Courtney is right.
This is a controversial take in the movement though.
Movementarian activists believe Jews, evangelical Christians and White women are our downfall. And yet, no one in the entire country is more rightwing than White evangelical Protestant women in Mississippi and Alabama over 80% of whom voted for Trump in the 2020 and 2024 elections.
White evangelical Protestants are far more rightwing than anyone else in America across all identity questions whether it is miscegenation, mass deportations, immigration restriction, warm feelings toward their own race. This is why Mississippi is a solid Red State in spite of being nearly 40% black while Vermont sends Bernie Sanders to Congress and voted for Kamala Harris in spite of being 92% White.
In the 2020 election, atheists and agnostics were 4% of Trump’s coalition. Irreligious voters were 12% of Trump voters. These people are also the most liberal and moderate wing of the party on social issues. Irreligiosity is strongly correlated with leftwing politics. It is why Jews are so leftwing. Crazy Orthodox Jews support Trump and Netanyahu. Most Jewish voters are run of the mill shitlib progressives.
White Protestant women in the Deep South don’t vote like White Catholic women in the Upper Midwest or the Pacific Coast or Northeast. There isn’t much of a gender divide in the South. None of this is news. It is only controversial because White Nationalism strongly appeals to the 1% to 5% of far right atheists who are extreme outliers. There are probably more black Republicans now than far right atheists.

“White evangelical Protestants are far more rightwing than anyone else in America”
This fact is well known and accepted by every sane, knowledgeable person.
The only issue for which this might not be true is foreign policy vis-a-vis the Middle East, but that hasn’t always been the case. 100 years ago, America’s White evangelicals were isolationist, not Zionist. The Zionists were liberal Jews like Louis Brandeis.
On this one issue, we’ve gone astray and we need to return to our roots.
Contrary to your assumption, as to isolationism, the South was far less isolationist than the North and especially the Midwest. Southerners and Westerners and Yankees were less isolationist than other regional and ethno-secrarian groups. Irish Catholic, German Catholics, and Italian Catholics and German Protestants were the most isolationist between 1900 -1960 in every region and in contrast, the Anglo-Protestant the most interventionist.
In contrast, and amazingly, from WWI onward, even the North East was less interventionist than the South. This goes back to the Spanish American War. In fact, it goes back to before the Civil War. Antebellum South was the most expansionist of the regions, with Southerners filling most of the ranks of the Secretary Intelligence Service, the Military Service, and the Covert Action Filibuster expeditions and being more willing to engage in overseas interventions.
Sheer hatred for the Union after Confederare defeat, rage at the GOP after Reconstruction, the black pilled cynicism after the sale of American domestic and foreign policy to Northern corporate interests, all combined to make the South more isolationist than anywhere else after the Civil War until the Spanish American War. This Gilded Age Isolationism in the South was a historical anomaly. It was rooted in ethnic hatred of a Yankee dominated government and need for recovery from the Civil War.
The fact is, historically the South has always been the most interventionist and the Midwest has been the most isolationist. This is rooted in ethno-sectarian differences. Southern Anglo-Protestants have a history of Westward and Southward expansion against Savages and Mixed race Catholics. European Catholic immigrants merely want to have a Catholic dominated but broadly unauthoritarian peaceful lifestyle away from squabbling European nationalites, a vestigial enmity toward Perfidious Albion. In terms of the World Wars, that meant isolationism to the Midwesterners, and interventionism to the Southerners.
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” – Thomas Jefferson, notable Southerner
I suspect the boomers are the last generation of white southerners to widely endorse the Christian Zionist heresy/aposatsy. Younger ones like our host have tossed such nonsense into the garbage heap where it belongs. Despite his brief time in the Confederate Army, Cyrus Scofield was a not a southerner. He was born and raised in Michigan and ended up in St. Louis after deserting the Confederate Army in 1862.
CHRISTIAN ZIONIST heresy/apostasy, should be clearly defined, what it is and isn’t …….
Followers of the Christian Zionist heresy reject the New Testament interpretation of Genesis 12:3 and Genesis 15:18-21
Instead, they accept the Talmudic/Kabbalic interpretation of Genesis 12:3, and the Zionist interpretation of Genesis 15:18-21
To correctly understand Genesis 12:3, read Galatians 3:16. God’s promise to Abraham and his seed (singular) was fulfilled in one man, Jesus Christ. It is not a mandate for the supremacy of the Jewish people (many seeds, plural) – that is the false interpretation of the Pharisees.
The boundaries defined in Genesis 15:18 are part of the old ceremonial law which superseded when the salvation of Christ was revealed (Galatians, Hebrews passim). Returning to the old ceremonial law is a rejection of Christ. But claiming that Jews have a right to those lands, but Palestinians do not, is even worse than that. The Jews are the descendants of those ancient Judeans who rejected Christ and followed the Pharisees, and were expelled from the land by the Romans. The Palestinians are the descendants of those ancient Judeans who followed Christ, whom the Romans allowed to keep living in the land – some later converted to Islam, but many are still Christian to this day. If you accept the Zionist logic, then the Jews maintained their right to the land by rejecting Christ, while the Palestinians lost their right to the land by accepting Christ!
This is the monstrous heresy preached by John Hagee and others of his ilk.
“we need to return to our roots”
Our true roots are are the old gods that our ancestors worshipped for thousands of years. From Zeus to Freya, these are all better than this foreign middle eastern import. Christianity is an absolute bane for white interests, these nonsense universal brotherhood beliefs need to be rejected.
