Reconsidered: The League of the South

Michael Hill, President of the League of the South

An OD commentator recently altered me to a Tom Sunic interview with Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South which aired on The Sunic Journal back in April. In recent months, I had criticized the League in one of my threads. He thought the interview might be of some interest and recommended it with a short summary.


I can now report that I was pleasantly surprised. When I first discovered the League of the South eight years ago, I was initially very excited about it. Here was an impressive organization that advocated Southern independence from the United States. It seemed like the place to be.

My initial enthusiasm waned though as I learned more about the group. It seemed like the League of the South and the broader Neo-Confederate movement had caved to political correctness. Slogans like “Heritage, Not Hate” were commonly used back then. Black Confederates were played up. The Lincoln administration was attacked for its racist policies against negroes. There was a “Statement Against Racism” on the League website.

I remember coming away with a few other impressions as well. The League of the South seemed more interested in refighting the Civil War with Yankees than addressing the flood of Hispanic illegal aliens pouring across the Mexican border. It was too stridently Christian and propounded the idea the idea of an ancient ethnic antagonism between Southern Celts and Northern Anglo-Saxons.

What finally soured me on the League of the South was their unwillingness to defend White Southerners as a racial and ethnic group. They only wanted to talk about Southern culture. I remember reading a League position paper somewhere which proposed a multiracial Confederacy (White, Black, Hispanic) based on social equality. If that is the ultimate goal of Southern independence, why bother to restore the Confederacy? That’s the system we have now.

Around 2002 or 2003, I drifted out of Neo-Confederate circles. I grew interested in White Nationalism and have been involved in this scene ever since. The Southern Nationalist movement seemed like an abortion. With each passing year, I heard less and less about the League of the South until it fell off my radar screen entirely.

The Ethnostate

During the 2000s, White Nationalism waxed and Southern Nationalism waned. There has been an internal debate within the White Nationalist community about the final location of the White ethnostate. The most popular destination in our circles has been the Northwest. A smaller number of voices have advocated the Southeast. A significant number of White Nationalists subscribe to a vision of preserving the Union and deporting all non-Whites within our borders.

Southern White Nationalists have been more reluctant to uproot themselves and migrate to other regions of the United States. The Confederacy is usually viewed in a favorable light. Southerners are more inclined to support a decentralized White Republic than a centralized National Socialist dictatorship. There is a bit of wishful thinking that blacks and Hispanics will one day disappear.

Christianity is not viewed as skeptically in the South as it is elsewhere. The Council of Conservative Citizens is a Christian organization. The Ku Klux Klan is Christian. The League of the South is Christian. Most of the Southern organizations that are labeled “hate groups” by the SPLC are more religious than secular. Most of the pagans who live in the South tend to be migrants from the Northern and Western states.

Unlike other parts of the United States, the South was once an independent nation. The bloodiest war the Union ever fought was the one against the Confederacy. For decades after the War Between the States, Southerners were allowed a kind of home rule. We enjoyed the freedom to regulate race relations according to our customs.

Southerners already have an alternative ethnic identity to fall back on. As attenuated as the Confederate tradition might be today, it nevertheless exists, and could potentially be activated again. Monuments to Confederate heroes can be found in almost any Southern town. The South has an indigenous culture and geographic borders that could become the focal point of a separatist movement.

What does the South have that the Northwest lacks? Blood, culture, history, heritage,  borders, ideology, a culture of secession, racial antagonism, and latent racial consciousness. It makes more sense to build upon what already exists here than to build a nation from scratch in the Northwest.

But what about the other separatist groups? The League of the South, the Texas Nationalist Movement, and the Christian Exodus? Would they cooperate with Southern White Nationalists to promote secession from the United States?

The League of the South

For once, the League of the South seems to have changed its tune. In the Sunic interview, Michael Hill described Sam Dickson as a good friend of many years. He seemed eager to cooperate with known racialists like James Edwards, Tom Sunic, and Kevin MacDonald in a “think tank” project. Hill also had kind words to say about Sam Francis who died in 2005.

The League seems to have given up on the idea of winning certification as a “respectable organization” from the likes of the SPLC and ADL. They have been officially listed as a “hate group” for as long as I can remember. I was browsing the SPLC “hate group” map the other day and noticed the League of the South was particularly active in Alabama and Mississippi.

According to Hill, the League hasn’t received much media attention lately because they don’t pick fights with other organizations and have been focused on the unglamorous work of building up their state and local chapters. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. It coincides with my own thinking on the subject.

