The American Prospect: The Federal Employee Red Wedding

I remember the cope from Democrats after the election that DOGE was “nothing more than a glorified blue ribbon commission” for the First Buddy. WRONG!

The American Prospect:

“The fog of war is a good analogy for what has transpired the past few days in the federal workforce.

After getting a favorable ruling to move forward, the so-called “deferred resignation” program closed Wednesday night, with 75,000 workers signing up. This represents about three percent of federal employees, short of the administration’s goal of 5-10 percent. Some agencies saw higher pickup, like the eight percent of staff at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation who opted for it. But some IRS employees who took the offer were then told they had to stay until May 15 because their jobs were “essential” to tax filing season. It’s the first documented shenanigan of a program that is still being challenged in court.

The end of deferred resignation triggered the next hack at the workforce, targeting “probationary” employees who have been at their jobs for a short period (between one and two years) and lack many civil service protections. The layoffs came rolling in like waves: there were 70 cut at the Office of Personnel Management, “dozens” at the Department of Education, more than 1,000 at the Department of Veterans Affairs, 2,300 at the Interior Department, 3,400 at the U.S. Forest Service (a month after deadly wildfires in Los Angeles), close to 3,600 at the FBI, up to 5,200 at the Department of Health and Human Services, as many as 9,000 at the IRS. …”

This is like Kristallnacht for government bureaucrats.

As things stand today, anywhere from 3% to 10% of federal employees have been fired. Reddit is overflowing with the tears of crying federal employees who have been laid off. These people are also all being interviewed all over the mainstream media and the Sunday shows.

Note: Look at the sheer number of embedded “diversity” and “antiracism” grifts that the Obama and Biden administrations created to reward progressive activists with fake jobs in Washington. These are the people who live in NOVA and Charles and Montgomery County, MD.


  1. The only heavy weather ahead in all this is that we now know how the Peter Turchin style overproduction of “elites” (i.e. over-credentialed high midwits) was papered over. Now they’re going to be idle hands. We’ve read Turchin, so we know how this story could end.

    • “The only heavy weather ahead in all this is that we now know how the Peter Turchin style overproduction of “elites” (i.e. over-credentialed high midwits) was papered over. Now they’re going to be idle hands. We’ve read Turchin, so we know how this story could end.”

      Outstanding point. I will add that an elite group of counter-commies had researched the new-left professionals back at the end of the last century had come to a similar conclusion. During a counter intelligence research period of education I came across a series of books and journals in the Library of Congress describing something akin to this. There I had found the initial research of this counter-elite and followed up with their primary sources.

      I discovered they had found that a leftwing cultural Marxist elite had long ago planned for the insertion of their beliefs in the pedogogy of education as a means of assuming control of credentialing. In turn, they had planned to use credentialing as a means of taking over both private and public sectors. This New Left Elite was not related to the so called Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School but had obviously been some sort of splitist theoretician group derived from them and had infiltrated academia in the Public and Non-Ivy Elite Schools.

      This leftist group of educators had reasoned that from their academic commanding heights of power they could indoctrinate a large enough portion of PMC and downwardly mobile educated population to form revolutionary cadres with which to mobilze agitation for political action towards creating tensions and providing temporary solutions for their continued aggrandizement of power. Such solutions would only be temporary, and primed to encourage further revolutionary activity. 

      This revolution they perceived would be accomplished by the slow subversion and transformation of society by taking advantage of the contradictions of centralized corporate capital in a globalist economy. When the effects of globalism had sufficiently dissolved wealth producing assets in the core corporate capital countries, it was expected a counter revolution by reactionaries would take place in which the government and corporate PMCs would be displaced.

      Without work, defamed by the reactionary governments, these purged PMCs, academics, and educated persons would gravitate back to revolutionary doctrine. Meanwhile, the inherent contradictions of globalized capital would only continue leading to a scenario where the reactionary governmemt would be delegitimzed by failure. At that point the revolutionary cadres would initiate the final revolution.

