Israel Resumes War In Gaza

After recently hitting a 25 year low in American sympathy and plummeting to less than 50% support among Americans, Israel chose to resume the war in Gaza last night.


Israel resumed the war in Gaza with a series of massive airstrikes against what it described as Hamas targets all across the enclave overnight.

The latest: More than 400 Palestinians were killed in the airstrikes, per the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza.

White House National Security Council spokesperson Brian Hughes told Axios, “Hamas could have released hostages to extend the ceasefire but instead chose refusal and war.”

The big picture: The strikes come exactly two months after the signing of the Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal that the Biden administration brokered with the help of the incoming Trump administration.

I was putting our kids to bed when the news broke.

It has been clear for a while now that the war was merely paused in exchange for the return of hostages. There was only a temporary ceasefire and never a negotiated settlement.

From what I understand, the negotiations over the release of hostages broke down and Israel and Hamas have both pointed fingers at each other for the collapse. Personally, I don’t believe Israel ever intended to move forward into the second phase of implementing the agreement it negotiated.

The last two months of relative peace and quiet in the Middle East has been a refreshing change from the daily carnage of the Biden administration. I won’t pretend to know what the future holds in Gaza. I hope the negotiations resume, the hostages are released and the ceasefire is extended. I hope this is just a temporary setback rather than a full return to the genocide that unfolded under Biden.

Either way, I expect support for Our Greatest Ally will continue to evaporate. If the war really is back on though, I expect it will be a bigger problem for Democrats who are very divided over the issue and who currently lack both leadership and a clear identity. It could escalate the current infighting.

It goes without saying that the last thing Americans want is to get bogged down in another stupid war in the Middle East. I remain confident that the Trump administration understands this.


  1. I stated Trump “got lucky” with Gaza. This is proof. He didn’t do anything to end the war.

    Soon we can stop the conjecture and predictions and judge Trump based on what he actually does. My prediction is that Trump will take pro-Israel positions.

    • That’s about as difficult to predict as that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. Satanyahoo’s behavior is completely consistent as well. Of course it was to buy time to re-arm and refresh the IDF for the next stage. That what the laughable Ukraine “ceasefire” is all about too. If Putin falls for it this time around, it will serve to prove that he also is in the pocket of the usual suspects. This ain’t rocket-science.

      Yes of course this is why the Houthis started attacking Israeli-allied vessels again. They aren’t pirates or terrorists, but belligerents in a war – one we shouldn’t be involved in at all, but which the regime in Sodom-on-Potomac decided to get involved in. On several occasions Trump stated we should try and get out of the middle-east. I rather doubt he’s being truthful but his number one priority is to deal with the invasion of this country and he does seem to be making more of a serious effort than he did last time around. So he left the “Biden” policy in place to appease the donor class.

      The usual suspects continue to lose credibility and Satanyahoo and his lunatic followers are doing a better job of red-pilling an increasingly dim-witted and gaslighted populace better than legions of goose-stepping larpers in Hugo Boss uniforms could ever hope to do. The wignats are making a fundamental strategic mistake – their antics serve to interrupt the enemy when he’s making a fatal error. Why do they not see this?

  2. The last 2 months of “relative peace and quiet” was due to Israel refurbishing its military and rebuilding its bomb and missile stockpiles with US-made armaments courtesy of Zion Don’s largesse.
    In Donny’s first 40 days he gave Israel $18B.
    Israel will be going for broke for the next 4 years advancing the Yinon Plan with Donny in office and the Boomers – where Our Greatest Ally draws its greatest support – increasingly losing political clout and dying off.
    “Once we squeeze all we can out of the US it can dry up and blow away.” – Bibi Netanyahu

  3. There really hasn’t been relative calm in the Middle East. Israel has been brutalizing the Palestinians and violating the cease fire even before now, when they just let loose again and started carpet bombing little kids. Now what will Trump do in response to this? We all know. He’ll stand with Israel and endorse their mass killings. Because at the end of the day, Trump is just like Biden: in the pockets of the Jews.

