Elon Musk: South Africa Has a White Genocide Problem

Yes, I do.

Personally, I’m a show enjoyer.

I know there are people in Telegram ghettoes who support socialism and who are celebrating the trannies who are vandalizing Teslas, but I like to boast about not sharing their political opinions.

Note: This year certainly beats the previous 24 years that I have been involved in this. I’m tired of watching the endless cycle of fake political parties congealing and imploding the next week. I’m tired of reading the 3,000 word candlelight vigils at the crypt of Adolf Hitler.


  1. @Hunter Wallace,

    “This year certainly beats the previous 24 years that I have been involved in this. I’m tired of watching the endless cycle of fake political parties congealing and imploding.”

    1,000% AGREE! As a Pro-Apartheid South Africa activist and Remember Rhodesia supporter and veteran of wars and conflicts in the third world and Cold War, this year beats the previous 40 years. Long I poundered the cryptic words of my fellow youthful friend “Jeff” who laid his life for a foreign White State in a foreign land that true victory had been won.

    So, now I get it. In the defeat of those old Colonial Settler States and the Brave ones who fought against all odds, we brought the message of their stand. It finally rallied the people to put an end to this Woke Mysticism and Tyrany and elecy Trump and begin to roll back the barbarian hordes. Who could’ve thought all those years ago that the Rhodesian and South African last stands would be reported and eventually rally our people?

    So, while Trump and his supporters are the ones who got him elected, it was the ones who fought all those years ago, against all odds, whose actions echo for the generations, which brought us this victorious moment. To my friends left in shallow graves in the jungles, savannas and deserts, especially the ones who fought for the last White States, ITS YOU WHO ELON SALUTED! WE SALUTE YOU BREKKA!

  2. Even if the mainstream right is saying this stuff, what good does it do if nothing changes? The Jewish Question, White Nationalism/Supremacy, and sexual realism are still off the table. Liberal egalitarianism still reigns. I think that is why the radical right still has a place. If Trump acted like the next Hitler – or the American equivalent – then there would be no need for a “right flank.”

  3. Has Wallace reached his 1,000th article of bitching about “activists” and flaunting how much better he is than the “losers” who are attracted to the same movement he was attracted to back in the 2000s, yet?!

        • I’ve always been pro-White.

          I’ve believed that race exists and race matters. I was at Amren last year. I’m going again this year.

          That’s what attracted me to White Nationalism in the first place. White identity is historically normal in Southern culture. I’m interested in my own history.

          It had nothing at all to do with “NS” or “fascism” or crank spiraling about Jews

          • Anyone could be “pro-white” and “believe race exists,” even non-whites like those making up the future american right wing coalition. White Nationalism, whatever one thinks of the term, signifies the pursuit not of pro-white sentiments but White Power.

            >That’s what attracted me to White Nationalism in the first place. White identity is historically normal in Southern culture. I’m interested in my own history.

            Sounds like an apology. Interesting how often you center “normalcy” as if that is a value in itself. Also historically normal for the South was White Supremacy in the form of negro slavery. Something you used to apologize for but has since been replaced by an appeal to “normal southern white identity.”

            It would be one thing if you argued that throwing in with the Orange-Jew-Mongrel coalition and apologizing for its total zionism would somehow lead to a return to White Supremacy in the South but you don’t. You remain ambiguous (as do most pro-Trump formerly WN adjacent posters) as to what the goal of any of this even is. This talk of things getting “better” (better for who exactly?) seems to rest on the co-option of WN talking points by conservative pundits and jewish agents, as well as the decline of the hyper-libertard cultural hegemony. While there may be opportunities in both those phenomenon you haven’t suggested any besides “watching the show.” Dr. Bradlove learned to stop worrying and love the ZOG.

          • 1.) I’m pro-White, pro-race realism and pro-White advocacy. I think a White ethnostate is impractical and unrealistic (it has been 25 years and WNs give lip service to the idea without migrating), but I have no objection to it. I do not consider it a priority.

            2.) My perspective has always been shaped by my own Southern culture and identity. I took for granted growing up in Alabama that race exists. I’ve never struggled with antiracism or racial guilt. I have always identified with my own race and even before discovering White Nationalism.

