About Hunter Wallace 12410 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Go to Ulster. See what the Prods there think of the Catholics or the Catholics the Prods. Go to Cyprus. See what the Greeks there think of the Turks or the Turks the Greeks. Go to India. See what the Hindus there think of the Moslems or the Moslems the Hindus. See where I’m headed? Well, what the Jews think of the Eurochristians is exactly that, only more so. They’ll never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever admit it to you, so just know it and understand it.

    There are exceptions. We’re talking about the broad mass.

    Guys who don’t know Jews and are trying figure out what in the fuck is going on need to understand this stuff. It’s Jewishness 101. It’s ethnicity. It’s normal. It’s understandable. There’s nothing wrong with it. If Jews didn’t have these absolutely inflexible, rock-solid ethnic prejudices, dislikes, hatreds, they’d die out. This protects them. Just understand these are what motivate them in 90% of their socio-destructive crap. Take it into account. Make allowances for it. Don’t do supremely stupid, suidical shit like believe them when their professors start saying there are no such things as races, or homosexuals “marrying” each other makes sense, or women and men, and whites and Negroes, are exactly the same, no difference. That garbage is typical Jewish el mucho fucked-uppo bullshit they invent to defend themselves against the host Eurochristian surroundings. It’s not rocket science. Ethnicity and ethnic prejudice ain’t goin’ nowhere. They’re here to stay. So is race — that’s not going anywhere either. Our race might bite the dust if we don’t watch out but race isn’t going anywhere. There will always, always, always be distinct races on this planet, the only question is which ones will turn out to have been smart enough to still be here when all the dust has settled. That’s all. Race isn’t going anywhere and there will NEVER be any “one coffee-colored world.” Thermodynamics decrees it: it’s a thermodynamic impossibility. When the Jews spout their shit, all will be OK if whites would just say, “Oh that’s Sheldon (may substitute Murray, Abe, whatever), he’s Jewish, he’s just spouting the Jewish bullshit, don’t listen to a word he says, just let it go in one ear and out the other. He’s a nice guy, harmless when totally ignored. You listen to a word he says without understanding he was born and bred to dislike Eurogoys, you’re going to get really confused and waste tons of your time uselessly.”

  2. “They’ll never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever admit it to you, so just know it and understand it.”

    LMFAO!! 😀

    So well articulated as only Fred can do it.

  3. I see where the guy FB linked, an Australian Jew, wrote a funny rap song called “Down to Jew Town”:

    Down to Jew Town,

    People often ask me,
    “What’s that cap upon your skull?”
    I say the Bible said to put one there
    So I won’t got to hell.

    And people step up to me,
    And they tell me, “Eat this pig,”
    But if the hooves aren’t split then it ain’t legit,
    And that’s how I choose to live.

    In a world of non-believers
    Who drive on Saturday,
    Don’t forget, it’s our day of rest,
    So when they ride past just look away.

    I’m not some big old rabbi
    In a black hat and a gown,
    But we are the youth, we can make a change:
    It’s time to get on down.

    I’m going down down down
    Down to Jew Town.
    What I gotta do now,
    Get down to Jew Town.

    People frown and ask me,
    “Why you read from right to left?”
    I say, “It’s not that complicated,
    It’s the Hebrew alphabet.”

    And Christians want to ask me,
    “How you different from our people?”
    I say, “I like Bible number one
    But I will not touch the sequel.”

    In this crazy mixed up world
    Where sin is all the rage,
    You gotta take that Torah off the shelf
    And read every page.

    Take what you learn in Synagogue
    And spread the word down town.
    We’re Jews from the streets and we’re kicking out beats
    And it’s time to get on down.

    I’m going down down down
    Down to Jew Town

    (On passover week
    be careful with wheat.)

    Down down down
    Down to Jew Town

    (It’s bread unleavened
    Twenty-four seven.)

  4. The atheist skit wasn’t funny. The rap song isn’t funny. The Jew who does both is an obnoxious nebbish like Gilbert Gottfried. Jews don’t believe in “G-d” yet they’re told from birth that they’re “G-d’s” “Chosen People”. Go figure that out. In the meantime this is real humor… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJCNiqWLl28

  5. It is good to document those expressions of Jewish hostility towards the White-Christian culture of the West. It helps make the case that ‘the Rise of the Jews’ to elite status in post-WW II America heavily contributed to the radical change we have since seen.

