— Iran Observer (@IranObserver0) March 16, 2025
Supreme Leader of Yemen has declared that from now on All American Ships are banned from entering the Red Sea pic.twitter.com/FEwuf4JzeO
JUST IN: US Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth says, 'the minute the Houthis say we'll stop shooting at your ships, we'll stop shooting at your drones, this campaign will end, but until then it will be unrelenting'.
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) March 16, 2025
I doubt this will end well for him.
? TRUMP STRIKES BACK: Sec. of State Marco Rubio says the terrorist Houthis have attacked our U.S. Navy *174 times* and attacked commercial shipping *145 times* over the past year and a half.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) March 16, 2025
Yesterday, Trump launched strikes on them.
CENTCOM operations against Iran-backed Houthis continue… pic.twitter.com/DYvc3gREN8
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) March 15, 2025
The scale of the Houthi damage to global shipping is insane.
— Crémieux (@cremieuxrecueil) March 8, 2025
They've added about 25% more time to get goods from Asia to Europe and America!
They should be deleted immediately. https://t.co/3DQ2KXs8J7 pic.twitter.com/XpbyRjRmp4
Wow man Nick Fuentes was vindicated that the Commander in Chief of the US military would order retaliatory strikes against a terrorist organization that was actively targeting US military and merchant ships, who else could have predicted that? https://t.co/KP0hdGaFC2
— Charles (@wotancore) March 16, 2025
JUST IN – Yemen's Houthis claim attack on U.S. aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman in Red Sea.
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) March 16, 2025
?? Do you?
— Jackson Hinkle ?? (@jacksonhinklle) March 16, 2025
Yes or no pic.twitter.com/amTsE4ilIL
I’m not going to spill any tears over the Houthis.
If you are a terrorist group that attacks American ships in order to disrupt the global supply chain, I think you are responsible for your own actions and should prepare for retaliation. The United States would have been justified in retaliating against Israel over the U.S.S. Liberty incident. Trump is equally justified in responding to these attacks on American ships in the Red Sea.
Note: The definition of an activist is someone who is outraged about Israel’s attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in the 1960s, but who supports hundreds of attacks on the U.S. Navy in the present day.
The “Christian Nationalist” reveals his final form: a Zionist neocon who supports waging war on Israel’s enemies. When Trump attacks Iran, you will find a way to defend and justify that too.
And as for what a “wignat” is: it is someone who actually defends Truth, rather than repeating the lies of the Jewish System, the way that “normal, sane paleocons” do.
“Wignats” don’t compromise. “Wignats” don’t find excuses for backing ZOG’s action when it is convenient for them. “Wignats” recognize the Houthis and similar freedom fighters are the continuation of the National Socialist struggle in the world today. The Houthis, are the force of light, Zionist America the force of darkness.
America is evil. America is terrorist. So of course, those who preach loyalty to “America” are, in the end, Zionist snakes who will defend all manner of terrorism that the Jewish entity commits, while slandering those on the Frontline of the fight against such as evil as “terrorists”.
What is a wignat?
I would say a wignat is someone who hates Jews and hates Israel. That’s it.
They don’t care really care about attacks on American sailors or the U.S.S. Liberty. They don’t care about White people. They don’t care about America. They’re don’t care about nationalism or immigration or any other issue. They hate Christians. Instead, they support attacks on American sailors, White people, Americans, so long as non-White Arab Muslims like the Houthis are doing it. They support 10 million illegal aliens flooding into our country so long as they think that they can own Jews in some way by voting for Kamala Harris. They are excessively antisemitic.
This is why that whole scene collapsed into the black hole of Third Worldism and snuggling up to mulatto pimps like Andrew Tate or Muslims like Sulaiman Ahmed or obsessing over Palestinians and LARPing in Hezbollah t-shirts and slobbering over Lebanon. They love Arabs like the Houthis. They love Lebanon. They love Iran. They love Palestinians. They hate their own country and the people who live here. They are anti-Jewish, not pro-White. They are also not nationalists.
A nationalist is someone who prioritizes the interests of their own country. These people hate their own country and support attacks on it, or don’t, depending on whether Jews are involved.