            3.) I have never at any point in 25 years of posting on the internet claimed to have been inspired by “NS” or “fascism” or any foreign ideology. It has never resonated with me. My own culture and identity is what resonates with me. It is why I joined the Council of Conservative Citizens and the League of the South, not any wignat “NS” group.

            4.) I’m pleased that Trump is pursuing traditional paleoconservative political priorities – immigration restriction, fighting anti-White discrimination, fighting cultural degeneration like transgenderism, ending global free trade, industrial policy and ending devastating foreign wars – like virtually all of his supporters. These are causes which I have always cared about. I’ve never been “NS.” Also, I have never agreed with wignats that “anti-Zionism” or Israel or being obsessed with Jews is the most important issue or the only issue, and that alone should determine whether or not to vote for any candidate.

            5.) Finally, I flatly do not believe “Z.O.G.” exists as you understand it. I believe that Jews have powerful and influential lobbying groups like AIPAC and the ADL. I believe Zionist billionaires are an important part of Trump’s donor base. I believe that most of Trump’s voters are pro-Israel and a minority are critical of Israel. I do not believe that Jews are all powerful beings like you people and that the whole world revolves around them. Instead, I think you ignore all the other interest groups which influence policy. I think you exaggerate the degree to which even Jews care about Israel.

        • The answer must be posed and asked here: what side of WW2 did your grandfather or great-grandfather fight on. If it was the side of the Nazis, I understand (to a point) the frustration and obsession the NS types display on this site. However, the chances are that they are not the descendants of German, but American, soldiers. In which case,not only is their behavior an extreme case of xenophilia, but immoral, as they are dishonoring their own ancestors sacrifices to embrace a foreign ideology.
          If you are American, why do you worship a short-lived and utterly failed foreign political movement? Why not venerate the deeds of your own ancestors and their God instead?

  4. Elon Musk is finally saying what must be said on the SA question. He’s late to the party, but I’m glad he’s doing it now. I’m not bowled over, of course. There’s a lot more the supposed “world’s richest man” can be doing for his people in his homeland, but it’s a start.

    And on your footnote, HW: it would take a man of iron constitution (or a Pepto Bismol vein tap) to subject himself to the kind of crap found in that 3k word “vigil”. Who has time for that?

  5. “I’m tired of reading the 3,000 word candlelight vigils at the crypt of Adolf Hitler.”

    That neo-Nazi scribbler probably posses as a real manly-man, and yet I find this an essentially “feminine” or effeminate mentality – I NEED A HERO!

    “You cannot have National Socialism without Hitler. And you cannot fight Jewish Power without heroes.”

    What a childish, playing-in-the-treehouse worldview. If, as Rudyard Kipling quipped, the savages are something like “half a devil and half a child,” so the neo-Nazis are like an awkward mixture of admiration and yearning for amoral ruthlessness, or devilish cruelty, and childish crybaby attitudes. “Don’t take our hero away from us with those ugly adult facts of yours, and your adult understanding of politics!”

  6. After all, many of the lowbrow Nazi sympathizers, especially of the anti-Christian variety, are rhetorically supporting the “might is right” worldview, in its vulgar form – but then refuse to apply it to their favourite ideology. The Allied forces proved themselves to be mightier in 1945, and then proceeded to proclaim their worldview as rightier in the Nuremberg trials.

    Apparently they cannot live consistently according to their worldview:


    “The strong murder the weak; and the mob are always stronger than the individual, as Socrates points out in The Gorgias, much to the disgust of Callicles. Nietzsche sides with Callicles in praising the strong, but his position suffers from the same defect. The many, the rabble, can beat the few. Nietzsche then finds himself in the ludicrous situation of defending the strong against the weak, a logically and rhetorically contradictory position.”

    • He has been talking about it for several months now on X and clearly it has something to do with Trump offering to take in South African refugees. Musk wasn’t involved with Trump in his first term. The subject came up, but it fizzled out without any follow up. I think this might be the first time he called it White Genocide.


  7. I know there are many anxious to attack Musk and throw a wet blanket at this, but I consider the open discussion of White Genocide in South Africa to be a major milestone. He used the word, “White Genocide.” Years ago I listened to Stormfront radio and it was considered “shrill” and “extreme” by many to use the word “genocide” in connection with the war of racial extermination against white people. Now this word, “genocide” is being openly used by the “richest man in the world” and the subject will most certainly become more widely discussed.