    Having said that, I have no doubt that the kind of immature hostility referenced to in this Kristol quote was also felt by Catholics and Protestants towards each other. My father and his friends used to fight with Catholic schoolboys. Of course, most of us here are aware of the role the Kennedys played in white dispossession. Still, it is my gut feeling that Jews are more intense in their hostility against the West and because of their greater influence than Catholics have had a larger influence.

    Check out this quote from Mark Potok of the SPLC (Jewish?):

    “As Potok sees it, some of us are angry over the dramatic changes underfoot in this nation. “People who want this country to remain a white-dominated country have lost. They have completely and utterly lost the battle, and they can never win it. If they were to seal the borders tomorrow, whites would still lose their majority in a matter of years, simply as a result of the difference in fertility rate. ”


    Sounds like a pitch for White Nationalism if you ask me.

  6. VanSpeyk, yes, Potok is Jewish and the $PLC is a Jewish organization dedicated to the overthrow of Eurochristians and their racial replacement with non-Euro peoples. In that Potok quote you post, “white” refers to Eurochristian: when anti-Eurochristian Jews like Potok and the $PLC use the term “whites” in this kind of context they mean only Eurochristians, not Jews. The Jews see Eurochristians as an enemy and are fighting a Jewish tribal war against the Eurochristian race, culture, and civilization. This is what Jewish liberalism and leftism are all about: not true liberalism or leftism but very simply Jewish nationalism: trying to weaken and overthrow the tribal enemy. Very few Eurochristians understand this. They see the Jews as innocent persecuted people who only want to be accepted and left in peace. It’s not like that: Jews aggressively work to weaken and overthrow what they have been trained from birth to see as their tribal enemies, the Eurochristians, and everything those Eurochristians have built. Euros had better start figuring this out, and fast, or they’ll go the way of the dodo bird. If that day ever comes, the Jews will add it to their list of great Jewish historical accomplishments: “they got rid of the evil Eurochristians.”

  7. Fred Scrooby must be nuts. Christ-insanity has nothing to do with Europe. It’s a hostile, jewish invention designed to undermine and destroy us. The jews originally invented it to destroy Rome, and boy were they successful.

  8. I am skeptical of comments like the last two, that seem to ascribe a Hive-like mentality, or biological predisposition, on the part of ‘the Jews’ to harm whites . Furthermore, I don’t think that kind of over the top rhetoric is helpful in any meaningful way. Best to just stick to less sweeping statements that are easier to defend. There is enough legitimate criticism of Jewish activity available without needing to go out of our way to confirm to the worst stereotypes of “anti-Semites”.

    It occurs to me that my position leaves me open to criticism. For is talking about Jewish media power or Jewish political activism that harms whites (both of which I support) not also a way of confirming to said stereotypes? The Jewish strategy has been to portray fairly accurate statements made about them as prototypical examples of anti-Jewish hostility. As a result, any criticism of Jewry will invariably be viewed as a stereotype by some.

    I’ll finish by saying that I hope White Nationalists will be able to find some middle ground between minimizing and exaggerating the Jewish Question.

  9. Here’s a reply to Nordmacht which I’ve crafted especially for Van Speyk (who understands zip about Jews yet doesn’t hesitate to have cranky, negative reactions to others’ observations about them):

    Nordmacht, “Eurochristian” in that context was intended to refer to an ethnorace, vis-à-vis specifically the Jews (not vis-à-vis Chinamen, Arabs, Mexicans, Negroes, or anybody else, just vis-à-vis Jews), regardless of belief in or rejection of Christianity. It can be a little difficult to come up with good clear simple terms.

    I’ve pointed this out a few times elsewhere (if you’ve seen it, please bear with me): what Jews hate is the following two things combined in the same person: 1) the Euro race and 2) Christianity.

    “Christianity” there means either a) as active religious belief on the part of the person himself, or b) as general cultural-civilizational, or national, or familial, background or heritage which the person grew up identifying with, or was molded by, consciously or unconsciously formed by, is a product of in overt and/or subtle ways, even if the individual himself rejects the formal religion. It’s Eurochristian in the tribal sense, not necessarily in the religion sense. Bob Dylan rejects Judaïsm but is a member of the Jewish tribe. He has to be looked at as a Jew. Saddam Husein privately rejected the Moslem religion, didn’t practice it at all except for public show, and was an aggressive modernizer, enforcing higher education for women, discouraging the veil, punishing retrograde Moslem customs like honor killings, yet he was a member of the Moslem tribe. He had to be looked at as a Moslem although personally he rejected the religion. Ted Turner rejects the Christian religion, said publicly “Christianity is for losers,” strongly dislikes it, yet is a member of the Eurochristian tribe and has to be looked at as a Eurochristian. That’s the sense I’m talking about.

