Loser Pilled

I’m still thinking this morning about the “NS” fandom.

As I said yesterday, I sharply distinguish between historic National Socialism and what I see as the “NS” fandom, or what is more commonly known as wignatism in the United States. I do not conflate the two movements and see all sorts of important differences between them.

Andrew Anglin has written at length about Neo-Nazis, but I prefer to just ignore them.

1. Historic National Socialism was a German volkish movement. It was based in Germany in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s and expired at the end of World War II. The “NS” fandom is a postwar phenomena and consists of admirers all over the world. The bulk of them are English speakers. The overwhelming majority of the fans are not Germans themselves. I’m not reacting to anyone who is German.

In much the same way, The Beatles and Rolling Stones have fans all over the world. Taylor Swift has fans all over the world. There are Trekkies and Harry Potter fans all over the world. Historic National Socialism was an ethnic based movement, but the fandom isn’t based on any one ethnicity.

2. Adolf Hitler was the Führer of historic National Socialism. The original mass movement based in Germany had a vertical hierarchy with Hitler on top. In contrast, the “NS” fandom is anarchic. There is no recognized leader or organizational structure. The German sense of order is completely absent from the phenomena. There are various wannabee führers like Commander Schoep who pop up from time to time who have tiny followings and who command no legitimacy even within the fandom.

3. Historic National Socialism was a viable political movement in Germany. The NSDAP was a political party like other political parties. It was the political vehicle of a faction in German society that competed with other factions for state power. It had a political program. It elected people all over Germany starting in Bavaria and spreading outwards. Hitler worked within the system to rise to power.

The “NS” fandom admires historic National Socialism, which was the original act, like other fans who admire Harry Potter, The Beatles or The Rolling Stones. In particular, the fandom loves the National Socialist aesthetic and cosplay, which has been adopted by fans like Marilyn Manson. The fans imitate the NSDAP by creating “parties” with members like the National Justice Party, but which are fake in that the vast majority of these “parties” do not bother to participate in the political system.

George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, ran for governor of Virginia in 1965 as an independent write in candidate and won 1% of the vote. Glenn Miller ran for U.S. Senate in Missouri. These are exceptions to the rule in the “NS” fandom. Generally speaking, the fans are content with belonging to “parties” which do not engage in political activity. The most striking difference is that many of the loudest voices in the fandom are quietists who advocate total political disengagement or even going so far as to advocate empowering the Left which was unthinkable to the original movement.

Can you imagine the original National Socialists endorsing and proudly voting for Kamala Harris? The historic National Socialist movement was intensely political. The fandom is anti-political and focuses on demoralizing and demobilizing Whites and losing at politics.

4. Historic National Socialism was intensely patriotic. It was a German nationalist movement that made maximalist claims on the territory of its neighbors. It was militant, chauvinist and jingoistic. It was essentially a Germanic supremacist movement which placed Nordics at the top of a racial hierarchy and which saw other Europeans as lesser races and non-Whites as even more inferior.

Many of the wignat fans couldn’t be more removed from historic National Socialism. These people are anti-patriotic. They despise their own country. They love foreigners and particularly Muslims and the Chinese. They do not romanticize the “volk” like historic National Socialists. Instead, they look down on them as “creekshitters” or “Rightoids” borrowing terms from Swann Marcus and the Chaposphere. They ignore everything the National Socialists believed about race too. Many of the biggest fans are black and brown Americans like Kanye West who would have been classified as Untermenschen.

You’re criticizing “NS” ideology

5. Historic National Socialism was animated by lots of things, not merely antisemitism, like German volkish ideology, anti-communism, fear of the Left, resentment over the loss of territory and Hitler’s vision of eastward expansion. This is what led to conflict with the Allied powers.

