Editor’s Note: Michael Weaver asked me to repost this article over the situation in Douglas County, GA with respect to free speech. Jewish power is still a real problem. We see this in states like Florida and Georgia which have passed laws to target groups like the GDL. Obviously, I agree that Americans should be free to exercise their constitutional rights to criticize Jews.
It has been over 15 months since the Douglas County Sheriff’s office in Georgia raided a law-abiding couple by the name of Philip (Matt) and Hilary Jacobs and set a bogus warrant for another man, Michael Weaver, who has now been forced to go on the run. Their alleged crime? They exercised their First Amendment rights in the People’s Republic of Douglasville, Georgia. More closely, they distributed flyers with information on them that violates the invisible Government Wrongspeak clause. In other words, you cannot call out the Jewish power structure in American politics (and around the world) without pissing off the ADL and the Powers that Be.
Now, I can see the eye-rolls from here, so you can stop reading if you’d like and accuse me of being a racist antisemite and that’s fine… don’t forget to unsubscribe on your way out 🙂 But whether or not you agree with the message on the flyers does not matter. Hate speech, racist speech, antisemitic speech, etc. etc. is STILL FREE SPEECH. What is more telling, is that none of the information or statistics that were distributed can be refuted or called false. It is all true and factual, so it can’t even be chalked up to defamation or slander. Probably a talk for another time though, huh? Anyways, that is neither here nor there, and pardon the language BUT:
Sometimes I feel like the Jews will bring every races on Earth against them and will achieve a World Government (which is the plan of their leaders but they would be excluded).
Now I put my tinfoil hat on and ask myself, was that the plan all along ? (cue the X-Files series TV show opening with “Trust no One” at the end, damn I loved that show).
Douglas County: A Culture of Corruption
It’s been over 500 days since Major Matt Gray of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office led almost a dozen armed deputies to raid the home of Matt and Hilary Jacobs. Their crime? This law-abiding married couple had the audacity to distribute political and religious literature protected by the US Constitution and the Georgia State Constitution. The Jacobs were raided over a warrant for “littering” even though no littering occurred under Georgia Supreme Court caselaw of Statesboro Publishing v. City of Sylvania. Since then, the prosecutor has not filed a formal accusation against the Jacobs, which means no court date to hold the deputies accountable for violating the constitutional rights of the Jacobs. The Jacobs were given a bond of $30,000 by Judge Susan Camp, which is a clear violation of their 8th Amendment rights regarding excessive bail for a misdemeanor. In a free country, citizens aren’t raided by armed law enforcement for exercising their First Amendment rights. This miscarriage of justice took place in Douglas County, Georgia, aka Douglasville, Georgia. Did you know that according to federal law these deputies committed numerous felonies? Don’t believe me. Feel free to research US Code Title 18, Sections 241 & 242, aka deprivation of rights under color of law and conspiracy against rights. Either we live in a free country or we live under a tyrannical Communist police state. To be free or not to be free, that is the question.
Meet Major Matt Gray of the infamous Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia. This tyrant came with almost a dozen armed deputies to raid and arrest Matt and Hilary Jacobs on November 3rd, 2023. Their crime, you ask? This law-abiding married couple had the audacity to exercise their First Amendment rights to distribute political and religious literature throughout Douglas County, Georgia. Despite the US Constitution, the Georgia State Constitution, and the Georgia Supreme Court case law of Statesboro Publishing v. City of Sylvania giving the Jacobs the right to free speech, it’s obvious these deputies need to read the Constitution they swore an oath to uphold. After their arrest, the Jacobs were held in the local jail for a so-called “littering” charge and given an outrageous bond of $30,000 by Magistrate Judge Susan Camp. I’ve seen defendants with violent charges receive a lower bond, so it’s obvious it’s verboten to distribute factual information about the Jewish power structure in the People’s Republic of Douglasville, Georgia. Whether you agree with the views of the Jacobs doesn’t matter; we either have freedom of speech or we don’t. This attack on our beloved constitutional rights should outrage all freedom-loving Americans, especially our veterans who fought for these rights. To be free or not to be free, that is the question.
Whoop whoop! Speak it brother! Our God-given constitutional rights are constantly under attack AND reinterpretation. Reinterpretation by those who don’t agree with them. $30K is definitely excessive bond for LITTERING. That is definitely misguided justice and abuse of power. And as far as Matt Gray showing up with a dozen armed deputies –well obviously he is full of woke “toxic masculinity” to the extent that he cannot even deal with a Christian couple without his posse. He is totally laughable! As is the entire circumstance. Some people never tire of attacking others for zero reasons!