    Jews don’t hate the Euro race per se. Per se they like it, mostly. They rightly think they’re smarter than Euros but they wouldn’t mind that defect in Euros so much if Euros would only drop Christianity. There are things about the Euro race, per se, they don’t like but what they like about it mildly edges those out, so on balance they approve of it — that’s referring to the race per se. What they hate is when Euro race and Christianity (a or b above) are combined in the same individuals. If Euro race and Christianity [in the sense (a) or (b) above] are combined in the same people the Jews are going to try to wipe those people out. They hate that particular combination. XXth-Century Jewish “leftism,” communism, miscegeneering, culture-degradation, poisoning of morals, advocacy of abortion, of homosexual “marriage,” etc., the whole nine yards — all of it, everything that makes men of Eurochristian race/culture say things like “The Jews are our misfortune” — all of it is simply an attempt to wipe out people in whom Euro race and Christianity-a or Christianity-b are combined. There’s no deep philosophy behind it. It’s all tribal warfare, as simple as that. It’s exactly like the Hutus and the Watusis trying to kill each other in Rwanda-Burundi, the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots trying to kill each other in Cyprus, the Hindus and Moslems trying to kill each other in the Indian Subcontinent, or the Catholics and Prods trying to kill each other in Ulster. Any deep philosophy “justifying” any of it is pretend only, make-believe, rationalization. Means nothing. It’s tribal warfare. Period. Full stop. End of story. Un point, c’est tout.. Where Jewish “leftism” is concerned don’t waste your time trying to read Hegel then Feuerbach then Marx then Lenin then Marcuse to understand it: what the Jewish overthrowers invoke among the work of these men, or spout themselves entirely on their own, is all rationalization of the fact they just don’t like men in whom Euro race and Christianity a or b are combined in the same people.

    Above I said “XXth-Century” Jewish leftism, etc., but in fact it goes back to the Russian Empire of the 1860s at the very least, and if you read history and put two and two together, it played a role in the upheavals of 1848 and 1830, and probably also in the French Revolution and its Napoleonic aftermath. So it goes back a good two centuries. What seems to have happened is the Pale of Settlement got full to bursting with Jews around the year 1800 or a little earlier (unlike Jews of today, Jews in the Pale had high birth rates), and it could no longer contain them. They started spilling out any way they could manage, into surrounding nations, little by little at first, more substantially by mid-century, especially into Moscow and other Russian cities outside the Pale, later (1880s) in veritable torrents streaming all over Europe, to North America, and to Palestine. What had once been the Pale of Settlement, where they were kept bottled up for centuries, was being abandoned by them in droves, emptied of its Jews. They began a process of deep penetration into the Ancient Nations of Europe and Europe’s offspring Eurochristian nations like the U.S., while retaining their two-thousand-year bred-in-the-bone fear and loathing of Eurochristians. It didn’t need a rocket scientist to predict what was going to happen.

    Getting back to the subject, Jews don’t hate the Euro race per se, just when it’s combined with Christianity a or b in the same person. Then they hate that person. If all people of Euro race converted overnight to Judaïsm the Jews would be delighted and you’d see all their left-wing destructionism suddenly screech to a halt: why would they want to destroy you? You’re Jews now, so there’s no reason. Yes you’re of the Euro race, a somewhat different race from theirs, but on balance they don’t hate the Euro race per se; in fact there are enough things they like about it to give them a net-somewhat-favorable opinion of it. So if you convert to their religion they don’t hate you any more.

    Now, they do hate Christianity. They really, really, really cannot stand it. They’d LOVE to see it erased from the Earth. Deleted. Terminated. But if you’re a member of one of the inferior races, Christianity in you won’t bother them so much as it does in a Euro-race person, because for obvious reasons you’re not a formidable enemy in their eyes. They know they can dispose of you any time they want. You’re nothing to them beyond a minor annoyance or an anthropological curiosity. You neither threaten them nor excite their jealousy, nor does your inferior-race Christianity seriously annoy them (because they can very easily keep you and it at arm’s length whenever they’d rather not be exposed to it). So, if you’re a Mexican Christian or a Negro Christian the Jews don’t hate you and won’t try to wipe you out because (for obvious reasons) they don’t see you as a formidable enemy. You’re already nothing in their eyes. They consider you an inferior race. If they consider Eurochristians an inferior race, imagine what they think of you. They don’t have to finish you, you’re already finished in their eyes. You’re not something they have to bother with. They tolerate you — up to a point — and they use you.