The “NS” fandom is mostly non-German though and doesn’t care about these things. They are not interested in the injustice of Germany’s present day borders or volkish ideology or German colonization of Ukraine. The fandom just isn’t animated by the same things. Unlike the historic National Socialists, who were parochial “petty nationalists,” the fandom wants to “tell the truth” about the history. It attracts history spergs who like Civil War buffs or Trekkies love to master the lore and the canon. The fandom is attracted to the National Socialist aesthetic because it is the bogeyman and can be used to shock liberals. The same impulse to “shock the bourgeoisie” animated the avant garde.

6. The “NS” fandom is intensely focused on anti-Zionism which is hilarious in that the historic National Socialist movement facilitated the transfer of European Jews to Palestine.

7. The role played by antisemitism was different in historic National Socialism and in the “NS” fandom. Kristallnacht, for example, didn’t happen until 1938. This was years after Hitler came to power. Hitler focused on the German economy, rearmament and territorial grievances.

Whereas the fandom wants to focus exclusively on “antisemitism” and endlessly drone on about Jews like a broken record because “nothing else matters,” Hitler addressed the priorities of his supporters like the economy. Hitler wasn’t a crank. Hitler’s views of Jews did not cause him to write off “the System” and give up on politics. He was a gifted speaker who was very successful at politics. He worked with conservatives. He had Christian supporters. He trimmed his sails in the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler was a cunning political operator who repeatedly outmaneuvered his opponents.

The original National Socialists participated in politics and wielded power against Jews. The “NS” fandom abandons the political field to the Jews and yearns for Jews to wield power against Whites.

8. As I understand it, historic National Socialism is like a custom made suit tailored to the German ethnicity, culture, organic historical experience and intellectual climate. It makes no sense at all without Germans. It is not a universalist ideology that can be tried on like an ill fitting pair of pants. My brother-in-law is of German descent and anyone who knows Germans knows how they are. The original National Socialists understood that National Socialism cannot be done without the German race-soul.

9. The “NS” fandom seems to engage in everything but participation in politics – fantasy, entertainment, comedy, talk radio, historical revisionism, esoteric UFOs in Antarctica, End Times prophecies about “The Collapse.” I can think of fans with shows who remind me of Michael Witzigmann in Look Who’s Back. None of the “NS” fans remind me of anything that I have watched or read about the Third Reich.

10. Historic National Socialism attracted winners.

Love him or hate him, Hitler was one of the Great Men of history. A thousand years from now Hitler will be the most remembered man of the 20th century.

The “NS” fandom attracts of legions of losers, outcasts and dysfunctional people. It is suffused with a loser mentality about everything. This is a key difference. The fans are losers at politics and losers at relationships and will talk your head off for hours about both subjects. The bitter hatred of White women that you find among the incels who are “NS” fans is foreign to National Socialism. I don’t know how else to describe it except to say that an aura of negativity and misery emanates from the fandom.

The “NS” fandom has podcasts and shows which remind me of End Times televangelists. Just as the televangelists interpret current events through the lens of the Book of Revelation, loserpilled “NS” fans do the same thing except they react to current events and interpret everything that happens after the fact as a Jewish plot and victory and a defeat of White people. In Trump’s first term, Q deciphered the plan for faithful, plan trusting Trump supporters. JewAnon does the same thing for “NS” fans replacing the will of God with all-powerful Jewish plots thereby crippling the will of activists to do anything. There are people in the “NS” fandom who are also dumb enough to consume and swallow this shit.

It would be one thing if “NS” fans were merely criticizing Donald Trump who is a politician with all sorts of flaws. Having a loser mentality is not one of them. Trump has an amazing ability to power through. These people have developed such a strong loser belief system though that they don’t get off the couch to attempt to advance their own ideology. As they say, “there is no political solution.” Along with black and brown Americans, losers have become a large and loud part of the “NS” fan base.

To put a bow on this discussion, there is a conceit in the “NS” fandom that as fans they are somehow like the historic National Socialist movement in Germany in the 1930s, but I don’t see it. They are leaderless, disorganized, content consumers who are scattered across the world. They are not German. They are not patriotic. Many of them are not even White. They have accepted their status as losers. They have given up on politics and their toxic subculture encourages other people to give up with them.

