Tucker Carlson: The Truth About the U.S.S. Liberty

It is getting comical at this point.

Just the other day, it was actually there is some truth to race realism, and actually America is not an idea or a melting pot, but was founded by White European Christian settlers.

Candace Owens has already done an episode on the U.S.S. Liberty. The Hodge Twins had David Duke on their show. This is the latest example that illustrates how Trump era conservatism is flexibile enough to include anything the Dissident Right ever proposed or talked about. There is no subject out there which cannot be detoxified and annexed.


  1. We can talk about anything – except, apparently, US aid to Israel. Questioning this is apparently “antisemitism” so severe, it is equivalent to a crime and grounds for the cancellation of a green card.

    (Don’t get me wrong. I think the number of green cards issued annually should be precisely 0 per year. I just don’t like the precedent of “antisemitism” being treated as equivalent to a crime.)

  2. >There is no subject out there which cannot be detoxified and annexed.

    That is a novel way to characterize “co-opting,” and while the concept, or that of controlled opposition, shouldn’t need an exposition you are here begging for one. Its unfortunate when otherwise intelligent people fall for propaganda but to see someone knowingly choose to be a mark because it flatters their identity is both deeply demoralizing and grotesque. Although it is of course hardly unusual, particularly in America which is essentially one big confidence game. The purpose of co-opting is to control the conversation and make sure it doesn’t go anywhere (or goes elsewhere). I understand you are very happy that the system is now pandering to the group you identify with, but where is this going? If Tucker Carlson is talking about the USS Liberty attack then can we expect a change in policy towards the Zionist state?. Why are you satisfied with being pandered to instead of taking that as an opportunity to push for more? Recently the “Epstein files” were given to jewish/maga influencers for this purpose. The system is highly adept at neutralizing dissent because most people are satisfied with superficial appearances, as they (and you) enjoy being pandered to. There will be no follow up on Epstein, especially considering the operation he was a part of implicates both the red team and the blue team. There will be no follow up on the “special relationship” with Israel, because “the declining jewish elite” (per Brad) owns Trump. When politicians/media pander to you it means they want your consent and you should deny it to them as that is the only power we actually have.

    • To be crystal clear, I don’t care about the U.S.S. Liberty and I didn’t watch this Tucker interview or the previous one with Candace Owens. I only highlighted this for the people who do care. I thought it was another funny example of the edgy conservative ecosystem and how the competition for attention drives the destruction of old taboos.

      Why is this a bad thing? If telling the truth is so important, then you would think that Tucker and Candace Owens – two of the largest conservative influencers in America – covering the story would be celebrated as a win. After all, far more people are learning about the U.S.S. Liberty and most of them for the first time. It is a victory for the truth.

      Yeah, the reason why people are upset is because they don’t actually care about the truth. They care about grifting off the truth. This is like Amazon or Walmart putting small business “truth tellers” out of business. It is no longer a product that is exclusively available at their store.

      • Interesting how a White Christian (Southern?) Nationalist embraces such a postmodern conception of truth when arguing on the internet. I understand you don’t care about ZOG. I don’t even think you care whether your side gets anything real out of this (reduced *illegal* immigration?). You are happy enough with the new media/politics/entertainment paradigm, and happier still to throw it in the face of people who do care. You characterize National Socialists as being political-consumers but that is pure projection. As is this:

        >This is like Amazon or Walmart putting small business “truth tellers” out of business. It is no longer a product that is exclusively available at their store.

        That is your view of ideas but also well at home in the American tradition of sophistry. A market place of consumer ideologies. Your enemy, the coastal libtard, buys a different product than you. Your friends eat the red-coded slop. Nazis are being driven out of by the free market forces of competition and jewish money. But hey without this process I would never get to read such a perfect expression of pig american english as “grifting off the truth.”

        • 1.) I don’t care about the U.S.S. Liberty because it happened decades ago and long before I was born. I have a negative view of Israel, but that is because of the power of the Israel Lobby in my own lifetime. I’m also not grifting off “telling the truth” about the U.S.S. Liberty.

          2.) I am happy about various devastating wars ending, illegal immigration declining by over 90%, the global trading system being wrecked, White identity going mainstream, taboos being broken, and so on, because all of this reflects my values and my personal political beliefs. Why would I be upset that good things are happening?

          3. “NS” is an apolitical fandom. It is a political movement for people who don’t believe in engaging in politics. There are rare exceptions like Art Jones who act as individuals, but generally speaking “NS” is being a fan of a defunct political movement and not doing anything.

          4. Yes, I am thrilled that the next generation won’t have their careers destroyed or be relegated to the fringe like my generation. Why on earth would anyone WANT to be perpetually marginalized and seen as a social outcast?

          5. My view is that lots of people are content to forever retail their “truths” to their niche audience in exchange for donations and superchats. There is nothing in it for them when these subjects cease to be taboo and reach a wider audience. They don’t want to succeed in politics.

  3. “That is a novel way to characterize “co-opting,” and while the concept, or that of controlled opposition, shouldn’t need an exposition you are here begging for one.”

    This comment right here proves my point that Trump could start building concentration camps and do “holocaust 2.0” and certain elements of the whimpering right would claim he’s only co-opting NS ideas and this is, indeed, proof that’s he is controlled opposition because instead of working the camp prisoners 12 hours a day building the weapons they’ll be executed with, instead he has pity and works them 11 hours with 2 rations of bread instead of one. Never satisfied with their ideas going mainstream, they make excuses to move the goal posts ever further out so that it becomes cartoonish.

    • If Tucker Carlson or Matt Walsh did a show about how the Holocaust is a HOAX, some people would lose their minds about it. They would recoil in horror because they would see it as a threat to their superchats, paywalls and donos.

      • Hunter, these people are literally the mirror reflection of the shitlib catladies who used to haunt Tumblr, with their rants about the white patriarchy and the need for intersectionality.

        For the shitlib catlady, in the face of all evidence that their victim mentality and oppression narrative is completely false, they double down and retreat even further into defining themselves by the most repulsive ideas (transgenderism, pediphilia apologetics etc). By the same token, no matter how much the mainstream right appears to be having victories and widening the Overton window, the far right will retreat even further into self marginalization, because they do not want to be mainstream. They want to remain marginalized victims of Jewish power. It is what gives their lives purpose.

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