Independence Day

It’s almost that time again.

Go America!

I’m referring to the disgusting charade that now passes for Independence Day. Boobus Americanus will arise from his slumber and make his annual trek to the cineplex to see the new Transformers movie. The cheap American flags stamped “Made in China” will be on display again. Families will convene to shoot off imported fireworks and eat backyard BBQ. Jews like Ben Sharpio will write more of their usual, insufferable faux patriotic columns extolling America as a “nation of immigrants” or a “champion of democracy” or “the greatest country in the world.”

Nary a thought will be given to the Anglo-Americans who founded this country, built it from the ground up, lost it somewhere in the mid-twentieth century, and who are now headed towards demographic oblivion. The current anti-White regime in Washington and its propaganda arm (the mainstream media) will try to stress the continuity of the Obamanation with the America of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. In reality, Anglo-Americans are now a conquered people ruled over by aliens like the barbarians and Christians who once conquered the Roman Empire.

Our culture is now the subject of ritual denigration. It has been pathologized as racist, sexist, xenophobic, nativist, homophobic by a hostile urban elite. Anglo-Americans are taught in school from our earliest years to be ashamed of our past which is portrayed as nothing but a litany of crimes. The only cure for all of this hideous whiteness is the “diversity” forced into every aspect of our lives. In the final days of Rome, the temples were smashed, the scrolls were burned, history was rewritten, the old pagan gods were outlawed. A similar process has been underway here as the counterculture was institutionalized.

I won’t be celebrating anything this weekend. What about you?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The best one can hope for during this dark time period is that they will not see an American Flag next to an Israeli Flag!!!

    The USA has been rapidly mutating. It is no longer in a recognizable form to what it once was just two decades ago, due to massive illegal immigration and demographic change.

    Hopefully this mutated beast government will Collapse like the Soviet Union (it is possible, the USSR was even bigger then the hated USA!!!) Ride the Tiger!

    For more of a criticism on the USA I recommend the following link:

    American ‘Civilization’ by Baron Julius Evola:

  2. Prozium,you seem to use “white” and “Anglo-American” interchangeably.Does your concern extend beyond Anglos,or are you simply an ethno-nationalist?

  3. Prozium,

    Yeah, I’ll be visiting family. We’ll be enjoying each other’s company; playing games, fishing, and whatnot. Just because we’re a conquered people doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun now and then. 😉


    We’re all concerned about Whites more generally.

  4. The cheap American flags stamped “Made in China” will be on display again.

    I’ve investigated this, being interested in it.

    All the flags in Home Depot and Wally World seem to be stamped “Made in America” which of course can mean they are made in Micronesia… Nevertheless, most flags seem to be made in the good ol’ US of A for now.

  5. The 4th of July never meant much to me except a summertime trip to the country, food, and fireworks. I recently learned that there is a lost verse in the Star Spangled Banner that supposedly refers to the Barbary Pirates and the Islamic symbols on the flag their ships flew. Everyone trying to do the same thing on the same day (jet ski) makes for unattractive crowds of doughy Whites and dusky immigrant rabble clogging up the freeways, ferries and parks around here. The 4th of July is about as fun now as a table in the supermarket stacked with dented boxes of stale red, white and blue cupcakes on sale a week later.

  6. “Prozium,you seem to use “white” and “Anglo-American” interchangeably.Does your concern extend beyond Anglos,or are you simply an ethno-nationalist?”

    Many of US use “Anglo-American” merely to distinguish ALL Euro-Christian Whites from “white’ jews”!

    Understand the distinction now?

  7. Euro:
    1.) America was built explicitly on Anglo-Celtic foundations, so you can’t discuss its whiteness without discussing its cultural manifestations. Anglo has come to mean those who accept Anglo norms, even if their ancestry is not British.

    2.) If you talk to Hispanic chauvinists, the hated gringo is not just white, because many Hispanics are ethnically white. They hate Anglos by name, because they resent us as a civilization. The people on Spanish TV are often white, but are obviously not Anglo.

    3.) “Anglo” is also the epithet that non-Jew minorities use as a substitute for “goy.”

  8. “The 4th of July is about as fun now as a table in the supermarket stacked with dented boxes of stale red, white and blue cupcakes on sale a week later.”

    OMG, this is HYSTERICAL!!!

    And sadly soooo TRUE!

  9. Fade, what do you make of Palin’s announcement? What did you think when she said that the world needs more Triggs (Trigg is her retarded son)? American conservatives are such a sad joke. What dysgenic crowd.

  10. The use of the term “anglo-American” is confusing. If you mean white, just say white. Anglo means English, and most American whites do not identify themselves as ethnically English – Irish and Germans both outnumber them. So it sounds like you’re excluding the majority of whites when you use that term.

  11. But our civilization is English and since I’ve adopted English culture to a certain extent I consider myself an Angle of sorts despite having very, very limited English ancestry.