  8. One Hundred Trillion dollar bills like Zimbabwe incoming? Declaring war on white farmer… Always a great idea. The guy funding those black parties in SA owns a big media conglomerate and funds Israel’s wall. Great double standards from these heebs. Again.

    “South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world, according to the latest figures from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. There were more than 27,000 murders last year; that amounts to 45 people per 100,000. For comparison, the US rate is six per 100,000.” (BBC 2024)

    “With a network of over 18,600 miles of track, South Africa has the most advanced railway system on the continent, but it has been stripped by criminals looking to make money from scrap metal.
    A decision in late 2019 to cancel all private security contracts exacerbated an already difficult situation.” (BBC)

    ““In some communities of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, 60 percent of women have HIV. Nearly 4,500 South Africans are newly infected every week; one-third are adolescent girls/young women (AGYW) ages 15-24. These are staggering figures, by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, the HIV epidemic is not being treated like a crisis. In February, we traveled to South Africa, to understand what is happening in these areas with “hyper-endemic” HIV epidemics, where prevalence rates exceed 15 percent among adults. We were alarmed by the complacency toward the rate of new infections at all levels and the absence of an emergency response, especially for young people.” (CSIS)

    Maybe appointing non-qualified low-iq people for nepotism/corrupt purposes isn’t the best idea? “South Africa’s ever-worsening power crisis — in which homes and businesses go without electricity for up to 10 hours per day — is strangling Africa’s most developed economy.
    President Cyril Ramaphosa hopes that his new Electricity Minister Kgosientso Ramokgopa will help his government to curb the rampant corruption and mismanagement that have put the country in the dark.” (AP)

    “The military deployment – to counter riots sparked by the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma – would be the biggest since the end of apartheid.
    At least 117 people have died and more than 2,000 have been arrested in South Africa’s worst unrest in years.
    Hundreds of shops and businesses have been looted and the government says it is acting to prevent food shortages. (BBC 2021)”

    “Population growth and a record drought, perhaps exacerbated by climate change, is sparking one of the world’s most dramatic urban water crises, as South African leaders warn that residents are increasingly likely to face “Day Zero.” That’s the day, previously projected for mid-April but now mid-July, when the city says it will be forced to shut off taps to homes and businesses because reservoirs have gotten perilously low—a possibility officials now consider almost inevitable.” (National Geographic)

    “An ongoing campaign of anti-White policies and rhetoric amounts to a long-term genocidal threat against the country’s European-origin population of some five million (about nine percent of the total).” One interesting thing is that, more than a quarter century after the Whites gave up their country and handed over control to heeb-backed Blacks under the official guise of “becoming a non-racial democracy,” despite all the “we are equal” propaganda, despite all the rhetoric of how separation of the races is “evil,” there are still distinct Black areas and White areas and Indian area.” (NV)

    “The belief that HIV/AIDS can be cured as a result of having sex with a virgin has been identified as a possible factor in the rape of babies and children in South Africa. While the prevalence of this myth has been a matter of concern in local communities for some time, there have been recent attempts to discern the extent to which this belief is exacerbating perceived increases in child rape and the rate of new HIV infections nationwide. This article attempts to reveal the systematic logic upon which is based the idea of ‘virgin cleansing’ as a therapeutic response to HIV/AIDS amongst the Zulu. Based on ethnographic research in several peri-urban settlements of KwaZulu-Natal province, key aspects of ethnomedical knowledge associated with notions of ‘dirt’ and women’s bodies are examined along with the metaphors that inform local interpretations of HIV/AIDS. The author argues that closer attention paid to the shaping influence of cultural schemas are critical to better understanding belief-behaviour linkages in the context of rape and AIDS.”

  9. “Alfred Rosenberg on his soapbox”: These are the “renowned historians” of the Judensystem. They are even too incompetent to research the obvious incorrectness of the article photos they authorized. These are the descendants of the war profiteers who have condemned us to be bothered by their obtrusive stupidity. https://archive.ph/0DMa3

    The barker on the soapbox is not Alfred Rosenberg, who was far too reserved and obdurate for such rampant gesticulation, but a Jew with the ethnotypical epithet “Isidore” (written in German without an E at the end), in the background the Thai name “Zawatee” is written on a building (above it again, a double E can be seen at the end). So the photo is not from Germany at all. https://i.postimg.cc/51bH7Jtq/german-writer-and-politician-alfred-isidore-rose.jpg


