Renaissance Horizon: Explaining The German Election Results

There were no real surprises in the German election:

  • AfD doubled its vote share to 21%
  • AfD dominated East Germany and surged in West Germany
  • The CDU is maintaining the cordon sanitaire
  • The Center Left collapsed which is a trend that has played out across Europe
  • Mainstream conservatives are already breaking their immigration promises
  • Very old people voted for the CDU and SPD
  • Young women voted for leftwing parties
  • Millennial and Gen X men were more supportive of AfD
  • 79% of Germans voted against the AfD and a slightly smaller number are opposed to inviting AfD into a coalition government even after Magdeburg and other terrorist attacks

In a nutshell, this has been the story of European nationalist politics for 25 years now. They are always gaining ground, but the parliamentary system allows the establishment to hang on and marginalize nationalists. I have forgotten how many elections Marine Le Pen has lost at this point.

Note: The parliamentary system allowed European nationalists to take an early lead over Americans in gaining a foothold in mainstream politics in the 2000s, but the American two party system has allowed MAGA to capture the Republican Party and prevail in national elections.


  1. “The parliamentary system allowed European nationalists to take an early lead over Americans in gaining a foothold in mainstream politics in the 2000s, but the American two party system has allowed MAGA to capture the Republican Party and prevail in national elections.”

    This is one of the most cogent remarks Hunter has made. Its important and noteworthy, because many people in our sphere have supported creating a parliamebtary type system for our elections.

    Our system has its faults. Buts its fairly stable. It resists rapid impulses and fast trends. However, when impulses and trends are symptoms of a major political health crisis, our system allows for the Establishment to be rapidly replaced.

    The UK’s system is more closely aligned to ours. For example, Labour got a mere 30% or so of the vote but got an overwhelming victory in the House. Sadly, they got rid of their upper chambers power so there is little to slow down the impulse of a commie party coup de what in the commons.

    Still, in the near future, a strong rightwing party could easily get a orotest vote from the commie Labour party and also get a massive sweep of Commons seats. Although under the influence of Nigel Farag, and the truly stupid conservative party elders, Britain has decided to go the still even longer route of creating a new party, if trends hold, Reform will gut Labour.

    Meanwhile, five years from now, Germany will be as divided as ever between a Protestant secularized North East, a purple Battleground in the Northwest, and a mostly estupidated Papist moderate CSU run South. Until the AFD wins a plurality of the seats in the Bundestag and the President allows them to form a minority government, or the US runs some covert action to break up the Liberal control of the CDU, Germany will be run by a liberal-left regime until it terminallu hits the ground.

    Point beaing, give thanks to the system we have in the US. Don’t change it. Dont for for jungle primaries. Don’t go for proportional representation, don’t go for Parliamentary style elections. At some point, if we play our cards right, we will get the plurality of the vote, but get overwhelming seats Legislative and Electoral College. Then we can go Abe Lincoln-Jeff Davis on the Leftist controlled States of the union.

  2. Sounds like their “democracy” is serving them well…
    Bear in mind that a lot of people on the electoral roll are not real Germans, particularly among younger groups.
    Voting in diverse countries is a waste of time. The white left combined with the brownies, always outvote you.

  3. I have forgotten how many elections Marine Le Pen has lost at this point.

    Bro, she’s only lost two. Maybe you’re confusing her with her dad. And she’s done a lot better than he ever did. (“Watered down” maybe, but it’s not as if you can’t change your mind later – which is obvious to everybody except activist brains.)

    • Jellyfish (i.e., spineless) ideologies are feminine.

      No one trusts or respects a wishy-washy political leader.

  4. One thing that could be mentioned that this strict “firewall” has been a blessing in disguise for the AfD in the sense that it has prevented watered-down, cucked compromise from entering the party, which has only grown more based as time has gone on. They started as a rather lame, barely un-PC right-libertarian party in 2013, but have only grown more Völkisch as time has passed.

    What does not kill you makes you stronger. AfD has been harassed and blackballed, but in such a way it has only made them stronger.

  5. If the Germans want Germany back, they need to reproduce abundantly. And that goes for any White population/country. It is a truly pathetic disgrace how Whites are not fulfilling the most basic biological imperative for xyz123lgbt
    reasons. Blame jews, blame foreigners, blame toxic ideologies, blame whatever but all it takes is a pale peepee thrusting inside a pale vagine a few times until the white baby comes out 9mo later.

