Good luck to our friends in Germany today ??
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) February 23, 2025
Whatever the result, a big breakthrough for AfD looks assured. Let's hope today is looked back on as a big step toward setting Germany right. pic.twitter.com/zVxurMKemi
It is https://t.co/g2z2YoaUVj
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 23, 2025
AfD politician Björn Höcke ERUPTS:
— Inevitable West (@Inevitablewest) February 22, 2025
“Germany is our country, our land, our nation. Germany is non-negotiable. Let’s take our country back!” ?? pic.twitter.com/TWgBmVVc4B
Bis bald in Chemnitz pic.twitter.com/GLtGVWuGRR
— Martin Sellner (@Martin_Sellner) February 23, 2025
"Auslander raus!" The Germans have had enough. pic.twitter.com/F0xI3sKRkH
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 22, 2025
A German girl last night let her city know she’ll be voting for the AfD! ?? pic.twitter.com/w5S4aiUztZ
— Inevitable West (@Inevitablewest) February 23, 2025
In the United States, we are on the other side of the 2024 election and the big lesson that I have taken away from it is that we win by winning. Today it is Germany’s turn to vote harder.
A Salafist terrorist committed a mass stabbing in Mulhouse Alsace yesterday.
There have been quite a few Salafist stabbings, car rammings, and ISIS terrorist threats in Germany, Austria and Alsace in the past 12 months.
Hopefully the Germans vote for the AfD today!
I hate the term “Islamist”, because it fosters the false idea that all forms of political Islam are equally responsible for the terrorist attacks in Europe and America.
But in fact, these terrorist attacks are always associated with Sunni supremacists such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
There has not been a single instance of deadly Shiite terrorism in Europe or America in the post-Cold War era, nor has there been a single instance of deadly Palestinian terror in Europe or America in the post-Cold War era, nor has there been any deadly terror attacks from the secular Arab regimes such as Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Qaddafi’s Libya or Assad’s Syria n Europe or America in the post-Cold War era.
This is important, because Europe and America face a different enemy than Israel does.
Israel’s battlefield enemies are Shiites such as Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iraqi PMF, and Iran; and the Palestinian resistance; and secular Arab regimes such as Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Qaddafi’s Libya, and Assad’s Syria.
The terrorist enemies of Europe and America, on the other hand, are Sunni supremacists such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
“I hate the term “Islamist”, because it fosters the false idea that all forms of political Islam are equally responsible for the terrorist attacks in Europe and America.”
they are …
Exactly right, and the Zionist Lehirgun regime has been caught collaborating with ISIS and al Qaeda militants against the secular Assad regime in Syria. The Zionists’ greatest fear has always been a massive Arab unification under a secular nationalist Fuehrer, like Nasser, prompting them to pursue their Yinon Plan so aggressively. Moreover, the Moors who conquered Iberia and the Turks who assaulted Vienna were Sunnis, and they hated Shiites as much as they hated Christians.
“the big lesson that I have taken away from it is that we win by winning.”
How are we going to install Richard Spencer as King of the Global Imperial Europa Empire if Whites aren’t starving in the streets, outnumbered by brown migrants and relegated to 2nd class citizens in their own countries?
Only through suffering and giving your favourite podcast host lots of money can White people truly become who they are.
I don’t like Alice the leader of the AfD (for the reasons that I’ve already explained) but I hope in a victory that can free Germany from all invaders.
Good luck Germany. Auslander raus!
Alice Weidel – a sexual degenerate former Goldman Sachs banker with a Sri Lankan ‘wife’ – what a joke. Like MAGA, what passes for Nationalism now is complete garbage.
Could you imagine dirty Harry subduing a victim who was being attacked by a perp, and then getting stabbed or shot by the perp whilst doing it?
The cop sowed his fate.
Germany is gone.
A Jew supporting, Lesbian, ex-Goldman Sachs Banker, in a relationship with a Sri-Lankan woman is hardly the opposition Germany needs right now.
It could be the sugar pill to placate the masses which the EU oligarchy needs to cause the anger to simmer down for another decade.
Pretty pathetic how low standards have gotten. They’ve moved the goal post so dramatically that people actually think the AFD is a right wing party.
It would be ideal that Germany gets CDU-AfD government and that they deport illegals, close borders, get rid of extreme left ideology, green agenda and nuclear ban, but not to exit EU and continue to support Ukraine.
Hitler was ultimately correct, Germany died with him. The current ZOG zone called Germany is as salvageable as trying to turn a rotting zombie back into a human. The same can be said about the USA.