If Hitler were to return tomorrow and see these fans, he would probably agree with me that the “NS” fandom is an obstacle to doing anything. He wouldn’t be surprised that these people haven’t succeeded at life or politics. These people would surely tell him things like “there is no political solution” and we ought to do nothing but live vicariously through Arabs while waiting for the collapse of civilization.

What would Hitler do? He would probably become exasperated with these people and send them to Buchenwald.


  1. I think is also because USA have a different kind of political approach. I’m Europe you have a movements that have a clear hierarchy and also a structure and are few. Instead, for what I know, in the USA historically you have a lot of little movements separated by each other. One example is the Kkk, how many factions of KKK existed and still exist?? How many factions of Neo Nazi movement existed and still exist?? Instead in other countries not always but often you have one recognizable movement: Golden Dawn, Casapound, Nordic resistance movement, Jobbik, English defense league and others. What people don’t understand is that a movement of 20 people is irrelevant, because is too little. You have some branches of Neo Nazi and Klan that are composed by 10 or maybe 20 members? Where do you want to go with so few people?

    Instead league of the south is an example of a movement with a good organization and recognizable.

  2. One of the other posters said it best on the last post about this: By your fruits, ye shall know them.

    How many kids do our resident Natsocs have? Oh, right. None. Because “the jews would just brainwash them”.

    • And what, pray tell, kind of children would be created from your poisonous bowels? The only thing you could produce would be obedient, little slaves who’d do nothing for anybody, just like you. Like after like, correct?

  3. Nazism has been illegal for 80 years in Germany, with extremely harsh sanctions. If not for that a New Nazi party would have been elected long ago in Germany.

    Central to Nazism was race. The Germans are still 75% of the people and over 80% of the voters in Germany. If it were legal a NS type party could win in Germany.

    Here in America whites are a fast shrinking minority. Even worse, whites are not one race, but broken into dozens of ethnicities, all hating each other.

    The only viable path for us is secession.

    • As someone who is very familiar with and even had lived in germany you are delusional. The closest party would be the NDP and they are universally hated, no one want anything to do with them. Also legal or not the mentality is they don’t even talk about it outside of academic setting.

  4. You bring up the question of what people actually want.
    Think I want to see the rich and powerful go down hard more than I want Whites to unify. I want Whites to survive, but I don’t want Whites to start seeing other races instead of the system as the enemy.
    This thread made me realize how much things have changed since thephora, thelyceum, odessa syndicate etc.
    Got to be honest, think I’m a hangover from a past era (I have known Hunter online since 2006) and not really well fit into the current makeup of the website.

  5. It is inchoate fandom, but not because of some intrinsic flaw. It’s because the necessary foundation was never built.

    Historically, NS/WN groups in the U.S. have functioned less as serious political movements and more as astroturfed pressure valves for the FBI. The system needed a cartoon villain, so they helped create one: elevating the lowest IQ adherents, isolating them through social pressure, then nudging them into becoming the exact caricatures that justify further suppression.

    Now, as the truth becomes undeniable, young men seeking direction find themselves adrift, with no real organizations, no leadership, and no structured worldview beyond the fragments they’ve pieced together online. They grasp at something real, but the groundwork was systematically destroyed before it could ever take shape.

    • I admit that I am trolling the trolls here.

      I’m just exasperated with these “fans” who do nothing but whine all day. I’m tired of black rappers in swastikas parading around their naked wives and mixed race ecelebs like Nick Fuentes. I’m tired of people who are “antisemitic” to the point that they are absolutely crippled by fatalism and who are like doomsday televangelists.

      To be clear, I am not criticizing everyone who identifies as a National Socialist, but a small, specific, loud group of people

      • You are criticising people who are not genuine National Socialists at all, and that exist in ALL movements, but in a manner that still comes across as being negative to National Socialists of all descriptions, and the approach of the intelligent NatSoc core, who are much more reasonable, indeed cognisant of the issues your raise, and not all all guilty of the negative aspects you outline of National Socialists.