  10. He’s acknowledged it before, years back IIRC. I find it a hard to believe that the wealthiest man in globohomo, a guy who is thoroughly entrenched in the deep state (maybe not as much as others), is a legit anti-establishment crusader who’s on the verge of defying ‘The Jew’. More likely, this is mostly part of a bait & switch scheme to lure people on the right into backing him & his enterprises, but more importantly to his handlers, it’s about keeping the populace on the kosher race-blind plantation. They learned their lesson about the memetic power of the right with the rise of Trump. It has to be controlled not suppressed. And with the waning of Christianity among the youth in the West, they now go with the ‘cool tech bro’ shtick instead of the exhausted evangelist brand of traditional neocons which has been irreparably tainted (I’m sure Christians will make a comeback some day).

    So today he said the based thing we’re all supposed to get geeked up over and make memes about. Tomorrow he’ll ban/unverify a multitude of anti-Zionist accounts on X, proclaim the importance of free expression from one side of his mouth while echoing the ADL on ‘freedom of reach’ with the other side, boast about how much the far left & far right hate him (which means he’s right, obviously), and shill for non-white LEGAL immigration and color-blind meritocracy.

    But I’m sure there’s people who will suspect he’s a fraud involved with a sort of damage control operation but reassure themselves that there’s still a ‘two steps forward, one step back’ angle to this and its hard to argue against that.

  11. Musk is throwing out more chum for the rubes.

    If he was really concerned about White genocide in South Africa, he’d be there or at least throwing hundreds of millions at the problem.

    Instead, he’s here drugged up on Ketamine raiding the Treasury after buying off Trump and the Pig Party for hundreds of millions.

    Does anyone watch or listen to him? He’s and embarrassment to White men, regardless of how wealthy he is.

  12. Thank you for linking this Greg Conte article, I love that guy. Used to enjoy him cohosting that Richard Spencer podcast back in the day. His overly zealous personality is hilarious and I 100% am with him on Hitler. He’s the most powerful figure of our time and it would be ridiculous to not use him. A figure like Hitler only comes around once in a millennium.

  13. The success of the National Socialists lay above all in their incorruptible basic principle of uncompromisingness. Like oriental market traders, they demanded 200 percent in order to always get 100 percent. I agree with Joel Davis on this point.

    The problem with a willingness to compromise is that you get less and less of what you actually want, first only half, then half of half and so on. In the end, you even settle for one percent. The choice of the worse evil, or the vote for half-hearted and mediocre politicians.

    However, Anglos and Germans do not have to turn away from the injustice happening in Gaza as morally depraved as he does, because the state of “Israel” came into being through Anglo-German policy. And in this respect, Mark Collett is emotionally more mature, far-sighted and more willing to take responsibility.

    Nathan was born in southern Sweden in 1977, has a Swedish father and a Scottish mother, emigrated with them to the USA and later to Canada, and now lives with his geisha and their children as a photographer in Japan. But even there he asks himself forbidden questions.


    For those with much time on their hands, I
    recommend this epic “document”, pure unin-
    tentional gold against Jewish disinformation.


  14. In his book “Das Judentum als landschaftskundlich-ethnologisches Problem” (1929), German geographer Siegfried Passarge spoke of an “emotional curve” (Gefühlskurve) that Judaism goes through every time it enters a new host people. At first there is a steep ascent up to the highest positions, but then a healthy defense mechanism (immunity) is stirred up in the host people (the body sweats out the poison), and at the end there is the expulsion. https://archive.org/details/passarge-siegfried-das-judentum-als-landschaftskundlich-ethnologisches-problem-1/page/24/mode/2up

    The structure of Judaism is illustrated in this figure: At the core is the unchanging Orthodox Judaism, towards its edges it becomes more and more “liberal”, these are the intersections where it mixes with the host people. https://archive.org/details/passarge-siegfried-das-judentum-als-landschaftskundlich-ethnologisches-problem-1/page/22/mode/2up


    ll in all, a remarkable analysis that creates a salutary order in the chaos, making structures, mechanisms and processes visible and explainable, which repeat themselves cyclically like the outbreak and management of a serious illness. The author is a visualizer.

    Only the national body, which has sweated out this creeping epidemic like snake venom, develops certain immunity. Geographer Passarge identified and described in “Jewdom as a landscape-ethnological problem” an emotional curve towards the Jews.

