Last week, I outlined a vision for developing an activist community online which borrows heavily from the successful processes found in the open source software development community. Several who commented agreed that this may be a promising path to pursue, while others were (understandably) skeptical. The most promising thing for me was watching a community-driven collaborative project spring up from the comments themselves. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s landmark book, 200 Years Together, a detailed account of the historical relationship between Russians and Jews, has yet to be translated into English. Several of the readers jumped in and offered to assist with translating it. While legal considerations made it expedient to separate that project from Occidental Dissent, I consider the episode a powerful proof of concept.
Professor MacDonald recently reported that one of the most compelling chapters, Chapter 20: In the Camps of the Gulag, is already available online. Many of the other chapters appear to be in progress.
While I firmly support efforts like the American Third Position and my Indiana Chapter of the CofCC, our limited finances and limited access to resources that other advocacy movements can take for granted – like hotel conference rooms – force us to explore creative strategies in addition to these. The Continental Army is one such attempt, an attempt to incubate and maintain advocacy projects from within our virtual community here at Occidental Dissent. There’s been an ongoing debate about the utility of so-called keyboard commandos, and I see this project as an opportunity to prove that these “keyboard commandos” are indeed capable of achieving quantifiable objectives.
This strategy isn’t without precedent, as the Ron Paul revolution and its evil twin, the Tea Party Movement, were both orchestrated by motivated online communities which only developed significant real world presences after building the groundwork from within forums and blogs much like what we have here. Hunter Wallace has expressed his vision of Occidental Dissent becoming for our community what LewRockwell.com has become for the paleolibertarian community. I believe we’ll not only achieve that goal, but surpass it, and The Continental Army will hopefully prove critical in establishing this site as the fountainhead of information and activism where the most serious and motivated in our movement come to make it happen.
The Continental Army is an emergent project, which is a fancy way of saying that we’ll be making a lot of it up as we go along. It will begin, however, with two primary components…
The Forum
We’ve created a new forum, The Continental Army, which will have a thread devoted to each project. It will be the core, with the additional components serving to catalyze the communication that will take place on those threads. Anybody is able to create a project, just as if he were creating any other thread. The leadership, consisting of only myself at this time, will use some discretion in determining what types of projects can or cannot be instantiated, but the general rule is that anything goes unless it’s legally dubious, unrelated to the cause, or deeply problematic. These are all relative judgments, but we’re not going to be too picky.
The Ranks
One way in which the “continental army” will model a real army (perhaps the only way) is that we’ll be awarding merit-based ranks to the participants. This isn’t because we take ourselves that seriously or wish to imply that it’s an actual army. It’s simply an attempt to develop our own “parallel status system“. If a man invests weeks of effort in making an excellent contribution to the cause, then he should be conferred esteem commensurate with his accomplishment. The following structure is what we’ll start with, and may change as the community develops.
- Cadet
Somebody who has either created a project or is participating in an existing project but who hasn’t actually helped bring a project to completion, yet. Everybody who participates is a cadet until they’re told otherwise.
- Lieutenant
A lieutenant is somebody who has either completed a solitary project or played a key role in the completion of a collaborative project. It’s at the captain’s discretion to nominate lieutenants from among the cadets at the completion of a collaborative project.
- Captain
A captain is somebody who has completed a sizable collaborative project. Upon the completion of a sizable collaborative project, he may nominate any of the cadets who played key roles in the development of the project for being upgraded to lieutenants.
- Major
No more than one out of every three captains, at the discretion of the project leadership and suggestion of fellow lieutenants and captains, is to be upgraded to this rank.
- Colonel
This is an honorary rank bestowed on participants or supporters of the project who haven’t necessarily done anything. This will be granted to professors, sponsors, and respected movement leaders at the discretion of the project leadership.
- General
These are the project leadership, the moderators who monitor existing projects, incubate new projects, maintain abandoned projects, reward ranks to appropriate candidates, and speak on behalf of the Continental Army project itself. Their primary purposes are to facilitate and coordinate.
You’re welcome to disregard the ranks while contributing to a project. The rank will be maintained in a publicly accessible Google Spreadsheet that correlates to the name you use on the forum. If you’re truly averse to the whole thing and you wish to opt out of being designated with a rank, then you can contact one of the Generals about this and we’ll gladly remove your name or pseudonym from the list.
