Keith Woods: Nationalism Doesn’t Need National Socialism

Editor’s Note: Since this debate has exploded on X, I will share my thoughts on it here.

I strongly agree.

Keith Woods:

“I saw a series of Telegram posts by Australian nationalist Joel Davis recently that I feel the need to respond to. Joel argues that rehabilitating the image of German National Socialism and Adolf Hitler himself is essential for the success of a nationalist movement. For a time, Joel and I were very closely aligned ideologically and collaborated a lot together. Our paths diverged somewhat when Joel embraced, for want of a better word, Neo-Nazism. To be clear, I still consider Joel a friend and the smartest advocate of the position he holds, but I think that position is misguided and have wanted to address it for some time.

Joel’s position isn’t exactly niche within nationalist circles now. In the past couple of years, there has been a great opening up of the topic of Jewish influence in the West, and this has brought with it a resurgence in revisionism and outright Hitlerism. This has real world consequences for our movement too. Justin Barrett, the former leader of the Irish National Party, has also chosen to go the route of embracing Hitlerism. Now self-identifying as a Nazi and donning replica SS coats to protests, he has done a tour of livestreams arguing that the only way forward for Irish nationalism is to educate our people on the success of the German National Socialist experiment. …”

Here are my own thoughts on this:

1. First, I have always hated World War II and its grip over the American imagination, and as far back as over twenty years ago I decided to pursue other historical interests. I own hundreds of books about all kinds of subjects – the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Early Modern Era, the War Between the States, the Gilded Age, the Caribbean, African history and so on – which I have reviewed on this website. Hitler, National Socialism, the World War II era and the Holocaust has genuinely never interested me.

Walk into any Barnes and Noble or Books-a-Million in America and you will find a large shelf of books about World War II. The History Channel largely focuses on World War II. There is just something about the inordinate attention paid to this one war and the way it defined my youth which has always viscerally repulsed me. It is why I deliberately set out to learn as much as possible about other topics.

2. Second, the ghost of Hitler and National Socialism dominated our politics for generations. America has gone to war against multiple Hitlers in my lifetime like Slobodon Milosevic and Saddam Hussein. Fortunately, we seem to be finally moving on from the shadow of World War II as the Silent Generation and the Boomers lose their grip on American politics. Kamala Harris compared Trump to Hitler in the 2024 election and her defeat illustrates that the “fascism” card no longer works. Most Americans are tired of hearing about Hitler and “fascism.” JD Vance’s speech in Munich illustrated it is finally over.

3. Third, nationalism is surging all over the West as the memory of World War II fades due to the passing of older generations, but “National Socialism” isn’t coming back. If anything is true, whether it is in Europe or the United States the memory of it is still an anchor on the feet of nationalists. Every single attempt to revive “National Socialism” in the United States for over eighty years has failed. The collapse of the National Justice Party is the most recent example that comes to mind although there have likely been even smaller groups which have collapsed since then which were too tiny to even register.

4. Fourth, the force that drives that keeps driving the creation of these groups is nostalgia and a desire to shock and cryptkeep and reenact the past of a foreign country. This isn’t the force that led to the creation of National Socialism in Germany in the 1920s which was based on a unique set of historical circumstances like the Italian precedent, the backdrop of World War I, the intellectual atmosphere of the early 20th century, the crushing Versailles Treaty imposed on Germany, etc. As such, it doesn’t resonate with anyone beyond activists who have a narrow interest in history. It doesn’t grow beyond that.

5. Fifth, the way in which National Socialists tend to understand politics, which reduces everything that ever happens in the world to a Jewish conspiracy is antiquated and misleading. The strongest argument that I can make against it is way that it has become absolutely crippling for anyone who subscribes to this worldview. It disables activists from doing anything. It demobilizes Whites. The loudest self-described National Socialists who I see on the internet are people who have made an ideology out of losing at politics and twisting everything that happens in the news cycle into a defeat for White people.

All I tend to hear from these people is how to lose to the Left and lose to Democrats. They see themselves as “revolutionaries” even though they aren’t trying to overthrow the government through violence or capture state power through participating in elections. For the record, I don’t associate these people with historic National Socialism, as the whole appeal of the original movement was winning and defeating the Left and to that end the historic NSDAP participated in elections and won state power.

