Kentucky: Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot

Knob Creek Machine Gun ShootAs several of you know, I spent the weekend on the road in Kentucky at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, which bills itself as “The World’s Largest Machine Gun Shoot and Military Gun Show”. We had a blast. I snapped lots of photos and shot about thirty seconds of video.

Knob Creek has a reputation as a bastion of implicit whiteness. I traveled to Kentucky expecting to find a predominantly White, largely Tea Party conservative crowd; the sort of people who are the most vocal supporters of the NRA and Second Amendment. To my surprise, I found a more eclectic mix of gun enthusiasts and Far Right types, including White Nationalists.

First impression: the Gadsden Flag was everywhere in sight; on backpacks, on hats and t-shirts, flying from trucks and SUVs, hanging from booths, being carried around by children. The Confederate flag was equally ubiquitous. In fact, I saw more Gadsden and Confederate flags at Knob Creek than American flags. Always an encouraging sign!

Before we got into Knob Creek itself, I noticed the militias were on the scene in the parking lot. Rand Paul signs were everywhere. Paul volunteers were distributing stickers and signs as well as brochures under the windshield wipers of vehicles. As I was walking in, I was already getting the impression that the crowd in attendance was more “Alternative Right” (in the Sam Francis sense) than Republican.

I wasn’t disappointed. The overwhelming majority of the attendees were White. There were slightly more White males there, but White women and children were almost as numerous. All the non-Whites in attendance could have fit in a single large SUV. The Whites in attendance were also ordinary people and predominantly working class. They were the Middle Americans you see in any big box store, gas station, or restaurant.

This demographic has a few distinguishable characteristics: they are all White, they are mostly Christian, they love firearms and exotic forms of weaponry, they dislike the federal government, they are working class to lower middle class, they are zealous about liberty, they don’t seem to fit into the establishment, and they passionately despise Barack Hussein Obama. There was a palpable sense of whiteness at Knob Creek. A vibe in the air – this is a White man’s event – that registered with even the most desensitized racial antennae.

What interested us (the whole reason for making the trip) was to see how far along the Knob Creek attendees were on the path to White Nationalism. I would say the majority of the Whites there are in the “Don’t Tread on Me” anti-government, anti-establishment, patriotic self defense phase. They are implicitly White, but far more so than your average Tea Party protester. Most of them are only a notch or two away from explicit White racial consciousness.

There was a huge explicit racialist presence at Knob Creek. This is what shocked me the most. There were multiple booths selling Nazi paraphernalia: swastika flags, Third Reich patches, pins, medallions, t-shirts, videos like The Eternal Jew, pins, knives, bayonets, you name it, everything a Third Reich enthusiast could ever want was there. I snapped photos of all this. I even bought a Afrika Korps t-shirt that I fancied.

White Nationalists were milling about the crowd with all sorts of WPWW t-shirts. A few White girls had t-shirts on that explicitly acknowledged their whiteness. Someone had been distributing William Pierce literature about gun control. We found several of these NA brochures around the site. Presumably, there were a lot more WNs there, but we couldn’t identify them because most were dressed inconspicuously.

What struck me the most is how normalized White Nationalism has become at these gun shows. I didn’t see a single leftist there expressing his shock and outrage at these politically incorrect displays of White identity. You could literally walk a few feet away from the Louisville Tea Party booth and purchase a Wehrmacht helmet or a Rhodesian military uniform! If our immediate goal is to penetrate this demographic, it appears we have already done so. I saw lots of causes for optimism.

Knob Creek Machine Gun ShootMy only regret is that I didn’t get to shoot a machine gun or purchase a firearm. I always had this option, but you have to wait in line to shoot, and the cost is a bit pricey. There is another Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in October. I will probably go to that one in the Fall, shoot a machine gun, buy some more t-shirts, and distribute some OD literature and business cards. Next time I will be more prepared.

The signature Knob Creek event – the famous night shoot – was spectacular. Here is a brief thirty second video that we shot with my digital camera:

The best part was that this was done immediately after a speech about “tyranny” and all the talk that had been going on throughout the camp about the “Second American Revolution” over the previous two days.

I doubt I was the only one in the crowd using my imagination.

Note: Photos have been uploaded to the OD Flickr account. The “night shoot” video is on our YouTube channel. I didn’t upload the best photos we shot. The SPLC can do their own dirty work. Of course we also took lots of pictures of us at Knob Creek, but those will also remain private. Red Jeffrey doesn’t need to get his sleazy hands on them.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. MGLS — countless ethnic groups have managed over the years to live near other groups without miscegenating.