As the interview continued, Dr. Hill continued to impress me: he noted that the South has always been a welcoming society and would accept White immigrants who were serious about joining us; he endorsed Southern ethnonationalism based on kith, kin, and culture; he advocated secession as a means to the end of closing our border with Mexico; he advocated loyalty to ethny, state, and local community; he encouraged secularists to join the Southern independence movement; he described the “Yankee” as a mindset toward Southerners rather than as a people.

Kowtowing to PC hasn’t won the Southern Nationalist movement any friends. Colonel Reb has been removed as the Ole Miss mascot. The Confederate flag was hauled down in Mississippi and South Carolina. The NAACP launched their boycott. The SPLC labeled the League of the South a “hate group” anyway. For two decades, every symbol of Southern heritage has been under relentless attack from Jews and blacks. These people are hostile toward Southern Whites and wish us nothing but harm. Meanwhile, Hispanics are displacing us in Texas and Florida, and now even in states like Georgia and North Carolina.

The idea that blacks can be converted to Southern Nationalism is so retarded that it is truly amazing it was ever taken seriously. The most stalwart supporters of the South have always been White racialists. What sense does it make to alienate your base to appease people who will never join you?

If the Southern independence movement ever hopes to grow, it needs to come to terms with the reality of ethnic self interest. The only people we can count on are our own folk and our racial kinsmen in other areas who consider themselves well wishers. The race based grievance groups that now exist have too much to gain from the present system to ever advocate its destruction.

Note: This is the first installment in a series of essays about the South as a potential location for a White ethnostate.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Joann Dee

    “Yup, quite a few “Southern” white girls really like dark meat.”

    What? By “quite a few” do you mean “virtually none”?

  2. Looks like the League of the South learned that anti-racist pronouncements doesn’t endear one to the likes of the ADL and SPLC. If anything they hate the mildly racialist conservative types with as much vigor as a virulently anti-semitic Nazi. Attempting to placate our enemies as a worthless pursuit but it seems some among us are painfully slow learners and insist on taking respectability to ridiculous limits.

    To those who observed that Southerners appear philo-semitic in spite of the smear campaign being waged against them by Jewish Hollywood I recall a story told by George Lincoln Rockwell. He mentioned that when he was traveling throughout the South people would often ask him “We agree with your position on the niggers, but what do you have against Jews?”. Yet, when he traveled in Northern states people would ask, “We agree with your position on the Jews, but what do have against blacks?”

    Southern states have the lowest percentage of Jews even to this day so most Southerners have little or no practical experience in dealing with them. Hence, their indifferent or favorable attitudes towards Jews. Contrary to what Southerners believe about race relations in the North, blacks were largely segregated into urban ghettos until the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. As such, many Northerners had little experience dealing with large numbers of blacks on a daily basis and had little reason to be wary of them.

    When the races did clash whites would dismiss it as just a few “bad blacks”. Affirmative action and cheap mortgages have enabled blacks to move into formerly white neighborhoods and send their kids white schools. As result Northern whites are becoming more racially conscious than ten or twenty years ago and I expect that trend to continue.

  3. “I can just feel the love and solidarity coming off our northern brothers in waves.”

    It is not so much that as that we just get annoyed at so many Southerners constantly making absurd statements about the South that flat aren’t true.

    There is much to like about the South, but the South that exists here in this universe bears little resemblance to the one we hear so much about.

    And I will make the point one more time here: hardly any of you Southerners have ever even visited the North, much less lived there for years or maybe decades, while almost all of us “Yankees” who comment and voice our observations on the South have lived in the South for long periods of time.

    So far as our observations and opinions being wrong, according to you all, well, this morning I left Indiana to come back to my home in the South for some business I have this week. I had been in Southeast Indiana for over a month, and I had literally not seen a black. However, within two hours of crossing the Ohio river I started passing cars with not only blacks, but several with blacks with white women. Around Tennessee I stopped at a wal mart, and soon as I got in the door I saw a mixed couple. I had to go to the rest room and immediately upon exiting, I saw another mixed couple. All told I saw four white girls with black men. Moreover, I saw two white couples in their fifties or early sixties happily pushing a cart with what must have been their mulatto grand baby.

    And that is about par for the course every trip back.

    Later, I stopped to eat. Since I take my dog with me and it is hot now, I let her out of the car and tie her up. While i was tying her, I heard a voice and turned around and a black was asking me if I lived in the area and if I knew where he could get a key made. Two white girls was in the front seat with him, one with her legs jacked up on the dash.

