The Jeffrey Goldberg Texts Scandal

I’m glad this came out.

The Atlantic:

“The world found out shortly before 2 p.m. eastern time on March 15 that the United States was bombing Houthi targets across Yemen.

I, however, knew two hours before the first bombs exploded that the attack might be coming. The reason I knew this is that Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, had texted me the war plan at 11:44 a.m. The plan included precise information about weapons packages, targets, and timing.

This is going to require some explaining. …”

It explains a lot.

This was the conversation that was going on behind the scenes between Vance and Hegseth over striking the Houthis. It was all about the Houthis disrupting a major global trade route. It was all about the pressure that Egypt and the Europeans were putting on us to do something about it.

As Vance points out, 40% of European trade goes through the Suez Canal, but our European allies do not have the capacity to do anything about the Houthis. It is a similar situation with Russia and Ukraine. America has no stake in who rules Donbas. It is our European allies, especially the UK, who are far more committed to the war with Russia and who have kept the war going and who have refused to take any off ramp. They were reduced to tears by Vance’s speech in Munich at the NATO summit.

The fact that Vance privately didn’t want to be involved in this makes him look better.


  1. The Houthis allowed trade to flow through the Red Sea during the Gaza ceasefire.

    They resumed their blockade of the Red Sea when Israel violated the Gaza ceasefire.

    If Trump had simply said to Israel “Abide by the ceasefire, or else you lose your foreign aid”, then there would be peace in the Red Sea right now.

    The US war against the Houthis serves Israel interests, not American interests. It is the most recent in a long series of wars foisted on the American people by the Israel Lobby.

    Patriots serve America, traitors serve Israel.

    • @WU,

      “The Houthis allowed trade to flow through the Red Sea during the Gaza ceasefire.”

      Lies, damned lies, and then superiority lies! The Houthis allow nothing!! Freedom of the seas is sacrosanct. We’ve had numerous wars over it. The Houthis, being Sand N@ggers, like their post Gen X counterparts know nothing of history. Otherwise, they’d know they were on the wrong side of history.

      The Houthis, being typical Sand N@ggers like to terrorize, intimidate, and thug out on people. Of all the people in the Middle East I’ve gotten to be around,  the people who I actually just wanted to punch in the face, because I knew they had nothing but Anti-White Anti-Christian hate in them were Yemenis. I remember one time getting into such a stare down with one Yemeni Sand N@gger soldier while overwatching a controlled entry point in ***redacted***. He was such an a$$n@gger that I leveled my SAW at him. The effing bastard didn’t even flinch. So, I made a sexual gesture at him and spit out my chew down on the ground and only then did he lose his shiite. I hate Yemenis.

      But, the Saudis love to use them to populate their military and security forces, do mid level work, and make 2nd or 3rd wives. The Yemenis in fact seem to have a martial spirit you don’t usually find with Sand N@ggers. They also have a high birth rate. I’d love to turn a good portion of them into crispy critters. Its almost pathological how I feel about them, yet, I’ve never really suffered at their hands, except to have gas and consumer prices go up a bunch because Houthi blockades.

      The Houthis have targeted, damaged, crippled and sunk loads of ships in the Middle East who were NOT bound for Israel. They’ve attacked US Navy vessels some 150 times, and over 200 civilian vessels. The Houthis actually sank a supertanker bound for Europe, in addition to other tankers and cargo ships causing massive environmental damage to the Red Sea, thereby massively raising insurance costs for everyone’s shipping.

      The Iranians have been supplying them with boatloads of weapons for years. We knew or suspected many of these ships. It took Trump to finally intercept one Iranian ship. They found that it had been transporting all sorts of high grade ballistic missile gear. After Trump, those ships allowed the Houthis to build their Short Range and Medium Range Ballistic missiles which they now rain down on Israel and the World’s shipping including US Naval groups.

      “They resumed their blockade of the Red Sea when Israel violated the Gaza ceasefire.”