    Racial destruction is a gradual process. If two distinct groups are occupying the same territory, this means the groups have not been living together for a long time and the process of replacement and mixture is not yet complete. If two groups live together for long enough, they will inevitably blend together through intermixture.

    Quoting again from essays at The Racial Compact ( ):

    From “Racial Diversity”:

    “In the system of biological classification called taxonomy a race is a subdivision or branch of a species, and a species in turn is a subdivision or branch of a genus. In this system all populations which are capable of interbreeding with each other and producing fertile offspring, and which do interbreed with each other in their natural state, are considered to be members of the same species, regardless how great their differences or how distant their relationship. Those populations which do not interbreed under natural conditions, although they may be biologically capable of doing so, are classified as separate species. As all human populations are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring, and in fact do so when brought together under conditions of extensive contact, they are classified as belonging to the same species. [Note 1] This is not to say that all individual humans necessarily interbreed with members of other races when brought into extensive contact. There is variation among individuals in the degree of racial discrimination in selecting a mate. Perhaps only a minority of individuals in any given generation interbreed with other races under conditions of extensive contact, but over the course of generations all populations do, as the cumulative effect of a minority in each generation adds up to a majority — and eventually a total population — over a span of generations.

    From “The Nordish Crisis”:

    “Extinction is a gradual process of racial destruction that occurs over a period of generations, with the cumulative amount of racial loss increasing in each generation until the process is complete. As part of this process the race undergoing extinction also suffers the loss of its political, social, cultural and economic independence, control over its own life and destiny, and the exclusive possession of its own homeland, nation, country or territory. As this process is conducted under racial nihilism, the race being dispossessed of its culture and country is first dispossessed of its sense of nationhood or national identity, the close historical association or identification between a particular population, the nation they formed and the country or homeland they occupied. Their racial and national identities are denied and taken from them by redefining them to be inclusive of other groups — in effect defining their identities out of existence, as if their identities must first be denied and destroyed before their right to exist is denied and they are destroyed. The rights of exclusive possession or ownership of a people or race to its homeland, heritage, peoplehood, nationhood and very identity are denied by asserting that immigrants of other races are part of that nation, belong to that people, and have a right to live in that country and share that identity as much as the historical racial population.”

  2. “I can’t wait to see Captainchaos’s response to Roach.”

    Roach is rationalizing his intra-racial class-war in the guise of “Jesus” and “Christian love”. Which is precisely what White liberals do, except their preferred schtick is “equality” and “human rights”. I’m fairly certain Roach would not wish for massive miscegenation involving middle-class Whites, as he does with lower- and working-class Whites; that would hit a little too close to home. What Roach does not realize – for the reason that he is a petty, short-sighted anti-White genocidalist – is that Whites who miscegenate with non-Whites will come to identify with the interests of the ethnic/racial group of their non-White partner as the resultant children will certainly look like, if not essentially be, of the ethnic group of said non-White partner. What Roach, and we all, will receive is not the end to racial discord, but simply the production of more non-Whites, and fewer Whites – more non-Whites who will not then be deterred in maximizing their ethnic/racial interests at the expense of Whites. The foundation on which Roach’s “lifestyle” rests will have been eroded by the genetic destruction of his implicitly despised co-ethnics (if he didn’t despise them, then why would he wish mongrelization upon them, not to mention the torment of being forced to live along side non-Whites?).

    Roach, wake up, you shithead.

  3. Trainspotter, the idea that traditionalist or Old Right ideas have been “tried and showed to have failed” is not accurate. They have simply become relatively unpopular amongst our people. They’ve been rejected, for many unfortunate reasons. But there is no legitimate grievance that white Americans currently have that couldn’t be addressed in my opinion if significant numbers of white Americans (and black ones, too) were to see the light, embrace healthy cultural values and adopt pro-white, America First public policies. Forced separation on the other hand, even if it were to be embraced by more than handful of people, is a completely excessive response to these problems. It’s like treating pneumonia with chemotherapy.

    And regarding the purported “failure” of traditional conservativism, just what the hell have White nationalists, seperatists and other extremists accomplished by comparison over the past few decades? Pat Buchanan is syndicated in hundreds of newspapers, and publishes pro-white best sellers. 3.2 million Americans thought he should be the next President in 1996. How many votes would William Pierce have gotten? How many did David Duke get? Duke did run a couple good races, but how many would he have gotten if he hadn’t lied and claimed to have abandoned his old “intolerant” views?