My grandma would say bless your heart. I tell you my friend, Christ is King.
” Are the old gods ” meaning, Darkness and ignorance, “This foreign middle eastern import ” this foreign middle eastern import, is the way, the truth, the light, if DEATH is your bag, then the old gods are for you, if LOVE, PEACE, HAPPINESS and LIFE,interest you, I would really recommend this foreign middle eastern import ……. IMO ……
The ironic thing is that Zeus, Freya, and even Thor, are all derivatives of old Babylonian and Canaanite deities. I can’t adequately defend this claim in a comment thread, but it’s not generally controversial (For a scholarly intro to the ideas, see M.L. West’s “The East Face of Helicon”).
The ancient white pagans were more knowledgeable and intelligent than their government-schooled, modernist, defenders, and when the Most High of all the pantheon opened up salvation to the world, they loved Him for it, converted, and bowed to Him…as did my grandfather, father, and now me.
“This is why Mississippi is a solid Red State in spite of being nearly 40% black while Vermont sends Bernie Sanders to Congress and voted for Kamala Harris in spite of being 92% White.”
You’re tragically correct.
There’s some deep defect in WHITE folks.
I actually see no controversy here. The Trump 2.0 administration has a very significant pro-White (TBC), pro-Christian, conservative & heavily pro-Zionist character. That religious Jews and the Scofield evangelical army (including many Negroes*) voted for Trump in great numbers, does not in itself lessen the risk that MIGA will again take precedence over MAGA. However, Trump’s plan seems to be to max out on MIGA whilst at the same time ensuring it’s not at the expense of his domestic MAGA agenda. I can only assume a modus vivendi reflecting this balance has been negotiated with the Zionist lobby. The proposed Iran deal will be an important test, as Trump absolutely must stop Israel from dragging the US into a huge regional war. Maybe MIGA & MAGA needn’t be a nil sum game and if anyone can pull it off I expect Trump is the guy.
*Thanks in no small part to Trump’s “spiritual advisor”, televangelist & con-woman extraordinaire; Paula White
We must be clear though. Zionist interests, whilst potentially very harmful to America, are secondary to the enormous ongoing harm done by the private Jewish banking cartel that controls America via the “terrible power of the purse”. All the pro-Zionist policies in the world won’t make a dent in that and MAGA is ultimately doomed unless it includes a plan to end the ruinous racket and return control of America’s money to the People. I find it heartening that Musk is talking about appointing Ron Paul as Fed governor. Even if the proposal is in jest, such speculation would simply have been impossible just a few short weeks ago.
How about auditing the Federal Reserve and more importantly, Fort Knox? Those two suggestions have been floating around on Twitter lately, real external audits too, not: “just take our word for it, we checked, it’s all there”.
Neither the Fed nor Fort Knox could likely withstand an audit, otherwise they would have been audited decades ago to silence critics. The recent run up in gold prices is putting tremendous pressure on the rotten COMEX and LBMA, which are scrambling to come up with gold for good delivery. The day they have to declare Force Majeure, no more physical delivery (except to their friends) is the day the whole rotten fiat money system begins to rapidly unwind and GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire along with it.
There’s a clause in almost all those contracts that they can settle in cash. They can run to the banks if they can’t settle and ultimately to the fed resv, which will back them in crisis. It’s all a paper castle.
Ultimately I can only see inflation with more inflation. They’ll tell the public inflation is 2 or 3%, which the gullible public believes, while running at 8+%. Their lies will have to get bigger along with inflation, as both increase, until there’s a snapping point.
That’s all I can foresee.
Indeed. Gold and silver is the ultimate protection against corrupt government which most people will only learn in hindsight, which is always 20/20.
The Southern evangelical could be pushed easier into a theocracy as well, if left to themselves. Maybe that’s their preference. You would have thought that the pious Yankees of New England with their witches and demon haunted world past history and liberation activism would have been the more likely region to become the Christian Taliban.
TPC seems to have become a republican talk show.
> You would have thought that the pious Yankees of New England with their witches and demon haunted world past history and liberation activism would have been the more likely region to become the Christian Taliban.
They already did. The part you accidentally left out was that the NE puritans dropped all pretense of Christianity and embraced the dogmas of the Church of Woke. They – almost more than the usual suspects – are basically the Woke Taliban. They’re one of the reasons Yarvin called their witches’ coven “The Cathedral” – though part of it was to deflect from the Synagogue of Satan of course.
Yarvin calls it the Cathedral because he doesn’t know that pro-Jew dissenter Protestants like the Yankees don’t have bishops. He doesn’t even know that they are pro-Jew. Curtis Yarvin is proof that if you’re a Jew you can write the most ridiculous shit and it will be lapped up by all sorts of fools.
I think TPC is just trying to take the wins where we can. They still certainly understand all the issues we face with the synagogue of satan.
pagans and white atheist eugenic-bros will never be convinced that they are not a soon-to-be majority. they are siloed in online echo-chambers and nee to go GET A JOB AND HOLD IT FOR A YEAR to see where the average American is at. They are extremely out of touch but also extremely loud online. its impotent and sad.
Agree completely. The arguments from these types while sitting in their basements is very tiring.
Christian WNs always make this argument, they’re living in the real world and we’re “out of touch.” I think the opposite is the case. The Christian nationalist political platform has potential only in the deep South and maybe Appalachia and the Great Plains. It won’t win in the industrial Midwest, Southern Florida, or the Mountain West.
