Donald Trump Takes Victory Lap At Daytona 500

The failures of the first term, the defeat in 2020, the deplatforming, the two impeachments, the lawfare, the attempt to destroy his business, the years spent in exile meditating on his failures, the assassination attempts is what made this epic comeback and timeline possible.

Trump is unchained and doing whatever he wants to do now like negotiating with Putin or mocking Governor Trudeau. He is living his best life and doing literal victory laps around his opposition at the Daytona 500 while firing them en masse. This seems like a story with a happy ending.

Note: Unlike activists who complain endlessly about sports, Trump seems to be using these events to take over the culture, elevate himself and enhance his strong man image.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. At its heart the MAGA movement is a White Trailer Trash movement – NASCAR, Kid Rock, Ashley St Clair, UFC, Hulk Hogan. etc.

    • Lol. That “White Trailer Trash movement” is currently taking apart the vast edifice the oh-so-clever Marxist intellectuals created over the last however many decades. Sad.

    • WHITE TRASH, WHITE TRASH, WHITE TRASH, talking bout that WHITE TRASH, an old man, said to me one time, Lad, their are two kind of WHITE MEN,in this world ” WHITE CASH ” and ” WHITE TRASH ” another old man told me,” if you can count your money, you ain’t got none ” so that being said and understood, it means, their is a whole lot of WHITE TRASH around, but what you ELITIST, fail to understand is, that their are different branches of WHITE TRASHINESS, such as the one I belong too, thee UPWARDLY MOBILE WHITE TRASH, in another day and age,new were referred too as thee ” THEE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA ” and the SUPREME MAN, rode at head of our column, so, some friendly advice for you IGNORANT SIR, you would be wise to mind your tongue …….

  2. Even though Hunter is sneakily backpublishing my comments behind everyone else, I fully support the perspective he is presenting of Trump’s Presidency.

    Even for a MAGA Patriot Trump operative like myself, I am a bit overwhelmed by not just the sheer scope of WINS for Trump, but also at Hunter’s ability to keep up with posting articles on them and his narrative forming on Trump’s activities.

    More interestingly, Hunter seems to be doing his own victory laps around troglodyte swiveled eyed loons of the Anti-Southern Anti-Semitic ((White Nationalists)) and Leftist DC Commentariate who routinely shiite on his show.

  3. “Note: Unlike activists who complain endlessly about sports, Trump seems to be using these events to take over the culture and enhance his strong man image.”

    What’s more, he’s displaying empathy with a segment of the population that’s been written off and ignored by Washington DC, the media and our ruling elite – especially the Democrats.

  4. > Unlike activists who complain endlessly about sports, Trump seems to be using these events to take over the culture, elevate himself and enhance his strong man image.

    Indeed. As I recall, a certain Austrian painter liked to use sporting events for a similar purpose. I’m a bit surprised that the NTJ folks didn’t notice this. There is nothing inherently wrong with sports. What’s wrong is that the usual suspects and their long columns of followers have twisted perverted a positive thing into another sideshow in their great Clown-World circus.

  5. He’s going to end up building a Trumpian Amphitheater in Central Park to feed enemies to the wild animals and have formerly tenured professors fight duels as he watches the gore get spilled.

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