’m not naive, I know that Trump amd Musk don’t care about europeans but it is all about affairs and economic questions, but if If it would weaken the power of the European parliament, giving the individual states back their true sovereignty, that would be great.
Here is Vladimir Bukovsky, a survivor of the Soviet GULAG system, speaking in 2006 (< 5 minutes) about the many similarities between the EU and the Soviet Union. His reference to the "intellectual gulag" of enforced political correctness prefigured cancel culture. He ends "I have lived in your future and it didn't work".
The EU is well on its way to full blown totalitarianism and the sooner it is destroyed the better. Hopefully an AfD victory in the upcoming German elections will start the process off in earnest.
Real good analogy, Soviet EU .
The man has real good perception.
“I don’t want to hear the “worse is better” shit anymore from activists”
If you think this “Team America – World Police” bullshit is any way good for white people, you are beyond deluded. The US regime must end, all of it, is like wanting to save a stage 4 cancer patient with the cancer having spread to every organ.
And if you want to complain about German censorship, the ADL is more powerful than any ZOG vassal censorship operation could ever muster. The ADL has near totalitarian oversight over all the big ZOG internet outlets, how does the Germany government even come close to this, more importantly you will never hear people like Vance (the guy with those half breed spawn) ever dare mention the ADL.
The ADL is on X impotently crying about Vance’s speech in Munich and support for AfD. The advertisers came back after their failed boycott. Also, Elon is on X every day intervening in German politics trying to boost AfD. You guys have an antiquated view of the world.
People’s opinions, regardless of how distasteful, are best displayed in the public domain where they can be examined and questioned, rather than kept simmering undercover. If people can’t express themselves with phrases and sentences, they’ll do it with guns and bombs. These people are still here, and still hold those view’s.
Translated……. don’t let their frustrations fester. Let them speak. They may even have some good ideas.
There is a big push underway to get Europe to turn on Islam, I wonder why? It is so much better to mind your own business and try and live in peace. Nobody listens. Nobody listens. Put it on my tombstone.
Thats what right wing Americans are all about. Hannity starts every radio show inciting hatred against Islam and Muslims. Every show for over 20 years. Usually twice in one show. About everything else the right wing will shift slowly but surely with the prevailing left- wing narratives. The exception was when the libs/Dems deep state, went too far in the non- stop persecution and prosecution of Trump and with the boys in girls sports, bathrooms, multiple pronounce stuff. That jumping of the shark and Dems brazen favoring of open borders and perks for illegals is what put Trump in power.
For Vance or any right wing to talk about free speech as a European value, when for decades questioning the holocaust narrative has been illegal over there, and the right wing Americans never had a problem with it, these same right wingers who want to suppress and outlaw pro- Palestinian demonstrations and penalize individuals who openly side with Palestine, just underscores that it’s not free speech they really care about but spreading hate against Muslims and Islam in hopes for some totalizing war on them all. For since WW2, the last totalizing war [doesn’t matter how many men, women, and kids were murdered, Merikans have a nostalgic glorification of it] these right wingers long for another simplistic good vs evil totalizing Star- Wars narrative cause. This was the promise made to their hearts after 9-11; oh boy life has meaning we’re going to go turn the ME into glass and Gods on our side!
Fact is Europe and US never had shared values. Another “clash of civilization” code for genocidal war against Muslims.
The Puritan settlers fled Europe because their Talibanesque intolerant “puritanism” made them hated there; their, if- you’re- rich- you- must- be- good, favored- by- God, work- till -you- drop ethos are the antithesis of Europeans who believe that the purpose of govt IS to provide for the welfare of its citizens. And socialism is not a dirty word there. [Though thanks to the younger generation its actually becoming less so here]. Vance goes after the low hanging fruit, Koran burning, which is not mere speech but an act. No different then painting a swastika on a synagogue. Not mere vandalism. If ones rightfully illegal then so too should the other one be. But not to unprincipled hateful bigoted inciteful stirring the pot interfering with the politics of other countries Vance, who will along with the deep state subcribe to the notion that it’s illegal for foreign govts to post stuff online to influence US elections. Right wing Merikan hypocrite double standard and hateful war mongering bully. That’s US right- wingism.
I agree with Vance about how outrageous it is to arrest peaceful anti- abortion protesters but he’s good with Israel dismembering kids in Gaza and if you protest you should be thrown out of the country or barred from being hired or fired.
Like I said, you should have seen it in person. For all the times we wish we could have been a fly on the wall, this time, I sorta was.
To be fair, the Germans are only doing exactly what we told them to do for 80 years. All of this is the hidden purpose of NATO.
Germany is an occupied nation.