      They never stopped. Shipping didn’t return long enough for the Houthis to say they ended the blockade. What they did is started targeting pleasure boats too instead of just commercial and US and allied warships. All this will end once we crush the Houthis. The way we do this is interven in the Yemeni Civil War.

      Back in the day before liberal internationalists Yankees and Papists combined to take down the last vestiges of the British Empire from within in the 1960s, the British still held onto Southern Yemen and the outstanding port of Aden. This port is strategically situated to control the Straight of Bab El-Mandeb. It was so influential, the British held onto the port even after they lost India and the African colonies. The series, “The Last Post” shows the life of a British imperial post vanished from the world by the 1960s but still existing in parts like Aden. Its not terrifically action oriented, a bit soap opera, but still fun. My gf at the time loved it and started larping as a British colonial wife/mistress when we thought I’d get a job overseas with the Trump Admin. Sadly, I didn’t get a post like I thought and she moved on. Thanks for nothing Feds.

      The British eventually put up a strong effort to wipe out the Anti-Colonials. They’d come up with a plan originally conceived by Enoch Powell to turn places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Aden, Cypress, Malta, Gibraltar, etc into strongholds to dominate trade, finance, and fund their navy. The British sent a small expeditionary force over under a British officer cut from colonial history and smashed up the Sand N@ggers in Aden.

      Eventually, we crippled the British so much and complained on behalf of Sand N@ggers so much, that the British were going bankrupt maintaining it. So, they were forced to leave. An East German backed coup eventually turned it into a Socialist Republic. Weirdly to this day, it is the more modern and European of the world halves of Yemen. It has its own government fighting against the Houthis and Al-Queda. We should help them secure independence and turn Aden back into a big base. That will shut down the Houthis.

      It should be pointed out that but for the USA siding with Sand N@gger Nasser during the Suez War thereby breaking Western White Racial Allied National Wartime Ally Solidarity on behalf of Mud people, we would likely have a large Anglo-French military force in the Red Sea and Eastern Med helping us keep the sea lanes open.. Also, it would’ve prevented the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and the USS Liberty incident. It would’ve stopped the 1973 Arab Israeli War. Lebanon would still be majority Christian and under French influence. Syria would’ve slid into normalcy. Well, the whole world would be different.

      Instead, we now have to deal with Mud People using WMD, Terror attacks, ballistic missile threats on shipping, and millions of them settling omin Europe. With 40% of Europe’s trade going thru the Suez and 35% of US trade is with Europe, checking it off as secondary effects on US which are significant. We broke the system, we have an obligation to keep it repaired and running.

      “If Trump had simply said to Israel “Abide by the ceasefire, or else you lose your foreign aid”, then there would be peace in the Red Sea right now.”

      A literal lie. Hamas broke the cease fire by refusing to turn over any further hostages after getting all of its prisoners it demanded from Israel. This is typical Sand N@ggerism. They need to be shot in the face not negotiated with.

      “The US war against the Houthis serves Israel interests, not American interests.”

      Promoting Houthi interests against Freedom of Navigation of the Seas makes you an outlaw of humanity, just like the Houthis. Thats the real treason.

      Patriots serve America, traitors serve Sand N@ggers.

    • yep. the whole thing is a pretty declarative indication the jews run the usa.

      all they have to do is tell Israel “no” and they can save time and billions, maybe trillions… but no, the super cost cutting admin cant do that

  2. The old Good Cop/Bad Cop routine to make it look like they don’t all play for Team Zio – which, of course – they all do.

  3. I believe they also discussed making sure Europe actually pays us for this work, which is totally appropriate.

    Bottom line, the Houthis are pirates from any commercial perspective and they have a meaningful impact on the cost of global trade, even if its not directly our trade, it still increases the cost.

    Since we have the Navy, Europe can and should pay us for its use to deal with the pirates, and this doesn’t bother me in the least.