        A genuine National Socialist is a person that a) believes in the revisionist history of ww2, not the Hollywood caricature.
        b) puts race first above *any* loyalty to a system or ‘ism’ yes, even National Socialism.
        c) will not throw the truth about Hitler and ww2 under the bus to falsely serve b) for temporary brownie points or advantage, with the view that long-term we are better off, as Whites, defending the truth about that period and the man.

        With b) above being critical. Genuine NatSocs exist to inform and defend the White race. Where possible we believe the ideal would be for White nations to incorporate beliefs and systems that are informed by the National Socialist experience in Germany, but without necessarily being in the exact same form, as, and you are right to say, the form and substance should meet the needs of the situation and people, and accommodate the differences relevant to each in their own national/ethnic context. We are for being sensible and pragmatic, not dogmatic. And we do not focus entirely on Jews. All vectors that harm Whites are opposed, all vectors of positive impact for Whites are approved.

        We don’t ask first, like a marxist or libertarian – does this serve our ideology? We ask “does this serve Whites?”
        National Socialism *informs* us, but desire for a positive White future is what motivates us and guides us.

        • I will grant that I was responding to some of the loudest influencers in the space and highlighting the ways in which I think they depart from the historical movement in Germany

  6. It’s unfair to broad-brush people in America as inauthentic. Yes we’re not German people
    Yes we can’t be identical with the “real” National Socialists.
    However, it’s wrong to mock people here that appreciate Hitler.
    As for the supposed defect of not loving America ??.
    People can certainly have noble ideals without the patriotic nostalgia of their peers. America has lots of dirty laundry.

    • It is a fandom.

      The fans are also nothing like the original National Socialists. They call themselves “NS” and take themselves seriously while doing nothing but creating “parties” which don’t do anything. They want other people to validate their identity. It would be like me LARPing as Hank Williams or Billy Ray Cyrus. Confederate reenactors at least understand it is a LARP.

  7. “The role played by antisemitism was different in historic National Socialism and in the “NS” fandom. Kristallnacht, for example, didn’t happen until 1938. This was years after Hitler came to power. Hitler focused on the German economy, rearmament and territorial grievances.”
    Hitler literally was passing antisemitic laws within two weeks of the Enabling Act being passed, the first of which being the law removing Jews from the civil service. The most autistic antisemitic laws, the Nuremburg Laws tracking Jewish ancestry, were already enacted in September 1935, while the Reichsparteitag was happening. And the reason it took them a couple years to enact it was because there was intense debate on specific details. It’s absurd to claim they weren’t thinking intensely about Jews during these years.
    There’s too much bs in this article for me to factcheck.

      • Some jews were actively advanced all the way to the end of the war, Fld. Mrshl Milch, Dr. Morrell and Dr. Heinkel, owner Heinkel aircraft. Jews were not so hated as the media would lead us to believe.

  8. The text is immensely factious, biased, and imprints lies mixed with bits of truth. Point 4 about hierarchy and jingoism is one such point, which then suggests (like the westoid-liberal narrative suggests) WW2 started out of a manic obsession with maximalist territorial gains and ethnic extermination, because Painter Guy had nothing better to do with his time.

    This whole text (along with Woods’ complementary quackery the other day) can be best read as a mix of emotional turmmoil (from dealing with working class racists), social status loss (again from dealing with working class racists) and [drumroll] national chauvinism, as these people, being petty patriotards first, and Europeists second, see a huge burden in the countering historical lies from the leader of another country. Ergo, they throw everything under the bus, put out this snobby pieces of text reframing and projecting nonsense on top of their targets, and proceed to tap themselves of the back.

    • Germany was starved by the blockade in World War I and Hitler was determined to create an autarkic economy by expanding east and colonizing Ukraine with German settlers. He saw Eastern Europe like 19th century Americans saw the Wild West.

      • Eastern Europe has German settlers from Bulgaria to Crimea to Russia to Czechia, before Hitler was born. They had been invited to those lands centuries prior because they were well known for making living conditions better.

        Yor would be better off sticking to plantation eras of chattel slavery in the South and Jim Crow.