1. Trump is sitting in the White House after winning the industrial Midwest and clobbering Democrats in south Florida. He won Florida by over 10 points in 2024.
2. Abortion is now banned across most of the South. Transgenderism is under a full frontal assault by the Trump administration. Most Southern states have passed anti-trans laws.
3. White evangelical Protestants are Trump’s political base while atheists make up 1% of his coalition. Christian nationalists are staffing the Trump administration.
4. Meanwhile, the WNs who hate Christianity are completely marginalized, have no political traction on the Right and no political vehicle to advance their demands. Most of them seem to spend their time thinking of ways to lose elections to the Left. Who are these people in touch with?
“Meanwhile, the WNs who hate Christianity are completely marginalized, have no political traction on the Right and no political vehicle to advance their demands. Most of them seem to spend their time thinking of ways to lose elections to the Left. Who are these people in touch with?”
Either wittingly or unwittingly, they are in touch with the ADL and SPLC and thru them with American and British security services.
White Christians are the backbone of America, the hard-working people who made this country great. But the backbone of America is not enough. You also need the brain of America, the intelligentsia, who tend to secularism. Only national socialism can promise to unite all classes of white Americans.
Secularism doesn’t equal intelligence. Exactly the opposite in my opinion. How can the secular class be the intelligentsia when they are the ones who don’t know the difference between a man and a woman? I’m not interested in uniting with atheists and their various subgroups and cults. I don’t think whites in the US can ever be truly united. Balkanization is the answer. “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
“no one in the entire country is more rightwing than White evangelical Protestant women.”
Alabama chose Doug Jones over Roy Moore. (according to the people who believe elections are a correct count of legitimate votes)
You’ve got a poll showing the women are more conservative than the men? Evangelical is a self-selected category. You don’t call yourself evangelical if you were raised in it but stopped going to church or caring about religion. It wasn’t too long ago you were identifying with the Lutherans, which in America is considered a mainline denomination. Of course, they might be more conservative than you, Brad.
All those blonde (and fake blonde) sorority girl types in the South might vote for Trump, a Teuton-Gael who happens to share their hair color and pretends to be a Presbyterian. Hair Not Heritage!
If a woman is in the “Daughters of the Confederacy” – she’s probably something like Jared Taylor’s mother, the pro-gay right pro-Confederate relic of the time when “We were all one country!”
JPS, I can tell you what he is referring to in regards to his comment about women. I am working on an article where I studied the exit polls in great detail. When you look at regional averages, Southern white males voted for Trump in the highest percentages. When you look at individual state percentages, Southern white women in Alabama and Mississippi had the highest percentages in voting for Trump. Southern white females in general voted for Trump in higher percentages than white men outside the South did.
In regards to Doug Jones, is that the only election people can think of when bashing Alabama? There was major corruption in that election. You had out of state Northerners like Alyssa Milano from Who’s the Boss coming down here and driving blacks to the polls. A lot of whites sat the election out. That election was a strange anomaly and hardly representative of our state.
In regards to evangelical, we have been over this before. You like to focus on the standard textbook definition but everyone knows Evangelical Protestants are largely Southerners. It is Evangelical Protestants that Brad was talking about in regards to voting patterns, not just Evangelicals in general.
I don’t even understand your point about sorority girls in the South. And your comment about the Daughters of the Confederacy is a major assumption. You can pick on white women in the South for being Zionists if you want, but there aren’t very many of us who are liberal unlike white women in the Northeast, Upper Midwest and Pacific Coast.
Not only is the Protestant Evengelical population the most right wing, the Southern Protestant Evangelical population is the most rightwing of the Evangelical Protestants across America. This holds true across the sexes according to region. Southern Evangelical women being so more rightwing than Northern White Catholic and Atheists, that the later appear to be eunuchs.
Interestingly, this also holds true with Southern Mainline Protestants. These Southern Mainliners are almost as rightwing as their Southern Evangelical counterparts. Noteworthy exceptions being Lutherans and Congregational Christians. Nonetheless, they too were more Rightwing than their Northern counterparts. In short, almost all Anglo-Protestant sectarian groups are more rightwing than the Catholic, Jewish and Atheist sects with the Southern regional cohorts being the most rightwing of their narional Anglo-Protestant community.
Given these variations, it appears that not only secfional sectarian differences are the key to evaluating political beliefs, but most especially ethno-sectarian differences. For example, Southern Lutherans, one of the Mainline outliers, to this day have substantial numbers of German ancestry in their congregations. As a result they politically align more closely with their Northern counterparts, who are also predominantly German, in contrast to the other Evangelicals who are British. As a result, Southern Lutherans are more liberal than Southern Evangelicals.
It seems that ehno-sectarian Christians which are closely related to British origin Protestant denominations are the most rightwing. In turn, since Southern Protestant congregations derive from this source, Southern Anglo-Protestants are the most rightwing. So what we have here is that across the nation, British American Protestants are the most rightwing national-sectarian group in the country. In turn among them, the most rightwing ethno-sectarian group are British American Colonial Protestants, e.g. the true Native Americans. And among that group the most hard core are the Southern regional ones which represent the single largest number of that founding stock. So, Irish Mexican groypers can go suck it. We represent the true rightwing of America.
“None of this is news. It is only controversial because White Nationalism strongly appeals to the 1% to 5% of far right atheists who are extreme outliers.”
