Friedrich Braun

Regarding your recent series of posts: I’m wondering if you were somehow abducted by aliens who managed to swap your brain with mine of about five years ago. Really, I never thought I would see the day when you would be beating the drum about revisionism, anti-Semitism, Nordicism, and Third Reich fetishism of all things. These were the major themes of The Civic Platform for years. As for myself, I am now the outspoken critic of Jewish influence. It seems we have come full circle!

Now that the irony has been addressed, which seems to have everyone complaining about whiplash, I find your recent awakening to the Liberalism Question to be a sign of intellectual growth. I don’t agree with the Single Jewish Cause of Western decline either. My own stated view is that the Anglo-American political tradition (or “liberal capitalist democracy”) is the meta problem which has facilitated the disease of minority culture distortion.

Whites are locked up in an ideological prison. They can see only individuals, not the machinations of groups. They believe non-discrimination is a cardinal moral principle. They believe all human beings have a natural right to liberty and equality. This philosophical problem will have to be dealt with before we even get to the planning stages of creating racially homogeneous white republics.

So far, I’m with you.

We agree on several further points: subracial squabbling, Holocaust revisionism, and Third Reich fetishism are distractions from the major issue of racial preservation. I will also agree that addressing the Jewish Question isn’t politically expedient, although I believe it is necessary.

Here is where we part ways:

I take a dim view of anything that smacks of conservatism. Although Geert Wilders has been successful in the Netherlands, I don’t think anything will come of it. There won’t be any mass expulsions of Muslims. I predict nonwhite immigration to Western Europe will continue unless racial nationalists capture power. Wilders could be just another scheming opportunist like Nicholas Sarkozy (Jew) in France, but I don’t follow European issues these days enough to know for sure. I haven’t seen him attack liberalism as a philosophy either. Rather, Wilders strikes me as more of a neocon: a zealous defender of Western liberalism against illiberal Islam.

The conservative record in the United States could not be more clear. The GOP’s last presidential nominee was John McCain (an open borders fanatic). The GOP controlled the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court for most of the last decade. When George W. Bush left office in January, America was worse off racially speaking than it was under Bill Clinton. This is airtight evidence that conservatism is a dead road for White Americans.

What do you say?

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. (originally published here)

    Detroit most segregated area in the country

    Detroit most segregated area in the country
    Date Dec/1/2005 | Topic: OPINION

    According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the Detroit area is officially the most racially segregated metropolitan area in the United States.
    Detroit has a long history of segregation, which should come as no surprise.

    Large numbers of blacks began migrating to Detroit in the early 20th century during the auto industry boom, exacerbating “white flight.” Detroit is now mostly black city; its surrounding suburbs, predominantly white.

    Professor George Galster, from the Department of Geography and Urban Planning at Wayne State University, talked about whites’ measures to keep blacks out of suburbs.

    Galster said Grosse Pointe used to use a “point” system to render potential home buyers worthy or suited to live there. Private investigators would fill out questionnaires regarding the potential home buyers, Galster said. The questionnaire asked such things as: if their way of living ‘typically American,’ if their husband’s immediate associates are ‘typical,’ if their friends are predominantly ‘typical,’ if their appearances are swarthy, slightly swarthy, or not swarthy, if their accents are pronounced, medium, slight or not present, if their dress is neat, sloppy, flashy or conservative and my personal favorite: if their grammar is good, fair or poor?

    Galster added that the maximum score on the questionnaire was 100 and to qualify, homebuyers needed at least a 50. However, those of Polish descent needed 55, those of Greek descent needed 65, those of Italian descent needed 75, those of Jewish descent needed 85, and “Negroes” and “Orientals” did not apply. And we thought we were moving forward.