    These are just the facts of life, Hunter. No, I’m not a wignat, I’m just a realist. People who complain about Jewish power have a point. It is an issue, and while one certainly shouldn’t become a lunatic over it, it is what it is. Devin Stack put it well recently, if you’re not talking about the Jews you’re not talking about political power in America. A casual look at the situation in the Middle East makes that entirely clear.

    Meanwhile, America is launching missiles at the Houthis on Israel’s behalf. Why? To secure Israel’s ability to mass murder children in Palestine without having to worry about their own safety. The whole thing is repulsive. No, I’m not a wignat for objecting to child murder in the Middle East. As a White nationalist, I believe all people have the right to live at peace in their countries, including the Palestinians.

  4. Tragically, according to the “logic” of “universalistic”, i.e. raceless Abrahamism, which makes Judaism omnipotent, only good and well-behaved Christians get to “heaven”, billions of non-Christians or hypocritical “Sunday Christians” go to h*ll, even if they were better people.

    Anyone who is an Aryan should get rid of this incomprehensible nonsense, if he is not even allowed to take his ancestors and best friends, who were not Christians, with him to “eternal life” in heaven, to indulge in eternal boring Bible readings up there (sleep, nutrition etc., a disembodied soul no longer needs, not even a rotten brain to think!).

    Anyone who is “afraid of de*th” is a coward! I would rather be where all my ancestors are, all of them going back to the original source, i.e. hundreds of thousands and not just “2000” years! Don’t be a coward or a shirker, face up to the finiteness of life, or do you want to remain a spiritually impotent child forever?

  5. Jesus was able to walk on water and comes from the immaculate conception! This is absolutely undoubtedly the case, ever since “God save the King/Queen” and “In God we trust” (Dollar bill). God loves America, therefore it is materialistic and has placed Jews at its head to decide its fate!

  6. Yep.

    It’s basically the same situation, only reversed with the left behind Js in the Warsaw Je*ish ghetto during the Warsaw uprising against NS German occupation of Poland with the Soviet Red Army waiting outside the city not helping the Polish/Je*ish resistance.

    It’s simply not practical for the Arab Palestinians to be walled off on the Gaza Strip for some independent living. The propaganda for the pro Palestinians in the USA, in the UK “Queers for Palestine” is:

    “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”.

    Which is basically what happened with French Algeria being turned over 100% to majority Arab/ Muslim Arab Algerian majority rule in 1963 – the Arab Algerians got everything including then majority White Pied Noir French/European coastal towns, cities like Algiers, Constantine, Oran.

    But the difference is the Israel Js, ZIonists there and elsewhere are not stupid, they don’t care about “democracy in Gaza, West Banks, Palestine.

    The “Plan” is to relocate all the Arabs now in Gaza to “The West” – Europe, Scandinavia, UK, USA, Canada, Australia. Anybody that objects is a


    And Arabs, Pakistanis, Somalians, Sudanese, Muslims, POC now in the west, now majority in London/Londonstan are openly or just on the same side as the Js on this….

    Any of us that try to restrict mass Muslim, Pakistani, Palestinians, Syrian male migrants to our remaining White majority countries, towns, cities, universities (NYU my alma mater) this people, we/us are….


    That’s the plan.

    Jews and Muslims working together to replace us in our countries, our places.

    THat’s the plan.

    Don’t try to argue with SEC, NFL addict Whites that we should take the Palestinian side be on the “Queers for Palestine”, defined Hamas, Muhammed Ata, try to understand the Arab, Muslim point of view. David Duke tried that, it doesn’t work.

    The Jews can bring out their Christian ZIonists puppets, some country and wester, rock and roll bought and paid for spokesman – Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr – wave the flag, fight Hamas, fight the latest Hitler, fight for “Freedom and Democracy against an Axis of Evil like we defeated Hitler and the last Axis”.

    We should know this game.

    The only issue we can really connect with regular ha White folks, SEC and NFL Football watching folks is the immigration issue.

    That’s how Trump won.

    In contrast those Conservatives trying to be fair about Israel vs Palestine, trying to see the Muslims point of view (the Muslims want France, Spain again, they already have London/Londonstan) these “let’s be fair to the Arabs/Muslims” – they will lose 99% like Ron and Rand Paul.

    Yes, this is terrible, but it isn’t complicated.

    just take the ha White side.