  12. “Anglo-Americans fought and won the American Revolution. European immigrants settled here later.” ( — Prozium)

    There were lots of Germans here before the Revolution. Exactly to what extent they fought I don’t know, but they were here in droves. Certainly a significant number must have fought.

  13. There was a minority of Huguenots, Dutch, Germans, Irish, Swedes. Most of them had settled in the Mid-Atlantic states. Still, it is fair to say that Americans then were overwhelmingly English speakers of British descent.

  14. There was a famous German sharpshooter, named Adam something or other, who figured prominently in the Revolution — or was it the French & Indian War? I forget — maybe both. He had a farm in the Mohawk Valley of upstate New York. He was also the guy who out-ran a party of Indians who were chasing him, to warn a fort some distance away, if memory serves. Henry Fonda depicted his legendary run in the 1939 John Ford movie, “Drums Along the Mohawk.”

  15. Didn’t I read somewhere that Pennsylvania was so full of Germans back then that some people were considering making German the country’s official language?

  16. I won’t be celebrating either. Just what do racially conscious and proud whites have to celebrate? The spirit that pervaded the American landscape of 1776 is virtually dead and most comtemporary white Americans aren’t fit to carry on those traditions.

    The radical, anti-white junta that rules over us loathes the dead white mean who created America and is busily trying to criminalize the beliefs and sentiments of those men. America has trans mutated into something that the founders would fight against with every fiber of their being.

  17. “There were lots of Germans here before the Revolution. Exactly to what extent they fought I don’t know, but they were here in droves. Certainly a significant number must have fought.”

    Germans are in a very real sense ‘Anglo’s’ themselves, since das ‘Angel-Sächsische’ came from Germany — specifically Angeln und Saxony.

  18. Prozium asks: “Anyone BBQing yet?”

    You betcha! We’re grilling up some Wienerfish. They the ones that grow the big fins that look like buns and go great with mustard because they taste like boney ball park franks. They’re a delicacy in Starvania where my people were originally from.

  19. “If you talk to Hispanic chauvinists, the hated gringo is not just white, because many Hispanics are ethnically white.”

    That’s a big stretch. The typical “Hispanic” in America is a mestizo, a Mongoloid-Southern European mixture, often with African ancestry. South America imported many more black slaves than did North America, and they mixed with them much more often, as well as allowing them into white society. They didn’t have a color line, they had a color continuum.

  20. Self-loathing is an interesting phenomenon among American white nationalists. I don’t see this too often among white nationalists in Europe or elsewhere. Could be related to anti-racist liberalism among whites.

  21. Being 100% German I tend not to celebrate Anglo anything. I don’t know why Anericans are better off today than if they remained part of the British Empire. It was another pointless war among brothers with negative consequences for their EGI.

  22. “Being 100% German I tend not to celebrate Anglo anything.”

    Really Herr Friedrich??

    “The Germanics (Teutons) broke up into two groups, the Scandinavians (the future Vikings) in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and the Germans (now split into Germany, the Germanic-dialect nation called Netherlands and the similar Flemish half of Belgium, German-speaking Austria and most of Switzerland; plus England (created by northern Germans from Angeln and Lower Saxony (home of recent chancellor Gerhard Schroeder), hence the Anglo-Saxons.”

    If you mean British when you say tending not to ‘celebrate’ is one thing, but remember that most ALL Northern Europeans are ‘Anglos’, since they are Germanic peoples.

    “The first line of the Dutch national an them, which irritates Hollanders to this day, includes the words “ben ik, van Duitsen bloed” (usually translated to mean “I am of Ger man blood”).”

    Guten Abend.

  23. While the patriotards enjoyed their fireworks, I took a nice, leisurely walk in the night, pleased with the lack of traffic that usually clutters the street.

    America is a commie pigsty, stick a fork in it. Until the West expels the parasites or collapses under their weight there will be no ‘independence.’

  24. Prozium,you seem to use “white” and “Anglo-American” interchangeably.Does your concern extend beyond Anglos,or are you simply an ethno-nationalist?

    Whoa there! Is there an inherent contradiction between an EGI hierarchy and ethnic nationalism that I’ve missed?

  25. “Nary a thought will be given to the Anglo-Americans who founded this country, built it from the ground up, lost it somewhere in the mid-twentieth century, and who are now headed towards demographic oblivion. ”

    It seems unreasonable to lament the demographic decline when whites choose to have few children. If the typical white woman chose to have one more child, there would be no demographic decline.

  26. “If the typical white woman chose to have one more child, there would be no demographic decline.” ( — not too late)

    Have one more child with what money? She and her husband are already strained to the limit.

    And in many cases, with what husband?

    The Jews have taken away all of white couples’ money to give to non-whites so they can have all the non-white babies they want and white couples can’t have any.

    And in all too many cases the Jews have taken away the white woman’s husband by brainwashing her to think she doesn’t need one and by forbidding the institutions that once kept white men in line, civilized, and domestic (making willing husbands and dads out of them, in other words) from functioning.

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