Politico: Democrat Polling Shows Massive Brand Problems Ahead of 2026

Are Democrats getting their grove back?

As I have repeatedly said, how Democrats choose to respond to Trump is one of the biggest questions of the year. There is no real mystery now about what Trump is going to do. I have speculated that they could collapse even further and that “thermostatic” politics might not save the day. I base this on history where decades of polarization eventually broke in favor of one side.


“The Democratic Party’s brand is in rough shape in the congressional battlegrounds.

Nearly two months into the second Donald Trump administration, a majority of voters in battleground House districts still believe Democrats in Congress are “more focused on helping other people than people like me,” according to an internal poll conducted by the Democratic group Navigator Research. Among independents, just 27 percent believe Democrats are focused on helping them, compared with 55 percent who said they’re focused on others. …

Especially alarming for Democrats were findings around voters’ views of Democrats and work. Just 44 percent of those polled said they think Democrats respect work, while even fewer — 39 percent — said the party values work. Only 42 percent said Democrats share their values. A majority, meanwhile — 56 percent — said Democrats are not looking out for working people.

Only 39 percent believe Democrats have the right priorities. …

But Democrats’ difficulties appear to go deeper. For example, the poll found a whopping 69 percent of voters said Democrats were “too focused on being politically correct.” Another 51 percent said “elitist” described the Democratic Party well. …”

The Democratic base won’t cede an inch.

It is “immoral” to abandon even most ludicrous 80/20 progressive causes.

New York Times:

“Can the Democratic Party as currently constituted move to the center?

After the 2024 election, many sympathetic politicians and commentators made it quite clear that they would like the party to do so. It will be an uphill struggle.

These widely recognized changes in levels of educational attainment have coincided with an ideological shift. Gallup found that in 1994, 48 percent of Democrats described themselves as moderate while 25 percent said they were liberal or very liberal and 25 percent said they were conservative or very conservative.

By 2024, 30 years later, Gallup reported that a solid majority of Democrats, 55 percent, said they were liberal or very liberal, 34 percent said they were moderate and 9 percent described themselves as conservative or very conservative.

In other words, the base of support for a moderate Democratic candidate has shrunk, while the base of support for a liberal candidate in a Democratic primary has more than doubled. …”

Every single Senate Democrat recently voted in favor of keeping “trans” athletes like Heather Swanson in women’s sports. 67% of Democratic voters are opposed to the practice.

Note: Kyle Kulinski wants to triple down on this and “fascism” and “Robber Barons.” He wants to strike a bold contrast to underline the difference between the two sides.


    • No, the bigger break is on the moderate side of the Dem coalition.

      The Left loves the trans athletes shit. Democrats are shaving off wave after wave of conservative and moderate Democrats. MAGA voters supported Obama in 2008. The Democratic coalition has become much more socially liberal. It is attracting those people, not losing them.

      • Trannies were in everyone’s face in 2018, 2020, 2022, the state elections, etc. Do you remember Lady MAGA?

        The decisive event that transpired was Gaza. You posted about ZOG and Gaza for nearly a year nonstop. Gaza has had a mass cascading effect flipping the world upside down because it drove directly at the Achilles heel of the old liberal coalition.

        • Disagree, it was Dylan Mulvaney destroying the Bud Light brand.

          That was the decisive moment that the cultural tide turned on transgenderism.

      • The Democrat coalition attracts every kind of lunatic and racial grievance monger under the sun. The Lügenpresse makes it seem as though they are the majority but the rise of social media has shown how thin their numbers really are. The decline of Hollywood and the MSM as gatekeepers is an irreplaceable loss for the Left.

  1. Ah…the Democrats. What the HELL???
    My granddad was a die-hard Wallace Dem, as his daddy had been a Cotton Tom man. Back then, I hear, a White working man could vote for the party reasonably assured that he would get *some* representation of his interests. Then, the party threw us overboard in the 60s for the undying loyalty of the most violent, dim-witted, and dysfunctional people alive- the blacks. Rather than stand up as one people and secede again- when we had millions of tough, WW2 vet White Southrons of fighting age- our leaders capitulated with little fanfare and the people threw in their lot with the Republicans: the party of evil Yankee trash from Lincoln to Eisenhower. By the 80s, my (otherwise wonderful) father was putting his faith in an empty suit actor like Reagan, and the last, best chance for true White freedom on the American continent- Dixie- was Gone With the Wind.

  2. That guy on the right is a narcissistic tranny named Tom from Gainesville FL. Given how blasphemous he is, and the fact that he tattooed his entire arm black, im guessing he’s a case of demonic possession. very sad.

  3. Democrats are ramrodding unpopular social issues, when I feel they do have the better economic agenda. This is why I refuse to join either party. This shows the problem with our two party system. If someone ran socially center-right, economically left, they would win easily in a general election. The problem is that candidate couldn’t win either primary.

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