    On Friday, Nov. 18, Kevin Boyle of The Ohio State University spoke about Detroit’s segregation problem. His book “Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age,” which has won the National Book Award for non-fiction, discusses segregation at greater length, and also delves into the Ossian Sweet case of 1925 and 1926.
    Ossian Sweet was one of 24 black doctors during that time. He decided to purchase a home on Garland Avenue in Detroit, a predominantly white neighborhood. He faced harassment from white mobs until the tension broke out into gunfire one night in his home. His lawyer was the famed Clarence Darrow, who fought until all charges against Sweet were dropped. The case set a landmark regarding segregation and discrimination.

    Boyle noted that racism was systematic, because otherwise, racism alone could not segregate a city. The real estate market took racism and turned it into a structure. Certain houses in white neighborhoods were not shown to African Americans, despite the fact that they could afford it. Banks denied mortgages to African Americans, despite the fact that these people may have had better credit and more money than whites. Whites who owned homes made it clear in their deeds that their house was not to be sold to blacks. And as soon as blacks finally broke through to the suburbs, the areas were marked in decline and property values plummeted.

    The effects of this system were costly. Evidence of this can be seen in Detroit’s public schools, Detroit’s job market, Detroit’s budget, Detroit’s this, Detroit’s that. When the strong tax base from middle-to-upper class whites was removed, Detroit began facing a harsh economic downfall which is evidently present today.

    Boyle noted the extent of segregation in the metro Detroit area. In 1990, he said, a mere 0.5 percent of blacks made up Dearborn Heights’ population. Today, it hasn’t changed much; the statistic stands at 2.1 percent. In Warren in 1990, the black population was 0.7 percent of the total population; today it stands at a measly 2.7 percent. And perhaps most shocking were Livonia’s statistics. In 1990, blacks made up 0.3 percent of the total population; today, they make up 0.9 percent of the total population. This officially makes Livonia the whitest city in America.

  2. Hub of hypersegregation

    By Derrick Z. Jackson | April 23, 2004

    NEXT MONTH the nation will note the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that declared that segregated schools were unconstitutional. Judging by Boston, you would barely know the Brown decision existed.

    This week the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University, which studies patterns of segregation and the benefits of integration, released a study that found that public education in the Boston metropolitan area remains so segregated that project director Gary Orfield said, “The stratification here is just extraordinary.”

    Within the Boston public schools, white enrollment has dropped from 73 percent in 1967 to 15 percent today. The average African-American student in Boston now attends a school that is 11 percent white, compared with 32 percent white in 1967.

    At the same time, in a bitter racial irony, the Boston public schools offer one of the nation’s best demonstrations that if a quality school exists, white families will storm the doors down to hoard the spots. Boston Latin, the subject of a lawsuit by a white family that ended in the death of affirmative action there in 1998, is 51 percent white, 28 percent Asian-American, 14 percent African-American, and 6 percent Latino. Boston Latin Academy is 42 percent white, 26 percent African-American, 22 percent Asian, and 11 percent Latino.

    This is in a school system that is only 15 percent white. With white families disproportionately locking up the two top schools, most African-American students — 61 percent — go to schools that are at least 90 percent students of color.

    That is hypersegregation beyond the worst regional and national averages. In the Northeast, 51 percent of African-American students go to schools that are at least 90 percent students of color. Boston’s percentage of hypersegregated African-American students is double that of the South, where 31 percent of black students go to such schools.

    The numbers really go south when you consider the whole metropolitan area. Boston and Brockton alone account for 55 percent of all of the metropolitan area’s African-American students. Boston and Brockton account for only 3 percent of the area’s white students. Boston, Lawrence, Chelsea, Worcester, Lowell, and Lynn account for 60 percent of the area’s Latino students. Those six cities account for 6 percent of the area’s white students.

    Four out of every five white students and one out of two Asian-American students go to suburban schools. But only one out of every five African-American students and one out of every four Latino students go to suburban school.

    Because of housing patterns, the chances are that the typical white student will have an education among peers who are overwhelmingly white. Between 1989 and 2001, the outer suburbs outside Route 128 added more students to their public school enrollments than Boston, its adjacent small cities, and the suburbs inside Route 128 combined.