    MGLS — we both know why after centuries of persecution and living as minority there are still millions of Jews alive today. I don’t think its realistic for whites to ever become as ethnocentric and committed to their self-preservation, but we have a huge advantage over Jews: there are 750 million of us, not just 10 or 15 million.

    If miscegenation rates increase beyond their current minscule number, and if the previous white appetite for killing other whites, which thankfully seems to have ended, starts up again, then maybe I’ll start to worry about some of the issues that you and McCullogh raise.

  4. Back to reality, posters. Current percentage of American whites who are conscious WNs: <5%. Implicit, organized whites such as Teabags: 85%. When Civil War II begins, and the clock is already ticking loudly, most whites will -at least for a time – be supporting or fighting ON THE WRONG SIDE. So when the dust settles, after all the state secessions, multi-front racial fighting (blacks vs. browns vs. whites vs. whites, with (hopefully) everyone going after the Jews), and Left/Right clashes, citizenship in the new Republic will be determined by who fought on the RIGHT side….not by skin color. Perhaps by then most of those who survive the violence and survive on the RIGHT side will be white. We’ll see.

  5. previous should read: “Implicit, organized whites such as teabags, 85%. So when Civil War II begins…”.

  6. Crypto: “Trainspotter, the idea that traditionalist or Old Right ideas have been “tried and showed to have failed” is not accurate. They have simply become relatively unpopular amongst our people. They’ve been rejected, for many unfortunate reasons.”

    Crytpo, those ideas didn’t just “become relatively unpopular amongst our people,” as if our people merely had a hankering for a new flavor of ice cream. Instead, pro-white ideas were actively subverted, suppressed and demonized by the very groups that you are so peachy keen to coexist with. These non-white groups have agendas of their own, that should be obvious. Their interests are not consistent with ours. They know this. Why can’t you accept it as well?

    If a homeowner demands that nothing be done about the termites that are destroying his house, if instead he insists that he wants to coexist with the termites, live and let live, then I think it is fair to say that he is at fault when the termites inevitably destroy his house. Don’t blame the termites, they are just doing what termites do – pursue their own interests. Blame the homeowner who couldn’t recognize that his interests and that of the termites were simply incompatible.

    Similarly, it is the fault (and failure) of any “conservative” political philosophy that insists on harboring non-white elements when, as should be obvious, those non-whites will inevitably pursue their own interests at the expense of whites. History shows that’s what in fact happens, evolutionary biology tells us why it happens, and common sense confirms all of the above. Yet the conservatives claim that the emperor has such wonderful clothes, never mind the murders, rapes and dispossession. If that ain’t failure, what is?

    Crypto: ” But there is no legitimate grievance that white Americans currently have that couldn’t be addressed in my opinion if significant numbers of white Americans (and black ones, too) were to see the light, embrace healthy cultural values and adopt pro-white, America First public policies.”

    Blacks have already seen “the light,” it’s just that they see a very different light than you want them to see. They like what is going on now, they want it to continue. They want power over whitey, they want to feed off of him, and they want to harvest his women. They want the massive wealth transfers to continue, they want the affirmative action to continue, and they love working for the government (when they work at all) on the white dime. They also enjoy being able to extract these massive gains while simultaneously insulting and degrading whites in any way they can. They are shameless, and they love white decline. Even the better sort of blacks are relatively indifferent to our decline, with precious few exceptions.

    One can argue that, under the old ways, many blacks were objectively better off than they are now, in terms of stable neighborhoods, high rates of marriage, and so forth. This is objectively true, but it doesn’t matter. Even in the worst black neighborhoods where this is “most true,” there is no sentiment to return to the old ways of America as a fundamentally white nation. Many of the older blacks remember better days under the Old America, and will admit this in private conversation. But they are dying off, and the younger blacks are having none of it.

    Crypto, what it boils down to is that you are demanding that the barn door be shut long after the horses have run away. You are advocating approaches that are demonstrable, provable failures. These approaches didn’t just fail due to some fluke, they weren’t some near miss. Rather, they failed because they HAD TO, it was inevitable.

