Rep. Jasmine Crockett cries on stage as she blames their loss on Kamala Harris being a woman with black skin pic.twitter.com/DhHrxg06XT
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 25, 2025
Bill Maher says it’s over for the Democrat Party. So many people are fleeing Blue States they’re about to lose Congressional seats
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 23, 2025
“This looks like game over”
Losing Congressional Seats:
– California is projected to lose 3 seats
– New York 2 seats
– Minnesota 1 seat
– Oregon 1… pic.twitter.com/jEwu1Lt0Tw
Apparently, I am not alone in seeing this.
Top Democrats see all the same trends cutting against them.
The conversation among the smart Jews – Bill Maher, David Shor, Ezra Klein, etc. – is about how the country is slipping away from them. The “mainstream media” ecosystem is shrinking in relative size and influence to conservative media which continues to grow and dominates X and YouTube. At this point, a majority of Democrats are not even pro-Israel. The party is sharply divided on the issue now. Their own propaganda apparatus has failed to persuade their own base to stay in Israel’s corner.
The conversation among antisemites is about omnipotent Jewish power. The “mainstream media” is still brainwashing the lemmings. The masses are still putty in the hands of Hollywood executives. “ZOG” controls every aspect of public policy. Donald Trump is a servant of his Jewish masters. I’ve seen some people say that the Jews are trying to make it look like White Nationalism is becoming more mainstream by conceding all of this ground on issues like immigration and anti-White discrimination. As with the explosion of antisemitism on X, this is not seen as evidence of growing Jewish weakness.
“Top Democrats tell us their party is in its deepest hole in nearly 50 years — and they fear things could actually get worse:
The party has its lowest favorability ever.
No popular national leader to help improve it.
Insufficient numbers to stop most legislation in Congress.
A durable minority on the Supreme Court.
Dwindling influence over the media ecosystem, with right-leaning podcasters and social media accounts ascendant.
Young voters are growing dramatically more conservative.
A bad 2026 map for Senate races.
Democratic Senate retirements could make it harder for the party to flip the House, with members tempted by statewide races.
There are only three House Republicans in districts former Vice President Harris won in 2024, a dim sign for a Democratic surge. There were 23 eight years ago in seats Hillary Clinton won.
And, thanks to the number of people fleeing blue states, the math for a Dem to win the presidency will just get harder in 2030. …
Doug Sosnik — a senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, and widely followed thinker on political megatrends — told us this is Dems’ deepest hole in at least the 45 years since Ronald Reagan’s victory in 1980. Sosnik said the 2024 election was at least as much a repudiation of Democrats as it was a victory for Trump. …
The big picture: Democrats’ dismal reality is not Republican spin. In fact, there’s broad consensus among Democratic leaders that most current political, cultural, media and generational trends are cutting against them. …”
There hasn’t been much commentary on the fact that across the Democratic Party and within liberal and progressive institutions there was a big shakeup after the George Floyd riots in 2020. Jewish men who ran the party stepped aside and ceded power to the BIPOCs in liberal spaces. Kamala Harris was the presidential nominee. Hakeem Jeffries is the leader of House Democrats. Some Asian woman runs the SPLC now. David Shor became famous after he was fired at the peak of the madness.
Those people are in control now and have run the Democratic Party into the ground. It is like the bridge of Star Trek: Discovery. Kamala Harris was the avatar of that whole class of unqualified and untalented people who got ahead in Democratic institutions because of their race and gender.
They are trying to keep a lid on the Zizian cult group killing spree. Vegan trans young people. It is bad.
“Kamala Harris was the avatar of that whole class of unqualified and untalented people who got ahead in Democratic institutions because of their race and gender.”
HW, you will look back on your Trumpian triumphalism and wonder why you erred. The pendulum will swift left again within the foreseeable future. The leftist classes control all of the elite institutions that educate, entertain, and moralize the young aspirational elites. Unless one replaces the substantially-Jewish power-elite as a class in a revolutionary struggle like how a Jew named Lenin replaced the Russian aristocracy in the Russian Revolution, this anti-white, substantially-Jewish, and Zionist power-elite will continue to reproduce itself and to exercise control over the rapidly proletarianizing European American middle class.
The power elite is disproportionately Jewish regardless of how fervently you wish to wish away the existential threat that the organized Jewish community poses to our people. I ask you to research the faculty of institutions that form the elites of our society: Harvard, Yale, Stanford. Are Jews disproportionately represented in these elite institutions as faculty? Yes. Are Jews disproportionately represented in these elite institutions as students? Yes. Are Jews disproportionately represented in the Congress? Yes. Are Jews disproportionately represented in positions of influence in Hollywood? Yes. The power of the Jews appears to be declining but this ethnic group still dominates the heights of elite politics, academia, and media, and these institutions shape the opinion for the elite class.
Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and any other avatar of the paleo-conservative ideal will not save the future of white people on this continent. They oppose every explicit expression of white identity for European Americans when European Americans are being singled out and attacked explicitly for their white identity. J.D. Vance married a Dravidian woman, and his children are biracial. J.D. Vance supports the immigration of young Indian men like his son Vivek to the United States. J.D. Vance has voted with his choice of sexual partners and has chosen the path of miscegenation, which should be a crime. Donald Trump is a virtually-lifelong Zionist philo-semite (with a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren) who cares more for the security and well-being of the Jewish people than his own: European-Americans. Both men lack the capacity to turn the ship of state around towards white flourishing. The benefit of their administration is that their rhetoric will open the Overton Window a little wider. However, their policy choices have been largely a continuation of the status quo: a lot of smoke, a minuscule amount of fire: a flash in the pan.
Wow, can you people ever take a win and celebrate or do you always have to focus on Jews non-stop? By the way, I think Lenin had a Jewish grandparent…on his father’s side. That doesn’t qualify him as Jewish. He wouldn’t even be considered Jewish according to Jewish law.
Don’t get me wrong. Jewish power and influence is real and should be acknowledged, but refusing to rejoice when things are going well and just focusing on Jews is a recipe for an unhappy life. But whatever, you do you.
“The power elite is disproportionately Jewish regardless of how fervently you wish to wish away the existential threat that the organized Jewish community poses to our people. I ask you to research the faculty of institutions that form the elites of our society: Harvard, Yale, Stanford. Are Jews disproportionately represented in these elite institutions as faculty? Yes. Are Jews disproportionately represented in these elite institutions as students? Yes. Are Jews disproportionately represented in the Congress? Yes. Are Jews disproportionately represented in positions of influence in Hollywood? Yes. The power of the Jews appears to be declining but this ethnic group still dominates the heights of elite politics, academia, and media, and these institutions shape the opinion for the elite class.”
No one disputes Jews are disproportionately represented in institutions of influence. But so is everybody. Except for the founding nation of WASPs, including in their own schools.
Here is breakdown of Ivy League Schools:
Jewish students make up less than 10% of Harvard’s undergraduate enrollment! OMG, less than 10%!
Yale: Jewish students make up around 10% of Yale’s undergraduate enrollment. Holy cow! Jews are at 10%!
Cornell: Jewish students comprise around less than 15% of the student body.
Princeton: The Jewish community at Princeton provides meaningful experiences and tons of fun for the 700 Jewish students from various backgrounds. Wow. A full 700 Jews at Princeton or around 5%.
Brown: The Jewish student population at Brown is estimated to be around 10%. Whoa.
Now add all the Catholics. Over the whole Ivy League they are now 30%. At Harvard they are over 35%. But the Papists are 25-30% of population so overrepresented.
Add all the non-Whites, and they are 56%. A population which is less than 35% of the country’s citizenry has 56% of the student body. Obviously many are Catholic too.
The Asians are most disproportionately represented. Not Jews. The Asians who are like less than 5% are around 25% of the student population. Jews are like 3x more represented, while Asians are 5x more.
Meanwhile, the poor WASPs are down to like 15% or less in the schools and country they founded. Yet, WASPS consistently score higher on SAT, and Athletics than everybody. Only blacks score higher on athletics and Asians score higher on SAT. Jews and WASPs are about equal on SAT, but they crush the Jews athletically, and crush the non-Whites on SAT. The question should be not why are Jews so highly represented, but why are WASPs so lowly represented? It’s the Papists. They have the numbers, the money, and influence. Not “Duh, Jews.”
Nah. In our fixed two party system, the Demorats will be back same as the UK Labor party.
The The UK Torries were talking tough about ending the migrant invasions from France of Muslim men, addressing Pakistani sexual grooming gangs – British ha White working class, retired pensioners voted Torrie/Conservative and there was talk of a “Red Wall”. When the UK Torries/Conservatives under Boris Johnson abandoned that, UK Labor was back – IKIP under that Amren traitor of the year Nigel Farage killed the BNP British National Party, purged British immigration patriot, Nationalists.
Right now we have Donald Trump and Trump loyalists. But after Trump goes and he is old… what do we have?
Hey Southerners – how about finding some populist Southern Governors? The last one we/you had was George Wallace in ~ 1972.
I recommend recruiting some Southern former sports celebrity, sports coach. What about Atlanta Braves baseball players Chipper Jones, Dale Murphy or John Rocker? (I think John Rocker was ‘dating” a mixed race POC gal to try to improve his RACIST image after he correctly dissed New York City and the #7 train to Queens.