    The outer suburbs now account for 59 percent of the area’s 767,601 students. Ninety-one percent of the students in the outer suburbs are white. “The continued movement of whites to the suburbs and away from more urbanized areas exacerbates the uneven racial distribution of students across the metro area,” said the study, written by project researcher Chungmei Lee.

    In a meeting this week with the Globe’s editorial board, Orfield said the problem is so severe that any serious solutions should be regional, not local. That would take a legal attack on the Supreme Court’s Milliken v. Bradley decision in 1974, which declared that the Detroit suburbs did not have to participate in desegregation plans even though white flight was clearly resegregating the schools in a regional manner.

    In his biting dissent in that case, Justice Thurgood Marshall warned that Milliken was “a giant step backwards” that guaranteed that “Negro children in Detroit will receive the same separate and inherently unequal education in the future as they have been unconstitutionally afforded in the past.”

    Marshall’s worst fears were realized. Seventy-seven percent of white students in the outer suburbs go to a school that is at least 90 percent white. Nationally, 88 percent of schools that are less than 10 percent white are high poverty schools. In the Boston area, the percentage is an astounding 97 percent. Only 1 percent of schools that are over 90 percent white are high poverty.

    Despite the state’s demand that all students pass the same standardized tests, segregated schools still lead to segregated teaching. In Boston area schools where fewer than 10 percent of the students are poor or of color, 94 percent of the teachers are certified in the courses they teach. In schools of high poverty and percentages of African-American and Latino students, the percentage of certified teachers drops to 78.

    In 1954 the Brown decision outlawed locally segregated schools. In 1974, the Milliken decision essentially legalized regional segregation. Boston is a sordid example of what happens amid a wimpy national commitment to equal education. The state of the schools screams for another Brown decision. Only something that monumental can break the silence of modern segregation.

    Derrick Z. Jackson’s e-mail address is

  3. Pressed by a New Invasion of Yankees, Schools of the New South Resegregate

    BY Jonathan Tilove
    c.2005 Newhouse News Service

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Jane Henderson’s voice trembled as she implored the school board not to let Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s schools resegregate any more than they already have.

    Afterward, asked to explain her emotion, her eyes welled. “I’m so grateful that I was able to go to school with people who were not from my exact background, and I’ve wanted that for my children,” said Henderson, a professional gardener with deep roots in the red clay of Charlotte, where she was among the first generation of white students to go to school with blacks.

    But fewer and fewer folks shed tears for integration here.

    The suburbs in Mecklenburg County, which surround Charlotte and share a school system with the city, are swollen with new arrivals innocent of local racial history and preoccupied with securing quality neighborhood schools like those they left behind. The result is an unexpected twist across several fast-growing stretches of the New South: 140 years after the end of the Civil War, a new invasion of Yankees is undermining school integration.

    “Some of the desegregated parts of the South, especially metro areas that were fully desegregated for more than a quarter-century, had some of the most rapid growth in the country, partly, I think, from the positive view of their educational institutions,” said Gary Orfield, director of the Harvard Civil Rights Project and the nation’s foremost authority on school desegregation patterns.

    “But this very growth drew in many affluent Northerners who thought they had a right to segregated all-suburban schools, a process that is producing some of the terribly isolated, impoverished ghetto schools that the Northern cities have suffered from.

    “There is a terrible irony here.”

    To many newcomers, however, there is nothing of the sort. They see only their obligation as parents to secure the best possible education for their children. If they are invaders, they are an army of liberation, freeing the South from its hidebound obsession with race.

    “We always end up in all kinds of trouble by fighting the last war,” said Jack Heilpern, a management consultant and father of four who grew up in Salt Lake City and lived in 10 states before moving to the suburb of Huntersville north of Charlotte a decade ago.

    In recent months, Heilpern — who prefers the wisdom of crowds to that of even the brightest and best-intended experts — has emerged as spokesman for a movement to break up the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS).