    We now have over 100 millions non-whites in the country. To imagine that they will not continue to pursue their interests at the expense of whitey is laughable. Again, as a group, they LIKE what is happening. What does the “conservative” do in response to this reality? Salivate over Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell. Fixate on the exception to the rule, while ignoring the rule (ironically, this is the precise opposite of real Burkean conservatism, which counsels not to get overly excited by flukes and exceptions). That sort of silly and wishful thinking is for tweener girls, not adults who are serious about the issues of the day, yet modern “conservatives” do this all of the time.

    Crytpo: “Forced separation on the other hand, even if it were to be embraced by more than handful of people, is a completely excessive response to these problems.”

    Separation is an excessive response to massive amounts of rape, murder and brutality? It’s an excessive response to one’s culture being destroyed, and living under a system that is literally gleeful about your dispossession (and, sick bastards that they are, expect whites to literally applaud and celebrate their own dispossession)? An excessive response to a thousand other injuries and injustices, if murder, rape and dispossession weren’t enough? Come on, Crypto. Hell, separation is a MODERATE response to the horror show that we are facing.

    Crypto: “And regarding the purported “failure” of traditional conservativism, just what the hell have White nationalists, seperatists and other extremists accomplished by comparison over the past few decades?”

    Modern white nationalism is still in its developmental stages. It does not have power, and therefore (by definition) has not failed in the exercise of that power. Conservatism, on the other hand, has exercised power…and the result is the country continues to move inexorably down the toilet. Again, this isn’t a fluke. The country continues to move into the sewer even when conservatives are in power, precisely because these conservatives insist upon approaches that simply cannot work. They end up getting liberal results for the simple reason that they accept liberal premises. I think it’s fair to call that failure. In fact, I would say that’s being charitable.

  7. “If miscegenation rates increase beyond their current minscule number … then maybe I’ll start to worry about some of the issues that you and McCullogh raise.”

    In the long term, even low miscegenation rates will inevitably lead to mongrelization. If the rate of mixture between two groups occupying the same territory is low rather than high, mongrelization will take longer, but it is nonetheless inevitable. Geographic separation is necessary for racial survival in the long run.

  8. citizenship in the new Republic will be determined by who fought on the RIGHT side….not by skin color

    Like your average anti-white leftist, CompassionateFascist trivializes race by acting as though skin color is all race is. CompassionateFascist is an advocate of the “proposition nation” and an opponent of racial preservation.


    Community Gardens…..Obamamoney. Chickenshit. The communities I belong to – NRA + militia – revolve around guns, not gardens. When push comes to shove – and it’ll be sooner than 3 years – ZOG will be overthrown by bullets, not beetroots. WNs need to interface with, join, penetrate these hard-right communities. You are wrong, V.V.D.: when the economy goes, it all goes. Race War + class war + state secessions. As a poster to another thread here put it: Ragnarok.

    CompassionateFascist confidently predicts that by April 2013 there will be race war, class war, and state secessions. Would he be willing to bet on this, and what are the odds he would place on his prediction coming true? Given his extremely confident rhetoric, it appears he believes the probability of his scenario coming to pass is close to 1. Would CompassionateFascist put his money where his mouth is? Certainly he could find many people willing to put money against his prediction, particularly given those odds.

    For decades, we have seen endless incorrect prognostications of mass violence similar to CompassionateFascist’s prediction.

  10. “For decades, we have seen endless incorrect prognostications of mass violence similar to CompassionateFascist’s prediction.”

    True enough, but on the other hand an awful lot of chickens are finally coming home to roost. While I wouldn’t bet against the three year prediction, not sure I would bet on it either. But ten, fifteen years? If I were a betting man, I believe that I would take that bet. We’re going to see some serious unrest, something that we’ve never seen before, in the next ten to fifteen years. Of course, possibly sooner rather than later.

    I’m not a huge fan of Chittum, but I believe he said that once a country hits a certain level of diversity, the historical record shows that ethnic conflict is highly likely. I can’t remember what his magic percentage was, but I’m sure that we either have or soon will reach it. Point is, just in the last few years, the non-whites have really started feeling their oats. This isn’t the same country as thirty years ago when, even though it was clearly moving in a liberal direction on race (yes, even under Reagan), whites were still de facto so dominant that a race war made no sense. Whites would have clearly and obviously won such a conflict, it would have been a no brainer, and the non-whites knew it – a few crazies aside.

