Scott Brown Wins

Scott Brown (R) has defeated Martha Coakley (D) to win Ted Kennedy’s old seat. This means the Democrats have lost their filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Normally, I wouldn’t comment on a mainstream race like this, but Brown’s victory has positive implications for White Nationalism.

It means Obamacare (a massive transfer of wealth from Whites to non-Whites) is less likely to get through Congress. Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, a Blue State stronghold, is likely to scare moderate Democrats across the country. They should be less inclined to support a renewed push for “comprehensive immigration reform” in a backlash election year.

Zod-Obama has been brought down a notch or two. Ted Kennedy has been replaced a Tea Party Republican. I would call that a good day.

Note: It is also worth noting that Keith Olbermann’s petulant attacks on Scott Brown as a racist homophobe didn’t work.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. An empty win for a dead Nation.
    The “right” is almost if not as bad as the left.
    Have any of you openly spoken your views at a “Tea Party”?
    We did, and ened up with a mob yelling “Gods Loves Isreal, so do we!!!” Fights almost broke out and police pretty much ran us out of there.
    The left at least is not happy with Israel, be it for the reason they see the “white” Jews opressing “brown” Palestinians. Never-the-less, the right are hardcore Jew defenders, and Israeli firsters.
    These people do not run for office, get support and win, unless they are dirty or can be blackmailed.
    So the war-monger Capitalist Jew side beat out the anti-white Marxist Jew side…So what.
    It shows no sign of people looking more towards our way.
    “Flag waving Yahoos” Remember people?
    After reading the comment and article, I still do not see: (A) How this works to any advantage to us. (B) Why people are acting happy that this guy won.
    I suspect many of you probably jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon, thinking he was in your favour as well. Dont be so short-sighted.

  2. The message is the same as in every freaking election: white American citizens exist. And to the extent they vote as a bloc (more or less), they can continue to rule.

    Also, why is Israel popular among Teaparty people? Because they look (and act) like white people, embattled white people. Not a bunch of asiatic parasites. Anti-semitism just isn’t persuasive in America.

    I’m just observing here, no judgment intended. Personally, I support government health insurance for every citizen, white black or brown. I also wish Israel well, but I don’t think we should allow their supporters to drag us into their colonial wars.

  3. 1.) Back in 2007, I had an argument with Lila Rajiva of Counterpunch over Ron Paul, who I wasn’t supporting at the time. Later, I voted for Paul in the 2008 Republican primary.

    2.) I haven’t said anything here about the Rand Paul race in Kentucky. 9 times out of 10 it really doesn’t matter who wins elections between Democratic hacks and Republican sell outs.

    3.) I consider Ted Kennedy’s old seat an exception. He used that seat for 47 years as a public platform to inflict damage upon the White race; everything from federal civil rights legislation to the MLK holiday to hate crime legislation to comprehensive immigration reform. Let’s not forget Obamacare either.

  4. WNs imagine they’re endowed with superpowers other whites are not, which will enable them to float above the morass and take control of the whole universe when it “collapses”.

    When the collapse comes, an awakened mob desperate for leadership will storm into the basement I dwell in, drag me out of it, and install me as an all-powerful leader of the new regime. Once I’m in that position, my first and only order of business will be naming the Jew…all day long. I’ll just name Jews, which will guarantee a glorious future for the unified and loyal White masses.

  5. Hey Captain, keep on raiding the Jewish blogs and let them know that ‘trolling’ cuts both ways! Psychological warfare can take many forms and strengthens the mind. A reverse osmosis form of Talmudic dissimulation/deception is what it amounts to; maybe we could all be more effective by entering enemy territory more often and upsetting their bagel carts.

  6. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure my friend.

    That’s for damn sure. Health care is pretty much a racket now, filled with incompetence and apathy. Once they get their hands on you they will cause you more problems and drain your bank account. With the government involved, the quality of care will go down even further with more enforced diversity and lowering of standards. The best minds will not become doctors anymore, they will do something else that will make them more money.

  7. I said the Northeast in reference to Puritans, not specifically Massachusetts.

    Top five states by percentage of population of English ancestry:

    Utah (29.0%)
    Maine (21.5%)
    Vermont (18.4%)
    Idaho (18.1%)
    New Hampshire (18.0%

    Notice many of the faith-geners went to Utah. I’m fairly confident the Irish working-class (and it don’t get much more working-class than Irish) will flip before Northeastern WASPs do. If WN wins out we can pretty obviously expect the Mormons to go back to their old ways.

    Don’t recall saying Takimag was a specifically WASP phenomenon either. It is specifically faileocon though, which ain’t good by my standards.

  8. Revolt,

    Scott Brown’s win is good if only because it puts the last nail in the coffin of the Obama Presidency as a historically significant force.

    The only thing Obama could do now that would matter worth spit would be to invade Iran, which ain’t gonna happen.

    It will be fun to watch him flounder around for the duration of his term, desperately trying to kill time.

  9. Notice many of the faith-geners went to Utah.

    I’d prefer that you didn’t call us that. I feel like you might be above it. Additionally, it makes the ‘faith’ our defining characteristic which we share with Muslims and others. It is a term that seems designed explicitly to suppress our whiteness and denigrate.

  10. “It’s that a new machine has just become a credible force in national politics. It’s a machine comprised almost entirely of White gentiles operating independently of and in opposition to the “mainstream” media and the “mainstream” political parties. ”

    OK so from what I gather we need to re-infiltrate the Republican Party again!

    This has happened in the past, when White Nationalist David Duke took over the Party in Louisiana.

    Don Black gave donations to Ronald Reagan (this is in fact a matter of public record) and in 2000 campaigned for Bush in Florida.