    It is a movement borne of suburban discontent with a large, centralized school system that to them seems unresponsive to their needs, in part because, even with the end of busing, it is still struggling to avoid too much resegregation. The movement was started via e-mail by Heilpern’s 17-year-old son, James, soon to be a senior at hopelessly overcrowded Hopewell High School in Huntersville, and ’05 class president Domenic Powell, 18. By the time people discovered the two were teenagers, their cause had caught fire.

    The effort to break up CMS would require state approval and is unlikely to succeed. But its popularity among whites — a Charlotte Observer poll in May found 54 percent of them were supportive, while 64 percent of blacks were opposed — is the latest blow to the school system where court-ordered busing began and which, after initial resistance, came to be a national model for successful integration.

    Integration was once a source of civic pride. CMS students were dispatched to help Boston through its busing crisis. When Ronald Reagan railed against busing during a 1984 campaign appearance here, he met with silence. Charlotte boomed as a banking center and, in 2000, Bank of America CEO Hugh L. McColl Jr. credited school integration with igniting the Southern economy “like a wildfire in the wind.”

    But by then success was already unraveling. A late 1990s lawsuit ultimately ended racial busing in CMS. Of the seven plaintiffs, six were recent arrivals. The lead plaintiff, Bill Capacchione, returned to California before the case even came to trial. And now, 30 percent of Mecklenburg County’s residents have arrived within the last few years, outside avatars of post-civil rights color-blindness who operate beyond the reach of Hugh McColl or the long arm of history.

    Educational testing — including that mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind law — allows affluent white movers to consult the numbers and buy homes near schools replete with others like themselves, segregating in streamlined fashion.

    “When people move, they are looking to go from like to like,” said the Rev. Lisa Hunt, a member of the school board for Metropolitan Nashville (Tenn.) Public Schools. There, the student enrollment has just become majority minority, even as the population in neighboring Williamson County, which is only 5 percent black, surged with newcomers, many drawn by the reputation of its schools. It’s the same story in Georgia’s fastest-growing county, Forsyth, an Atlanta exurb that is only a fraction of a percent black.

    With the end of court-ordered desegregation in CMS, schools popular with newcomers, like those in northern Mecklenburg, overflowed with students from nearby neighborhoods — and new demands.

    “It’s `I, I, I, me, me, me,”‘ said Richard McElrath, a retired teacher and founder of Parents United for Education. In his view, Huntersville’s hunger for more schools or its own district would consign children of the poor — black and now also Hispanic — to increasing isolation in the city.

    Between 1991 and 2001, according to Harvard’s Orfield, the average black student in CMS went from attending a school that was 52 percent white to one that was 35 percent white.

    Local figures indicate that by last year, the proportion of black children attending schools that were at least 80 percent black had quintupled since 2001 — to 15 percent from 3 percent.

    A debate that posits the suburban rebels as racists, however, is likely only to drive people away.

    “I’d rather move out of North Mecklenburg than be called a racist,” said Christine Pinard, a transplant from Westfield, Mass., who with her husband launched a Web site — (Don’t Underestimate Mecklenburg Parents) — as a venue for information and discussion about splitting the district. The Pinards have a child in private school.

    “I’m sure I miss some of the local racial sensitivities,” said Heilpern, adding, “I have no Southern white baggage.”

    But to some who lived through it, owning up to that “baggage” and overcoming it yielded astonishing progress.

    “The civil rights struggle was a real gift to Southerners,” said Araminta Johnston, a professor of religion at Queens University of Charlotte and a co-founder of the Swann Fellowship, which advocates on behalf of integration. Johnston grew up in Mississippi and was living in Oxford when James Meredith integrated Ole Miss. “Now to have all that dismissed is pretty galling.”

    The pressure from newcomers to end aggressive desegregation efforts in Southern school districts has grown obvious elsewhere.