Starter Projects
We already have some starter projects to get the ball rolling.
This is an excellent book about “How we are losing our nation and what every American must know”. It’s the perfect introduction to White Advocacy and it’s available as a free e-book.
We’re starting a book club. It will be driven by weekly blog posts that assign the reading and ask some questions as conversation starters. It will hopefully educate us and potentially draw a new audience in to structured and polished expositions of our beliefs and perspectives.
This will be our response to the $PLC’s laughable “Hate Map“.
Disclaimer: The Continental Army is only an “army” of non-violent political activists, not an actual military. Discussing or promoting violence is neither promoted nor tolerated here. Our borrowing of officer ranks is in keeping with the Continental Army theme, and does not equate with a true military rank.
I would relabel those military ranks to something else. A Novice has merely signed up. A journeyman is engaged in a project where upon completion he moves into numeric circle or tier ranks for example. Have a councilor title for overachievers.
The military ranks are hard to take seriously if only because the real life ones require significantly more time and effort to attain.
The military ranks go along with the “Continental Army” theme. If the general feeling matches your own, then I’m definitely willing to explore a different theme like the one you’re suggesting.
I’m impressed. The military theme also seems a bit… inappropriate? I don’t have any ideas on how to replace it for now, though.
Interesting , though I think you’ll find this a difficult and often unrewarding endeavor . What do you hope to accomplish? You cannot change a multi-poly glot society like America as a Tea Party might influence politics. Do you realize new parties , like Tea Parties in challenging the existing system invite revolution instead of fixing what exist. What we have today is what happened in Rome and other places. The New Party members would rather destroy the system than disband. A dangerous political environment.
The military theme , though noble, seems like it would be presented in an aggressive spin on white concerns , thus aiding the multi cultist , one that could be exploited. Perhaps a modified Roman system would be more inclusive? Just as The US founding fathers used the Roman King Cincinnatus as an example, was set up as a symbol in the founding of Cincinnati , Ohio because of his honorable duty being the example of the strong citizen soldier a farmer who rose to defend his homeland out of duty. Only to return to the field after being King.
I’m going to respectfully disagree with what I believe to be a defeatist perspective which ignores the numerous times throughout history that a small band of dedicated radicals shifted the course of history.
I like the idea of using that ranking designation shown in the link you provided, though I don’t know how well newbs would take to being labeled “slaves”.
I did say ‘ Modified’. You may see my post as defeatist but this battle of white survival is like no other in history. You cannot compare this fight with the founding of America and a continental Army. Better to organize a society that intends to survive as a minority even while living amongst their own kin. The rally cry of WN’s is like no other . I think whites will survive just fine but we will not retake lands from a Christian , Jewish, Muslim , world all these religious groups support a poly glot world. We best take care of our own best we can .
Cool idea. The only suggestion i’d make is start the ranks lower down, private, corporal, sergeant etc, but then again maybe this is more of an activist West Point – which sort of makes sense i guess.
Well, the project is actually agnostic about the actual direction that specific projects take. I’m sure that somebody with your inclination, that of developing small groups dropping out, could come up with some useful collaborative projects commensurate with that direction.
I’m a big fan of diversity in strategy. It’s probably wise that some people drop out, that some fight out in the open, that some people hide behind pseudonyms, that some quietly work within hostile institutions, that some bury rifles in undisclosed locations, and that some stick flowers in rifles instead. People have a lot of legitimate reasons to remain anonymous and everybody has their own unique personal situation to consider.
I don’t entirely agree with your take on Christianity and its association with supporting “a polyglot world”. It’s certainly the view among a majority of Christians today, but I believe that’s most simply understood as a product of our religious institutions caving to modernity. Traditional Catholics typically abide by “organic society” perspectives which embrace families, clans, and nations as healthy and important institutions to defend. Orthodox Nationalism is probably the best example of nationalism and Christianity being harmonious. Religious institutions in the South were at the forefront of defending their pro-White traditions.
I am not saying that Christianity in and of itself is the answer to our problem. I’m not saying that contemporary Christian institutions are anything other than grave threats to White Americans and Whites worldwide.