@Aryan uprising,
“Hitler was ultimately correct, Germany died with him. The current ZOG zone called Germany is as salvageable as trying to turn a rotting zombie back into a human. The same can be said about the USA.”
According to Nazi esotericism, the pact between the German people and Hitler was such that as Furher, he sourced Germans’ spiritual and ancestral Vril power unto himself, which allowed him to do great things in making Germany greater. When he failed, because he was an Alpinic Dolthead Papist, he didn’t blame himself, he blamed and cursed Germans.
Ever since WWII, Germans wherever they are have been kinda more ignorant. They are still pretty cool though, and their women are still beautiful, but there is always something missing. So there might be something to this Vril thing. Tis a shame, but that is what you get for listening to a German Papist. Sadly, in the recent election, they elected another Catholic as Chancellor. So, Germany will have to wait for awhile longer.
Tragically, Germany doesn’t have much time. The recent electoral map shows the Protestant and Secularized East Prussian Germans went AFD, but the Protestant Christian West Germans voted for another Papist. Meanwhile, the AFD leader who is a secularized brainwashed East German from Commie days, spread her legs for a sweaty curry ridden Sri Lankanese, estupidated Adolfian Vril power strikes again.
If the Nazi esotericists are correct, this Adolfian cursed Vril force is gonna be a recurring problem. The only to fix it is to let their women here in America mate with British American Protestants and in Germany with British Scandinavian Dutch Protestants as concubines. Then we can breed out the male Vril force sourced from Uncle Adolf. That would leave us a kinda of Appalachia Southron mix but in Europe: Germany Redeemed!
Aryan Globalist Bro, this comment of mine is mostly meant to be funny, but I wouldn’t want our Southern men marrying German Midwestern women in droves. Or actually maybe I am not being funny but instead serious.
Courtney from Alabama,
“Aryan Globalist Bro, this comment of mine is mostly meant to be funny, but I wouldn’t want our Southern men marrying German Midwestern women in droves. Or actually maybe I am not being funny but instead serious.”
Ha ha. Understood. I am being more funny than serious too. I would only support what I said with Midwestern Germanics and Germans if they were concubines who at our death would join us Atlanto-Aryan Nordic Lords in eternity as described by the eye witness account of Ahmad ibn Fadlan. LoL
Of course this would never happen. But, the old ways still stirr something deep even in hardened Christians of old first families like myself. Note, the Queen or noble one wouldn’t join her husband. Rather it was only the concubine. Instead, the noble woman would stay behind to raise and protect her children and those of her dead lord’s. When her time came, her ladies in waiting and slaves would join her in a similar rite.
Obviously, we aren’t going back to that as a means of breeding out dolt headed Germanness. So clearly, what we need is for Southern men and women to have more children. Alot more. A minimum of four. Depressingly, I’ve never met any Southern women at AMREN or VDare events. In fact, the only woman who I ever met at such an event who I was interested in was working for one of the big wigs who I shan’t mention, except to say I’ve mentioned him before. I think she was already taken anyways or at least I think so cuz she had a delightful daughter.
I guess, Hunter, AMREN, VDare, LoS, CoCC, or whatever need to walk the talk and start getting more women involved. To do that they need to provide a reason. Men today definitely need better role models and reinvigorates traditions. But so do woman. I never see any push for that in our groups. And just saying being baby factories isn’t enough. For instance, the description of the old ways I mentioned had a clear depiction of women ways, which had traditional norms and hierarchy as much as men ways. And everyone knows, it was women who made the South.
Aryan Globalist Bro, which AmRens did you go to?
I went to 2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 . I attend other events as well, like sometimes James Edwards has private events and most of the women at those are Southern. That was also the case at Council of Conservative Citizens events as well as LOS and anything Hunter set up.
The Amren events I attended always had several Southern women in attendance . The only events I could think of that would probably have more Northern women than Southern would be the old NPI stuff or NJP events.. Vdare I can’t really make the call on.
“Aryan Globalist Bro, which AmRens did you go to?
I went to 2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 .”
I went to my first AMREN back at the end of the 20th century. I think I went to one other in 2004 or so but didn’t go to one until 2011. I was there also at the 2013 and 2015 and 2016. I went to one other but can’t remember which year and my last one in 2022.
I went to a LoS event back around 2006. But didn’t go to another one. Never been to CoCC but talked several times by phone or message with the Hunter’s now deceased father in law. The only time we met in person was probably back in early 2000s. He wanted me to meet Mrs. “Wallace” before she was Mrs. Wallace but I was doing war stuff. So, it never happened. Hunter made a fine husband for her regardless.