    Inside the restaurant was a white girl with her mixed baby.

    Traveling on, I saw four more mixed couples on the road.

    I got home about 8, cleaned up and went to a place I go to some here. While there three different blacks came, and each was with some whites and they were friendly and looked as though it was standard for them to be out and about together. And it is because I see the same thing every time I go there and everywhere else too.

    As a matter of fact, and as I already said, ALL of this was standard and what I see every time and know to expect. And it is the exact same when I travel even deeper into the South.

    In Indiana I use the word nigger whenever I’m out having a drink or eating or seeing someone while shopping. Not only doesn’t anyone bat an eye, but that is usually the word everyone else uses too when referring to blacks. And I often do my drinking at a country club and golf course there. Down here, on the other hand, I usually don’t even bring up blacks and figured I might as well stop saying nigger whenever I’m out eating or drinking. The best that happens is everyone gets real quiet and starts looking uncomfortable.

    I could give many more examples and stories.

    To borrow a Southern phrase, “don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s rain” about there not being “hardly” any race mixing in the South and that the South is going to be the origin of a white racial movement.

  4. “Note: Half of America’s black population relocated to the North in the Jim Crow era.”

    They came up North during the World Wars to work in the plants and factories when all the white men were gone to war.

    And when an Alabama construction contractor brought a bunch of blacks up for cheap labor on one particular big job, Davis-Bacon was passed to enforce that federally funded construction projects had to pay prevailing wages. This stopped the bringing up and use of cheap nigger labor on Northern construction jobs for decades. And to this day Northern Union construction workers despise blacks being on a job and keep them to a minimum and no more than are required by law to have on federal projects.

    They are not any better liked in the plants and factories.

  5. I’ve experienced the good, the bad and the ugly in all regions of White America…
    The South in general is a bit unnerving to those from the Northeast though. I think it’s the whole irrational bible-thumper shit (Northern, urban catholic-derived people aren’t particularly religious), and the fact that you can’t get a buyback from a bartender no matter how much you tip or buy rounds. Also that disgusting red ‘ketchup sauce’ on the meatloaf…big turnoff. Oh yeah, and scrapple! blech

  6. And I will make the point one more time here: hardly any of you Southerners have ever even visited the North, much less lived there for years or maybe decades, while almost all of us “Yankees” who comment and voice our observations on the South have lived in the South for long periods of time.

    I also find that this is generally true, except in the case of intelligent Texans who tend to escape Texas for extended periods of time.

    I lived in South Carolina for around two years. I loved it though. I didn’t have any of the hospitality issues that Brutus did though. However, I noticed many of the other issues that he brought up.

  7. You folks who don’t like or don’t appreciate Southerners’ regional identity and who’re proud that other sections lack such identity are on the wrong track. You seem to be (still) married to the idea that the whole USA should be your country. Haven’t you learned anything from the history of such a huge land mass being held together by force? It invariably ends up being run by the wrong people who know that inferiors are always greater in number and can always be counted on to force whatever current policy might be on the better people. The only way that Whites will ever regain their sovereignty is by breaking this crocodile up into smaller countries. In order to do that you need to identify with a particular region. Once that is accomplished, you’ll find that healthy racial instincts will rise back to the surface – because, as a first step, you will have established the idea that there are differences between peoples.

    Having said that, there needn’t be hostility between regions. In fact, I’d like to see something like ambassadorial elements of the different regions’ activist organizations. Yes, we must work together. That doesn’t mean that we have to be trying to take the same ground.

    I’m tellin’ ya, divide the monster up and you’ll conquer him.

  8. I guess if the separation of the various nations of Yugoslavia was doable, then so too could it be done here. However, I do realize that “Yugoslavia” as a political entity was artificially cobbled together in the first place, so maybe that changes things, not sure what to believe.

  9. Vlad Katonic, scrapple is not southern.

    Scrapple is best known as a regional American food of the Mid-Atlantic States (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland).

  10. Honestly some of you are extremely petty. You’re no better than Leftists and antis who enjoy sadistically degrading Whites with miscegenation and stereotypes. Gloating and exaggerating about how much our women miscegenate when Southerners or Northern Europeans even mildly assert their identities is typical and disgusting.

  11. You folks who don’t like or don’t appreciate Southerners’ regional identity and who’re proud that other sections lack such identity are on the wrong track.

    Ridiculous! I love the South. If my wife wasn’t a freaking ice person I would move back.