        As you have written, you hate WWII (btw, I do too because it didn’t need to happen) and have little interest in getting ‘into the weeds’ of what is fact or fiction.

        FDR inciting war with Germany.


        Why Germany attacked the Soviet Union.


        • I am fully familiar with that and have actually been reading about the Germans who settled there under Catherine the Great. None of that seems to inspire “NS” in America

          My point was that the psychological underpinnings of the original movement were different. Fans aren’t motivated by the same things. Fans don’t even share the same ethnicity. There are a number of reasons why it hasn’t revived and those are two big ones

      • ‘ determined to create an autarkic economy’

        Beyond that, total social welfare, free medical care, free education, quality housing (he condemned and razed the jewish owned slums and replaced them with quality apartments). Food and heat for all those struggling. Even stopped the use of potatoes for making alcohol, instead feeding the poor.

  9. It would be quite difficult to find a loser on the right than people who should know better from experience but still shill for Trump.

    His biggest betrayals are yet to come.

    • Trump captured state power twice. MAGA is a political faction which captured and remade the Republican Party

      But yeah, “people who should know better” should listen instead to people who created a fake political party which did nothing except collapse. Lmao

      • MAGA has captured state power for jewish interests.

        Sure, Zion Don will throw his cultists a crumb of challah bread, but no real changes are happening.

        When people point out that you have been are continuing to be deceived on deportations, you call it “misinformation from activists.”

        Both the jeet director of the FBI and his mulatto deputy director have pledged fealty to jews and israel. That is “winning by winning” to MAGAtards.

        I noticed that you have not posted “first buddy” Elon Musk’s tweet to the jewish co-founder and Trump suppoter Jon Lonsdale about jews playing an important role in saving America. I wonder why. Hmm.


        See new posts
        Joe Lonsdale
        Mar 8
        For the first time in my lifetime, a lot of successful Jewish friends called me worried this week – names we all know – asking what is going to happen as these libels re-enter the mainstream, and are shared by millions.

        Sadly, Tucker, Rogan, Candace Owens, and others platformed
        Show more
        Mar 8
        “Listen here, pal. In Isreal, we don’t kill our Christians. We just spit on them and cover their graves and try to outlaw the gospel. Yes, we kill them and blow up their churches in Gaza. That’s different. We’re the good guys here.” x.com/JTLonsdale/sta…
        Elon Musk

        The Jewish people have and will play an instrumental role in saving America
        10:21 PM · Mar 8, 2025


        • I’m not going to pretend that I care about Mahmoud being deported or “free speech” at Columbia University. Virtually no one who is actually White even goes there. It is one of the most Jewish universities in the country. It was the Jewish beachhead in the Ivy League a century ago. The “antisemitism” there that is such a huge problem is anti-Zionist Jews criticizing Israel. Leftwing Jews at the SPLC are currently furious with Greenblatt and the ADL. It is a family feud.

          • It’s not about caring what goes on at some Ivy League cesspool, it’s about the precedent it sets. The Trump administration openly says it is enforcing orders “prohibiting antisemitism” and that American citizens are next to be punished for speech that made some whiny jewish brat feel uncomfortable.

          • They are punishing foreigners on student visas. I don’t care. It is not one of my priorities

          • ‘They are punishing foreigners on student visas.’

            Except Saudis and gulf Arabs, who rape and kill with impunity, then jump on a private embassy jet and flee back to the gulf, immune from extradition.

  10. Why are you lying and saying that NS people are anti-woman? All the people you’re sperging at for being NS (clearly TRS being the main ones) are pro-woman, whatever other criticisms you might have of these people. I literally can’t think of a single notable anti-woman NS figurehead – the closest that comes to mind is Nick Fuentes who is clearly not National Socialist and never has been. Also Keith Woods has the same views on women as Nick – they were both criticizing “wifejak” for instance. Not that being against wifejak makes one a woman-hater, that meme was cringe and clearly being pushed to depoliticize people (the idea that having a wife and kids is somehow a political act now, a substitute for politics). Can you name a single National Socialist who has a “bitter hatred of White women”?