    In Wake County, where the school system still buses to maintain socioeconomic balance, the opposition is led by Cynthia Matson, who moved from Lexington, Mass., in 1989 in an exodus that brought 25 members of her family to North Carolina.

    “I didn’t grow up here when they had segregation and I didn’t grow up in the have-and-have-not, which is what they keep preaching to you — `You don’t know what it was like … ‘

    “Everybody who moves here gets duped,” she said. “People buy into a neighborhood because of a school associated with a neighborhood, and the next thing you know, your kid’s being sent across the county.”

    They also bus for socioeconomic balance in St. Lucie County, Fla., but the school board there is looking to devise a new student assignment plan. A recent community survey brought seething criticism from parents who complained that busing was an artifact of another time, unnecessary in the face of growing diversity in their communities.

    St. Lucie is one of the nation’s fastest-growing counties. More of its residents were born in the Northeast or Midwest than the South, and their outrage at busing is informed by their experiences in the smaller, more insular districts where they grew up.

    Florida has but 67 school districts — one for each county. North Carolina has 118 districts. But Michigan has 556 school districts. New Jersey has 595 and New York has 722. The Southern way is more egalitarian, but can’t compete with the smaller, more homogeneously affluent districts that many newcomers were accustomed to.

    In Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Jack Heilpern said, “they’ll say, `We’re the best big-city school system in America,’ but they’re comparing us to Dallas and Detroit and Chicago. That’s like being called the tallest dwarf in the United States.”

    James Heilpern, a precocious political talent who founded Hopewell High School’s Teenage Republican Club, suggests CMS could be divided like slices of a pie, so each new district would include some of the city’s poor.

    His partner in the movement, Domenic Powell, is biracial and a self-described Hobbesian — invoking a philosophy that prizes self-interest. Even on its own, Powell says, a Huntersville school district would be plenty diverse. He describes Hopewell, which is two-thirds white, as a high school where a white student wearing a Confederate flag patch walks side by side with a black student.

    Early on their effort was tagged a “secession” movement, but the Heilperns preferred the clunkier, less inflammatory “deconsolidation.” It is the Revolutionary War, not the Civil War, whose spirit they want to invoke, holding their first public meeting at Hopewell Presbyterian Church. There, according to lore, local patriots signed the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence in 1775.

    The meeting at the church drew 400. State Sen. Malcolm Graham, whose district includes Huntersville, was one of the few blacks.

    “It was a split-from-the-union kind of rally,” Graham said. “In Charlotte-Mecklenburg, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, you’ve got some white parents who don’t want to send their kids to school with black kids because of fear of school violence, because of fear of lower-quality education, because of fear of inferior teachers etc. etc. etc.”

    Michelle Warren-Selby, one of the first generation of whites to attend integrated schools, met some of those white parents when she worked as a Realtor.

    “I would have people get in my car and tell me, `Don’t show me any neighborhood that has black people in it,”‘ she recalled. “They were from Chicago and Philadelphia and Delaware and New York and New Jersey and Pennsylvania.”

    The morning after the school board meeting, Jane Henderson took a pick axe to the red clay of her front yard so she could amend it with compost and soil conditioner. She is descended on her father’s side from John McNitt Alexander, a signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence; on her mother’s from Thomas Perrin Quarles, a Confederate soldier who would not surrender.

    Her son, Benjamin, hair down to his shoulders, was mowing the lawn. He attends East Mecklenburg, her alma mater and the one school that maintains a perfect racial balance. When he graduates, she said, she and her husband may quit Charlotte, maybe for Oregon.

    “The way Charlotte’s going,” she said, wincing, “it doesn’t feel like home anymore.”

    Earlier that morning, outside the Hopewell church, James Heilpern also wondered about the future. He’s considering the University of North Carolina and Duke, Stanford and Dartmouth, as well as his parents’ alma mater, the University of Utah. The decision is complicated by the fact that his parents may move again once he graduates.