      Frankly, I am amazed at how closely this had followed both the lefties and counter lefties analysis of the future. Trump and his successors are expected to be stymied in their reform of the economy. Globalist capital will not like being restored under American control. Other countries will likewise resist the effort. Simultaneoulsy populist reforms of the corporate capital market will be resisted by a combination of global capital and global left. If Trump and his successor can overcome this, the Leftwing will end up simply marooned as unemployed normies trying to hold up signs complaining about being fired. This is where our victory must come from: National Populism, deleveraging of corporate capital, restoring American control of multinationals, subordination and fragmentation of corporate finance, technological disruption, and national unity.

    • I expect the massive negative equity in their home and keeping up with the mortgage payments might be a higher priority for most, but let them march.

    • @Lemmy,

      “Here comes the “million laid-off march” moaning about “fascism on the doorstep!”

      you wait”

      That is exactly what will happen. But, it will try to get increasing numbers of normies who believe they are harmed by deregulation and depolicing of big business. This is the vulnerability of Trump’s direction. If he goes toward Laissez Faire economics along with his gutting of government, he will merely make victims out of ordinary consumers and workers. They will turn to the only group they think will protect them. The Far Left. In which case welcome to the real USSA.

  2. Paul Craig Roberts published an excellent article that defines the theory on what we seethe Trump admin doing.

    Trump has mentioned eliminating the income tax and he is very much for tariff. Tarrifs are the legitimate way to fund government because they tax consumption. Income tax taxes labor, and that is the very definition of slavery. See Paul Craig Roberts very pro-Southern article for more details.

    Tariffs alone cannot support this monstrous government that has been created. It must be reduced to only necessary levels. So sorry federal workers, but you are not that important.

    Deo Vindice

  3. A Leftist job program. Exactly what this is.

    This grift extends into every civil institution, universities, primary schools, military, corporate/businesses via cheap ESG funds. Its pervasive and ubiquitous.

    Every bit of it can and should be cut with extreme prejudice. Make this thing so toxic that they can’t do anything of the kind again.

    Target the media itself. Open the veins of the organized Left and let the American people cheer the demise of this Marxist leviathan. Then start the prosecutions.

    • > A Leftist job program. Exactly what this is.

      True. It’s been going on since at least the Clinton era – probably much longer. It was ramped up massively by the Shitcongo Jeezus. The gaslight media (all of it – even the “conservative” WSJ) is heavily funded by the USAID racket.

  4. My brother is a public school math teacher. The school cut funding for a software that is used by the students in advanced math classes. One of the parents offered to buy the software for the entire class. The school administration resisted allowing it because it would disproportionately benefit White kids. In the end the parent had to buy the software for all advanced math classes in all grades at the school or the bureaucrats wouldn’t allow it. The parent call their bluff and paid for all that. Bureaucrats were pissed off that intelligent mostly White kids got a tool they need to succeed. They hate us. Especially the leftist White women teachers. The White Guilt is very strong in them. Imagine the bullshit they spew to the kids every day.

    • The Teacher Unions need to be on the target list. Here’s a question which maybe someone will have a cogent answer to: Why are there only Marxist teacher unions allowed? There are nominally two nationwide (NEA and AFT) but they are in fact one racket. Do we really have to explain who runs them? Why are there not multiple teacher unions? Like a Christian Teacher Union or maybe a White Teacher Union? There are Kneegrow (only) public-sector unions. Basically the public-sector unions are another woketard jobs program – attracting the literal worst of the worst.

      • @Exalted Cyclops,

        You are on target with teachers unions across the nation.

        I would ban all public-employee unions, as they become patronage jobs dished out to political cronies that vote for their benefactor’s political party (i.e., democrats) at the expense of the taxpayers, lower quality of employees, bloated bureaucracy of unnecessary positions, and worst of all, the difficulty in getting one of them fired for incompetence or criminality.

    • “Bureaucrats were pissed off that intelligent mostly White kids got a tool they need to succeed. They hate us. Especially the leftist White women teachers. The White Guilt is very strong in them. Imagine the bullshit they spew to the kids every day.”

      What do u think this is all about? They destruction of White ppl. is the only thing tat matters today. The White world is slated for total destruction.

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