  6. The CDU/CSU/Roman Catholics are strong in Bavaria and Baden Württemberg. Always have been since before WWII and Hitler when they were known as the Zentrum Party. After WWII the Catholic Zentrum was reconstituted as the CDU/CSU.

    Merz the leader of the CDU/CSU has already said we lied to get votes, and there will be no slowing or stopping of immigration. Merz could be an Irish or Italian Roman Catholic in the US…and yes he is a Roman Catholic.

    The Protestants in Germany will only take so much, then you will see the Catholics get a good beatdown. Even in Hesse, Bavaria and Baden Wurttemberg.

  7. @Morris Harvey,

    “Merz could be an Irish or Italian Roman Catholic in the US…and yes he is a Roman Catholic.

    The Protestants in Germany will only take so much, then you will see the Catholics get a good beatdown. Even in Hesse, Bavaria and Baden Wurttemberg.”

    Good point Mr. Harvey. The German Catholics were the first to promote mass immigration into Germany, first during the French Rhineland occupation years after WWI, when they went out of their way to recruit Blacks from Francais Afrique, in return for obtaining concessions from the French and gain predominant socio-economic power in the area. Fortunately, this pissed off both Protestant and Catholic Germans so much they began a period of intimidation and selective assassination that mirrored the KKK in Reconstruction South.

    Second, during the Nazi years, when the Nazi Catholics advocated using mass European and even North African labor to fuel the German Military-Industrial complex. As a result, during WWII, Germany’s population was 20% foreigner. To police this large foreign presence required the quite large German Home Army, later used in Operation Valkyrie. Sadly, much of this foreign worker force never returned and became the local settlement areas for much of Germany’s subsequent foreign population boom.

    Thirdly, during the postwar occupation years, CDU/CSU under Adenauer when they imported large amounts of Southern Europeans to fill labor shortages. Adenauer was a crafty Papist who managed to secure rehabilitation for many Nazis if they were Catholic. This gave him support from Germans of all classes who after WWII were extremely hateful toward “sell-outs,” who worked for the Allies. He thanked his Protestant German comrades by importing Catholic Europea. immigrants and settling them in mixed areas giving Catholic groups the electoral edge.

    The area of Adenaurer’s power was in this Rhineland and Central German area. A cartography of German demographics will show the flipping of portions of Central and Rhineland areas from majority Protestant to majority Catholic during these years as a result of Adenaurer’s immigration. They also tried it in Northern Germany which was British occupation area but this was resisted for many years by them until they ceded control to civilian authority when Adenaurer became Chancellor. The British severely distrusted Adenaurer for many years but eventually collaborated with him under American pressure.

    However, this didn’t just happen under Catholics. In Eastern Germany, the Soviets started pulling in large amounts of Eastern Europeans and eventually even Africans. The Leipzig and Berlin areas became the origin of these smaller sized communities of Middle Easterners and Africans. They grew over time as Commie Revolutionary planning went into high gear after East Germany and Soviets decided to continue Imperial Germany’s anti-White Colonialist campaigns, but now under Marxist Revolutionary doctrine. After the Cold War, these areas experienced a new surge of Middle Eastern and African immigration. These are the only areas the Secularized Protestant AFD don’t control.

    Merz himself is descended on his mother’s side from Protestant French Huguenot refugees who fled the Catholic pograms during the 1600s-1700s. Apparently, his mother was forced to convert and mediatize her family by his Merz father under a cloud of controversy which is covered to this day. Merz seems very similar to Adenaurer in his craftiness and his implicit bigotry against Protestants especially Prussian ones.

    Indeed, Merz obviously completely lied abkut immigration and borders as a means to reduce Prussian dominated AFD electoral chances. Even the AFD leader recognized this was likely so as did CDU Protestants. Both Protestants in the CDU and the AFD, agreed it would only lead to further gains by their incomplete alliance.

    I would like to say that Merz will be the last Catholoc Chancellor and representative of the ((CSU)) but the demographics of Germany or extremely perilous. Lastly, given that only 18% of Catholics voted AFD and 40% voted Leftwing, clearly the average German Catholic cares less for his Protestant countryman than he does stopping immigration as long as it accrues more power to his co-ethnics.  

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