I’ve repeatedly stated my view on Israel.
In the short term, I don’t think there is much that can be done about it because older voters are so strongly pro-Israel, watch cable television and because Zionists like Miriam Adelson are an important part of Trump’s donor base. This is why the Right is pro-Israel.
In the long term, it is a different story. Support for Israel on the Right is strongly related to age. Younger voters are either hostile or indifferent to Israel. They don’t consume traditional media sources. Elderly Zionist donors are also dying off. Sheldon Adelson is dead. Bernie Marcus is dead. Sheldon lives on through his wife Miriam Adelson who is 79-years-old. This isn’t going to last forever.
The voters, media landscape and donor base are all changing. The pro-Israel consensus on the Right is also crumbling, but not at the same speed with which it has collapsed on the Left.
“For the first year after the attacks of Oct. 7, 2023, the most profound effect in America of Israel’s war in Gaza was to destabilize the Democratic Party’s coalition. The reaction to the conflict widened an existing divide between pro-Israel Democratic Party elites and pro-Palestinian progressive activists and made unity seem impossible, leaving Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign especially stuck straddling a chasm.
In the second year of the war, the intra-liberal divides are still there, but the fractures on the right are also becoming significant. More so than in the Democratic Party, most Republican elites remain staunchly pro-Israel. But on what you might call the alienated right — younger, conspiracy-curious, anti-institutional and very online — there is a vogue for arguments about malign Jewish influences on Western politics, ranging from World War II revisionism to narratives casting Jeffrey Epstein as a cat’s paw for the Mossad. …
But where the larger Republican Party is concerned, I think Beauchamp’s framework underplays a fundamental tension: There’s just no way for mainstream Zionist Republicanism and the anti-Jewish faction on the alienated right to get along. …
Meanwhile, those parts of the alienated right that are most comfortable deploying antisemitic tropes also believe earnestly not just in some general theory of Jewish power but in a specific theory of Israel’s power, Israel’s malign influence, Israeli leaders and institutions and spies as conspiratorial and destructive forces in American life.
If you listen to someone like Ian Carroll, a popular YouTuber recently featured on Joe Rogan’s podcast, he’s not pushing a line that tries to reconcile support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government with veiled antisemitism — something like: Oh, of course I support Israel, but you have to watch out for that conniving George Soros and the lords of international finance. To the contrary, Carroll very explicitly states that Zionism and Israeli influence are at the root of America’s problems. “Our country is controlled by an international criminal organization that grew out of the Jewish mob and now hides in modern Zionism behind cries of ‘antisemitism,’” he wrote on X last year, introducing a video titled “Evidence of a Zionist Mafia- How Israel Controls the US and Global Politics.”
Unlike some activists, I don’t consider Israel and Zionism the most important issue.
Whether or not Israel, a state the size of New Jersey, continues to exist in the Middle East is far less important than domestic issues like identity and immigration. Quelling a Third World invasion of America matters more than our foreign policy. I sympathize with my own people far more than foreigners. I think some activists have this relationship backwards. They care more about Palestinians, Yemen, Iran and Lebanon than White Americans. Some of them don’t even seem to like White Americans.
A quick history lesson. Zionists were chummy with the Kaiser, based in Berlin and at large in the Second Reich. and Judaism in Europe and America was closely related to being culturally German. And look at what the Tribe have done to the memory of the Germans. After butchering them.
US foreign policy under the control of the Israel Lobby isn’t just bad for Palestinians, Yemenis, Lebanese and Iranians.
It is also bad for White Americans.
Our tax money is wasted.
The lives of our servicemen are put at risk.
Our export opportunities are hampered.
Both Europe and America are flooded with refugees because of the Israel Lobby wars.
Our REAL enemy, Al-Qaeda, benefits from these unnecessary counterproductive wars.
The resulting chaos forces our fellow Christians out of the region where Christianity originated.
The Israel Lobby drove us to the brink of war with nuclear Russia.
But worst of all is the damage to our reputation. Jews commit war crimes and Jews reap all the benefits of those crimes, but White American evangelical Christians are being scapegoated for the crimes of the Jews.
When Biden was president, it was clear that Jews were responsible. The most important cabinet members were all Jews – Blinken, Garland, Mayorkas, Yellen. Biden’s chiefs of staff were Jews. The Senate majority leader was Chuck Schumer. Sometimes the only person who voted against pro-Israel resolutions was isolationist Republican Thomas Massie, for which Schumer attacked him as an “antisemite”. This opened many eyes.
Now, however, Pete Hegseth’s cross tattoos and Mike Huckabee’s misquoted bible verses are playing into the false narrative that White evangelicals are the driving force behind Zionist war crimes.
Our people are being setup as the patsies, the fall guys, the scapegoats.
We need to open their eyes, let them know what a dirty trick is being played on them – before it is too late.
I remember how naive White evangelical support for George W. Bush’s Iraq war played right into the hands of the cultural left, how they used the scandal to gain cultural power – even though cultural leftist Jewish Neocons were the real villains.