6. Finally, I think of “NS” as a fandom like Swifties or Trekkies or Harry Potter, not as a political movement. These people are not engaged in political activity. “NS” fans *discourage* political activity. There is no “NS” political party to join. There are no “NS” candidates contesting power. There is no “revolutionary” organization that plans to resort to violence to join. “NS” people believe that the system is hopelessly corrupt and their principles preclude them from engaging with it to capture state power. Many of them prefer to focus their attention on “telling the truth about World War II.”

“NS” has a three pronged strategy to demoralize and demobilize Whites: lose at politics to the Left, make endless appeals to the Left which fall on deaf ears, announce to the internet that their “principles” prevent them from engaging with the evil “system” to contest power. The calculation seems to be that if we lose at politics enough times, then “Hitler will come back.” They will say things like “Hitler save us.” This is pietism, not politics. This is a religious movement that is waiting for the Second Coming.

Like other more familiar fandoms, “NS” has meet ups or conventions. “NS” people dress up like Trekkies and parade through the streets in uniforms and with flags. “NS” fans create and consume content. “NS” has forums and podcasts like Trekkies where people get into hairsplitting arguments over canon and lore. It attracts history nerds who master the canon and the lore. It is a subculture that doesn’t appeal to the rest of society. Just like Trekkies, alienated people find comfort and belonging in the fandom. It is not uncommon for couples to meet and get married to other people who are part of the fandom. You will find lots of people in the “NS” fandom who are doing comedy or entertainment, but not politics, as no one really believes it is even possible to challenge our all-powerful Jewish overlords.

Adolf Hitler is the center of the fandom like Taylor Swift or Star Trek or Harry Potter. Historic National Socialism was an actual viable political movement, but the “NS” fandom is something completely different. The National Justice Party was a classic example of the “NS” fandom. It was an organization that was created for fans of Hitler and National Socialism, but which never engaged in political activity. As far as I am aware, members paid dues, engaged in activism and had meet ups and consumed TRS content, but no one actually ran for any office as a National Justice Party candidate. It was a “party” which people joined which didn’t engage in politics whose members were satisfied by just talking about Jews, “telling the truth” about World War II, bonding with other history lovers. It is similar to people who go to Star Trek conventions dressed up like Klingons and who like speaking in Klingon. The appeal of it is the experience of playing the character … the act of being and feeling “NS” or Klingon and affirming your own personal identity.

Harry Potter fans have a much more elaborate LARP called the College of Wizardry in Poland where fans can experience what it is like to be part of one of the four houses of Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. No one who attends actually learns to be a magician, but they get to go through a process which makes them feel like a wizard and they find that meaningful because it satisfies a fantasy. It is an experience that separates them from the Muggles who lack magical powers. “NS” fandom parties are similarly organized in that the “party” doesn’t actually do anything that other “parties” normally do for other political factions. There is a similar conceit in that belonging to such a “party” is thought to be more “revolutionary” or “radical” even though political engagement is actually being forfeited.

Nationalism doesn’t need the apolitical “NS” fandom to succeed. To the extent that people become wrapped up in this subculture, they tend to disengage from politics and encourage others to do so. If people actually tried to do what the historic NSDAP did which was contest state power and win offices all over Germany on behalf of their own ideology, the “NS” fandom would oppose this because that would require engaging with the system and a sense of political realism.


  1. National Socialists are the intellectual backbone of the dissident right. The never/hardly ever wrong group that never sells out. The last men standing in any debate who clearly reason.

    But what you ask them to be, the public are not yet ready for, bringing you into view ridiculing them for something you yourself see. “It won’t work at the moment but look at these play actors not trying to make it work when it won’t” you say.

    The Overton window is shifting and the NS set do very good work at bringing awareness to pro-White issues, and on platforms like Gab consistently bring users further to the right, and closer to the truth. There’s a reason the one political ideology is the most verboten, it is the ideology that is truly a threat to our enemies.

    Not today, not with the numbers of today, but if it continues to grow. And you can’t call it out for failing 500 out of 500 times without noting *every single attempt* by pro-Whites of all descriptions to prevent White genocide in the West have failed.

