Wanglin Quits

Good luck, Andrew.

Daily Stormer:

“Hearing about boomers in their mid-life crises, and reading Bonfire of the Vanities in my late teens and seeing the details of it painted in a way only Tom Wolfe could, I dismissed the entire concept as ridiculous, as I couldn’t imagine ever needing a young mistress and a race car to relive a youth I never thought much of in the first place. As I entered middle age, I realized that the real midlife crisis is an analysis of what you’ve done and what you still have time to do, in order to have maxed out your potential. A catalog of vulgar news items peppered here and there with a few interesting essays (which were generally mediocre because I didn’t have the time or energy to edit them) is not the legacy I want. I’m very proud of the work, and don’t mean to demean it, but I believe I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

The daily grind of running this site has taken a toll on my personal life. Exile is not hell, and my life is a lot more fun and exciting than most people’s, but the constant pressure has left my personal life in disarray. I don’t want to end up like Hunter S. Thompson, a brilliant writer who did all his best work in his thirties, then drank himself into oblivion before blowing his brains out in a shed on his farm. I have things I need to address, and I owe it to myself to find a better balance. …”

Daily Stormer:

“I was hoping to keep working on the news for a few more weeks and produce some kind of grand finale, but I’ve decided I’m too burned out and really don’t care much for grand finales anyway.

So, I’m officially quitting the daily news. Right now. This is now the Irregular Stormer …”

Daily Stormer:

“I also had a dream a few weeks ago about this hostel where people do sick sexual shit with each other, use each other up, and then they become plants that an old woman cares for. I fell in love with this beautiful girl, and she told me we would get married and live in a house with so many children, and grow old together, and then we fell asleep together and I woke up to a noise and peeked through a door to see her getting gang-banged in a candlelit room with pentagrams in it by men in animal masks. Then the next day, I realized she’d become a plant, and the old woman told me “don’t worry dear, I will see that she’s watered.” Then I drove away in an old VW Bug, and then looked down at my hands on the wheel to see they were turning brown and there were leaves beginning to grow from my flesh. I then realized that I hadn’t been watching the gang-bang, but actually participating in it. The meaning in this was more straightforward: people surrendering their souls to the desires of the flesh, the way we can give up the things that are sacred for fleeting indulgences, and we beings with eternal souls end up being nothing more than dust to go into the ground, feeding the plants, and that even having used ourselves up, our atomic structure goes back into the earth to create more life. But that is a bit grotesque, that one. Frankly, the one about the basement portal with my friend murdering all of these sweet innocent people was also pretty grotesque. …”

My work-life balance is great.

I’ve been married for 11 years now. I have two sons and a daughter who will be born in April. My eldest son is getting to the age where he is starting to take an interest in girls.

If you are reading this, I will just say that I think logging off or dialing it back and focusing on your personal life is the right decision. You should have done it years ago. When you close your laptop after churning out 70 articles a week, you should have a rich and fulfilling life to go back to. If you don’t do something about this problem, it is going to take a toll on your mental health as you get older.


  1. I feel for him, he and his family have been hit articles,

    He’s a true Anglo Saxon writer with wit!

    He’s misunderstood like Sunburn posting!

    I look forward to having conversations with Mr Andrew,

    I’m on the same wavelength of music with him!

    He’s mentioned and wrote an article about the London based band The Pouges!

    God Bless your Celtic Heart Anglin

    Write on!

    I bequest you the Song, White City, from the Pogues!

    A Saints day is coming !



  2. Bet he starts his redemption arc in less than a year and starts showing up in the MSM as an anti racist.

    • If he does, it will serve to prove what some have suspected of him for a while – that he was always a deep-state plant there to misdirect and discredit real opposition. There have been several examples of this in the past. David Brock – who runs the USAID funded lie-machine Media Matters – started out doing an exposé on Arkansas governorship of Llord Beelzebubba mentioning many salacious ‘bimbo eruptions’ (not unlike what we’re seeing with Musk now), etc. The poofter had himself a ‘coming home’ a bit after that article and was soon established in the swamp, churning out material parroted by the gaslight media worldwide.

  3. Been reading Anglin couple days per week for 10 years. The funniest pro-White counter-Judaic woman-skeptic I can name.

    You have a better life than Anglin IN PART because you weren’t gone after by a court in the way he was; not the same scale of followers/readers and you kept clear and clean.

    I recommend he has kids soon. If you grow old and leave Earth with no progeny it must be an agonizing final years.

  4. anglin was/is the most entertaining writer on the actual right. his site made a quick survey of the always terrible news here in the jwo much easier to digest without feeling ill and ruining your day.

    he did us a great service and will be missed.

  5. Coming up on five years for the better half and I. The two hostages to fate and fortune are now four years old, and have been developing really smart aleck mouths in three languages. English, High German and their grandfather’s Kölsch.

  6. remember when anglin lied about needing donations to fight the whitefish lawsuits, then he earned millions, then he didn’t show or mention that ever again?

    i remember that

    good riddance, grifter

    • That all went into the lawsuit, which he had to stop fighting due to running out of money, eventually lost in a default judgment, and how has a warrant out for his arrest for evading paying the judgment. A simple internet search confirms that.

      None of that was hidden from anyone.

      Anglin is not leaving, he’s just not writing the daily news anymore. He’ll still be publishing essays on a regular basis.

      I don’t know what guys like you want from him, but he owes you nothing.

  7. Anglin is a Judean comic book character he ain’t real and the writers … well weev et al … all of the unit 8200 “general AI” ADL/AIPAC women in burka totalitarianism Halakha Kosher destroy European women ilk… they”ll be back for sure…

  8. Anglin has several good aspects.
    He told pro-WHITES not to take weapons to the rallies, he probably saved several people from long prison terms, if not death.

  9. ‘Good luck, Andrew’

    I second that.
    As he matures he will find better ways to attach this dystopic system.
    We all grow with time and experience.

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