    “I’d like to be close to home,” James said, “but I’m not sure where home is.”

    June 30, 2005

    (Jonathan Tilove can be contacted at

  4. “It’s when we segregate ourselves and polarize ourselves that we lock others out,” Napoleon-Smith said. “That’s when friction evolves, because there’s a lack of understanding. That’s what is so sad.”

    Orwell would laugh. Lots of racial friction in all-white and all-black environments, you see, but those mixed environments? No friction at all of course…

  5. “This aspect of the problem is ignored by libertarian racialists, who fail to account for the immense danger presented to our race by jewish financial power”

    How many libertarian racists are there? The question assumes jews would be allowed into the country. The thorny issue is how to keep them out. Jews would use all of their evil powers to attempt entry. . .The country may be free if/when jews enter- it won’t be free when they are done with it.

    “Buying” media means making loans out of nothing to each other. These “purchases” are made with counterfeiting techniques- the assets they “own” are stolen and should be returned.

    Jews thrive in a statist society. The Gramsci-ism means taking over governmental institutions.

  6. I seem to have slain the thread.

    So, do we agree that the idea that the north is more integrated than the south is, well, horseshit?

  7. I would agree that de facto segregation pervades the North equally as it does the South, and there’s plenty of it in the West as well. We really should not be surprised, as individuals inherently seek to live and associate with those like them. The leftists blame this result on ‘weak’ efforts to redress such from the Federal government, post-WWII ‘redlining’ practices, the Euclidian zoning framework, suburbanization, and so forth and so on. So long as they direct their energies at the structures which they believe help to facilitate resegregation (which is an arguable point in and of itself), we’ll be fine. Get rid of Euclidian zoning, and whites will continue to associate with one another without it; push more funds into Section 8 vouchers and other tools used for public ‘blockbusting’ to be used in white communities, and the whites will leave and build new ones. We’ll then come full circle, with the liberals lamenting the loss of industry, employment, and social services in the now dilapidated paleface-free zone, crying for stronger measures to ‘bring people together.’ Similar results will follow from school redistricting schemes which seek to turn well-performing majority white schools into mediocre if not terrible rainbow schools: whites with the means to do so will leave. Until they realize that any means short of Harrison Bergeron police-state tactics will not work, nature will continue to take its course. People leave neighborhoods when the character they associate with that neighborhood diminishes; only the ones that cannot afford to leave stay, only to then become lost, uncared-for casualties of this demographic cold war.

    Nonetheless, one cannot deny the pernicious effect of all of the proto-hippie “love your non-white brother” (then go fight and kill your white brother for him) utopian nonsense that has specifically come from the Northeast since the early nineteenth century. The roots for this type of thinking predate the Jewish entry, but does not alone disprove Jewish influence in nourishing similar ideas and imposing them in a later century. Unfortunately, such only provides useful fodder for the late arrivals, who can then link their mission to a ‘similarly noble’ one in the American tradition. From this synthesis unfortunately comes a new historical narrative and a new America, one that comes closer to that same Harrison Bergeron dystopia every day.

  8. I would agree that de facto segregation pervades the North equally as it does the South

    I wouldn’t.

    Nonetheless, one cannot deny the pernicious effect of all of the proto-hippie “love your non-white brother” (then go fight and kill your white brother for him) utopian nonsense that has specifically come from the Northeast

    I wouldn’t.

    But these things are part and parcel of the same thing! Yankees kept segregation for themselves, yet denied it to southerners. “For thee, not for me.” Sounds like another crowd we all know and love. Maybe this is the fact behind the Yankee-Judea idea.

  9. “one cannot deny the pernicious effect of all of the proto-hippie “love your non-white brother” (then go fight and kill your white brother for him) utopian nonsense that has specifically come from the Northeast since the early nineteenth century.”