    The secondary issue is the connection with Israel, but that isn’t the primary concern.

    This is a far larger concern for Egypt, who is also one of our client states in the region, which has been destabilized by the Suez Canal trade disruption.

    We absolutely have national interests in dealing with the Houthis. If Trump gets his way and can get us out of the regional entanglements this will change, but this is the REALITY on the ground today and we still need to deal with it. This is a burden of leadership. Is what it is.

    When you have no skin in the game and can’t participate politically you never have to actually deal with problems, you can just bitch about them, which is what the peanut gallery has been doing over Trump bombing people in the middle east since he blew up brown hero general back in the day. Its a product of ignorance about what it actually requires to lead a nation.

    I’m not at all bothered by Trumps decision to bomb these people.

    • Vance says he wants an “independent Europe” right up until the point that Europe(i.e. Germany) tries to become independent. 2 World Wars are the proof that a strong independent Europe(Germany) is the last thing the US/Brit/Zio Axis actually wants. Guys like Vance are masters at talking out of both sides of their mouths. Germany does seem to be committing to building up their military again, though, and the CEO of VW said that Rheinmetal could use idled VW plants for military production.

      • Germany is a generation away from being any kind of a military power that could rival us. I think we have larger concerns in the world than wringing our hands over the imminent rise of the fourth reich.

        My strong preference would be to double down on our relationship with the English and make political change there happen faster so that they stop being gay and pathetic.

        Additionally we should lean into the relationship with Poland, Hungary and Romania, who are more realistic, White and Christian. Poland is the military powerhouse of Europe currently and once Ukraine collapses they will be the Eastern flank of Nato, and well positioned to create stability in Europe which is what is needed to give space to the populist movements to continue gaining ground and bringing the continent back to reality.

        This would reduce our footprint in Europe while keeping stability. Probably the best we can hope for.

      • @Ron Burgundy,

        Yes, it’s kinda true we don’t want an independent Europe. But you add Germany as if that’s Europe. The French and Italians would beg to differ. We need a decentralized EU, more sovereignist of its members, and with independent militaries.

        The old EEC was fine as it was. It didn’t need to change. The EU was a globalist project meant to be mirrored by the North American Union and some Asian Union. The old Trilateralist compact. Its a corporate wet dream project and simply unworkable and stupid.

        A Europe returned in firm back to the EEC, centered on regional confederations around France-Italy-Spain, and a German-Austrian-Czech-Slovokia-Baltics and a Polish-Ukrainian-Romanian, etc is the way to go. It keeps the Great Powers of Europe still sovereign even mostly independent, units them more cohesively, and doesn’t threaten either NATO or Russia, which is what the EU does now.

    • This is an unusually nonsensical position on your part. The Houthi disruption of Red Sea – Suez Canal trade only affects 3% of US trade. US ships would be allowed to pass were it not for the US regime’s blind support of Satanyahoo’s genocidal war against Gaza. Chinese and other ships pass without a problem so your re-definition of a military blockade as “piracy” is nonsense. You and HW are conflating involvement in a war by the United States – on Israel’s behalf – as some kind of legitimate response to “piracy” by simply redefining the term piracy.

      Obviously US naval vessels wouldn’t be attacked if they were not serving as a de-facto Israeli navy here. While Trump or any president would be foolish not to respond to an attack on a US navy ship and I don’t blame him for responding, I do blame him for not ordering the US navy out of the combat zone. Why is it our job to ensure Israel and its allies are protected form the consequences of their actions? HW claims the U.S.S. Liberty is meaningless. That’s also not true. This was an unprovoked attack on a US navy vessel that was not only ignored, but where the president and all high officials did everything they could to ensure was successful – which is nothing less than high treason. When the ship miraculously survived, an ongoing coverup was launched by LBJ, John McCain’s daddy and other high officials which continues to this day on behalf of “Our Greatest Ally” – who continues to insist it was an “accident”. 34 US sailors died thanks to the action of “Our Greatest Ally”. Zero have died from the Houthis trying to disrupt shipping which benefits Israel and its allies, or those owned by Jewish supporters of the Satanyahoo regime. It’s not our war, and the correct move now that the attack on a US shop has been answered (an answer which Israel never received, by the way) is to move them back to US waters, or maybe to the Gulf of America where they can be assist in dealing the cartel-corrupted regime in Mexico.

