Moving on …
This was excellent.
Sarah Stock is intelligent, educated, attractive and confident in her exchange with Sam Seder. She defends our traditional American identity which was based on race and culture. She moves the Overton Window and stakes out an edgy position that is adjacent to, but a step beyond Trumpism.
Conservatives are sharing this, agreeing with it and absorbing the message. No one who isn’t a loser wants to listen to a bunch of helpless old men whining all day.
Note: I will post the video whenever X sorts out its issues.
Over at X the cat’s away and the mice are playing. Chances are the Indians and the girls are causing Musk problems, with his own people.
No has ever heard of that woman or the jew she is debating.
“Conservatives” are irrelevant and have schizophrenia when it comes to race.
MAGAtards are more likely to wave an israeli flag, lgbtq flag than a Confederate battle flag which iirc is still banned at NASCAR races.
You just think that the Overton Window is shifting because the jews are allowing whitey to blow off some steam as a safety valve. When they believe that you are actually putting words into action they will crush you.
Attractive blonde becomes instant hit defending White nationalism on a Jewish internet show where mean Trump voters get to humiliate a liberal Jew. I’m sure this wasn’t set up in any way.. As for assimilating into America’s dominant culture, sure it was historically Christian, but today? I’d strongly argue that Jewish popular culture, at least, is absolutely dominant. Let’s hope this woman is not a Trojan horse to promote Judaeo-Christian values (an oxymoron of course). One promising sign that this may not be the case is the following piece attributed to Sarah on Trump’s Judaeo-Christian value champion; Paula White:
She does a good job. Anti-whites like Seder need to be confronted.
It was excellent how she kept pressing him “isn’t/wasn’t it? do you really believe America wasn’t a European-dominant culture?”. Really nice. But when he lied and said America was always a melting pot she should’ve kept pressing it, since presumably she was choosing this line of enquiry because even leftists believe america was white supremacist. So he was basically lying and she failed to explicitly accuse him, even if it was kinda obvious to the people watching who are more familiar with the contradictions in the regime narrative.
>No one who isn’t a loser wants to listen to a bunch of helpless old men whining all day.
? The irony of posting this when you’re still bringing up these “helpless” people whining about them even when another topic is being discussed. And what age are you, Hunter? You look middle-age yourself, or approaching it if you’re not. Grow up.
I am middle aged.
There is nothing wrong with being middle aged, but I try to strike a positive, upbeat, aspirational tone. I don’t try to demoralize and demobilize White people. That’s the difference.
This dumb bitch is Canadian. She may look the part but she’s not a real American. Probably a Canadian plant to destabilize our strong country
A grifter said some hot racist takes that will go down well with the same online internet nazis that Wallace despises.
America was never intended to be white or Christian, not even before the Civil War. It was founded as an ideological enlightenment project based on universal humanism within the confines of bourgeois property rights. It was intended to be bourgeois and broadly middle class where the only cultural weight was commerce and capitalism. Socially America was destined to be the melting pot. The South rebeled not because of racial grievances but because of legalistic objections to the Constitution’s stance on property which they felt was being infringed. So, even the South was cucked and side stepped the big question. None of the central founders were godly men. Jefferson was barely a deist. This woman is a grifter and is spinning lies like so much of alternative media.
We win by winning!
Strongly disagree.
This young woman is doing useful work.
1. She is defining America in explicitly racial and cultural terms.
2. She is staking out an edgy position adjacent to Trumpism.
3. The clip is being shared all over X and endorsed by conservatives thereby redefining the boundaries of conservatism.
4. Matt Walsh responded to it by asking the question … what is America? This is a great way to move away from the Proposition Nation. It is a great idea for a new project.
This is great because it is another example of how we can slowly, inexorably permeate and redefine mainstream politics. Contrast this with what internet nazis doing, which is to say, nothing but losing and whining on the internet