Yankees Leave Home

No, this isn’t a Yankee bashing post.

The progressive intelligentsia is starting to sense their demographic danger.

The Gilded Sunbelt is being fueled by insane progressive policies in Blue States that make life unaffordable there for working class and middle class families. They are driving out their own residents who have nowhere else to go but here which is driving up housing prices in the Sunbelt.

If this was working for them politically, they would be fine with it. The problem is how the 2030 census is going to change the Electoral College and how it threatens their coalition.

Note: The biggest problem for Southern Nationalists is convincing Southerners to secede from the United States at a time when we live under Florida Occupied Government. The North is the shrinking region. This dynamic is the reverse of the situation our ancestors faced in the 1850s.


  1. Wallace you should reverse-migrate to somewhere in Yankeedom like New Hampshire or Vermont or upstate NY. If you moved there then you could send your kids to private NE schools where they would play lacrosse and you could be an East Coast WASP elitist like Tucker or Dickey Spencer like you have always secretly wanted to be.

    • I’ve never wanted to live anywhere but Alabama.

      I do have family in Maine of all places though. I would like to visit Washington County on the Canadian border.

      • If you really do want to visit Washington County go during the summer months, avoid the cold. A few miles inland from the coast of Maine it’s like the frontier in the 17th century, lots of wilderness. The people, real Maine people, not Somalis obviously or transplants from all over in the Portland area, are friendly but reserved.

        Everyone hunts and fishes in Maine too. There is a big live and let live culture away from the summertime tourist crowds. There is a noticeably overwhelmingly White majority there too, especially noticeable if you’re coming from California or one of the many diverse places in the U.S.

        • But isnt the Bush family retreat beginning with “ K” in Maine ?

          The Bushes tried to reinvent their family as “ tough Texans “ moving to Texas , trying to shake that upper class New Haven CT Yale effete WASP elite Image .

          I think mist if our readers would find similar types in cities , state capital college towns – the South still has more Black Black cities such as Memphis , Atlanta , Birmingham , Richmond VA, as for lib Leftist universities ….

          I went to Vanderbilt – the Harvard of the South …

          I was around another once proud , Southern private university Davidson U outside of Charlotte NC – bookstores and faculty might as well have been U Cal Berkeley .

          Folks … we ve run out places to run away .

      • You should visit, Hunter. My entire family is from Maine. My father’s side of the family is from Washington County. One of my great uncles was a lobsterman. In the small towns on the coast, you can go to the lobster pool, which is like a farmers market for seafood brought in by the local fishermen. We had a spot on the beach near Acadia National Park where we would have family lobster/clam bakes. I remember exploring tide pools along the shoreline, watching lobster boat races from the shore. Good memories.

        Everyone up there hunts and/or fishes. Deer season is November, and my father would always find our Christmas tree in the woods, cut it down, and bring it home at the end of hunting season, around Thanksgiving.

        The small towns are still nice, but it has changed a lot. Growing up, the first time I recall seeing a black person was when I went to Washington DC for the first time when I was eight years old.

        • My maternal grandfather was a Beam from Washington County, Maine whose family moved to Florida after Pearl Harbor where he met my grandmother. My wife is always joking with me about my Yankee side. The Scots-Irish also settled in northern New England.

    • visited family in upstate New York last summer although the town has a progressive wasp arts college, quite a few homeowners flew maga flags

  2. Anyone who truly loves traditional Southern culture should see this as a major problem. I am not saying everyone even has to value Southern culture. I am saying that if you do, then you should recognize this as a problem.

    We should talk realistically and honest about this. If we view the South as the future homeland for the white race and we treat the South as a refuge for whites everywhere, then Southern culture will continue to rapidly disappear. We can’t have both at the same time.

    I don’t care how offensive this sounds, but you can’t preserve the South unless real ethnic Southerners make up most of the population of the South. Sure, we could turn the South into a future white ethnostate for all white people. It would be like a new America but more conservative. But the South as a cultural region will be gone.

    If I as a Southerner move to Russia or France, sure I can assimilate because I am white, but I will never truly be Russian or French like Slavic Russians and actual white French people are. I don’t have a family history in either country. I don’t have the blood. I don’t have the great grandparents passing down stories about old times in either of those countries. I only have all those things here in the South…. a region that is day by day being taken from people like me.

    I think at some point, white people in other parts of America are going to have to get their own houses in order instead of always running to the South. As Southerners who are pro white we should gladly help them do that however we can. But the South honestly doesn’t need anymore people. You have places like North Carolina where actual real Southerners are now a minority. Our cities are crowded and expensive. Will Alabama become the next North Carolina? Do people want that?

    Time to talk frankly about this topic without worrying about offending people.

    • Yankee Boomer retirees have been moving to the South en masse for the last 20 years because of low/no income taxes and, of course, people who provide services (young families, Mexicans)follow the money South in order acquire some of that money for themselves. Basically it’s a self-induced situation(or ‘problem’ if you’re a CSA larper like Wallace) by Southern states.