    Ha Whites lost in British Palestine, French Algeria, Lebanon and now Syria. We lost Memphis TN, Birmingham AL, Santo Domingo/Haiti and it looks like we lost London/Londonstan and Malmo Sweden.

    That’s life.

  7. This wouldn’t be happening if Trump hadn’t given American taxpayer dollars to Israel.

    As long as Americans pay the expense of Israel’s wars, the Israelis have no incentive to moderate their behaviour.

    When Biden was enabling Israel’s war crimes, the left was divided. If Trump enables even worse war crimes, the left will passionately unite in opposition to Trump while the right bitterly divides, old vs. young, Fox News and Christian Zionists vs. nationalists and libertarians.

    Jews are only 3% of the population, and ultra-Zionists like Kushner and Adelson are only 20% of Jews. Trump is flushing his presidency down the toilet to please 0.6% of the population.

    The most important activism we can engage in to avert this danger is to enlighten our boomer brothers who have been lied to and manipulated by the ultra-Zionist Jews.

    Purchase 100 copies of “The Israel Lobby” as gifts for all your blue-pilled conservative friends and family.

  8. If you care about MAGA your biggest concern here should be that it is going to make Israel a completely partisan issue.

    As long as it was Biden arming and funding the genocide in Gaza, there were always going to be a subset of MAGA normies that connected Gaza to Ukraine and reflexively opposed any war Biden was supporting. Even if the approved Con, Inc line was to whine that Biden wasn’t backing Israel hard enough, there was a growing group especially in younger generations who took the opposite view. It was that atmosphere that allowed Tucker and Candace and the Hodgetwins to criticize Israel to a mainstream audience. That would never have happened if October 7th had happened under Trump.

    Now that it is “Trump’s war”, things will be different. The partisan politics surrounding Vietnam were complicated under LBJ, but not after it became “Nixon’s war”. It is going to be a lot harder now to get the Right off the Zionist plantation. You could argue that the cat has already been let out of the bag the past 16 months, but I have a feeling a lot of people are going to fall in line if being MAGA is now synonymous with backing Israel.

  9. Not great news, for certain. We can only hope it’s not as one-sided a conflict going forth as it’s been to this point. No Semite is my ally, regardless of their position on this divide. Plus, here’s an opportunity for the armchair soldiers around here to go form their NS divisions for Palestine. Good luck with that…Sure…

  10. >the negotiations over the release of hostages broke down and Israel and Hamas have both pointed fingers at each other for the collapse

    The jews violated the agreement. They have been killing people in Gaza and the West Bank throughout the ceasefire. Two weeks ago they again implemented a blockade on food and aid going into Gaza (not that it was ever completely lifted), which btw was the impetus for the Houthis resuming their attacks on ships bound for Israel.

    >I don’t believe Israel ever intended to move forward into the second phase of implementing the agreement it negotiated.

    Correct. They only went along with it because they needed rearm, give the IDF some rest, and humor the internal demands for the release of their POWs.

    >Either way, I expect support for Our Greatest Ally will continue to evaporate

    Will this decline in support from americans produce a policy change? While it is true that jews aren’t happy about the decline in support (see for example the recording of Greenblatt talking about the “tiktok problem”) we know this will not lead to a change in their behavior as it is their nature. It is also their nature to respond to dissent from the goyim with violence. It will be interesting to see whether their crackdown on free speech at college campuses will be effective as the war heats back up. This ofc was the purpose of their move to deport Khalil. Either way I expect you to write about how much you don’t care.

    Ultimately the Zionist state is not based on the popular support of the goyim, but on jewish control of the american government. They will keep getting away with their crimes until someone with power says no to them. Trump will keep saying yes.

  11. This is what I think is your issue. Everyone knows that political parties and candidates come in packages, and that you vote for the entire package. So if you justified supporting Trump saying that you did a little bad to do a greater good, it would make sense. The problem is, you try to to argue that the entire package fits your shoe when it doesn’t. In other words, Trump is not aligned to you in Middle Eastern policy, but you imagine he is to justify voting for the entire package.

    I decided not to support either candidate, but I do imagine that in some situations, I would support a candidate that I agree with part of the package in the future. It’s really necessary in our two party system.

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