But, in all those meetings I rarely came across a Southern woman, granted I only went to one LOS and no CoCCs. As I said, one of the few ladies I met was at my last AMREN. I had met her before too either at some earlier AMREN or more likely one the other meetings like H.L. Menkin Society, I think she reps for one of the bignwigs. I dont think she was from Alabama and I don’t think she was single. Probably won’t see her again now anyways. I never went to NPI or NJP. They pissed me off at the get go, although J softened on Richard Spencer over the years, until his final breakdown.
Aryan Globalist Bro,
Well it is a shame you didn’t run into any Southern women. At practically every event I go to the women are mostly Southern. When I went to Amren from 2012 through 2014 I think that was still the case. In 2015 a different type of crowd started showing up…… a bunch of young guys who came to see RamZPaul who had their girlfriends with them and that might have changed the female demographics. 2016 was similar. In 2017 I am not sure. Brought my infant daughter with me that year and stayed in a cabin with two Southern ladies but didn’t mingle much for obvious reasons. Surprised you didn’t see any Southern women even at an LOS event. I notice that the more risky the event, the less women show up, so it depends on what the purpose of meeting is.
“Well it is a shame you didn’t run into any Southern women. At practically every event I go to the women are mostly Southern. When I went to Amren from 2012 through 2014 I think that was still the case. In 2015 a different type of crowd started showing up…… a bunch of young guys who came to see RamZPaul who had their girlfriends with them and that might have changed the female demographics.”
Actually, thinking about it I do remember some Southern women, including a troika or two of them all having together at some of them. This was probably drunk that eaely 2010s era ciz before that it was decidedly male oriented for a few years.
Your also right, I recall Ramzpaul brought a different crowd. I definitely remember the 2015 one which was quite large but I think he was there on 2014. Yes, it was a different vibe. So was the one in 2022.
I also remember what’s his name brining his son who died from the woke mind virus like Elon’s son. I can’t remember which year that was but must’ve been no later than 2014 cuz I remember the crowd that year was smaller than the one in 2015.
All of them have blured together for the last 25+ years bit the people they had particularly in the past were quite extraordinary. Regardless, its been mostly a decidedly male affair for most of its life. Hopefully someday I’ll see you at one.
AGB, …..Well for what it is worth, for the years we were there at the same time, it probably isn’t worth describing myself in 2015 or 2016 because there were so many other young women there with boyfriends.
But in 2013, there were probably only 3 of us there. There was a girl from Louisiana with very bright bleach blonde hair who was mostly hanging around guys there and who sat in the front mostly. Then there was myself and my female friend walking around together the whole time. She was from Texas with long dark hair and I was blonde and would normally have it long and wavy but that year had it straightened and cut to a shorter length just past the shoulders.
In one post above it sounds like you say you were not there in 2014 but then later on you posted something implying you might have been. That year was similar except this time maybe four of us younger women. It was the same 3 plus one more. The bleached blonde from Louisiana who we didn’t really hang around was dressing very provocatively at this one. My dark haired friend looked the same as the prior year, and I was back to my normal look of longer wavy blonde hair. The fourth lady was older than us from Minnesota with more of a bobbed blonde hair style. Very nice lady.
@Courtney from Alabama,
I’ve been going thu my memory remembering the years at AMREN when I think we were both there. Your story about the three of you ladies rings my recollection. I actually think you and I did meet. I just remember a couple of flowered dresses. You were wearing a dark colored one with flowers or some design on it. If that was you, I actually talked to you the most. I remember the provocative dressed lady as well and bmher being a little separated from the two of you. I ended up speaking for a bit will all three, but I talked to one the most who was wearing the darker colored dress. Note, I want to say one was wearing some cream peach colored one. Anyways, I stand corrected. There was a time when there were some Southern girls there. Hope to see it again.
Aryan Globalist Bro, it is funny that overall I can remember what I wore. In 2014 I wore a black dress with small white flowers the first night. The second day I wore a white 1950s style dress that I was very proud of with large blue flowers all over it. On the last day I usually wear something simple…. black skirt with a nice top. On the middle day which is an all day thing ( Saturday), I usually wear some new dress I am proud of, hence the 1950s dress.
@Courtney from Alabama,
“In 2014 I wore a black dress with small white flowers the first night. The second day I wore a white 1950s style dress that I was very proud of with large blue flowers all over it. On the last day I usually wear something simple…. black skirt with a nice top. On the middle day which is an all day thing ( Saturday), I usually wear some new dress I am proud of, hence the 1950s dress.”
