American Mind: Conservative Rationalism Has Failed
Yoram Hazony attempts to explain the failure of modern conservatism
Yoram Hazony attempts to explain the failure of modern conservatism
West Virginia originally banned all blacks in its state constitution
Segregation was an international embarrassment for the American Empire during the Cold War
Northern Arkansas has a long history of racial violence and illiberalism
Gov. Jeff Davis was a populist who won the greatest landslide in Arkansas political history
Reconstruction Mississippi was the saddest and the blackest tyranny that ever cursed this earth
Mississippi had to secede from the Union to avoid becoming a blighted land cursed with free negro morals which would be a cesspool of vice, crime and infamy
Antebellum Kentuckians saw slavery as a curse that was being naturally drained away by the hand of Providence
Harry of the West condemned abolitionism out of concern for the liberty of his own race and posterity
In his Third Annual Message to Congress, President Andrew Johnson denounced the Radical Republican plan for Congressional Reconstruction
The Florida Cracker settled in La Florida and made it a Southern state in the image of Florida Man
Who are the people of South Carolina? Where did they come from?
James D.B. De Bow’s Top 10 reasons why the interests of Southern slaveholders and non-slaveholders are identical in the secession crisis
The White League was formed in 1874 as a resistance organization to overthrow Reconstruction in Louisiana
Mr. Jefferson’s democracy is of the White family
In the aftermath of the War Between the States, Hinton Rowan Helper dreamed of building a transcontinental railroad to deport all blacks from the United States
Alabama seceded from the Union to avoid being degraded to a position of equality with free negroes
History shows that evangelical Christianity is what the present generation makes of it
A book review of Jean B. Russo and J. Elliot Russo’s Planting an Empire: The Early Chesapeake in British North America
What are the ethnic origins of White South Carolinians?
The Battle of Oxford in 1962 could have easily taken an explosive course which would have altered history
Mississippi seceded from the Union to protect a government based on equality of rights secured to White men in equal sovereign states
A review of a documentary on Mississippi’s course to secession and experience during the War Between the States
The evolution of White identity in the Chesapeake
Thomas Jefferson was hardly a modern deracinated liberal
The essence of Southern history is the common resolve of White folks that Dixie shall remain a White Man’s Country
A book review of Elizabeth R. Varon’s Disunion! The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859
A book review of Paul Quigley’s Shifting Grounds: Nationalism & the American South, 1848-1865
White identity was forged in the crucible of sugar and slavery in the British Caribbean
We’ve been told a great lie by liberals that we are all “individuals,” but in reality the cultural geography of the South matches the genetics of historical migration patterns
South Carolina was redeemed in 1876 when its people united behind Wade Hampton III, the greatest of all planters, and his Red Shirt Army which brought down Reconstruction
Sen. John C. Calhoun opposed the Mexican War and the conquest and absorption of Mexicans into the United States
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