    The only way that Whites will ever regain their sovereignty is by breaking this crocodile up into smaller countries.

    A man after my own heart.

  12. “You seem to be (still) married to the idea that the whole USA should be your country. ”

    And there is the entire dichotomy.

    I have given some very specific examples of observations of the MODERN South, none of which has a damn thing to do with the Civil War. Yet you do not even see these things and instead, (1), talk about an imaginary South that no longer exists, and (2) completely ignore what is specifically cited as critical and go right on talking about the Civil War.

    And I will repeat this one more time as well: No one north of Georgia spends a single minute even thinking of that war the way you do, much less is still harboring any kind of grudge or sense of wanting to keep the South down.

    It is obvious to me that while what must be only a very few Southerners maintain a fantasy about the South being some sort of white racial state like it was in the distant past, the rest of the South is doing everything it can to distance itself from any racial pride.

  13. Saw an article today in the Wall Street Journal talking about interracial marriages. They are the highest in the West, the same amount in the South and Northeast, and lowest in the Midwest. The high level of Asians in the West is why the figure is the highest there I would guess.

  14. KH,

    It is not a North vs. South issue. I have no interest in refighting the Civil War. I simply think the South is a better location for a White ethnostate. There is a similar movement in the Northwest and I support that one too.


    This is the Pew Research Center study on new marriages in 2008.

    Data from the appendix:

    New Marriages for Men in 2008
    Race/ethnicity of spouses

    White men: White 91%, Hispanic 4%, Asian 2%, Black 1%
    Black men: Black 78%, White 13%, Hispanic 5%, Asian 2%
    Hispanic men: Hispanic 74%, White 21%, Black 1%, Asian 1%
    Asian men: Asian 80%, White 14%, Hispanic 4%, Black 1%

    New Marriages for Women in 2008
    Race/ethnicity of spouses

    White women: White 91%, Hispanic 5%, Black 2%, Asian 1%
    Black women: Black 91%, White 5%, Hispanic 2%, Asian 1%
    Hispanic women: Hispanic 75%, White 20%, Black 3%, Asian 1%
    Asian women: Asian 61%, White 31%, Hispanic 4%, Black 3%

  16. Percent of Newlyweds with Spouse of a Different Race/Ethnicity, by Race for States and Regions, 2008


    US. 14.5%

    Northeast 12.6%
    Midwest 10.7%
    South 13.2%
    West 21.4%

    Alabama 10%
    Alaska (less than 5,000 in group)
    Arizona 21%
    Arkansas 8%
    California 22%
    Colorado 21%
    Connecticut 14%
    Delaware (less than 5,000 in group)
    District of Columbia (less than 5,000 in group)
    Florida 16%
    Georgia 12%
    Hawaii 43%
    Idaho 12%
    Illinois 13%
    Indiana 10%
    Iowa 10%
    Kansas 13%
    Kentucky 8%
    Massachusetts 11%
    Michigan 11%
    Minnesota 9%
    Mississippi 5%
    Missouri 10%
    Montana 11%
    Nebraska 13%
    Nevada 28%
    New Hampshire 6%
    New Jersey 17%
    New Mexico 22%
    New York 13%
    North Carolina 11%
    North Dakota 10%
    Ohio 9%
    Oklahoma 23%
    Oregon 24%
    Pennsylvania 11%
    Rhode Island 15%
    South Carolina 10%
    South Dakota 10%
    Tennessee 9%
    Texas 18%
    Utah 12%
    Vermont (less than 5,000 in group)
    Virginia 13%
    Washington 20%
    West Virginia 13%
    Wisconsin 10%
    Wyoming (less than 5,000 in group)