Yes, indeed! We did meet!! I remember the 1950s outfit. I wonder if I got your number? Boy, did I miss that bird, lame. I think someone pointed you out to me but didn’t formally introduce us. I wonder who pointed you out to me? Was it Peter B? Was he at that event? Now that’s going to bug me. Who was it? Also, wasnt this the event that Don B was at and brought his son, and he was wearing some odd black hat style outfit? Wasn’t this just a little bit prior to him going fully retard? I shouldn’t say that, it just gets my gourd what he ended up doing. I feel bad for him and his father. He was just a mixed up youngon.
Anyways, well, now, here we are 11 years later and you got kids and a family. Did you meet the lucky guy at that or a similar event? Also, whatever happened to the two other ladies? I think I ended up partly chasing the Louisiana girl cuz thats where we are from. Funny, something sticks in my mind that she did NOT have a strong accent and some other things seemed incongruint. Also, I kinda remember she was on the prowl for something or someone and my spidey sense went into overdrive so I kept my distance. Anyways fun times back in the day when going to Amren was a bit like John Wicke entering the Continental.
Thanks so much; from a Midwestern White woman of German descent… German descendants who, before my generation, lived exclusively in a tiny farming community, comprised of other people of Germanic descent, in southeastern Kentucky.
“Thanks so much; from a Midwestern White woman of German descent… German descendants who, before my generation, lived exclusively in a tiny farming community, comprised of other people of Germanic descent, in southeastern Kentucky.”
Hmm. But, Kentucky isn’t in the Midwest. Its Southern. South of the Mason-Dixon line. In general Tenesseeans look down on Kentuckians as slightly tainted by Northern blood. But then Kentuckians don’t let Ohioans join their country clubs, because of racial exclusionary covenants. As to some kind of pure race of Germans existong in Kentucky, this sounds like some fantasy cooked up by Yankees to find their “Preston John” like friends deep in Dixie.
In 1980, about 1/4 of Kentuckians claimed German descent. Half of these were located in urban areas bordering the Mason-Dixon line along the Ohio River. The other half were found throughout the State predominantly in the Eastern part. The State was overwhelmingly English, Anglo-Irish, Scots-Irish, and Scottish and this didn’t include those claiming “American” descent which is essentially the same. So, most so called German-Americans, even then, were mostly British American.
The Germans along the Ohio River are a mix of so called Old German or Dutch Americans dating from the colonial period. They traveled down the Ohio River after the Cumberland Gap and Appalachian passes were won by them and British Americans from the Indian Wars near Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. They were heavily mixed with British Americans even by the time of independence and especially so afterwards. The same holds true for those in the Eastern part of the State who broke thru the passes in the Appalachias and Allegenies along with British Americans following the vicious and heavy fighting along that frontier. By today, they are almost wholly subsumed by within their British American colonial cousins (especially Scots-Irish).
Since the Ellis Island catastrophe, Kentucky got a new wave of German immigrants. These went straight into the urban centers, which due to geography tended to be around those old migration paths along the rivers and the mining areas were there were German-British-Americans from colonial and early independence days. As a result, probably half of the German-Americans in these areas can claim such more closer German ancestry. But, you say you are from the South East. If there are any communities of wholly German origin in deepest darkest Appalachia they’d have to be a definitely weird and unusual bunch, and possibly interbred.
Already bought your coffin ?
‘Hitler was ultimately correct, Germany died with him.’
Yet he said his spirit will live on.
That could be true for Germany as well.
“Vote harder”
We win by voting for Republicans…oops, “we win by winning.”
“Trust The Plan”
You could just say “Choose the lesser of the two evils” instead of this gay snark talk.
What were the key outcomes of the German election?
Conservative and right-wing parties emerged on top. The mainstream conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), along with its partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), finished first with 28.6 percent of the vote, while the far-right, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) surged into second with 20.8 percent, according to provisional results announced by election authorities.
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) came in third with just 16.4 percent, a nearly 10-point drop from their first-place finish in 2021. Outgoing Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledged a “bitter” defeat, saying “the election result is poor and I bear responsibility”.
Germany’s Greens and the far-left Die Linke, or The Left, party exceeded the 5 percent threshold to secure seats in parliament, with 11.6 percent and 8.8 percent, respectively.
As a result, the CDU/CSU partnership is projected to secure 208 seats in the Bundestag, the German parliament, the AfD 152, the SPD 120, the Greens 85 and The Left 64.
German election: Who won, who lost and what’s next?