I’d like you to expand on this please. I always considered the pagans or atheists to be a religious minority in White Nationalism and merely loud. You’ve been to more IRL meetings than I have from what I’ve seen. How prevalent would you say it is? Do you believe it has gotten worse?
In the 00’s it was almost a given that a WN would be at least nominally Christian. Not sure if that’s changed with time.
I swear Courtney is worth her weight in gold! Very informative!
”Movementarian activists believe Jews, evangelical Christians and White women are our downfall.
Two out of three are bad.
White Women: Good
Evangelicals: Bad
Jews: Ugly
White evangelical Protestants are far more rightwing than anyone else in America across all identity questions whether it is miscegenation,mass deportations, immigration restriction, warm feelings toward their own race.”
There is no White demographic group of any type that is against miscegenation or that has warm feelings towards their own race. The objective fact on the ground is that race doesn’t matter to Aryans anymore. We don’t have a racial consciousness anymore, and the racial consciousness we had in the past was clearly so weak to begin with that all it took was a little bit of Critique and application of Critical Theory to make the whole thing crumble.
There is no mass racial awakening among White Conservatives or any other Aryan demographic group. Failure to recognize this reality can and will continue to result in failed strategies and the inevitable doom of any movement that considers itself “Pro-White.”
”Irreligiosity is strongly correlated with leftwing politics. It is why Jews are so leftwing. Crazy Orthodox Jews support Trump and Netanyahu. Most Jewish voters are run of the mill shitlib progressives.”.
Jews are shitlibz when they need to be (among the goyim) and Nationalists when they need to be (in their own country). There are minor squabbles and disagreements over how to advance towards World Domination. The end goal among both factions is exactly the same. For now, shitlibbery is on hold while the goyim blow off some steam and VOTE MOAR HARDER for colorblind conservatism.
“It is only controversial because White Nationalism strongly appeals to the 1% to 5% of far right atheists who are extreme outliers. There are probably more black Republicans now than far right atheists.”
On this take, you are absolutely right, and the sooner White Nationalism accepts that, the sooner we can move on towards strategizing and planning in a way that doesn’t assume “converting the masses” is possible or desirable.
We are a fanatical group of heavily marginalized ideologues (True Believers) who are trying to cross a threshold of consciousness that was never actually crossed before. We are trying to advance into the future with a centuries long outlook that has a clear Friend-Enemy distinction, but that is also at war with the very instincts of its own Friends (Whites of all ideologies and stripes are anti-racist By Nature. I very much wish to see an open debate on this topic).
From this core perspective, yes, things are bleak. The situation is as BlackPilled as it can be. The hope for victory can be found in the collective will of this fanatical minority triumphing and overpowering the will of the various elites who control the institutions and wield power, and from there, bending the masses to our own will, and reshaping them as we see fit.
I’m not saying White Nationalism will win. I’m saying that, from any sort of perspective that can plausibly call itself Pro-White, there is nothing about Donald Trump or his MAGA cult movement that aligns with a Pro-White worldview. And, speaking for myself, although I would have picked a different angle of attack than the ones chosen by TRS and other “Activists,” there is absolutely nothing inconsistent or morally wrong about shitting all over white people (lower case W) who categorically and explicitly refuse to grow a pair of balls and take their own side by defending themselves AS WHITES!” They have made it overwhelmingly clear that race is the last thing they care about, and I derive great pleasure over hating them for it and feeling intense levels of resentment at them over it.
Mollie Tibbits father is the standard for the White Race. Trump’s base is the rightwing version of that, while the Democrat base is the leftwing version of that. We *will* evolve past that in record time, or we will go extinct.
Calling Evangelicals “bad” is a bit strong of a word isn’t it? Do you mean the leaders and preachers on tv or the common Southern Baptist who voted against Kamala in higher numbers than any other denomination except for other white evangelicals perhaps? And this group is also the most likely to reject liberal policies in general.
Hello Courtney,
Excellent statistical analysis, hard to argue with your conclusions. One caveat is that “Liberal” beliefs amongst White people everywhere are Luxury Beliefs, made possible by the general prosperity in the U.S. post-WWII era. This easy prosperity was squandered by about 1975, 30 years after WWII. It has limped along, sort of, in an attenuated fashion, through massive money printing and debt, debt, debt growth, both governmental and private. Inflation has naturally followed suit, enriching the Ruling Class and slowly wrecking the Middle Class.
No tree grows to the sky and when the financial system crumbles again from its unpayable debts like it did in 2008, 2000, 1998, 1987 etc. the enormous existing debts will hobble any recovery. Inflation and poverty for “Liberal” Whites will be one of the consequences causing their “Liberal” beliefs to vanish like the morning dew. “Liberal” Whites used post-WWII prosperity to move away from minorities as the U.S. Government, in its infinite wisdom, passed (so-called) “Civil Rights”(sic) legislation. White “Liberals” voted with their feet against the “Liberal” agenda while still voting for the uniparty agenda they falsely believed would never catch up with them.
When economic problems force “Liberals” to live out their “Liberal” beliefs, e.g. enjoying their new colored neighbors up close and personal, whether they like it or not, and they won’t, they will turn on a dime. Their “Liberal” beliefs are mostly a false product of their ridiculous college mis-educations and popular fashions as taught to them by TV, purple haired public school teachers, Hollywood etc. For many “Liberals”, especially young women with children their Liberalism will turn out to be a mile wide and a millionth of an inch deep once challenged by reality.
12AX7, thanks
Great post.