    When they see a Eurochristian it’s different. They do happen to prefer to view him as belonging to an inferior race — a race that’s inferior to the Jews — but deep down they’re not so sure that’s a reflection of reality. The Eurochristian has to be eliminated because he’s a formidable rival, possibly a dangerous one who might harm them. Also, he excites their jealousy in certain ways they find next-to-intolerable, something which by itself is sufficient to arouse hatred.

  10. I add, for feebleminded cranks like Van Speyk: needless to say, there are exceptions. No, not every single Jew is as I describe. Only 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of them are. 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% aren’t. So no, I admit, it’s not universal among them.

  11. Van Speyk,

    Why do you link your name to AmRen, which is the ‘White man’s version of the NAACP’?

    “The American Renaissance is the white man’s version of the NAACP, which is to say, one more organization which manipulates the race issue in the interests of the revolutionary Jews. The main purpose of the American Renaissance is to convince deracinated Protestants that Jews are white, and, therefore, no threat to their interests. In obscuring the problem by playing the race card, the American Renaissance engages in cultural mystification every bit as much as the NAACP and the Black Panthers, two Jewish-run operations, did before them. In obscuring the real nature of the culture wars, white nationalism becomes a form of political control and a worthy successor to the Jewish-led black operation known as conservatism. No wonder the race crowd was upset with my talk.”


  12. ” Getting back to the subject, Jews don’t hate the Euro race per se, just when it’s combined with Christianity a or b in the same person. ”

    Ok then why do Jews go out of their way to portray National Socialism as a throw-back to Paganism and Occultism and hence-forth ‘evil’????

    Heinrich Himmler was certainly no Christian, yet still gets heaped with all sorts of invective from the (self) Chosen.

    No it appears the Jews are trying to actively destroy the White Race from all their activism.

  13. First of all, there is no need to engage in any ad hominem attacks, Scrooby. Secondly, it is simply not true to say I have no understanding of Jews. I’ve read all of MacDonald’s work, including his on-line essays, and several of his sources, as well as the excellent When Victims Rule (http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/wvr.htm). I also happen to agree with Prozium about the need to exclude Jews from position in the White Nationalist leadership.

    But I do get irritated with all the nonsense about Jews I keep reading on WN blogs or phora. Jewish influence is way overrated, both as the original driving force of white decline and as current day world power. I think the predominance of Americans has something do with it, because ­­­­the Jewish community in that country is indeed powerful and influential.
    Prozium has listed multiple other factor’s that contributed to the loss of White racial consciousness. It is my opinion that those who go on and on about Jews all the time should reflect more on the importance of those other factors.

    I link to Amren because I consider it an example of the kind of ethnic activism we need. Jared Taylor is my personal hero. I think their main purpose is to (re)create an explicit white racial identity in America which is highly needed. Besides, there’s no sense in linking to OD on OD right?

    One more thing, after re-reading my original post I should make clear that when I said this:

    “For is talking about Jewish media power or Jewish political activism that harms whites (both of which I support) not also a way of confirming to said stereotypes?”

    I, of course, meant to say that I support discussing Jewish power, not ­that I support this influence in itself.

  14. These sentences of Van Speyk’s contradict each other:

    Jewish influence is way overrated, both as the original driving force of white decline and as current world power. I think the predominance of Americans has something do with it, because ­­­­the Jewish community in that country is indeed powerful and influential.

  15. VanSpeyk: “But I do get irritated with all the nonsense about Jews I keep reading on WN blogs or phora. Jewish influence is way overrated”

    I think most white nationalists probably underestimate Jewish influence. Most commentators on this blog probably knew little about the problem until a few years ago. What should worry us is that most people in the West remain unaware of the problem. Anyway, you are not really annoyed that some of us may overestimate Jewish influence. You just think we should keep any criticism of the Jews to a low level, so you will feel more comfortable, and no one will feel embarrassed. Unfortunately, it is a matter of life and death. On the one hand, a murderous war is being fought in Afghanistan for no reason at all, and no one protests very much. You can be a perfect gentleman and support a useless war in Afghanistan. On the other hand, we are told that, in order to be seen as moderates and gentlemen, we must never be rude to the Jews, no matter what they do to our race. There is something wrong here. Even if the Jews played little role in the demise of the West, their overrepresentation in our central institutions would still be illegitimate. Besides, they do use their positions of power to promote race replacement. The only way we can put an end to this situation is if we keep raising the issue for as long as it takes.