    • ‘should see this as a major problem. ‘

      You’re absolutely right.
      Southerners are facing a ‘great replacement ‘ of another type, principly ‘cultural replacement’, a real and imminent threat.

        • What few people realize is the cascading effect. People in NJ get run out by Puerto Ricans and they move to the South, then displacing Southerners.

          This cascade effect can have multiple steps. People move from NYC to NJ, they move from NJ to Pennsylvania, they move from Pennsylvania to the South.

          The squeeze is on.
          Don’t think for an instant this hasn’t been (((pre-planned))).

    • I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but the process is probably too far advanced in most of the South to do anything about it now. It’s been going on for quite some time. Superficial symbols of Southern culture will remain, but its essence will be homogenized away. This isn’t just a Southern problem, by the way. Regional differences all across the country are getting washed away in the same manner.

    • I’m a Yankee. Pennsylvanian by roots, though technically born in Virginia. Every Yankee I know that moves South goes to one of the major metro areas. Why not just live outside of the major metro areas?

    • We are hospitable when people are just visiting. We are hospitable if people move here in small numbers. Why should we be hospitable when our entire culture is getting taken away, our cities are overcrowded, our rural areas are being built up, and everything is more expensive now due to hordes of people pouring in?

  3. The South needs the heartland and northern Midwest rust belt states to finally gain Sovereignty from Fed USA.

    Dixie will win!

  4. “””….The biggest problem for Southern Nationalists is convincing Southerners to secede….””””
    Economy will do that. Also political turmoil what makes at least part of the Empire ungovernable. At the current moment, some sort of seccession in the US, also collapse of EU is unavoidable. So down here in Europe, mr Orban and other supremacist including myself, wet dream to take over whole Europe is out of window. EU nazis worked hard 15 years but now project of united nationalist Europe is dead and buried.

  5. I walked through Hollywood a few years ago and I was like “this is it?” Looked like they hadn’t built anything new in 50 years. Apparently the NIMBYs get mad anytime they try to tear down a “historic” tire shop, parking lot, or gas station.

    • Hollywood has been a mess for years. Lots of tourists and crazies roaming around, now a huge homeless population added to the mix all over southern California.

  6. Ireland 2050: We’re now at the halfway point of a ‘Complete Demographic Overhaul’.


    Hmmmmm…..Ireland, England, France, Germany, etc…..Seems a pattern almost like it is Planned. It Is/Was.
    Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote about exactly what is happening in Europe…..

    *THESE ARE ALL THE AUTHOR’S WORDS, NOT MINE:”The man of the future will be a mixed breed. Today’s races and castes will fall victim to the increased overcoming of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its features to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the nations with a diversity of personalities.”

    Written in 1925, Practical Idealism requires a strong stomach! It is the foremost and detailed plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe; what Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi called for was not only the destruction of European nations, but also the deliberate ethnocide of the indigenous Caucasian race of the European continent.

    3 minutes ago
    Looks like no one heard of St. Patrick’s prophecy for the end times…that Ireland would disappear beneath the waves before the Anti-Christ takes power. They’re talking about the Pope after Pope Francis being the last Pope. That’s end times prophecy as well. So regardless if you’re Irish, Brazilian, Pakistani, Indian, African, straight, gay, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, whatever…you’re either a New Atlantian or swimming for it to the next available land mass. Might want to patch up that boat.
    As for women our generation not having kids, that’s the effect the pill has on societies. It either messes up your fertility or makes you sick later. Badly affects the demographic. Thousands of studies. No discussion. Check out a film called Hush on the topic. REAL eye opener. An American pro-abortionist documentary maker made it.

    3 minutes ago
    People need to stop making excuses about how “it’s okay that they’re here” or “I’ve met some really nice ones” or “I guess they’re doing the jobs we don’t want to do”. That’s all crap. Integration is innately impossible. It’s mass deportation or death. There is no economic argument, there is no study or statistic or crime rate that is required to justify a mass deportation. They have to go simply because they are replacing you, it’s that simple. Even if they did make the gdp go up or even if they were peaceful, they have to go. Every other argument or piece of data is secondary for justification.

  7. The most desired areas to live in are the most unaffordable. This isn’t because of liberalism, but capitalism. My guess is that people are simply being priced out of their metro areas. The fact that these metro areas are also blue is a correlation, but it is not causation. The super rich are voting Democrat and the dirt poor are voting Democrat, while Middle Class people can’t keep up with the increased cost of living. But the causation is that too many people want to live in prestigious areas, thus rising the prices. Then people are looking at it realistically and realizing they can’t keep up.

    By the way, I can’t access Occidental Dissent in Chrome because it doesn’t work with https. I used to use anonymouse, but that stopped working today. So now I had to go in through a tor browser.

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