Tucker Carlson Interviews Ernst Roets

Week 7 has begun.

We’re on starting a trade war with Canada, cutting off military support Ukraine, pardoning Derek Chauvin and just asking questions about what is wrong with White homelands.

About Hunter Wallace 12421 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I used to explain back in 2016 that the gay racial egalitarianization of Whites took 2 centuries of epic work by Jewry and leftoids; like a finger slowly pulling back the hammer on a mousetrap.. but that when that Judeo-left finger slipped off there would be a rapid snap back to Whites’ natural default condition; racist as f***. I want to say that we are witnessing that now, but I didn’t expect the Judeo-left overlords to slip off in a controlled manner. I expected outrages to build until finally there came an armed popular uprising, as William Pierce believed would happen Turner Diaies style. Rather it seems the Man foresees it and is taking emergenxu measures to avoid that fate, dropping or delaying their anti-White projects right before the machine overheats so to save it and their position at its levers. We are cattle to them and they must’ve provoke a stampede. We are getting these wins as concessions to keep us from chasing them up Masada again. But in the wider scope of history these are scraps. Our ancestors would have scoffed at being allowed to reduce the brown invasion and would be ashamed not to be conquering and settling nonWhite countries; setting up Crusader States, retaking Constantinople, reducing Asians to emasculated coolies, etc.

  2. And, you know, Trump openly announcing that he will imprison Americans who criticize Israel. But you won’t talk about that.

  3. Terrible.
    First of all, Ernst Roets is an “anti-racist” civil rights activist who proudly boasts being of the same thinking as Martin Luther King. He doesn’t defend, in any capacity, “South Africa belongs to the white man”, or even “this or that territory of South Africa belongs to the white man”.
    Secondly, even in this clip, Tucker isn’t defending white homelands. He’s specifically attacking Nationalism here, in this instance blacks claiming they have ownership over Africa. It’s very clear in the clip. He says he doesn’t like to think racially and is promoting colorblindness.
    Thirdly, framing it as “all groups should have their own homelands” (which nobody is even arguing for in this video, but seemingly YOU are promoting?) is ridiculous on many levels. You think that’s even possible, let alone pragmatic? Many peoples/nations (e.g. Jews with their Zionist project) simply cannot have their own homeland, and promoting this idea is blatantly calling for genocide, wide-scale ethnic cleansing, war, global instability. It’s a nice idea, but no one will take you seriously if you say this. The correct answer is some nations get homelands, others don’t.
    Nothing in this interview is at all controversial. It’s two conservatives repeating to each other “you’re not allowed to say this! I’m going to get in trouble for this, but I just don’t care” and then they proceed to give the most vanilla acceptable opinion ever. Only fringe lunatic white people support Julius Malema “decolonization” style politics by the way.

  4. It really is remarkable how in just a few generations time that Whites have been reduced to the current level of things. “White Nationalism”, White Power, went from the status quo to a fringe outlook, made all the worse and unsavory by a whole cohort of various freaks and geeks. I have seen in my happy corner of Queens NY the numbers of White families and children just drop and drop and drop over the years. Meanwhile the world (and West) just grows more and more Asiatic and African by the day. Will Whites make a comeback? One would hope so but it’s clearly David and Goliath at this point.

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