The Houthis see hundreds of thousands of people being genocided in Gaza, and risk their lives to stop it. Despite the extreme poverty and relentless bombing their own nation has suffered, they stand up selflessly against the most powerful forces of evil in the world, in support of their brothers and sisters facing genocidal terrorism.
How do White people react to the demographic genocide of their own people, at the hands of that same ZOG?
They sit back and let it happen. As long as it happens LEGALLY. And they think they can VOOT their way out of the worst of it.
White people have been drugged up and bought off. Potentially, they could be a greater threat to ZOG than some Arabs. But the jews don’t treat Whites the way they treat Palestinians, instead they give Whites the good life. White privilege, in a sense. They even make them think that Jewish interests are White interests, and that trick has worked on most “racist” Whites. Including you, it seems.
The only exception are, to some extent, Russians, who have remained relatively healthy and unbrainwashed by the jewish narrative, hence the war propaganda against them. The Wagner forces are the closest thing to White Houthis that exist. Still, Trump is working overtime to make sure that Russia is co-opted as well. That is what his supposed moves toward “peace” with Russia are about.
The current state of the White race is pathetic because of what the jews have reduced Whites too – but there is a growing number of White Zoomers and younger who ARE Noticing, which clearly has jews scared that Whites will not always be the golems. Dinosaurs like you will try to fight back by saying antisemitism is anti-White, but the rise of antisemitism among young Whites is inevitable, and in running cover for the jews you and your ilk will just alienate them further from your dying worldview.
And when this reaches the boiling point, the forces of jewry will no longer be at peace with the future generation of Whites. It will be war, and you have made it clear which side you would be on.
You’re making my point for me.
Wignats are anti-Semitic, but also anti-Trump, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-nationalist. They don’t care about anything except for their obsession with Jews and Israel. They are against Jews and Israel. They are not for anything positive.
As a result of this, the whole scene has collapsed into Third Worldism and simping for Muslims like Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah while attacking White people and Christians and downplaying other issues like immigration. Politically, it would be hard to create a more ineffective message than this. I hope the Houthis see this comment!
I’ve had “NS” types tell me my worldview is “dying” for 25 years now. In reality, my politics have never been more mainstream, and their organizations go through the same cycle of making big pronouncements and collapsing from a lack of interest and infighting in the span of two or three years. Remember Charlottesville or the National Justice Party?
If they are inevitable, what keeps happening to them? Why have they abandoned politics? It doesn’t look like it to me. Man, I have seen WN 1.0 rise and fall, and it rebrand as the Alt-Right, and I have seen that collapse because the same people became the public face of it, and it rebrand as America First, and that collapse for the same reason.
“In reality, my politics have never been more mainstream” – among geriatric boomers (and the occasional young incel male who won’t reproduce) maybe.
You say you are for something positive – so are you helping poor White people in your own community? A big part of why Hamas became so popular among Palestinians is because they are the only ones who would provide help to the poorest and neediest among them. The only people I’ve seen suggest Whites do the same things for our own communities are what you would call “wignats”. “Redpilling” a bunch of comfortable middle class boomers about the need to VOOT HARDER never worked for anyone.
Yes, we do that at our church.
Christians have always helped people in need in their communities. I have also participated in things like hurricane relief efforts in Florida. Wignats are so out of touch with reality that they think that charitable acts make them special or that it is something no one else is doing. Of course, they also believe they should get something out of it politically, namely spinning their wheels about Jews.
“NS” types have always thought the next generation would save them. They said that about Boomers like Robert Mathews. They have said that about Gen X skinheads. They used to say that about Millennial Alt-Rights. They say that today about Zoomers.
“…by voting for Kamala Harris.” – you really have a wild hair up your a** for Dicky Spencer
I was referring specifically to TRS with that one who did a whole show boasting about it. They thought Kamala Harris was going to win Pennsylvania.
It’s interesting how quickly things escalated from “I don’t care about Mahmoud getting deported” to “I openly support ZOG wars in the Middle East now”.
Southern Nationalists were better back when they used to burn American flags and sing “for this Yankee nation, I do not give a damn!” When did Southern Nationalism turn into boomer Amerikwan patriotardism exactly?
Third Worldists spent days whining about Mahmoud being deported.