  17. Percent of Newlyweds with Spouse of a Different Race/Ethncity, by Race for States and Regions, 2008


    U.S. 8.9%

    Northeast 7.4%
    Midwest 5.5%
    South 8.4%
    West 15.5%

    Alabama 6%
    Alaska 13%
    Arizona 15%
    Arkansas 4%
    California 20%
    Colorado 14%
    Connecticut 8%
    Delaware (less than 5,000 in group)
    District of Columbia (less than 5,000 in group)
    Florida 10%
    Georgia 7%
    Hawaii 32%
    Idaho 7%
    Illinois 7%
    Indiana 6%
    Iowa 5%
    Kansas 7%
    Kentucky 5%
    Louisiana 6%
    Maine 3%
    Maryland 6%
    Massachusetts 6%
    Michigan 5%
    Minnesota 5%
    Mississippi 3%
    Missouri 5%
    Montana 6%
    Nebraska 7%
    Nevada 22%
    New Hampshire 3%
    New Jersey 11%
    New Mexico 20%
    New York 9%
    North Carolina 6%
    North Dakota 5%
    Ohio 5%
    Oklahoma 15%
    Oregon 14%
    Pennsylvania 6%
    Rhode Island 8%
    South Carolina 6%
    South Dakota 5%
    Tennessee 5%
    Texas 15%
    Utah 7%
    Vermont 0%
    Virginia 8%
    Washington 12%
    West Virginia 7%
    Wisconsin 5%
    Wyoming 10%

  18. Brutus doesn’t know anything about the South, aside from his fart stories.

    And the LOL is obnoxious just like Tom Watson’s.


  19. I’ve lived in PA for a good portion of my life and don’t recall ever seeing scrapple on the menu anywhere…maybe the Dutchies eat it. I’ll have to consult the natives and get back to ya!

  20. Demographics should also be taken into account. Obviously an area with a much smaller non-White population will have less intermarriage. Still, the West is in pretty bad shape, lots of intermarriage with mestizos and Asians.

    What really irks me is when some Whites are so stupid and oblivious as to think mestizos (sometimes Afro-mestizos) and half-Asians are White.

  21. “Brutus doesn’t know anything about the South…”

    Or maybe too much that is all too familiar to you?

    But tell one thing I have stated that is not true. One thing.


    The problem with the marriage statistics has already been pointed out. Mariage and dating, sex, habitual running around and finding new one night stands, short term relationships, etc., are all different things.


    Some time back, there was a subject similar to the one on this website right now discussed. In the deep South a witness reported seeing a very nice lifted pick up truck with first rate, custom paint job of a Rebel Flag on the hood. Inside was a very attractive Southern girl and her black lover.


    There are two primary reasons for the high rate of race mixing Southern women and girls: The South is The Bible Belt. We all know what gospel is being preached in the churches these days. The second reason is even more fundamental, and ironic in the extreme. The younger and upper middle classes of the South are desperate to distance themselves from the image of the backward Southerner. And this means rebelling against cousin Billy Bob and daddy Redneck and all his cousins and kin. Nothing does that like bedding down with a nigger.

    These young women are rebels, you see. So in a sense they are still quite Southern in tradition.

  22. I can just feel the love and solidarity coming off our northern brothers in waves.

    It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Attack northerners as northerners and then snidely remark that you’re not feeling the love when they respond in kind. What did you expect? It’s like kicking a dog, he snarls back at you in response, and you say, “See? I told you he was a bad dog.”

    I’ve lived in PA for a good portion of my life and don’t recall ever seeing scrapple on the menu anywhere

    It’s big in the Philadelphia area. I’ve never actually heard of it being popular in any other part of the country outside of Philly. It’s definitely not a southern thing.

  23. There is race mixing in the South today because we are a conquered province of the United States.

    1.) In every Southern state, there were once vigorous laws against miscegenation, but they were struck down (against public opinion) by the Supreme Court in 1967.

    2.) The Supreme Court, Congress, and the Presidency forced integration on the South in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The National Guard was used to this effect in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama.

    3.) Blacks have political power in the South because of the Voting Rights Act which our Senators filibustered.

    4.) Mexicans are flooding across our Southern border because Washington fails to enforce our immigration laws. Washington also gave us the Immigration Act of 1964 which Southerners overwhelmingly voted against in Congress.

    5.) Southern children are brainwashed in American public schools which are forced to adhere to federal guidelines.

    6.) The degenerate culture of the United States (especially from New York City and Los Angeles) is pumped into the South through print, radio, and television.

    Of course the South has lost its way. That was exactly the result which was predicted and warned against by the segregationists who fought integration. We lost control of our own society – first on the battlefield, later in national politics – and have been absorbed into the American mainstream.

    We don’t have the power to set our own mores, customs, and values. Everything has to have Washington’s rubber stamp of approval now. Northern Jews have the “freedom” to come here and agitate against “racism” and spread cultural rabies in the name of “human rights.”

    The degeneration you see in the American South can be seen in any other European country. You can see it Eastern Europe where young girls were exposed to heavily promoted niggers like Michael Jackson as soon as the Berlin Wall fell. When you live this close to a cultural sewer, it tends to poison your water.