  11. For a guy who’s full of apparently good, but really clownish ideas, that one is actually a very, very good idea. Silver can play the Jew.

    Bah, that cockamamie plan will never work. Far better idea to scream Juden! at the Tea Party — Ye Olde Right hath shewn them the way.

  12. Notice many of the faith-geners went to Utah. I’m fairly confident the Irish working-class (and it don’t get much more working-class than Irish) will flip before Northeastern WASPs do.

    We shall see who turns first. What matters more than who turns first is making sure it happens soon enough. We are in a race against time.

    It is specifically faileocon though, which ain’t good by my standards.

    This is definitely true.

  13. Auster and his followers are wildly ecstatic and are hyperventilating over the election result. Auster thinks this is a historic turning point like the 1994 election (and we all know how much that accomplished).

  14. “Also, why is Israel popular among Teaparty people? Because they look (and act) like white people, embattled white people. Not a bunch of asiatic parasites. Anti-semitism just isn’t persuasive in America.”

    I found this site through the fighting on VNN. I like the idea of what you guys are doing, but comments like the one above, show me Linder might have a point.
    40 years of the same mistakes, and you guys are just repeating them.
    I see a “right-wing” leaning here, and it is a huge mistake. But hey im crazy and you will prove me wrong, right? Nah I think not.
    We have the people, we have the minds, we just do not have the unity and the one same common goal, and collective.
    Why do “right-wing” scum-bags love Jews?..Ill tell you crypto. Because jews lead their think tanks, and their religion.
    Your method will not work, it never has, even when this country was 90% white it didnt work.
    You cannot beat or change the system within the system you must destroy the system and re-build.

  15. “Scott Brown’s win is good if only because it puts the last nail in the coffin of the Obama Presidency as a historically significant force.”

    I see that point.
    I read the comments about people laughing off the “worse is better” ideal.
    Sadly its the truth people. If everyone is ok in their life, they will be less likely to change.
    At least the worse it gets the more we will be forced to take collective action.
    Do you posters understand the history of this “movement”?
    Do you not learn from the mistakes?
    Do you think you can vote anyone decent into power?
    James Mason broke all this down years ago. It is frustrating to see his words fell on deaf ears.

  16. @Revolt
    On the surface, it appears that James Mason’s record is one of dismal failure…even by WN standards. There’s a pretty solid case against relying on the “leaderless resistance” as a viable strategy. It’s probably not wise to borrow the symbolism of a colossally failed and universally demonized regime as reinterpreted by a murderous psychopath who was inspired to instigate a Black rebellion against the White race by a Beatles song. Just sayin’.

    Can you explain why one should peruse his works?

  17. @Wikitopian
    Im sorry, I should be more clear when i bring up people like Mason.
    I see no “leaderless Resistance” working, thats what we have now and see how its going?
    With Mason, I support his thoughts in regards to acting as this is “Revoloution”, and therefore we should act as such. Not expecting to gain-way within the system, but rather openly fighting it. I think the left has us beat on this, thus you see them in power, and their ideals spreading. Not saying follow all of Mason’s steps, but I put value in his view of the struggle, and some of the ways he went about promoting a more active ideal.
    I would heavly recomend the book “Siege” by James Mason.
    As far as his “promoting” of Manson: Mason took the view (correct view it seems) that Whites would not fight unless forced with no other option, in that mindset, Black revolution would work to our advantage.
    I think, a mix of the Mason thought, and the thought we see on this site is needed, and will result in our best outcome.

  18. We would be better off if the GOP lost every single election. Events like this hurt us by giving succor to the false opposition.

  19. I agree that working within the system is a waste of times in terms of the direct acquisition of power through the democratic process. However, White Americans are converging into a political machine right now. Scott Brown is a wanker. The Tea Party’s ideological foundation is a bizarre fusion of libertarian dogma, populist spirit, and ziocon manipulation…but it’s still very fluid and suggestible. This machine, if appropriately infiltrated and influenced, can be adapted to serve our purposes.

    I am not going to sit and wait for the fight to come to us. I’m going to where the fight is and I’m going to drag it to us…even if I have to keep a straight face while people say positive things about Sarah Palin.

    I’ll check out “Siege”. I’m sort of on an NLP binge right now, but I’ll add it to my list.

  20. Revolt,

    Crypto-Aryan is a self admitted “half Jew” who likes to push for Jew-friendly nationalism. This site isn’t “right wing” or “any wing.” The various contributors to this website have differing opinions but I’d bet that 90% of them agree that Whites need our own nation and non-Whites and Jews must not be granted citizenship nor permanent residence.

  21. Wiki, the book SIEGE, by James Mason was reprinted a couple of years ago and I don’t know what the availability is now. A google search will tell. It was very hard to come by at one time.

    The tea party crowd and the patriotard elements, as you very well described them, are hard to put up with, but many are good people who are well intentioned, and often times amenable to RR and WN.
    As difficult as it is, and as much as we would like to shake some sense into them, we gotta work with what we have left.

  22. So Crypto is an admitted Jew? Why is he allowed to post here? (Mods?)
    The fact the yid views himself a yid, shows where his heart is.
    NLP, a very interesting topic, I have the book “TRANCE-formations”, have not read it yet, but was told it was very good.
    “Siege” is a great read I am sure you will like it, if you can get your hands on it.
    I did not know there was disagreement on “The Path” by the writers on this site. Thanks for clearing that up.

  23. Silver
    Bah, that cockamamie plan will never work. Far better idea to scream Juden! at the Tea Party — Ye Olde Right hath shewn them the way.

    That wasn’t me.

  24. Auster and his followers are wildly ecstatic and are hyperventilating over the election result. Auster thinks this is a historic turning point like the 1994 election (and we all know how much that accomplished)

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