Stopped reading. Jews are a declining elite. Not interested in low IQ antisemitism.
I have been seeing some complaints come through about the moderating so I wanted to go over some things:
1) Sometimes Hunter moderates also, especially right after he posts an article. He doesn’t have as much time on his hands as I do, so he moderates more quickly, and in the process probably lets more posts go through than I do. Those of you who write extra long posts especially make it difficult for even myself to catch every inter White ethnic slur or cuss word ( will touch on this below).
So for those of you complaining why one post went through but not another similar one, it is simply because two different people are moderating sometimes ( not usually). Hunter supports the way I choose to moderate just in case anyone is wondering, so the differences have nothing to do with that.
2) I , with Hunter’s approval, have decided to be more laid back about posts pitting different White ethnicities against each other. I have found it impossible to even try to censor most of these comments. Whether we like it or not, White people are pretty tribal and have ethnic and regional biases. It is just a reality.
Keep in mind though that since this is a Southern based site, we naturally show more acceptance for pro Protestant, pro Southern etc….. comments than we do the other. TRS and other organizations have a pro ethnic White with a more anti Southern leaning, so on this site we should be able to have our own biases.
I try to be fair still to the best I can without letting my own biases get in the way. I usually delete slurs used to describe certain ethnicities of Whites no matter which side they are being spewed from. Please refrain from using them.
3) If I am the one moderating, I will not let any posts go through with profanity, slurs, or ad hominem attacks. No ifs ands or buts.
4) Some people have bad grammar and / or like to keep everything lower cased. I might let stuff like this go through if a good point is being made, but if I don’t like the point being made in general and it adds little to the discussion, I delete it.
5) This brings me to my next point. Hunter gave me permission to delete something if I just simply don’t like it . He knows me well and likes my judgment. We have a lot in common. Most of the time I try to be fair about this without letting personal biases get in the way, but sometimes, instead of wasting time contemplating a post as to whether it should go through or not, it is just quicker for me to go with my gut and hit delete.
6) Please try to refrain from extra long posts. There are a few people who do this. It makes moderating difficult. Feel free to instead cut your post up into a few back to back posts. If you are debating someone and you want to make sure they see all your point by point responses, I would suggest highlighting the part of their post you are responding to and including that in your own post so they know what you are addressing.
Also, this should benefit you as well. Unless someone is really interested in what you have to say, they probably aren’t going to read your long post anyways.
I find Stormfront’s rule that you can’t attack White Nationalities to be a negative point of that site.
What happened to these liberal fighting words: I disagree with what you say but I’ll defend your right to the death to say it?
Tyranny is free speech with exceptions.
Did Hunter say that? Please provide a link if so
It is hard to compete against Jewish money. We will never know how much the rich Jews paid the Sheriff to do this. The sum can be very substantial. Distributing fliers is one activity Jews do not allow. So do something else. They don’t even go door to door singing Christmas Carols anymore, like we used to do decades ago. Jews everywhere made such a fuss so the cops harassed the carollers until they stopped doing it. We will will never know how much money changed hands to make that happen. The police are not your friends.
We will never know how much money or blackmail.
“the Douglas County Sheriff’s office in Georgia ”
I respond:
Please not fall in to the same old, American right wing Conservative bad habit of not – making the conflict personal. We need to stop just complaining about supposedly all powerful, insidious, evil institutions – “The Media”, “The Banks”, “The Liberals” or even…
“The Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews”
Exactly who do this? Who raided a White couple’s home with armed men for the accused crime of “littering”, for passing out (true) literature that criticizes a group of people, individuals (bad individuals) we’re not supposed to notice.
Right wing Conservatives always make great speeches about “Fightin’ for Freedom” , getting *#$&@ Country and Western pop singers like Tobey Keith and Hank Williams Jr to champion the Bush Sr, Bush Junior Je* Neo Con wars abasing Iraq to get SADDAM HUSSEIN who was supposedly another HITLER and we the Amurikuns have to fight for Freedom and Democracy in IRAQ against another “AXIS of Evil”.
Well, where is a real case of a regular White American couple like us who’s having their 1st and 4th Amendment Rights serious abused by armed thugs and we haven’t identified the real flesh and blood As* holes that did it. I’m betting it’s Ha White traitors not actual Jews doing this NKVD style armed home invasion.
OK, here’s a very quick search engine hunt for the evil Sherrif, our version of the Sherif of Nottingham Forrest.