    Which first evokes sympathy and (after the collective abuse) increasing antipathy, frustration and bitterness in the attacked and sick host people, who, due to a lack of (prior) knowledge and their general guilelessness, finally leads to expulsion and progrom.

    Because expulsion and progrom are impossible as natural defense mechanisms in the organism of naturally grown organisms, this unresolved question smolders like a sword of Damocles over completely gutted, hollowed out, decomposed and infiltrated peoples.

    I also found it interesting how Geographer Passage confirms my theory that Jews exist from resistance to themselves, which only welds them closer together. He cites a single example in human history where Jews did not suffer persecution through the typical course of their impact, but were completely absorbed by the host people: China.

    However, Passarge does not seem to take two things into account at the time: Jews and East Asians already differed considerably in appearance, so Jews there had difficulty infiltrating society “unnoticed” as they did in white societies after “emancipation”.

    I support the realization that Jews should be largely ignored when they try to draw attention to themselves and claim to be the navel of the world. However, their destructive work in our societies is so advanced that to ignore it would be tantamount to looking the other way. Here is Passarge’s quote:

    “In the section on the ’emotional cycle’, it was pointed out that there is one exception in which the catastrophe did not occur. This exception took place in China. Little is known about the history of the Jews in China. They immigrated in the Middle Ages, or even in ancient times. In Marco Polo’s time they were so respected there that Rublai Khan treated them gently, just like the Christians. Then they fell into oblivion and were only rediscovered in the second half of the last century by a few families in the large city of Kaifong. Nowadays, they too have disappeared. The Jewish families were culturally and anthropologically Sinicized. The once flourishing Judaism has thus completely disappeared in China in the course of around 500 years. Nothing is known about the persecution of Jews in China. The case is important!

    In China, on the one hand, there is an extremely primitive ancestor cult, which forms the basis of the religious life of the masses, and the moral philosophy of Confucius for the educated. In China, people were always religiously tolerant, and Judaism, which tried to close itself off, found no area of friction with the completely different ancestor cult and certainly not with the moral philosophy. Judaism could not tolerate this disregard, this non-persecution. Persecution – bloody persecution – is the basis for the development and existence of the ghetto, without which the Jewish religious people cannot survive. Ghetto, education, character building, methods of struggle, the Talmudic religion with its hatred of everything foreign – everything, everything is a reaction to pressure and bloody persecution. The correctness of this view is proven by developments in China. The eternal Jew can be redeemed if he is left to himself, if he is ignored. Bad treatment and persecution are the fluids that keep him alive. Much is to be gained by this realization, and it can have great practical significance if its teachings are followed.”


    Today I read an article by Passarge in which he also refers to one of his books, which I have already mentioned here several times. Unfortunately, it is printed in Fraktur, and to translate over 200 pages would mean having to type everything out in Latin letters beforehand.

    Despite his choice of language, which is clearly contemptuous of the Jews, he rejects biological racism. But apart from the numerous terms I was not familiar with, there is a theory behind it that needs to be explored in more detail.

    He is of the opinion that it is not the liberal, progressive, reformist Jews at all who are constantly initiating the connection between this entity called Jewry or Judaism and thus also its persecution, but what he calls rabbinism.

    He also says that this rabbinism practically deliberately and intentionally stirs up hatred of Jews in order to lead those non-orthodox Jews back into ghettoization, i.e. their actual habitat.

    It is interesting to note, for example, that the infamous Nazi slogan “The Jews are our misfortune!” was originally based on a quote from Heine that read: “Judaism is not a religion, but a misfortune!” This can actually be found in the work of the “Jewish anti-Semite” Arthur Trebitsch.

    Passarge is of the opinion that Judaism will only let go of its almost psychopathic hatred once this rabbinism has been eliminated. The longer you think about it, the truer and clearer it seems. Many people think that Zionism is the big problem (which it is). However, it draws its destructive energy from rabbinism.

    Passarge describes in detail how intellectually underdeveloped and misanthropic this hate religion is. He equates it with the primitive magical beliefs of primitive peoples. It developed in a geographical seclusion and isolation that is still the main component and hallmark of its character today. He also describes other ethnic groups such as the Islamic Druze or Christian Armienians, who are not dissimilar to Judaism in certain respects.


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