    • The people your god-emperor is bombing do not care about running over dozens of ziotards on Burbon Street in NOLA in retaliation either.

  4. One side wanted to do it out of an olive branch to Europe and on GP.

    The other side was hesitant and wait and see what’s in it for us.

    In reality, both sides are in pretty much the same place.

    Me, being an Occidentalist, supported the former view, even as I agree with Vance that Official Europe has a kidult psychology that needs to stop. As I can see around me every day.

    The only new thing revealed in the leaks is that, other than the air strikes, which actually happened, the WH was considering a color revolution in Yemen. They also revealed that Mike Waltz’s fingers are too fat, and I’m sure by now he has been taken out to the woodshed.

  5. >The fact that Vance privately didn’t want to be involved in this makes him look better

    That is not what is going on here. Vance is concerned about the messaging not about bombing Yemen. He wants to create a narrative that this about Europe and also shake them down in the process. It is not about Europe, it is about Israel and their genocide. Yemen is blockading ships bound for Israel not Europe. Clearly this propaganda is working on you since you told me the other day it was Europe that was bombing Yemen.

    • Vance and Hegseth were unaware that their private texts would be leaked to the press. Trump’s strikes on the Houthis were at the behest of Europeans and Egypt who are sick and tired of their disruption of a global trade route they depend on.

      • We aren’t seeing the entire chat, we are seeing what ultra-zionist Jeffrey Goldberg released.

        >at the behest of Europeans and Egypt

        No. They intend to extort Europe and Egypt, and want to frame the narrative around them. Obviously they aren’t going to say they need “to make Israel pay for it,” lol.

        • Make Israel deal with their own troubles with the Arabs they have plopped themselves among. Vance and Hegseth have not got the guts to deal with these blackmailers.

  6. Yeah – sure they were “unaware”. All of these “leaks” are carefully orchestrated in order to create a narrative.

  7. Unlikely to be accidental. The alleged leaker Waltz is a former aide to über-NeoKlown Dick Cheney. The recipient was Jeffrey Goldberg, another Neo-Klown whose early resume consists of
    fine volunteer work for the country where his loyalties lie

    > .. Jeffrey Goldberg, dropped out of an Ivy League University to volunteer to be an IDF prison guard during the first Palestinian Intifada. In his memoirs, Goldberg revealed that he helped cover up serious prisoner abuse.

    The app used, Signal, is well-known to have serious security issues so it’s certainly possible that the session was breached by Satanyahoo’s Mossad and leaked to their boy Goldberg via that channel. The general purpose is to drag the Trump regime into war with Iran sooner than later. Hesgeth is just the soldier obeying orders (which was fairly well known), Vance is the one who seems to have the best grasp of reality. As for Waltz, why is a former advisor to the hard-core anti-Trump Cheney crime family occupying an office in the new Trump administration. One of Jared’s picks I suppose.

  8. Why isn’t the Jew Goldberg of the “Atlantic” being arrested for leaking state secrets. He can’t very well plead stupidity.

    It’s not because he’s a Jew is it?

  9. This article ignores Eisenhower’s epoch making threat to the British and French when they seized the Canal Zone from Egypt and Wusienhower threatened to sink the Pound and the Franc if the two European powers didn’t evacuate their holdings in Egypt. Suez Crisis was America’s big flex on the British.

    Vance and Heseth are well aware of this. Also, how is a former IDF member like this guy on a group chat really? Really?

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