The new German Chancellor Merz spoke of his top priority:
“For me, the absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible, so that step by step we can achieve real independence from the United States.”
Given Vance’s Munich speech, I think we have to assume this is the intended outcome.
“Chumbawamba – Farewell To The Crown (and to the Neggers, Jews, liberals, etc. etc. throughout Europe – wherever they hide)”
Song by
Truth is I thought it mattered
I thought that music mattered
But does it, bollocks!
Not compared to how people matter
We’ll be singing
When we’re winning
We’ll be singing
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
The Truth About The German Election
Deadly Knife Attack in Warsaw, Poland: The Growing Threat of Illegal Immigration
“Europe is beibg invaded by foreign hostile people who do not fit in. Our cultures and religions are completely different and not compatible. In a perfect world everyone gets along and we live happily ever after but we do not live in such a world. This cultural experiment will not end well.”
Well, AfD lost in a landslide. Did people not really see that coming? It is the same thing that always happens in French politics.
I suppose AfD will have to cuck even harder and vote even harder so that by 2030 they can capture maybe a few more percentage points with even grimmer demographics, only to then fail in a distant second place all over again. This is how we “win by winning.”
Hopefully, AfD is just a way station onto a better destination.
AfD are self-described Libertarians. Hardly the far-right radicals the media portrays.
The fate of White Western people is never going to be on the ballot. The Party in power can change surface policies; and, certainly, a change in attitude can make a big difference — as it has with the remarkable case of Donald Trump. But the foundational principles of “Our Democracies”, along with the long-term trajectory of open, capitalistic, Western civilization, have already decided our fate: rising third-world populations (like India; and especially AFRICA) and a complete unwillingness on humanitarian and political levels to end and reverse the trend, make White erasure a fait accompli.
> Hardly the far-right radicals the media portrays.
The (((media)) always gives a false narrative. It’s part of jwish concept of conquering with words.
I reviewed in more detail the German election results. It pretty much confirms what I assessed. Acording to datafrome research group Wahlen, the following is the sectarian voting breakdown of actual German Nationals:
German National voters of the electorate (German ethnics):
Duetscho-Protestant Ethnics (Germans Protestants or of German Protestant ancestry):
50% of electorate:
AFD Voters:
CDU Voters:
Various other Rightwing Voters:
Various Leftwing Voters:
Papo-German Ethnics (German Catholics or of German Catholic ancestry):
30% of electorate
AFD Voters:
CDU Voters:
Various other Rightwing Voters:
Various Leftwing Voters:
Thus, Duetscho-Protestant Ethnic German rightwingers represented 72% of their community. Papo-German ethnic German Rightwingers represented 60% of their community. While Duetscho-Protestant Ethnic German Leftwingers represented 28% of their community and Papo-German ethnic Germans represented 40% of their community.
Had only German Nationals voted, the election would’ve been a striking contrast. We see that Catholic Germans lean toward the Left and Protestant Germans leans toward the Right. Nonetheless, together, both Protestant and Catholic Rightwing candidates would’ve won overwhelming majorities. But the Protestants in turn would dominate the Catholic groups on the Right.
The Left meanwhile would remain slightly more Protestant than Catholic but clearly more an equal alliance. Still, the combined rightwing would’ve obliterated this leftwing alliance gaining absolute majority control of the Bundestag holding 70-75% or more of the seats.
Clearly, Germany isn’t naturally nearly as leftwing as it appears. Rather an elite cadre of Leftists have managed to use foreign mercenary voters in retarding German politics. A word of caution though for those thinking racial purity in German electoral politics would fix everything. Firstly, Germany’s foreign born population is roughly evenly divided between Non-Europeans and Europeans. The largest contingent are Italians. This European group also voted Left with some ethnic groups favoring the Right, especially AFD.
Secondly, German politics was historically heavily divided along sectarian lines. Protestant North versus Catholic South. In a world without Non-Euopeans, both Sectarian and ethnic differences would start to replay out among Germans. Old ethno-sectarian and socio-economic interests groups, which still exists but which are now mostly covered up in modern German politics, would arise in full force.
In fact, its likely Germany would return to a political stage similar to that which existed between 1890-1933. In those days not only ethnic and sectarian differences divided Germany but also class and economic interests. Prussian Junker landowners versus industrial robber barons, small business entrepreneurs versus big trade unions, Catholic Farm League versus Northern German Farm league. Monarchists versus Republicans. Each group had their lobby groups if not parties. Pre-World War One German politics was fascinating to watch. Much more than today’s Germany, whose various groups are smothered by a collective of ideological factions with ulterior and un-German agendas.