    Speaking of proto-hippies:

    Starting in Germany in the 1880’s, Kennedy documents the people, places and ideas that led to the American Hippy Movement of the 1960s. The Lebensreform (Land Reform), Naturmenschen (Natural Men) and Wandervogel (migrant birds/free spirits) movements inspired many to leave the cities, their jobs, and even their clothes behind, to setup natural communities in the countryside. The leaders of these movements espoused living in tune with nature, embraced naturopathy, nudism and vegetarianism and rejected the hypocrisy and distorted values of German society.

    Fortunately some of the followers of these movements moved to the U.S. and their healthy living ideas caught on, particularly in California. [Children of the Sun: A Pictorial Anthology From Germany to California 1883-1949]

    Every (or nearly every) bit of “utopian nonsense” that gets blamed on “Yankees” has precedent in Germany, France, or Britain. Considering that in most cases the intellectual lineages are easy to trace, it’s obvious those who blame Yankees are motivated by something other than pursuit of the truth.

  10. ““For thee, not for me.” Sounds like another crowd we all know and love. Maybe this is the fact behind the Yankee-Judea idea.”

    And here is the lineage of the ‘Yankee-Jud-i-dea’ –

    ~ by Captain A.H.M. Ramsay

    **Svigor, you (and other White Nationalists) MUST read this book!

  11. I hate to say it; my life experience should dictate otherwise, but I agree with FW Braun. He is dead-on correct in saying that the anti-Semtes have spun the wheels in the mud for years with no observable results. VNN is the best example of folks being unable to adapt to the new paradigm. I sympathize with Alex Linder’s “No jews, just right” struggle but ultimately he cannot get a damned thing done. Not one.

  12. Say what you will about Linder, but at least VNN is busier then the White America embalming society!! Goodness even Original Dissent is busier!!!

    Also Linder has had two big protests, one for the anniversary of the Brown Decision and one for the Christian/ Newsom murders.

    Where has Jobling been???

    Philosemitic ‘moderating’ is doing EVEN LESS!!!!

  13. VNN is mostly home to mental defectives and misfits, as FW Braun said.

    I respect the Brown and Christian/Newsom rallies, but what did they really accomplish? What has Linder or any one of his army of followers accomplished? In terms of hard, tangible results? Nothing.

    I’m not a Joblingite; I don’t agree with that strategy, that approach either. And coming to the realization that, at this time, the JQ is a non-starter issue hardly constitutes “philosemitism.” I’ve actually tried to get the message out there and I’ll tell you: Braun is absolutely right when he says that the issues like Nordicism, anti-Semitism, and so forth are non-starters 100% likely to offend most polite company.

    If that’s the situation we’re in, then I don’t see the reason to continue such a failed (yes I said ‘failed’) strategy.

  14. I find it instructive that VNN users often wax eloquent about “Dear Leader” Pierce but never once mention Eric Thomson. There’s a whole section on Eric Thomson at VNN but no one reads or comments on his works.

    Eric Thomson accomplished more in his lifetime than Pierce could’ve in 10 lifetimes. In terms of intellect, in terms of organizing white people, in terms of attacking and exposing jewish influence. And yet look who they from VNN gravitate towards.

    That should tell you something about them at VNN.

  15. That should tell you something about them at VNN.
    (My comment above)

    It’s a cult. A religion. A dogma. Not a political reform movement.

    The latter is what we need, not a bunch of wild-eyed cultists. Normal, respectable folk working for political reform.

  16. What happened to Ron Paul shows how far you’ll get with political reform. Paul’s movement had the ability to raise millions of dollars in a day and it was taken out by the New Republic’s carefully timed rehash of the old Paul newsletters story. Newsletters that didn’t even touch on the jewish question, but dabbled in the very mildest form of political incorrectness, publishing a few facts about black crime and homosexual perversion.

    When jewish media control doesn’t get them what they want they use their control over the law and legal theory to overrule anything quasi-racialists accomplish. See Prop 187.