Mic drop.
Thanks November. *raises a mug*
You’ve raised an important and interesting question in your post, which was also raised over at Unz in the article: Why are Whites so vulnerable?
There are a number of theories about this.
One of them holds that whites are the ones who were first chosen to be targeted by various operations to strip them of identity. There is some evidence for this too. If you visit some of the very westernized Asian countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the same disease can be seen emerging there. It’s not anywhere near as advanced as it is in America or Europe but the framework is already under construction. Mainland China stands in contrast.
Were whites always this way? Are they somehow hardwired genetically to self-destruct?? Why are so many willing to take the 30 pieces of fake silver to betray kith and kin?
It may at first seem that this matter does not relate to the Southern United States but it most assuredly does. For one thing, as Courtney has demonstrated, the US South is less degraded than many other parts of the white world. Ironically, the idealized blonde ‘Aryan’ types in Scandinavia are probably the most degraded of all. Why is this so? How did this all come to pass?
Thanks, Exalted Cyclops.
White evangelicals are just very rural people. They accordingly have more natural values since they are less exposed to the fake absractions of urban cosmopolitanism. They then contextualize their faith within that framework.
Americans read whatever they want into Christianity. Most don’t even read the Bible, and there are so many translations. Which is the truth? Religion has a very low influence on people today compared to race and sex, especially compared to 100 years ago when the Catholic/Protestant split still had traction. That’s why abortion is almost universally popular after Roe’s death. People do not have the intellectual capacity to articulate the contradiction. No one cares about doctrine now except extremely online tradcath memers. Gay sex and race mixing are profoundly unnatural and these people recognize that instinctively.
Anonymous, The South has lots of large cities just like any other region, yet the white people in the South still manage to vote for the Republican candidate in higher percentages than any other region in each election. I never understood this focus on rural vs urban. Our differences are mostly regional.
In regards to Catholics vs Protestants, white Catholics still vote for democrats more than white Protestants do. Every exit poll shows this even though the gap might not be as big as before.
Since when is abortion universally popular? White women in the South voted very strongly against Kamala in very high percentages despite the abortion topic being a big deal. White women in the Interior West and Midwest voted against her too but not by nearly as much.
” South still manage to vote for the Republican ”
So ironic, the South use to be solidly democratic, until the democratic pollster Greenberg told Southern Democrats to run on a gun control platform. The result was massive losses for Democrats and they’ve never come back.
Can you imagine anyone so stupid to think ‘gun control’ would be popular issue in the South ? American politicians, so stupid that they believe a jew pushing a Marxist agenda.
Most of our politicians are unbelievably stupid.
United States of AIPAC, thanks for sharing. So funny how the democrats used to be something entirely different.
We need to bring back the Dixiecrat party!! Mississippi, Courtney’s Alabama and my personal favorite, The Seat of Secession all voted for Mr. Thurmond. He wasn’t perfect but I’d enjoy having an alternative option and the name can’t be beat. Long live Dixie!
Abortion is not “universally popular” or it would never have been on the ballot to begin with. The people in our circles who are hell-bent on supporting abortion (often Jews or with Jewish ancestry – like Weikel from libertyforum/thephora)are obsessed with promoting the idea that opposition to abortion is hopeless and strictly confined to the fringe. (these people are generally virulently Anti-Catholic – many of the pro-life Protestants who are active were raised Catholic – nominal Catholics make up a large fraction of America’s population, but those influenced by Catholic relatives and upbringing are a considerably larger group) These were the very people who said that Roe could never be overturned. There would be no Republican party today of any substance without the pro-life movement. Every state where Republicans abandoned the pro-life movement has become solidly blue.
JPS, I share your views on abortion but I highly doubt that Protestants who are against abortion were raised Catholic. The states with the highest percentage of Protestant Evangelicals also seem to be the states that vote against pro abortion candidates like Kamala the most. I don’t see any evidence indicating that your average Catholic in America is more anti abortion than your average Evangelical Protestant.
I know of an evangelical Christian abortion clinic protester who was raised Catholic. He told me he sent letters to hundreds of Protestant ministers and got three responses. Maybe not in economically depressed states like Alabama and Mississippi, but in the sunbelt generally, there are many evangelicals who were raised Catholic. No doubt about it.
“gay sex and race mixing are profoundly unnatural ” yes, of course, if it don’t look right, it probably isn’t, abortion in the past, in rural area’s, especially in the rural areas, but as rare as opposed to thee, big cities, we had this thing, called, ShotGun weddings ……. You play, you pay, men were held accountable, by other men, they called them dad’s, but since those days, the whole country has become defiled and Southern Evangelicals have been front and center in this war against the evilness, referred to as legalized abortion …….
In my initial post I was not concerned specifically with white women but was commenting about abortion generally. As for the presidential election, no one predicted the result would happen or that we would be where we are today. The defining factors in hindsight was the gigantic disaster of Gaza for Democrats, not only with their base but also with Jewry, and the equally disastrous delayed inflation of the COVID pandemic, which fell right onto Biden’s doorstep. The 2024 presidential election just was not influenced by abortion. I thought it would be given the very strong track history of abortion on a state level after the Roe repeal but it wasn’t. Voters cared more about Gaza and prices. That is why independents, minorities, and most of all the young broke for Trump at the last minute. I can’t remember where women stood. I think Trump attracted a minority of non-college educated women, like 54%, lost the rest and compensated for it with the other groups.