Not a big fan of either political faction in this country, but watching the deranged race cult that calls themselves the democrats, in disillusion, is schadenfreude inducing. I’ve also heard this prattle before, about this being the end of one or the other political factions in this country, but it never quite pans out in the end (at least for the Republicans and Democrats during my lifetime). Hopefully the deranged race cult gazes so intently into the abyss that they fall in, and have a Molotov cocktail thrown on top them, on their way down.
Jewish supremacist power has declined from 100% to 99%.
Now we need it to decline from 99% to 0%.
The crucial first step is to free one of the two major parties from Jewish supremacist control. After that is achieved, step 2 is the victory of the American patriot party over the Jewish supremacist party.
As long as there are two Jewish supremacist parties, the victory of one party won’t lead to a secure dignified future for our people.
The Republican party currently has the support of 20% of Jews. We need to change that to 0%.
The best way to achieve this is to make the Republican party into the party which advocates for the White American point of view on ALL issues – immigration, foreign policy, culture, economics and constitutional rights.
If we can get the Republicans to adopt a platform which serves the interests of our people on all these issues, we will have the support of the majority of our own people and also a large minority of Hispanics, American Indians, Muslims, Blacks and Asians. But we will have the support of almost no Jews.
The true benefit of the Trump era has been to change the Republican platform to more closely align with the interests of White Americans, and diverge from the interests of the Jewish supremacists.
However, foreign policy is the one issue where these gains have been smallest. Foreign policy is also the one issue where there is a real danger of change being in the wrong direction.
This is why it is so important to focus on an America First foreign policy. Just like a rotting fish attracts flies, an Israel First foreign policy attracts Jewish supremacists like Bill Ackman and Alex Karp and Alan Dershowitz and Bari Weiss and Paul Singer and Miriam Adelson and Jared Kushhner.
WE DON”T NEED THEM. We can win without them. If our own people aren’t strong enough to win alone, we can attract enough non-White allies by simply advocating our own self interest – because their interests overlap sufficiently with ours. Trump won the male Hispanic vote by advocating immigration restriction (higher wages, lower rent). He won the Dearborn vote by giving lip service to an America First foreign policy.
WE CAN”T WIN IF WE HAVE ACKMAN ETC. “ON OUR SIDE”. They will never sincerely support immigration restriction, Christian values, White self-respect, populist economics, or free speech, much less an America First foreign policy. They throw us some “red meat” in the form of small symbolic victories, but they will always betray our substantial core interests. Worse, their stink will get on us and repel decent people who would otherwise be willing to align with us.
The only people who benefit from our “alliance” with ultra-Zionist Jews are the people who accept their bribes. Enjoy your 30 pieces of silver, traitors.
But some of us refuse to sell our souls for a bowl of soup.
Not once did you mention Gaza, which you posted about constantly for nearly a year after 10/7. Funny how that works.
What else is there to say about it?
How many videos of Israel carpet bombing kids should I have posted? I think the 100 or so I posted was sufficient to get the point across
“How many videos of Israel carpet bombing kids should I have posted? I think the 100 or so I posted was sufficient to get the point across.”
Yeah, that got boring, even for me, watching Sand N@ggers get vaporized over and over. But, some stand out in my memory even more than when my buddy was vaporized by an IED and bits and pieces of him fell and hit our little hut.
My favorite Gaza bombing post of yours was when you posted the bombing of the old Sand N@ggers smoking hashish and hookah while drinking coffee with a little kid hitting something against the wall. That was just before an Israel missile hit and obliterated them all.
You didn’t recognize that what the young kid was doing was busily holding a cat by the tail and smashing it against the wall over and over and over again until it was almost flattened and left a blody mess on the wall or that the old men were smoking hashish. That was just moments before a bomb struck and flattened the little devil kid underneath the same wall he massacred the cat on and the old men were burned into embers like their hookah hashish.
After I pointed that out to you and said God punishes the wicked, you kind of stopped posting. But, yeah, for someone to say you didn’t talk about Gaza or are friendly to Israel, they are insane. But, we knew all FedNazis and Sand M@gger lovers always were.
I think Trump is a lousy candidate and the Democrats happened to run an even worse candidate in Harris. The Democratic base needs to take over the party and kick out the establishment. The reason the election was close though was that both candidates sucked. It may have been better if Trump won a strong victory over Democrats, because it would accelerate the base taking over the elites. With Trump barely winning, the elites will still think they can hold on.
My opinion is that Trump is stepping on the third rail with this DOGE stuff. His cuts to social security should destroy him. The problem is that the Democratic establishment will continue to get in the way of the base. If the base ran the party, they’d blow the Republicans out.