46% of Americans express support for Israel.
— Gallup (@Gallup) March 6, 2025
This is the lowest rating in 25 years of Gallup’s annual tracking of this measure on its World Affairs survey. pic.twitter.com/8ybhevOOCH
Yesterday’s elite.
This is why Jewish liberals are like the antebellum Southern planter class.
Institutionally, Jews are still very powerful in 2025, as AIPAC demonstrated last year when it took out Rep. Cori Bush and Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primaries. You could point to other things like Biden’s unwavering support for Israel in its war in Gaza, the Antisemitism Awareness Act which passed the House, the TikTok ban and Trump’s executive order on antisemitism.
At the same time, the unpopular TikTok ban and the ADL’s failed advertiser boycott of X were desperate attempts by Jews to regain control of the public square, which they see as slipping away from them. The Squad was targeted and punished by AIPAC because pro-Israel forces were losing the argument in the Democratic base. Similarly, the Antisemitism Awareness Act and the crackdown on pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses was another ham fisted attempt by Zionists to regain control.
Once again, it reminds me of the gradual breakdown of the pro-slavery consensus. Slavery became more controversial and polarizing as it approached its death. Southerners were able to score fleeting victories in Congress like the gag rule, the Fugitive Slave Act, the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision because we dominated institutions. And yet, our side was losing the argument. These victories settled nothing. Demographics were not on our side. Industrialization was creating new sources of wealth. In the overall scheme of things, we were becoming less important in mid-19th century America.
Just look at this.
This is so telling about where we are at now.
Jewish liberal Zionists have lost control of the Democratic Party. Sure, you could say they control the shriveling mainstream media and its propaganda apparatus. They purged everyone who criticized Israel at MSNBC – Joy Reid, Mehdi Hasan, Ayman Mohyeldin, etc. They launched a massive authoritarian crackdown on the protests on college campuses. It obviously isn’t working.

Republican sympathy for Israel has actually increased!
White Christian Americans are being setup as the fall guys.
We will be made into the scapegoats for the crimes of these Jewish gangsters.
This is an emergency situation, and we need every red-pilled right-wing influencer to be working overtime to wake up our people about the Israel Lobby’s control of US foreign policy, and how this situation is extremely detrimental to the interests of REAL Americans.
Whenever Jews commit a crime, they always have a gentile patsy on hand ready to take the fall. This is how they plan to use our people. We urgently need to warn them!
Our people have been lied to by people who have massive platforms, including Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and Pat Robertson’s CBN and Donald Trump himself.
The Dissident Right platforms have a much smaller reach than the Neoconservative platforms and Christian Zionist platforms and Donald Trump himself.
It is absolutely essential that we ALL of the Dissident Right platforms put forth a maximum effort to wake up our people to the impending danger.
We believe in Trump. All redemption comes through him. Jews are on our side now. We’re undefeatable.Remigration is inevitable. All we have to do is support Jews and keep stacking Ws.
I do say… if Jews are the bygone elite are Indians & Chinese the wave of the future? Will college campuses chant for Uighurstan and Kashmir?
Keep an eye on this Jewperson Witkoff. He wants to be the next Henry Kissinger.
Witkoff not only has his nose in the Levant, but, also in the Ukraine.
The last thing the Republican Party needs is another Henry Kissinger.
As James Best’s character used to say on The Dukes of Hazard, “ good news! Good news!” Thx for posting this hunter.
Cultural Marxism had to be ditched precisely because grievance culture & sympathy for the oppressed had inadvertently brought Americans’ attention to the activities of the expansionist colonial entity in the Middle East. Over a year of televised (& TikTok’ed) genocide after 10/7 clinched it. Blue team Zionism and its associated liberal value set had to go.
The whiplash from the switch to red team Zionism’s value set has been jaw dropping. America’s leadership is now much more closely aligned with Israel’s ideologically. The oppressed are now just a barrier to expansion & real estate development. The Gaza ceasefire is merely an temporary expediency to avoid breathing life into the still warm corpse of the Democratic party.
Trump is the Chabad’s man, a fact which goes a long way to explaining the friendly overtures towards a Russia wholly under the spell of the Lubavitchers.
Right now Trump seems to be trying to destroy the City of London’s centuries old monopoly on gold price fixing via the LBMA*. This is yet another indication that the Jewish power on the wane in the US is the old money power of the Rothschilds. The Chabad Lubavitch have managed to (at least temporarily) usurp this. However, I think it may be a mistake to read this as a sign that the Jewish/Zionist hold over America as a whole is lessened. The Rothschilds’ globalist world government plans are in tatters, but I do not take much encouragement from the fact that a tiny sect of messianic fanatics from Brooklyn have supplanted their influence in this administration.
*Very interesting podcast on this topic here for anyone interested in Trump’s plans for deficit reduction via gold-linked bonds
Maybe I am missing something here, but doesn’t this polling data also indicate that the republican party, with which we now are more or less aligned on all issues or increasingly more issues except the “given” topic of support for Zionism and Israel, is continuing to hold strong as the only group which has a pro-Jewish majority? So while anti-Zionist American public sentiment does appear to be trending toward a narrow majority or at least a 50/50 split, it appears as though all those people will be on the political left or those who pull the lever for the democrats anyway.
If the conservatives one day and maybe one day soon are from our perspective great on everything reasonably possible except for being pro-zionist/pro-israel then that kind of seems to me like the jewish power structure just allowed all these apparent cultural and political wins for conservatives so that they, the jewish ruling elite, can continue to rule just in a background way, which is not much different to how it is today. They had the power to destroy conservative white America, so they controlled it to an extent, and now that things are moving in a more conservative direction it would stand to reason that this is because zog just stopped putting the pedal to the floor, but for obvious reasons won’t take its foot off the gas.
This data looks to me like the jewish power structure had an internal civil war and the dems, libs, and leftists have been discarded. Now they’re going to patronize the conservative, patriotic element and make the gop voter even more of a loyal servant. I am not saying I’d rather have Kamala as president or that I’d rather not have Trump and his loyalists making moves like they have – as I mentioned l agree with all of it on a surface level – it just looks to me like zog through the stronger dog a bone and stopped kicking it so much. The dems will be the coalition of degenerates and anti-white bipocs who are right about anti-zionism for the wrong reasons, that being that it is white colonizer oppression etc etc, and the GOP will be the party of rubes who love the jews and support Israel or support jewish interests and love Israel. Basically the same situstion as we have now, the stupid and the evil parties.
While their mask has slipped and more see it than ever before, we shouldn’t count chickens before they’re hatched. All members of congress save one (Massie) still have AIPAC handlers. We already know where Trump stands on the question. Apparently Miriam Adelson’s 100 million is worth more than Musk’s 250 is. As in so many things, some money is more equal than other money.
Epstein’s complete list is locked up as a matter of “National Security” it would appear. He might still be alive and in ‘muh-Israhell’ under Satanyahoo’s protection, since his ‘death’ looked a lot more like an extraction than anything else. We’ll probably end up paying taxes to build him a new palace in Gaza.
Yes they’ve lost some ground but not nearly enough to be declaring victory.
I am right and the entire Democratic base is now against Zionism because of Gaza. The Jewish New Deal. No new elites. It is the same old elites in a different party, and a party that was already long ago compromised by Zionism.