As for the urban/rural divide, this is not new. Currently they both reflect the paradigm of depressed liberal turnout and Assad-like margins beyond the metropolitan areas. All those evangelicals are out there. The traditional voting patterns we’ve seen all our lives are still very alive. Trump was just in the right place, at the right time, and the Democrats did not anticipate a Gaza happening and shattering their Old Jewish Deal when they started all this nonsense back in the second Obama term.
I never said regional differences don’t matter. Actually I do agree with that. The difference is that Catholics are consolidated in the North East and West Coast, both regionally liberal. The urban/rural divide exists there like anywhere else but is obscured because of the dominance of liberal politics at a state level. The South is gaining population as of the last census but that does not mean it is going to suddenly shed its deep historically rural identity overnight. Catholics are not voting for the proudly abortionist party for religions reasons. Neither are protestants voting Republican. Every single mainline Protestant church is in a stampede to out-Woke the other. Apparently their congregations do not care. Religion just does not matter much anymore in America.
Anonymous, I mentioned how white women in the South and Midwest and Interior West voted, because everyone was saying that the right to an abortion was all that white women cared about. Clearly it wasn’t when looking at how most women in these three regions, especially the South, voted. Voting against Kamala as a female is strong evidence for either being anti abortion or not caring about having it as a right. I wrote that in response to you saying something about abortion being universally popular.
You asked how white women voted. 53% overall voted for Trump. I think your percentage you list for only non college educated white women is way too small. It had to have been in the 60s at least. Then you say no other white women voted for him when even 40 something percent of white college educated women did.
I just think we need to make sure we have our facts right on that to avoid unnecessary divisions between the sexes. White men overall really didn’t vote much better than white women. It was only a difference of 7% points. Southern white women voted by a much higher margin more for Trump than white men outside the South. Our differences are more regional than based on sex.
I don’t really understand what you are saying in your last paragraph in some of your conclusions but white Protestants always vote more Republican than white Catholics. When you specifically look at white Evangelicals the difference with Catholics is even more vast.
As lifelong residents of rural Alabama, I am trying to figure out why any White group is running contests and posting stats about being the Trumpiest. Objectively, the man is a moron.
Elon Musk, who is actively raiding the treasury – told us to eff ourselves in the face less than a month ago. Egg prices have almost doubled & Trump is rambling about bird flu. H1B visa’s are at all time high, mexicans have called Trumps bluff and are running around bold now. My company, who never acknowledged black history month now has a freaking banner up & had an ethnic buffet (chicken, collards, cornbread, mac & cheese – classic southern fare) for employees last week.
Southern states are under water and president ketamine told them there would be no more FEMA funds – FEMA is DEI.
Planes are falling out of the sky due to the sperg hiring AI bros who have no idea what they are doing. These “DEI” job layoffs are White people. They may be libs but guess what? The programs they administer are for RED STATE poor people. Blue states have money and take care of their own at the state level.
I do not get how we do not see that we are being used and played.
Vickey, are you from Alabama or did you move here at some point? Would Kamala have been a better option to vote for than Trump? Maybe Southerners voted for Trump because they didn’t have a better option.
You mention your company has suddenly started celebrating Black History Month. In rural Alabama that sounds odd unless a bunch of blacks suddenly got hired.
Everything you were is straight Democrat High HQ talking points that are neatly combined with media stories.
“chicken, collards, cornbread, mac & cheese – classic southern fare.”
Thats not ethnic, it’s American fare. Stop the cultural appropriation. What you need to worry about isn’t pearl clutching over legacy media Democrat talking points, but worry about how to ensure the common man in the South isn’t ground down by foreign interest and corporate combines frees from government oversight.
Sounds like a damn good supper to me!
” Only national socialism can promise to unite all classes of WHITE AMERICANS ” WRONG, national socialism is quite suited for you Mexicans, not here in the states, the good that was done in Germany from 1933 till their great leaders, offed themselves, I would attribute too their Northern European DNA, not socialism ……..lets examine the he results of national socialism in Germany, a Destroyed country, economy obliterated, national character forever changed, millions of brave soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Reich, Dead, Crippled, led off into brutal slavery in the misery of Siberian, work camps, never to see their families, their homeland again, the national socialist, left Germany a SOULLESS, BEGGAR NATION, Be thankful to God, America took pity on them and fed them, rebuilt them, led them back to CiviliZED Society, hopefully one day, the Germans along with the rest of EUROPE, will grow their testicles back, notice how, when White people turn their backs on JESUS CHRIST, how lousy things get ….
I’ve always wondered about the obsession WNs have with the German NSDAP. It was successful at least on the surface for a few years – until Hitler decided he wanted an empire. As you note, it was an utter disaster at the end of eight short years. Total failure and Germany is in the process of genociding itself as we write this. The Austrian painter was not the inventor of National Socialism, whose basic outline was advanced by Sun Yat-Sen early in the 20th century. A form of it was practiced in Taiwan under Chang Kai-shek from 1949 to the 1980s. Although the mainland claims to be communist, today’s system presided over by Xi is quite alien to standard Marxist theory. It’s closer to National Socialism than anything else. Marx opined that “religion is the opiate of the people” – a view shared by the various right-leaning atheists and pagan larpers. This is a lie. It’s not religion which is the opiate of the people but the notion of equality, which does not exist in nature.
National Socialism lifted Germany out of Weimar conditions in just a few years, shook off the diabolical Treaty of Versailles imposed on them by vicious means of starvation and occupation because Germany was the only nation that honored the truce of November 1918 and demobilized as all other combatants were supposed to do.