  16. Anyway, you are not really annoyed that some of us may overestimate Jewish influence. You just think we should keep any criticism of the Jews to a low level, so you will feel more comfortable, and no one will feel embarrassed.

    I imagine he, probably like Jared Taylor, is frustrated, not annoyed. Criticism of Jews is all well and good but it has a tendency to take on a life of its own, judeo-critics becoming judeo-obsessives, their focus shifting from working towards a racial solution to “smashing the Jews.”

  17. Yeah, tell me about it. Obsessiveness is displayed all over this thread. Hey, if you believe a person or group to be all-powerful, they become all-powerful.

  18. I don’t think WN has problem with overestimating Jewish influence so much as a problem with crazy conspiracy nuts saying things like “FDR was a Jew” or “Jews stole my socks.” Those people are not talking about Jewish intellectual movements.

  19. “FDR was a Jew”

    The Yids did benefit quite a bit from FDR’s policies, but FDR was merely a Shabbos Goy playboy puppet for Jewish designs (Yockey talks of the 1933 Judaization of America’s government here.) I’ve seen no convincing evidence that he was Jewish, but does it even matter? Even if the answer is no, he was definitely a philosemite and a manipulative, bloodthirsty Red demagogue to boot.

  20. Although I do agree with ATBOTL’s larger point. For example, a guy like Eric Thomson is about as perceptive regarding the Jews, multicult, liberalism, etc as anyone can be, but he hampers his own credibility by repeating conspiracy theories. As a former academic and intelligence officer, he should know better than to rely on hearsay, speculation, even sometimes outright lunacy. And the same goes for all in the movement, whether intelligent like Eric or humble like Joe Average. We ought to concern ourselves with the facts we know to be true and the cases which can be made else we risk alienating those we hope to draw in.

  21. “Jewish influence is way overrated…”

    Tell that to Traficant and Demyanyuk.

    Or this poor hapless 88 year old Ukrainian man –

    “Nazi-Linked” Mich. Man: Don’t Deport Me – CBS News

    (AP) Crying on his front porch, an 88-year-old Michigan man targeted for deportation firmly denied shooting anyone when he was a member of a Nazi-controlled police force during World War II.

    John Kalymon was stripped of his U.S. citizenship in 2007. Now the U.S. Justice Department wants him kicked out of the country, a process that could take years.

    “I love this country because it’s my country. I’m going to die here,” Kalymon, a retired auto engineer, told The Associated Press on Monday. “They want to remove me, an old man. I never was arrested, pay my taxes. I don’t know anyone as honest as me.”



  22. ATBOTL: ” crazy conspiracy nuts saying things like “FDR was a Jew” or “Jews stole my socks.”

    Claiming that the Jews stole you socks is harmless anyway. When you start telling someone that we have a huge problem with the Jews, he will usually think there is something wrong with your views. If you leave the Jews aside and tell him that we are being race-replaced, he may think you are crazy, even though the US government has issued statistics showing that white people are becoming a minority. As soon as you mention the Jews, you sound like a nut. But if you say there is no race replacement problem, in spite of all the evidence, then you will sound remarkably level-headed !

    It seems that VanSpeyk resents Fred Scrooby’s style of presenting things. Personally, I like both Kevin McDonald’s style and Fred’s style. If I have to read a text by MacDonald, I know it will take me half an hour to read only a few pages, whereas if I read a comment by Fred Scrooby, it only takes two minutes, and it is funny, compact, easy to remember. I think he is a good teacher. He makes sophisticated arguments in a way that is easy to understand. Using humor and hyperbole makes the debate easier by taking pressure off. It makes it easier to make a point but it does not invalidate the points that are made. It means that whoever reads the comments doesn’t have to accept the whole thing, he must only take what makes sense to him. I disagree with VanSpeyk’s theory that we should aim for a neutral analysis that looks reasonable and balanced, and avoids any exaggeration. Exaggeration is a useful trick to convey your point of view.

    VanSpeyk: ” I am skeptical of comments like the last two, that seem to ascribe a Hive-like mentality, or biological predisposition, on the part of ‘the Jews’ to harm whites “

    Nordmacht and Fred Scrooby make very different comments!
    All of us are surprised at the hostility that comes from the Jews. It goes against our intuition. We need all the more to keep bringing evidence.

    VanSpeyk: ” It occurs to me that my position leaves me open to criticism. For is talking about Jewish media power or Jewish political activism that harms whites (both of which I support) not also a way of confirming to said stereotypes?”

    Whether you speak up, shut up, or aim for the middle ground on the JQ, it will leave you open to criticism by the Jews.

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