I’m not a Third Worldist. I don’t care about the Houthis. I don’t care about Lebanon. I don’t care that Mahmoud was deported. Everyone named Mahmoud should be deported regardless of whether they are a U.S. citizen and regardless of what they think about Israel.
The Nationalist Front was by far the biggest mistake that Southern Nationalists have made in recent years. We should have never gotten involved with people who have a fundamentally different worldview. I saw how that worked out for us in Shelbyville and other places.
Where is Jeff Schoep these days? What happened to Heimbach?
jackson hinkle needs to catch the eye of patel real quick
The reason the USS Liberty incident is significant is because Israel is supposedly our ally. The reason the Houthis and Iran are hostile towards us is because we’re hostile towards them, through our support of Israel. We should want good relations with Iran, for our own benefit. We can get things from Iran (e.g. oil). We get nothing from Israel. They’re a parasite.
Also, for anyone who isn’t aware, that Charles ‘wotancore’ guy Hunter is repeatedly reposting is Jewish https://x.com/wotancore/status/1892637717130793119 and Hunter already knows that. He’s perfectly fine boosting Jewish narratives that the only reason vessels are being attacked is because the Houthis are “terrorists” and I guess hate us for no reason at all (must be they want to take our freedoms!).
So, you care about the USS Liberty being attacked in 1967, but you support the Houthis attacking USS Harry S. Truman a few hours ago, correct?
This is one area where HW is partially on target. It is one thing to oppose involvement in foreign wars in general – especially when your own country is being invaded and your own people are being replaced. The ‘activists’ go off the rails here. It is no better to take the Arab side in the middle-east conflict between the Zionist Empire and its neighbors than it is to take Satanyahoo’s side. Staying out of it means opposing the government siding with one over the other. Unfortunately Trump clearly sides with Satanyahoo, and (also unfortunately) far too many Christians do as well. It’s perfect right to call them out on this error – without calling for joining the other side. Over the last week or so there have been several hasbara-types here professing to be Christians while praising our new ‘friends’ – the Synagogue of Satan. Christianity needs to go back to Luther’s understanding of the JQ. Anything less is heresy and/or apostasy.
Mamoud is not our problem. If he opposes what Israel is doing he should have left the US and joined up with Hamas, Hezbollah or the Houthis. Instead he’s protesting here – yet another ‘Baksheesh Boy’ (the ‘baksheesh’ here being our text dollars) telling the white man to take up his cause instead of taking it up himself – a major reason the Israelis have been winning, by the way. The flip side of this equation is that we shouldn’t be fighting the jews’ wars for them either. I say a pox be upon both of their houses.
As I explained on the other thread, the Liberty incident is not comparable to what’s happening now with the Houthis and the shipping. Bottom line is that if the US and the EUSSR really think supporting Israel in its clearly genocidal ambitions is great idea, they’d best be willing to bear the cost – which will include acts of war against their ships. The USA has already taken sides. The Houthis are *not* terrorists. They don’t attack any random passing ship. Chinese vessels transit the passage without problems, a demonstration that (unlike the US regime), the Chinese government acts more in the interest of the Chinese that it does in the interest of foreigners. Trump would do well to emulate Xi in this area.
The US should be bombing cartels in Mexico.
Instead it’s fighting the Shia Axis because they’re Israel’s one enemy.
“They attacked America, they should be retaliated against.”
They attacked because the US-Israel attacked first. We are still doing the neocon jew routine of fighting Mohammedans. Enough!
Southerners salivate for Jew wars, have been doing it since before Pearl Harbor, loved the Gulf Wars, loved the War on Terror, what’s the deal down there? Is it the Evangelical crusader larp animating this?
The U.S. has always dealt with pirates this way stretching back to the Barbary Pirates. The Marines were created to deal with groups like this. Marines were the first Americans to land in Japan in the Perry expedition over trade. The idea that we should just sit back and passively allow terrorist groups to attack our ships and control global trade routes is compelling to activists and no one else. The same activists also laughably pretend to be upset about the U.S.S. Liberty being attacked.
At the current moment , US and NATO doesn’t have any means to destroy Houthis. NATO weapons can only hurt Houthis when they ignore safety precautions like Nasrallah and other leaders. Last 2 years have demonstrated that Houthis are modern fighters not old school dogmatics who prefer good manners to efficiency.