The German economy was booming like no other in the world, the people were proud and energized.
You are so wrong about Hitler waning an empire. That was NEVER hos or the party’s plans or intention. That’s All-lied propaganda just like the gas chambers. Both were produced by the MFing British military propaganda branch, as David Irving proved beyond a shadow of a doubt using the British Archives.
They had pulled of a rousingly successful Summer Olympics where they dominated the medal count.
They saved Spain from falling into the jewish clutches of bolshevism during their Civil War. The US, England, and USSR supported the communist “Republicans” in that war btw.
It was a government that united Protestant, Catholic, Pagan, and no religion together as one people and nation.
Also, a lot of folks ignorant to National Socialist history and the war do not know that Germany had many allies during the war other than Japan and Italy.
Because some of you dwell in American online ghettoes, you do not comprehend that National Socialism is widely population around the world with people of European origin, especially those under 40.
The fact that the powers that be in the judeo-West blasphemy, censor, criminalize National Socialist groups and even their symbols and salutes should inform you who they fear, and it isn’t Christian nationalism or paleoconservatism.
You made some fine points about the positives of the German regime and I incorrectly stated they wanted an empire from the outset. That kind of came about later, and it was more of a reaction to being pushed into war by the City of London and its minions. Hitler’s great failure was in falling into the trap laid for him. They finally had their excuse when he invaded France.
He should not have allowed the British army to escape at Dunkirk. He could have taken the majority prisoner and put them to work in factories. Churchill would then have been forced to bomb his own soldiers, which may well have led to his downfall. This might have bought Hitler time to build an army in the east to face a real possible invasion from Stalin. Invading the USSR was a fatal error while Britain remained and was working with the criminal FDR to have the US enter the war. At the end of the day, Hitler and his party left Germany in total ruins. National Socialism isn’t necessarily any less invalid than any other form of government, but there are better examples of it.
Amen brother!
National Socialism lifted Germany out of Weimar conditions in just a few years, shook off the diabolical Treaty of Versailles imposed on them by vicious means of starvation and occupation because Germany was the only nation that honored the truce of November 1918 and demobilized as all other combatants were supposed to do.
The German economy was booming like no other in the world, the people were proud and energized.
You are so wrong about Hitler waning an empire. That was NEVER hos or the party’s plans or intention. That’s All-lied propaganda just like the gas chambers. Both were produced by the MFing British military propaganda branch, as David Irving proved beyond a shadow of a doubt using the British Archives.
They had pulled of a rousingly successful Summer Olympics where they dominated the medal count.
They saved Spain from falling into the jewish clutches of bolshevism during their Civil War. The US, England, and USSR supported the communist “Republicans” in that war btw.
It was a government that united Protestant, Catholic, Pagan, and no religion together as one people and nation.
Also, a lot of folks ignorant to National Socialist history and the war do not know that Germany had many allies during the war other than Japan and Italy.
Because some of you dwell in American online ghettoes, you do not comprehend that National Socialism is widely population around the world with people of European origin, especially those under 40.
The fact that the powers that be in the judeo-West blasphemy, censor, criminalize National Socialist groups and even their symbols and salutes should inform you who they fear, and it isn’t Christian nationalism or paleoconservatism.
The problem with you Nazis is you just don’t know how to move on. It must be that stubborn bigotry that just naturally flows thru the veins of Alpinic peoples most of you Nazis seem to be descended. Instead of talking about some of the good things the Nazis did to rebuild Germany, you go onward to deny any of the bad things they did to cause the destruction of Germany.
“National Socialism lifted Germany out of Weimar conditions in just a few years.”
This is true. But so has Chinese Communism done the same for China and on an even vaster scale. So what was the secret sauce? International Capital was the force that rebuilt Germany under Nazism. This was accomplished almost entirely by Hitler’s Banker, who had extensive ties with the Western Allied finance sectors and was well respected within international finance.
“It shook off the diabolical Treaty of Versailles imposed on them by vicious means of starvation and occupation because Germany was the only nation that honored the truce of November 1918 and demobilized as all other combatants were supposed to do.”
No. It was strictly Hitler’s Banker who got the Bushes, Rockefellers, Harrimans, etc to refinance the terms of Versailles and pour international finance into rebuilding Germany. Most of it went into building military industry. Once Hitler got what he wanted and had his Rockefeller-Bush financed massive army to invade Europe, he axed the guy and made the Banker an internal exilee .
“The German economy was booming like no other in the world, the people were proud and energized.”
Germans usually don’t have a problem being proud. In this they are kind of like the N@ggers of Europe. Fact is, most of that money came from American finance and restructured financial arrangements by the Allied financiers.
While, our counties starved and were out of work during the Great Depression, Nazis were conning the Allied fianciers into more sacrifices so they could give more money to Germans so they could be at their best. So, yeah, the N@ggers of Europe got treated like the N@ggers of America and look what we got in return. World War.
“You are so wrong about Hitler waning an empire. That was NEVER hos or the party’s plans or intention. That’s All-lied propaganda just like the gas chambers. Both were produced by the MFing British military propaganda branch, as David Irving proved beyond a shadow of a doubt using the British Archives.”
Okay. This is so laughable as to not deserve an argument. Simply put, Hitler as a German Imperialist, imperialized his European brothers thereby causing World War II.