  24. It’s funny, i work in philly but I’ve never seen it anywhere. not that i was looking for it. i’ve seen scrapple alot in maryland, especially along RT15… if you order a philly cheesesteak up here in Reading PA, they put some awful red sauce on it, unless you specifically order it ‘naked’. The sauce is really sweet like a barbecue sauce. I have no idea where that started but it’s just plain wrong!

  25. The degenerate culture of the United States (especially from New York City and Los Angeles) is pumped into the South through print, radio, and television.

    California wasn’t even a state until 1850! How many Californians fought on the side of the North in the Civil War? How the hell do I even get lumped in with the “Yanks” on this one?

    I didn’t figure you as a “woe is me” type Hunter. Is the South responsible for any of its own problems or is it solely the fault of carpet-baggers from California and Jews from New York?

  26. The degenerate culture of the United States (especially from New York City and Los Angeles) is pumped into the South through print, radio, and television.

    This “culture” is pumped into the minds of people all over the world. I was surprised to find out how much American television Europeans watch, many of them are more engrossed in it than Americans.

  27. California wasn’t even a state until 1850! How many Californians fought on the side of the North in the Civil War? How the hell do I even get lumped in with the “Yanks” on this one?

    California set the legal precedent for pro-miscegenation when they ruled anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional.

    Those who keep exaggerating the miscegenation in the South are only showing their own anti-Southern bias. The states with the highest rates of miscegenation are not in the South, yet there is nothing said about them.

    All nine states with out-marriage rates of 20% or more in 2008 are situated west of the Mississippi River: Hawaii (43%); Nevada (28%); Oregon (24%); Oklahoma (23%); California (22%); New Mexico (22%); Colorado (21%); Arizona (21%); and Washington (20%).

    Miscegenation with Africans is the most repugnant, but Whites miscegenating with Asians and Hispanics is the greatest threat to the integrity of our gene pool as it’s much more numerous and those hybrid offspring are more often accepted as White.

  28. Of course I would assign some of the blame to the South. Over the last three generations, we haven’t fought hard enough to preserve our race and culture. I planned to address this and other matters in a separate essay about the weaknesses of the South (religion, conservatism, sports, patriotism) as a location of the ethnostate.

  29. Indisputably, the sick culture that comes in from the metropoles (Hollywood-DC-NYC) through print, radio, and television has had a degenerating effect on Southern culture. This is equally true of America in general. What holds for Tennessee is also true of Idaho.

  30. I think refighting the Civil War is a stupid idea. We should focus on creating a White ethnostate. If we create one in the South, that would be ideal. If we create one in the Northwest, I might consider relocating there. Hell, if we created a White ethnostate in Vermont, I would be all for it. Whatever it takes to get us out from underneath the boot of Washington.

  31. No group is blameless, but some deserve more of the blame than others. Let’s give credit where credit is due, not play some kind of egalitarian game where we’re all equal and there are no differences in peoples or cultures.

  32. California set the legal precedent for pro-miscegenation when they ruled anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional.

    That wasn’t my point.

    Those who keep exaggerating the miscegenation in the South are only showing their own anti-Southern bias. The states with the highest rates of miscegenation are not in the South, yet there is nothing said about them.

    How many times do I have to say I love the South? I love Richard Weaver, that son of the South who started the eye-opening process for me.

    The facts don’t say “highest miscegenation” rates. They say something else. We’ll never have those stats because it is politically incorrect to even collect that data.

    I have a “we’re in this together” attitude about the whole situation. At least for now. We’ll worry about local identities after we create the White nation.

  33. I think refighting the Civil War is a stupid idea. We should focus on creating a White ethnostate. If we create one in the South, that would be ideal. If we create one in the Northwest, I might consider relocating there. Hell, if we created a White ethnostate in Vermont, I would be all for it. Whatever it takes to get us out from underneath the boot of Washington.

    Amen to that! That is productive talk.

  34. I think refighting the Civil War is a stupid idea. We should focus on creating a White ethnostate. If we create one in the South, that would be ideal.

    Make no mistake tho, we are fighting a civil war, just the stakes have been raised, we’re fighting for our very racial survival now.

    Those who may descend from recent immigrants have no concept of a cultural state like the South, so of course they either don’t understand or are antagonistic towards it.

  35. I planned to address this and other matters in a separate essay about the weaknesses of the South (religion, conservatism, sports, patriotism) as a location of the ethnostate.

    Perhaps you should make it more comprehensive and analyze the entire country, listing the strengths of weaknesses of all regions. Make it a multi-part essay.

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