About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Has anyone ever noticed (tongue-in-cheek) that Jews seem to be particularly hostile to racially conscious whites? It’s like they have some kind of axe to grind.”

    Jews have a well developed sense of where the locus of resistance to their vampirism resides,and they train their artillery at precisely that spot.They also know that it much easier to nip something in the bud,than to allow it to blossom.It decreases the necessary labor to defeat it.

  2. Nipping it in the bud doesn’t make it easier, it makes it possible. If white consciousness enters the mainstream*, game over.

    *becomes something that won’t reliably make a man a pariah. Put another way; becomes a viable subculture.

  3. “White Nationalist” is a code word for confused Hitlerite. That being said, many adl/splc Jews would oppose other forms of racialism too, such as confederate racialism and even view republicans as racialists. That some militant activists see a Nazi behind every tree is probably true, but that doesn’t change the fact that some people indeed do preach ideologies which are explicitly not just anti-Jewish politics but anti-Jewish.

    There are type 1 errors and type 2 errors in statistics. A type 1 error is a false positive and a type 2 error is the opposite. ADL style Jews commit a false positive when they label all politically incorrect people as enemies. They figure that the collateral damage is worth it I guess, but more likely it is motivated by emotion more than rationality. On the other hand, can you blame Jews for opposing the Linderites of the world? That would be a justified defensive move there.

  4. “On the other hand, can you blame Jews for opposing the Linderites of the world? That would be a justified defensive move there.”

    Yes Jews should be blamed.

    What the Jews have done is a Crime. (Race Replacement, repeal of anti-Miscegenation Laws…)

    Their Talmudic circumnavigations of Common Law must be ended!

    The Guilty (Jews) must be brought to Justice!

  5. There are some reasons for hope mentioned in that article! Lets take a look…

    “Remember that 5% of the white voting public last year told a pollster they would not vote for a black president. That’s millions of people. That’s white nationalists’ natural constituency.
    It’s also useful to look at opinion poll data on young people’s attitude toward the separate-but-equal doctrine, which has some support among the young. ”

    Yes there are LITERALLY MILLIONS who are still open to a Racialist/ WN message! YES!

    Reading the two articles I did notice the bifurcation mentioned about Vanguardists vs. Mainstreamers.

    It is important to note that the Internet and Blogs did not exist until recently to spread Racialism and so I fall hard-core on the side of main-streamers in that these new communication technologies must be utilized to spread Racialist Information!!

    (Vanguardism is understandable if one was living in the ’80s with no way to communicate with the alot of people, but that has changed now. The Racialist Blogosphere is here!!!!

  6. Fiotheth, so you are telling me that you have expectations that Jews should support stormfront and vnn.

    Your unrealistic expectations probably play a role in your view of Jews. It makes no sense for Jews to support movements which openly make antisemitism a part of their ideology. The fact that Jews don’t support those movements is little more than common sense.

  7. I do not expect Jews to support SF and VNN.

    Anti-semitism has been rising due to the Madoff Scandel.

    Probably the best thing for Jews to do in the USA would be to leave and return to Israel. Remember they agitated for Israel to be made as a safe-haven for themselves so it is now time for them to honor what they agitated for and leave.

    That Israel may be nuked by Iran is of little concern to me.

    If the Jews wait to long to leave the following scenario might occur:

    Zionist Elite Prepares to Desert America, by Joe Vialls, 27 January 2005

  8. I do not expect Jews to support SF and VNN.

    Anti-semitism has been rising due to the Madoff Scandel.

    Probably the best thing for Jews to do in the USA would be to leave and return to Israel. Remember they agitated for Israel to be made as a safe-haven for themselves so it is now time for them to honor what they agitated for and leave.

    That Israel may be nuked by Iran is of little concern to me.

    If the Jews wait to long to leave the following scenario might occur:

    Zionist Elite Prepares to Desert America, by Joe Vialls, 27 January 2005

  9. On the other hand, can you blame Jews for opposing the Linderites of the world? That would be a justified defensive move there.

    I used to think so. No longer. Jews have made it abundantly clear how little they care for anyone else. In return, no one should feel the slightest obligation to put Jewish concerns ahead of his own — that goes for everyone, black, white, latino, muslim, asian, everyone. Well done, Jews. Well done you hyper-irrational twits.

  10. “The Talmudic subversion of Common Law”

    This is a subject rarely addressed by racialists across the spectrum from Linderites to Taylorites. Where can I find out more in layman’s language?
    I stumbled on this one day and it opened my eyes. Before i realized universities like harvard were getting endowed to create Talmudic law
    depts. I thought the dialoguing with the judiciary and gentile politicians (many of whom are lawyers) was being conducted by fringe Orthodox
    sects like the Lubavitschers. That’s not the case at all as seen here:
    http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/Gruss/stone.html and here:
    The new synthesis of Common law and Talmudic law is sometimes referred to as Communitarian law. Communitarianism is the watchword. Europeans are more familiar with it than Americans. The new French anti-Zionist pary started by Doudonne M’bala M’bala is the first anti-communitarian organization in the West. M’bala is a quadroon from Camaroon. Someone should get Kevin MacDonald, or E. Michael Jones to address this slow mutation of Common law from it’s emphasis on individual rights to it’s emphasis on what best serves the community (tribe). New “communities” are being defined daily by the NWO social engineers.

  11. Probably the best source for the creeping ‘insertion’ of Talmudic concepts into the Law would be Michael Hoffman II. Check out his website:


    However the Jews sort of operate as a ‘Law unto themselves’ and use the Talmud to justify any number of heinous activities for Jews and Jews alone to participate in and it is this Jewish Supremacist behavior that I was really referring to, however you are entirely correct that this stuff is creeping into the actual Laws of the land!!!! Yuck.

  12. “Anti-semitism has been rising due to the Madoff Scandel. ”

    A reading taken on your trusty Antisemitometer?, no doubt.

  13. “A reading taken on your trusty Antisemitometer?, no doubt.”

    Joogle: Results 1 – 10 of about 140,000 for madoff anti-semitism. (0.21 second

    Where there is smoke there is fire.

  14. “A reading taken on your trusty Antisemitometer?, no doubt.”

    Joogle: Results 1 – 10 of about 140,000 for madoff anti-semitism. (0.21 second

    Where there is smoke there is fire.

  15. Prozium–

    Thanks for kindly linking to my blog. A heads up–I’m taking it down, and starting a new pseudonymous one to stay safe. Do you have a contact email?

    Perhaps deleting this comment would make sense. Thanks again.

  16. “Joogle: Results 1 – 10 of about 140,000 for madoff anti-semitism. (0.21 second

    Where there is smoke there is fire.”

    Or someone just rubbing twigs together really really hard.

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