“They had pulled of a rousingly successful Summer Olympics where they dominated the medal count.”
Again, the N@ggers of Europe.
“They saved Spain from falling into the jewish clutches of bolshevism during their Civil War.”
Sounds oddly like the N@ggers of Islam propoganda used for American N@gger ghettos but for White European countries.
“The US, England, and USSR supported the communist “Republicans” in that war btw.”
Actually not entirely true. Britain and France at one time or another gave material aid to the Nationalists. Even though Leftist Parties in those countries and a desire to blunt Soviet influence in the Republicans evebtually stopped that officially, there were private material and volunteers that went to the Nationalists as well. Its thru such “capacity building” that Britain later used its Nationalist Party assets to keep Franco from joining the Axis.
“It was a government that united Protestant, Catholic, Pagan, and no religion together as one people and nation.”
It united them under party control. Creating a Nazi Church is like creating a Republican Church. Its weird and slightly blasphemous.
“Also, a lot of folks ignorant to National Socialist history and the war do not know that Germany had many allies during the war other than Japan and Italy.”
This is true. They also had large numbers of volunteers from across the world who came to fight them. Most though refused to fight the Western Allies. They just wanted to kill commies.
“Because some of you dwell in American online ghettoes, you do not comprehend that National Socialism is widely population around the world with people of European origin, especially those under 40.”
Again true. There are the N@gger Socialists Party of Syria, the Phallangists of Lebanon, similar groups in South America. Aside from the Sand N@ggers, most of these groups are Catholic which is the single constant that seems to unite them. Hmmm..
“The fact that the powers that be in the judeo-West blasphemy, censor, criminalize National Socialist groups and even their symbols and salutes should inform you who they fear, and it isn’t Christian nationalism or paleoconservatism.”
Yeah true. Its because no Christian Nationalist or Paleoconservative ever started the biggest World War in history. Until you start dealing with the reality of German bigoted supremacism, mostly among the ((Alpinic)) ones, you will never get people to accept even some of the good ideas they had.
@ashkanazi hasbara globalist troll,
I won’t dignify a response to your asinine post.
Let those with above room temperature IQs read what you wrote and understand who and what you are.
Your post was so ridiculous that I wondered if it was written by Steven Spielberg or Deborah Lipstadt or both.
The goyim know.
@Terry Smith,
Churches were being built all around Germany during Hitler’s time as chancellor and Führer.
The German Army had engraved on their belt buckles, “Gott mit Uns” which means God is with us.
Y’all Christians are mostly good folks, but should stay in your respective lanes.
@Exalted Cyclops,
Good analogies of Nazis with China and Taiwan. I would note that Taiwan didn’t have big industry but was pretty agrarian when the Nationalists escaped there. Under Kai Shek a protege of Sun Yet Sen, it had to build a cottage industry. This level of development is akin to early industrialization in Britain and America when they made their greatest strides toward economic development and wealth. Likewise for the Taiwan before it started consolidating businesses.
China did have small cottage industries but it focused mostly on building large industries. In this it wasn’t successful until the Bushes and Clintons gave them the money and factories to do so. Nazi Germany had big industries and was successful in leveraging them with their Small and Medium sized entrepreneurial businesses and not coincidentally money from the Bushes and others to make Nazi Germany successful. Modern China is more analogous to Nazi Germany than any other country.
I’d say the combination of racial-nationalism, state organized economix fascism, big industry, etc makes China the best analogy to Nazi Germany. Dangerously, they hold an analogous hatred of Whites in general and White Americans in particular to the Nazi Judenhate. To bad for us. White Nationalists will be the Kapos, White Patriots the Victims in the future Chinese concentration camps, if we fail to get America off the ground in the coming years. If we fail, sadly, I don’t think there will be a Schindler amongst those monkey phuckers to save a Hunter, Exalted Cyclops, or Aryan Bro from Oriental brutality. https://youtu.be/U-6ECnkraTg?si=T_a4PIw0b6Ad1zkd.
November kind Sir, thank you for your response, I do stay in my lane, as much as circumstance will permit, some may desire a, I prefer not, bad men, tend to gravitate, toward high office, in a theocratic system, I and many others prefer thee olde American Republic 1776-1860,.sir, you will never, ever, find me on a Tuetonic site, disparaging national socialism, I love my people, I love the Southland, I love thee olde Confederacy, I desire conflict with no one, but I oppose national socialism, for my people here in the states, to those who come on this Southern site, to attack and insult my people, our culture, our history, our Honor, I will meet you head on, so lets us try to behave as men and mind our manners ….. It will be better, for everyone that way, I respect you Mr.November, I would prefer to maintain that respect ……
So, don’t start no shit and their won’t be none, so God be with you Sir …….
@Terry Smith,
No National Socialist would ever think to impose anything on your beloved Southland. That is your and your kin and kith to do with as you please.
I appreciate your kind and respectful response.
This is not directed at you, but does anybody actually believe that Europe was more Christian after WWII than before it? That’s an unambiguous no. The churches in Europe have become empty relics and societal decay is legion
since they were “liberated” by all-lied governments.
Europe has tragically become more Moslem.
One of the most eye-opening things I learned from this TPC show segment was that white females from the Pacific Northwest and New England are vastly more likely to vote Republican than Blacks- men or women! Therefore, Rinos- please give it a rest about changing Black voting habits-as long as the Democrats are the party of welfare and government jobs, nothing is going to change.
“changing Black voting habits”
That joke brought tears to my eyes.