  17. I’m not sure what this attempt to “please the Jews” is all about. Unless you favor auto-genocide for whites you can’t please them. Do you want whites to exist? If so, you’ve already displeased them and there’s no way you can make up for that, short of switching to the opposite position of not wanting whites to exist — and even then they’ll still eye you with suspicion because of your initial gaffe. In wanting Euros to exist you’ve signaled to the Jews (in their eyes, not in reality) that you’re an anti-Semite who wants Jews exterminated. No matter what you do to try to please the Jews, it won’t be enough if it fall short of castration of all Eurochristian males from birth to age a hundred and the pairing of all Eurochristian females of reproductive age with a Negro or other non-white male (reserving the most attractive of them for service as Jewish men’s girlfriends). Anything short of that and you’re an anti-Semite who wants all Jews exterminated. In other words, you can’t both please Jews and stay in existence yourself. You can’t “buy their permission to exist,” because they don’t want you to exist, period, end of story. They just don’t. The Jews want Eurochristian men, children, old people, and all of the less attractive women among them, out of the picture entirely (the more attractive women they want to keep around to use as girlfriends, porn-making, stuff like that).

  18. Fred is 99.999999% correct. A good example of Jews hating Euros is the treatment Sarah Palin (normal Euro) received from the Jew media and their whore script readers.

  19. Well, well, well, if it isn’t the same group of misfits, all attracted to one another, and all engaged in petty bickering.

    Let’s start off with Friedrich Braun: this “lawyer” with the writing skills of one at the lower end of his profession. According to members of Skadi who had met him he looked nothing like an ideal Nordic. A laughable, fanatical specimen he is, unable to see how abrasive he comes across to even those most likely to sympathize with his views. He’s hated by all of his former friends.

    Then there’s Fred Scrooby, who contributes absolutely nothing to the discussion. He just leeches along in these conversations, taking and not giving back, reaffirming his own obsessions with Jews. With his hateful, misanthropic spew, he fits in perfectly with this troupe of mental defectives. He is likely an old beast who will die of some cardiac-related issue or a stroke.

    Then there’s n/a, who somehow manages to find himself in these deranged discussions involving the sorry state of White racialism. If he’d give up on his monomaniacal fixation on Mediterraneans he might actually appear sober and normal. He is in any case a distraction for the likes of the above-named that will help keep them from hurting themselves in the outside world.

    Then there’s Mark, who has evolved from Skadi nitwit to a more respectable Southern gentleman-racist. With his basic understanding of grammar and syntax, and the restraint of his more mercurial nature, he shows promise among his neighbors and siblings. Although he exhibits the self-control expected of one creeping closer to middle-age, his modest intelligence assures him as a loyal and productive soldier for the cause, though a subpar minion nonetheless.

    Yes, we all have come full circle indeed, right back to where we started: with each other.

  20. I was referenced up in the comments in an article by Mr. Tilove and I want to respond to the premise that I was for re-segregating since he framed the article to imply that is what I wanted for the school district. I pointed out to him that the school district WAS re-segregating because it was under-funded and it was ‘punishing’ the northern suburbs of Charlotte by not building schools that were critically needed. I am for busing and de-segregation. The crisis that is impacting Charlotte and all public schools is very complex and it needs to be addressed. I gave up after I saw this hit piece by Mr. Tilove and I heard about the editing of an interview I gave for t.v. that implied that I was against busing. I understand people are looking for a narrative, and it’s nice to have a picture of a real person to build that narrative, but it’s just not true.

    I believe in public education for everyone and I believe in busing. I was one of the first children to participate in a busing situation when I was in first grade and I regard it as a positive experience. The narrative that places me any differently is incorrect.

  21. When the racism was systemic, and it was, neighborhoods were stable and kids went to their safe neighborhood schools, walking through safe neighborhoods. They had to make laws to change this, they couldn’t persuade whites to ruin their own neighborhoods and their own schools. The whites fled. You know Brown happened because many, many whites are in private schools built after Brown and because of Brown.

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