    Opposition to immense power does not crystallise and succeed over night, and you are judging too soon. The *conditions* have to be present first, and we head towards them as we speak.

    But nevertheless, the most important work NS people do, and they can do it as much as any other pro-White, is support other pro-White causes and approaches alongside NS.

    We National Socialists support ALL genuine attempts to bring about a positive future for Whites, and just add to that this is not likely to occur where diversity, anti-racism and semitism are welcomed, and where Whites still labour under historical mistruths and imagined crimes like the holocaust.

    We do not seek to pull down others doing good pro-White things, and yet a person like yourself (and many others) fashion to do good by talking us down. It is *eyebrow* raising.. whose work you actually do in doing so.

    Nevertheless, just by mentioning us you send your readers our way, not all, but a percentage, and not all remain on the plantation you fashion for them. This is the thing that appears to escape you.. you preach to a converted choir.. anti-National Socialism is the default position people *start* in, but many once they are exposed to our views, come over to our side – and from there do not leave. Meaning all you can do by raising NS as a topic of debate is grow our ranks.
    You are hardly going to convince anyone on our side to stop, and all you do for everyone else is open up a window for them to think.. well maybe there is something to those guys.

    People are SICK OF the same urbane platitudes coming from the media (social or otherwise), “Nazis bad/no good/won’t work/are ridiculous” too aligned with CNN talking points to do anything but burn YOUR OWN credibility.

    If we weren’t a resonant movement, you wouldn’t even be mentioning us, we wouldn’t be on your radar. Putting a lie to your hit piece.

    • 80 years

      5 generations of Americans

      100% failure rate

      BTW, the reason why I am mentioning “National Socialism” is not because you are politically viable, but because you people come here to my website every day to shit on what I am doing.

      Usually, I just roll my eyes and ignore it, but I thought I would be candid today and have a few laughs of my own at your ridiculous LARP. No one bothers to ever respond to you because it is a waste of time. Some people mistake this silence for being unable to respond to your points

  2. Keith Woods: “You can have your cake and eat it too.”

    Ever since he lost his fight to ban the ADL, Keith has been fellating Elon Musk because Keith likes that Twitter welfare. Like virtually every Altright figurehead, Keith Woods became a whore for money. No one here is actually talking about Nazism. Born Again Conservatives are using the scaremongering tactic that liberals use with Nazi accusations to shut down discussions they do not like.

    • I’ve noticed that self-described “National Socialists” do a lot of criticizing, but get their feelings hurt when anyone criticizes them back.

  3. a lot of movement people are simply obsessed with being edgy and based. actually winning, which entails running candidates, canvassing, bureaucracy, EFFORT, etc is lame and boring and doesnt make for good content for them to lulz over.

    these underdeveloped men are a detriment.

  4. Yes so too……I’m not against historical national socialism or fascism but some of today’s groups leave no hope or good prospects.

    First of all I have always found skinheads ridiculous both in my country and abroad: shaving their heads and drinking beer in a pub doesn’t make them revolutionaries and most of all they will never change shit, they will not change the world with this attitude.

    Regarding America, I think the reason is because national socialism or fascism there are, as you said Brad, somewhat foreign.The existence of the Klan or neo-Confederate movements make more sense. There are European movements that are seriously committed to national socialism or fascism like the Nordic Resistance Movement or Golden Dawn and others. However these are in Europe where fascism and Nazism are not strangers.

    A final thought is that in the United States most of those who call themselves “former white supremacists” are members of National Socialist movements such as the national socialist movement.

  5. National Socialism was actually divided between a Strasserite branch which stressed anti-capitalism and a Hitlerite variety that obsessed with Jews and was actually right winged. The problem is that when you say national socialist, people think of the Hitlerite type and not the Strasserite type.

    I don’t have any interest in a position that puts antisemitism as more important than anti-capitalism.

    I can find some common ground with the Strasserite types that are more anti-capitalist than they are anti-Jewish.

    I always say that I’m socially moderate-conservative but economically leftist. Plenty of people in Asia and Russia are that way and the Democratic Party used to be that way in the South.

    Because of guilt by association, it’s best not to use the term.

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