• I doubt it will ever happen, but I will offer free beer and pizza to my entire apartment complex the day it happens. Hunter, you are getting too optimistic as you age. Hope you are right, buddy!

        For all the good that they are doing, Trump and Vance are whores for bleeding America for Israel’s interests. The balance, however, is on the side of good in the current Republican party.

        My concern is that Trump will waste the goodwill he currently has on non-issues such as Canada as the 51st state and the mask ban at Columbia U. A Demoncrat victory in 2028 (or in the mid-terms) will punch a big hole in his sails.

  1. The only way the US will ditch Israel will be if Palestinian Gentiles cooperate with US capitalism. There has to be an imperialist reason to justify it. It won’t be motivated by anti-imperialism, because the US is never motivated by anti-imperialism.

  2. Hahaha

    What color is the sky in your universe?

    Not a shed of proof that the US is pulling away from pissrael.

    It wasn’t even a year ago that netantahu received 58 standing ovations from the US Congress, Elon Musk was a VIP guest of the convicted war criminal for crimes against humanity, universities cracked down on peaceful protests against pissrael, and both the FBI jeet director and mulatto deputy director of the FBI are both pissrael first like all of the Trump administration.

    We are losing our First Amendment rights because of jews and ZOGnald.

    #Winning is winning

    • 1.) Jewish donors like Bernie Marcus and Sheldon Adelson are dead now. The donor base has changed. Elon’s fortune has reduced their importance

      2.) Democrats have done a U-turn on Israel

      3.) Republican voters under 45 are either indifferent or hostile to Israel

      4.) Criticism of Israel is ubiquitous on social media. This is seen in Israel’s declining standing

      So, the donor base, the voters and the media are steadily becoming less pro-Israel over time. It is already a contentious issue on the Democratic side

  3. I’ve been subscribed to his channel for a few months. I’ve obviously got my differences with him—true to his Catholicism, he’s more of a big-government greatness conservative—but he puts out thoughtful content I find interesting nonetheless.

  4. No things are not more complicated than they seem, Trump and his Republican zogbots are under total Israel control. America is more totalitarian than even North Korea is, every single aspect of life, personal and public, exists to support Israel.

  5. But Monsier Z is not really right, yet. First, off, this ecosystem in which he plays, debates, and fights, is not unstructured. It is the 3rd if not 4th generation of a civilian part of a network created by ***redacted*** whose purpose was to come up with various futurist oriented strategies, war games, contemporary analysis of politico-military affairs, and strategic operators capable of changing history at event fulcrums.

    The father creator of the network was one of the most brilliant minds of his age and unsung anywhere due to his secrecy and refusal to accept accolades. Sadly, like some ancient Yoda he passed many years ago taking what he foresaw with him. Tragically, his successor either was uninterested or unable to nurture the unique multi-generational intellectual ecosystem which married national security, civil-military affairs, politics, history, into the best organization serving this country’ strategic forecasting since well ever.

    But back to Monsier Z aka “Dean Mosley”, he was far away from learning the full skills of his trade craft. Nonetheless, his involvement with American Populist Union aka American Virtue on the back of his previous Alternative History work, was full of portent. Note: Alternative History itself is actually a skilled profession when properly done. Anyone who practices it, can if an adept, learn lessons which are applied to current events, Monsier Z showed such potential and we made overtures to working with him and APU only to see a trap for everyone.     

    However, as one of the newest generation Monsier Z, was part of a new cohort the outlines of which aren’t fully known because the Master took his secrets to the grave. In turn, Monsier Z is one which remained incomplete in his analytical and operational abilities. As a result, he is far removed from the original skills and tasks of the organization and delinked from his mentoring. He is like one of those almost Jedi’s one periodically sees in Star Wars universe flicks. He is brave and well meaning, but incomplete. Still, I am sure he has a future rule to play.

    Right now, it is unlikely to be about the future of Russian or Israeli relationships. He claims he was right about three things. But these things remain unfulfilled. Namely, a Russo-American Alliance is inevitable, a European Federation is inevitable, a Russian Victory is inevitable, and now the Unraveling of US-Israel Alliance is inevitable.

    There is no inevitability in any of those things. Merely potentials. The publication of the potentials themselves do help guide the discussion toward those ends, but it isn’t clear this will occurr. Simply because I don’t see associated operational support toward those ends. What we have instead is a debate inside American leadership over what to do with Russia, Europe and Israel. Monsier Z should be more careful in declaring his forecast right let alone that we all read it on his website first. He’s not Kingsman material yet. Note: Although I use these clips for dramatic purpose, I will underline that the Kingsman films get alot of things right, such as the only accurate and dramatic example of the assassination of the Tsar’s family and Archduke Ferdinand I’ve ever seen.

  6. The Trump administration has prosecuted Americans for so-called “antisemitism” but no one on Epstein’s client list.

    Yeah, jews are losing power and influence.

  7. I doubt it will ever happen, but I will offer free beer and pizza to my entire apartment complex the day it happens. Hunter, you are getting too optimistic as you age. Hope you are right, buddy!

    For all the good that they are doing, Trump and Vance are whores for bleeding America for Israel’s interests. The balance, however, is on the side of good in the current Republican party.

    My concern is that Trump will waste the goodwill he currently has on non-issues such as Canada as the 51st state and the mask ban at Columbia U. A Demoncrat victory in 2028 (or in the mid-terms) will punch a big hole in his sails.

  8. The US population is becoming more 3rd world in origin. They are here to drain and blame whitey, and they mistakenly view Israel as a “white” country. Demographics are destiny, so of course the world’s foremost flophouse is going to care much less about Israel as each year goes by.

  9. We should not suffer any delusions about the end of Jewish power, an end that has been predicted for 3,000 years, but neither should we deny obvious signs of the shift in the balance of power between Jewish elites and others and the influcne of massive Internet discussion of the Jewish Problem. We are gaining ground.

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