OK, it takes a big man to admit that he is wrong. This bad guy sheriff is Black A American.
8470 EARL D. LEE BLVD | DOUGLASVILLE, GA 30134 • 770-942-2121
Yep this low IQ Negro Sheriff is putting out Woke buzz words working for “Change”
Yeah, I guess busting down a regular White American couple’s door with armed men because you don’t like their criticism off some very destructive Jewish people, I guess that’s change.
Please do some more research and find out exactly which armed men did this illegal law enforcement home invasion.
Answer: https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/57189013/Jacobs_et_al_v_Catlin_et_al
It’s the Jews and nothing but the Jews, and Southerners love Jews.
Why didn’t anyone think this in George Washington’s time?
Why didn’t anyone see this in George Washington’s time?
Southerners sure do love the Jews. They sent their sons by the thousands to risk life and limb for them during their planned wars under Dubya. I and others have gone to federal prison for criticizing Jewish power, I am a Yankee who lives in the city that is the heart of Jewish power. Maybe I’m simply autistic. Or maybe Americans are just retarded, pitiful cowards. It never fails to disappoint.
You live in one of the most Jewish places on earth
How many Jews lived in the South? Most people had very little, if any, interaction with them here for centuries
Even today, the vast majority of Jews in the South live way down in South Florida. Most of those aren’t natives
“Or maybe Americans are just retarded, pitiful cowards.”
No ‘maybe’ about it.
A very large fraction are. Most WHITES are far below their potential, principally from indolence and floating on the media tide of ignorance, laziness.
US Supreme Court -Justice Alito> “Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.” Hate speech is not a thing… Grow a pair… See also Supreme Court Matal v. Tam case… I hate these people think such a thing exists. Does that count? Can you hate something for a good reason?
“Censorship is telling a man he can’t have a steak because a baby can’t chew it.”- Mark Twain
“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”?- John F. Kennedy
“We do not admire the man of timid peace. We admire the man who embodies victorious effort; the man who never wrongs his neighbor, who is prompt to help a friend, but who has those virile qualities necessary to win in the stern strife of actual life.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“In every country where man is free to think and to speak, differences of opinion will arise from difference of perception, and the imperfection of reason; but these differences when permitted, as in this happy country, to purify themselves by free discussion, are but as passing clouds overspreading our land transiently and leaving our horizon more bright and serene.” -Thomas Jefferson
I thought these people were supposed to deal with gang bangers, drugs, perverts, fraudsters, murders, rapists, etc. “Hate speech”/opinion litter… Give a press conference the next day. Hey neighbors, we got em… Smiles. Huge day. I deserve all the respect. Greatest American of all time. After a raid, we brought down the people who posted their opinion that could be true on pieces of paper… The weird tranny and BLM fliers are still allowed everyone… Don’t worry. We also saved the planet and served climate justice. Winks at the camera.
Here’s the news report of the flyers. These flyers were political and religious literature. They did not advocate violence or anything illegal. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/douglas-county/suspects-livestream-themselves-tossing-out-antisemitic-flyers-douglas-county-neighborhood/IK2RSVIZUFAQBEZPWHCA67M5TU/
Did you know that the leftist-controlled Marxist media in Georgia refuses to talk about the ongoing corruption and violation of civil rights by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office? I thought the media’s job was to keep the government in check. If we were of a darker persuasion, it would be on the news nonstop, but since the victims in this story are White Americans, it doesn’t fit their left-wing narrative. This is a true story about Matt and Hilary Jacobs, who followed the laws when distributing political and religious literature in Douglasville, Georgia. In fact, even the Georgia Supreme Court case law of Statesboro Publishing v. City of Sylvania protects their First Amendment rights, but then again, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is ruled by the incompetence of Sheriff Tim Pounds, a Black man. The Jacobs were raided on November 3rd, 2023, by a dozen deputies led by Major Matt Gray. These jackbooted tyrants must be held accountable for violating the constitutional rights of White Americans, and that is what we intend to do legally by filing a 1983 civil rights lawsuit. Join us by donating to the Weaver and Jacobs case at freeexpressionfoundation.org/donate
My latest interview with Blood River Radio exposing the anti-White JEWDICIAL system in Douglas County, Georgia. https://www.bloodriverradio.com/brr-january-11-2025-hour-
Great to see you posting comments here Michael .
You re a brave , effective fighter for our people .
Michael , I recommend including a statement saying words to the effect that “ the following is protected by the American 1st Amendment protecting freedom of speech and freedom of religion “
IMO the only crime you can be charged with is littering .
Keep the faith brother