New York Times: These Words Are Disappearing in the New Trump Administration

PC Principal is no longer running and staffing the federal government.

New York Times:

“As President Trump seeks to purge the federal government of “woke” initiatives, agencies have flagged hundreds of words to limit or avoid, according to a compilation of government documents. …”

The culture is changing.

The federal government has shifted into a parallel universe where it doesn’t even use the same vocabulary as the previous administration.


  1. Ha ha, remove that vocabulary from the average cultural Marxist and you’ll render them virtually mute. I’d add “Pride” (capitalized) and a few others, but this is awesome. What Federal employees remain after the purges should probably go through a comprehensive de-indoctrination program to return them more or less to sanity.

    “Black” but not “White” is cool and “hate speech” – Hell yeah. And of course “Gulf of Mexico” because, hey.

    At this rate we’ll soon be able to reclaim the word “gay”. Well done Mr President and thanks HW for posting about this excellent news.

    P.S. I’d like to see policy applied to government procurement. Companies whose literature includes (checks list, I’m OK!) this kind of garbage wouldn’t get Federal contracts.

  2. “The federal government has shifted into a parallel universe where it doesn’t even use the same vocabulary as the previous administration.”

    That is because as part of the Jewish defection from the Democratic party to the Republican party, Jews abandoned DEI and with it DEI language. DEI benefited their old black and brown foot soldiers in their coalition against whites. Gaza caused the blacks and browns to rebel against the Jews, so Jews discarded DEI. Whites have a long resume of supporting Israel, so it makes more sense to use them as the new heavies and increase their pay slightly by letting them blow harder on their dogwhistles. Jews know those dogwhistles lead to nowhere, so it is another win-win situation for them.

    Trust The Plan.

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