    You shouldn’t have to resort to “people who politically disagree with me are incels with no friends”. “Have sex incel”, “touch grass”, etc. aren’t arguments. It makes it look like you have no faith in anything else you typed and have to resort to childish insults.

    • See, you already know exactly who I am talking about.

      Obviously, I am referring to the Groypers and the porn brained incels who hate White women. Fuentes is definitely a big presence in the “NS” fandom. He is one of the largest streamers on Rumble and one of the loudest voices on X. Ask any White woman who has ever been anywhere near the movement and they will tell you it is a huge problem. Do you remember when he was glazing Kanye West who was posting interracial porn on X? Do you remember when he hosted the multiracial anti-Zionist movement at AFPAC and had people like Suliaman Ahmed there or what he said about Rotherham rape victims?

      As for TRS, much of what else I am describing above clearly refers to them since about 2020. It is TRS which goes on and on about “creekshitters” and rightoids. It is TRS that voted for Kamala Harris. It is TRS which advocates losing at politics to the Left. It was the National Justice Party which didn’t run any candidates for office. I also specifically have Eric Striker in mind in a lot of what I wrote above about ignoring the NS view of race. It is also TRS which does post hoc televangelist style takes on the news in which how they decipher the moves that the all powerful Jews are making.

      There is also the Black Pilled channel which I am only vaguely familiar with, but which has definitely been a big influence on what I see as the “NS” fandom. Again, if you want to know why “NS” sounds like a chorus of losers these days, I understand that is a great place to start.

        • ‘End times televangelists’

          I hate those bastards and the faith healers.
          They ruthlessly exploit the poor and desperate.

      • So, you are arguing that National Socialists are incels who hate White women and your evidence is people who are clearly not National Socialists?

        In fact, a big part of why Fuentes, Anglin, etc. distance themselves from National Socialism is that they think NatSocs are “cringe” for NOT hating White women.

        • Fuentes is a fan who has loudly supported Hitler and the hating women stuff is about the weird incel losers who are clearly a problem

  11. When I see Wallace praise Scott Presler for signing up hunters to vote for the Republican party and then Presler immediately turns around and parades gay sex with a steroid abuser while angrily insisting homosexuality is Conservative…that is when I know we are Winning by Winning.

    You have done a reverse-Richard Spencer where you see Republicans as the True Nazis. Then incredibly you align with Anglin I guess because you hate your readers and sympathize with Anglin hating his readers? Yet again we see the trend of Altright personalities turning on their readers as a coping mechanism for disruptions in their personal lives. The little guy is the scapegoat.

    • My take on Presler is that he is a degenerate with the right tactic which is changing political geography. Politically, that is effective. Joining fake political parties which do nothing but satisfy some emotional need like the College of Wizardry does not.

      My personal life is great. I have been married 11 years. I have two sons and a daughter who is being born next month. Things are going great. My politics are rapidly becoming mainstream under Trump and I see lots of great things happening.

      As for this wild change you see, the CofCC has always been populist, nationalist, paleoconservative, Christian, and has always participated in politics. The difference is that we were frozen out of politics for 25 years, but fortunately that now seems to be changing

  12. “Can you imagine the original National Socialists endorsing and proudly voting for Kamala Harris? The historic National Socialist movement was intensely political. The fandom is anti-political and focuses on demoralizing and demobilizing Whites and losing at politics.”

    I voted for Kamala because her positions on abortion and foreign policy most closely aligned with my own. I was very afraid that the ChristZios were going to suck us into another morass in the middle east. It wasn’t because I’m a Palestine-obsessive, I just didn’t want my people, white people, dying in that war. I’m happy to be wrong about that, at least so far.