Now the same thing is happening again, but this time all the REAL nationalists and REAL conservatives are either retired like Pat Buchanan, or they are shamelessly shilling for the Israel Lobby by giving unconditional support to Donald Trump.
I can forgive the people who don’t know any better because they simply haven’t been paying attention.
But I don’t understand the people who know better.
“Owning the wignats” is more important than warning your people that they are walking into a trap?
Wignats have one issue.
Their issue is Jews and Israel. Their strategy is to lose at politics indefinitely and their demand is that everyone else go along with them in their crusade.
As a result, they have taken a position that is irreconcilable with all other concerns. What if you care more about immigration than Israel? What if you care about guns or the economy or dozens of issues more than Israel?
The wignat response is that their obsession with Jews and Israel is the only issue that matters. My response is that I don’t share their view. I think foreign policy is far less important than domestic concerns which is why I supported Trump
You can’t look at the ongoing implosion of the daily wire and reach the honest opinion that jews are still in control of the media.
I hope Matt Walsh can get out of that situation without wrecking his brand.
HW! You need to watch Tuckers interview with Steve Witkoff. It was good. Answered alot of my questions and spoke to alot of the concerns I’ve had over the direction of these major conflicts.
I watched the first 35 minutes yesterday
There’s the dissident right, that you claim not to be a part of (despite titling the website “occidental dissent”) and the Republican right. I see no evidence that support for Israel is crumbling in the mainstream right. If I notice a tendency in your writings, it’s that you always claim your views are mainstreaming.
Israel is connected to the US because all the support we give so when people hate Israel they also hate America. So the issue isn’t irrelevant. Because America acts as a global superpower, foreign policy isn’t irrelevant.
The left handles the Jewish Question far better than the right. For one thing, the left doesn’t try to exclude Jews on racial grounds but tries to persuade Jews that Zionism is philosophically wrong. If you know my forum posting history, you probably know that at one point I wasn’t a critic of Israel. But this is because I had petty nationalists viewpoints and if you’re a nationalist, it makes sense to support Israel.
The problem the right has with recruiting Jews even if to try is that once someone turns against nationalism, they’re likely to wholesale turn against nationalism in every form and not just reject Zionism. Which means people of Jewish ancestry are either Zionist or they’re anti-Nationalist.
Ross Douthat is a smart guy.
If it wasn’t becoming an issue, he wouldn’t be writing about it. Undoubtedly, he has seen the same polls which I have seen, which show how support for Israel is like in inverted pyramid with the oldest Americans in both parties being heavily pro-Israel and support dwindling Boomers through Zoomers. Support for Israel has already collapsed on the Left.
Also, I created Occidental Dissent in 2008, and now it is 2025. In the past 17 years, nationalists and populists have entered the mainstream and now compete for state power in nearly all Western countries. Back then, we were “dissenting” against mainstream conservatism, but those people lost power years ago. That whole era is long over.
@NatSocs that are lurking around here.
Watch this and tell me this isn’t a far more effective way to approach the JQ than anything you’ve been doing since Adolf ate his gun.
There is real virtue in keeping your powder dry, saving your effort for when the time is right. Guys like this are now all over YouTube. This guy was just on Joe Rogan. Wasn’t possible even a year ago. All our podcasts got shoahed, and all our people are untouchables now. Nobody will let them on the air because they are toxic and unreasonably autistic.
I’m sure you would all prefer we made lampshades on livestream, but since that isn’t considered acceptable yet why can’t we lean into the messaging that is actually accomplishing the goal? Are you actually pro White?
These don’t seem like hard questions to answer. That these aren’t obvious conclusions from your rhetoric makes me increasingly skeptical of your motivations.
I’ve wondered for years why it was that no matter how counter productive your approaches were to actually accomplishing anything you always doubled down.
Then I remember Weev, and Enoch are crypto Jews. How many others have been outted as feds? Ask yourself the hard question. Are your conclusions your own, or have they been fed to you by people you don’t know, that when the going got tough became anti White NeetSocs? Are you sure you aren’t being lead down the garden path by glow worms in our midst?
What are your priorities and what is your goal? Is what you are doing accomplishing that?
it would be bad if they completed the greater israel project though. they would be sitting on a major trade vortex if they could complete it. this is the only reason we should be interventionist, to prevent greater israel.
long term they will need to offer us something, because no one cares about the holocaust especially after they just holocausted palestine.
When you go to war for Israel, these wars follow you home. Suddenly, Vietnamese, Iraqi or Afghan refugees are banging your doors down because you made their nation a pile of rubble. You have to fund their countries rebuilding for decades. You have to fund assimilation programs when they arrive in your country, etc.
A lot of older rightwing people probably aren’t pro Israel per se. They’re just anti Islamic. The optics of Islam is shocking to older white people. They see stonings, beheadings, a repressive culture incompatible with our values, etc. But with Jews, they see Hollywood, Simon and Garfunkel, successful business moguls, etc. In other words, things to be admired.
I don’t like either side. Neither are pro white, but ARE pro invade white countries. The Jews are Leftists on matters regarding the West, but are then suddenly right wing when it comes to Israel.
I’m just thinking out aloud here.
I’m sure everyone here knows all this.