    But now? Whites would still win, but it’s reached the point where non-whites might reasonably disagree with my prognosis. And that’s the whole point – it’s the perception that matters. They perceive themselves to increasingly be in a position to take us head on, if push comes to shove. This isn’t the 60’s with the Watts Riots. That was just a combination of posturing and typical TNB, used as a pretense to extract more goodies from white dominated Washington. Now, the non-whites can reasonably expect to CONTROL Washington itself. This really is a sea change. As a result, the non-white shrieking and chest thumping that we’ve heard all of our lives is, in fact, not the same thing that it used to be. It sounds similar, but something important has changed. Now it’s not just about annoying a still incredibly powerful whitey, it’s about becoming more powerful than whitey. It’s about achieving real dominance. The non-whites can taste it now.

    I remember the Clintonian year of the “Angry White Male” (always male, never man). Whites pushed back, and won. But that was almost twenty years ago. This year whites pushed back, and lost. The health care bill, with its enormous transfer of wealth to non-whites, passed.

    The fundamental reason for that is the demographic shift of the last two decades. I’ve seen stats that show that, if the country had the same racial makeup as it did in 1992, but each group otherwise voted as it did in 2008, McCain would have won the election handily. The demographics are having an impact. Today, if whites push, non-whites are going to push back in a way that they really wouldn’t have done before. And even if whites don’t push… the non-whites are going to push anyway. As these other chickens come home to roost (debt, energy, unsustainable government spending; faux economy based on shenanigans, etc.), this is going to create massive potential for racial conflict.

  11. “So when the dust settles, after all the state secessions, multi-front racial fighting (blacks vs. browns”

    There is no reason to suppose that Blacks and Mestizos will fight each other in this context, if you are actually talking about something that would happen even fairly soon.

    Never in a Civil War will two groups adding up to less than 50% of the population in the Country fight each other.

    That’s basic mathematics.

    “whites vs. whites,”

    Only the tiny but militarily important minority of Whites employed by the State will fight Whites.

    And even with them, there’s a chance with groups like the Oath Keepers that a significant number will refuse to engage in counterinsurgency.

    “and Left/Right clashes”

    That won’t happen.

    “citizenship in the new Republic will be determined by who fought on the RIGHT side….not by skin color.”

    There will be no new Republic. Only either the permanent imposition of martial law, or several racial and/or ethnoracial enclaves.

    Whites and Blacks aren’t going to like each other very much after what might go down goes down.

    Whites and Mestizos aren’t going to like each other very much after what might go down goes down.

    Whites and whatever remains of the Federal Government aren’t going to like each other very much after what might go down goes down.

    Nobody is going to want to treat any of the others as equal.

  12. “In fact, I saw more Gadsden and Confederate flags at Knob Creek than American flags. Always an encouraging sign!” Is USA political patriotism strongly working against WNs? Is one huge problem for WNs the fact that White Americans need the USA financially? The ultra-liberal Phil Donahue helped Oprah Winfrey get started. She in turn helped the ultra-liberal Dr. Phil McGraw get started. Where on television (or talmudivision) is our equivalent of Dr. Kevin MacDonald? Have liberals like Donahue and McGraw made mega-bucks out of liberal propaganda? Have Warren Buffett and Bill Gates made giga-bucks out of third-world outsourcing and third-world immigration into the USA?
    From Captainchaos @ post 53, Jesus —> equality; Christian love —> human rights, from Christianity to left-wing liberalism. Do WNs need 100 videos that forcefully present what all Whites secretly understand?
    For example:

  13. If there is an ethnic conflict like in the former Yugoslavia, the Whites would win easily. If they fought. The reason why the West is dying today is because we refuse to stand up for our heritage and freedom. If we had the will to fight we would have everything we need.

    Why do I believe this? Well, for starters Whites, and possibly Asians, are the only races in North America who can actually organize anything. The mestizos and negroes, as populations, aren’t capable of self-government. If the government collapsed, the non-Whites would explode into a frenzy of looting and killing. Their neighborhoods would be ruined in a matter of weeks. Don’t believe me? Just look at what happened during Hurricane Katrina. Or whenever their favorite basketball team loses. Or wins. White people, on the other hand, almost always respond to a crisis by working together.

  14. Right, Sam. Tea Partiers, being whites, certainly are disciplined and organized. All many of them need now, for becoming fully effective in fighting this war, is that last little bit of key essential information that has been kept from them. Their “second amendment forums” are the very best point of contact to lead them to broadly educating gun shows, such as this one Hunter attended, where they can finally make personal contact with fully conscious racism. Good post, Hunter.

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