  13. I think the correlation between WN Accelerationism and Christian Zionism should be explored more. James Mason for instance, author of “Siege”, has long since abandoned hope in the prospect of a violent revolt by White Revolutionaries occurring and now awaits the return of Aryan Israelites from Space to save him, inspired by his idiosyncratic reading of Revelation. The admins of the Siegeculture website ended up following in Mason’s footsteps and began to expand upon this eschatology by mixing it with LHP strands of Occultism. Even the WN Accelerationists I’ve encountered who aren’t from Protestant backgrounds or haven’t explored such esoterica end up adopting a Revelation-inspired eschatology independently for themselves after they become ‘blackpilled’ enough.

  14. This reads to me like you’ve misunderstood nationalism and socialism as well as stereotyping anyone espousing national socialist ideas.
    First off Nationalism and Socialism are two different system, both of which have been around thousands of years. The fusion of the two, depending how you look at it, has also been around many centuries.

    “…members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP) in the Weimar Republic (1918–1933) were greatly influenced by several 19th- and early 20th-century thinkers…”


    It was the British that first founded a modern, European National Socialist Party back in 1916:


    The world is permanently unstable, evolving in chaos and warfare among the many nation states. Planet is just too big, with too many nation states looking out for their own interests. This is the larger context in which humans live. Endless war. Nationalism has been forced on this species because of this warfare, and socialism is the closest economic system aligned with this type of government. Your statement that there’s no political solution, just feeds into more chaos.

  15. “If Hitler were to return tomorrow and see these fans, he would probably agree with me that the “NS” fandom is an obstacle to doing anything. He wouldn’t be surprised that these people haven’t succeeded at life or politics.”

    Jew fighters out here are being attacked. There’s no true free speech anywhere in the world if you attack jew power. You must live in a bubble, or be protected somehow. Didn’t you read Mein Kampf’s sections on their attacks by antifa, and the reason they founded the brown shirts?
    People are being PREVENTED from succeeding in life Mr Hunter by all the jew attacks on us. Are you that blind?

    • There is nothing that screams loser more than blaming all your problems on external forces, wallowing in victimhood and not taking responsibility. All successful, aspirational people understand this which is why a chorus of low confidence losers is like a magnetic field that repulsed them. It also turns off women.

    • My point is that what calls itself “NS” is a fandom centered on a defunct political movement which departs from historic National Socialism in all kinds of ways.

  16. I will extend good will to the NS larpers on here and assume that Hitler was probably murdered rather than taking his own life. If so, the question is still open: is he in Heaven or Hell today?
    The answer has not a thing to do with the jews, their media, the distorted history we are taught, the various (failed) factions of his admirers today, or any other such impermanent thing. The question is: did AH accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior?, for “No man comes to the Father, but by” Him.
    I see far too many of Hitlers admirers here blaspheming God, and idolizing Hitler in His place- a ticket to Hell without repentance and God’s grace.
    I would hate to think that Hitler is burning today alongside the vicious jew bankers he battled, but that is the impression that I’m left with by the sheer percentage of Hitlerites on here who slander and mock the Lord.

  17. Hunter, since you wrote this article,
    excellent take by the way, and since
    you are responding to comments, I would
    love to know what your recent take on
    VNN is, [ me , 2 peeps post there, they lost the plot ]. I don’t follow TRS but being around
    going back some of the ‘free speech’ boards
    were always good for headlines, I can’t
    say that is the case recently. Total failure here.

  18. hunter, they didnt take their eye off the jew because of a few spicy tweets and executive orders (which wont be allowed to last)

    it was socialism.. for nationals.. it was white people taking care of white people

    • A very popular idea in the “NS” fandom seems that we need to appeal to American Socialists like Swann Marcus, DSA types or the Chapo Trap House audience and that somehow ranting and raving about Rightoids, Whiteoids and Christoids is a winning political formula because it is “National Socialism.” From what I stand, it just seems to fall on deaf ears. It repulses the Right without adding anyone from the Left and is a failure

        • In the Great Depression, Americans turned to the government and became FDR New Deal liberals. It was a disaster. There is no reason to believe a “collapse” would work out to our advantage.

  19. yes we are starting from a much worse position (if it is even possible at all)

    but regardless of how it can be done, there is no political solution

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