I gave the idea of adding enlisted ranks some consideration, but got to a point where I felt I was getting lost in the process and losing sight of accomplishing the primary goal as simply and directly as possible. If there’s some way we can include them which adds value rather than complexity, I’m certainly willing to consider that.
I changed my mind as i typed – activist West Point is better 🙂
Sounds cool, but I fear using the terms army and ranks will only give ammunition to the enemy. They will use it prove malign intent.
It would be great if we could use a name, a badge, a T shirt etc. But dangerous, better to have no fixed name, badge etc. Best to try and paint as an innocent bucolic picture as possible.
Lowest rank should be:
Freed slave
Then maybe:
And so on….
The thought of an “Activist West Point” reminds me of something. I would like this to not only be a place where activists can get stuff done, but a place where activists can learn entirely new skills and strategies. I reckon developing some sort of training manual for White Advocates would be a cool project for somebody.
I have quite a bit of something that would serve as a good foundation for that in the Simple White Advocacy Guide I’ve been working on.
There’s just too much stuff that needs to be done!
“While legal considerations made it expedient to separate that project from Occidental Dissent, I consider the episode a powerful proof of concept.”
Yes. Next?
Just tuned out of the live feed from the historic first “Congress” of the American Third Position Party, provided by Voice of Reason Radio. I suggest readership here to look for archive downloads at either VoR Radio or at A3P, not sure where they will end up.
Some history is in the making with these folks, and regardless of differences of position (strategy/tactics), all here who are here in good faith should consider becoming members and giving support.
Listen to the commentary by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Dr. Tomislav Sunic, and others and you’ll see what I mean.
Since legal issues got in the way of the “200 yrs zuzammen” project … what’s next.
Sorry … I’m still catching my breath from the A3P Congress. Very inspiring.
I suppose I should have read the WHOLE POST, right? Sorry …
“Interesting , though I think you’ll find this a difficult and often unrewarding endeavor . What do you hope to accomplish?”
We have two projects. Always keep that in mind. One is social-political the other is cultural: Getting things done as whites and being white. Matt, do me a favor. Set up a starter project for a mirror of this: http://www.jpppi.org.il/
“Policy Planning Institute for Western People”
Say Parrot……”I’m a big fan of diversity in strategy. It’s probably wise that some people drop out, that some fight out in the open, that some people hide behind pseudonyms, that some quietly work within hostile institutions, that some bury rifles in undisclosed locations, and that some stick flowers in rifles instead. People have a lot of legitimate reasons to remain anonymous and everybody has their own unique personal situation to consider.”
Agreed…. and whatever strategy or group of strategies show’s itself to be helpful for whites, helps whites to survive should gain support from the whole of white agenda. Myself, I personally feel that with WN’s limited resources and supporters small is better.That in our modern world were race is not seen as important we must be realistic . Most of the western world sees themselves as morally superior if they can dis own there racial heritage. The Christian Church has promoted racial integration since Christ, said all men are equal. The WN approach must look at the world as it is, as Julius Caesar once said.. ” The grown man knows the world he lives in” There are simply to many powerful interest of many types that would find a white cause counter to their goals. I’m not saying we can’t win , we will , but it will start from a seed not a storm. Whites are less than 10% of humanity and we are moving towards a minority status even in our own homelands, this is reality. Any strategy that helps whites as a racial group is good. I for one, feel a private Society Founded with the intent to allow like minded whites to live in safe , clean and pleasant housing is the best strategy. In other word’s white communities organized through a social network, though not publicly called Whites Nationalist.. Such as housing that rents to members of the society.
This would be a save start for young and even retired to live without fear.
Matt Parrott
“I have quite a bit of something that would serve as a good foundation for that in the Simple White Advocacy Guide I’ve been working on.”
Yes, a WN “Rules for Radicals.” I had a similar idea myself for one specific aspect of that.
“That in our modern world were race is not seen as important we must be realistic.”
Everyone thinks race is important. The only exception are young white people who are still in, or recently left, the indoctrination factories. When they get older they join the 95% of white people (outside of eastern europe) who *say* they don’t think it’s important.
“Most of the western world sees themselves as morally superior if they can disown there racial heritage.”
This is only true of 95% of white people outside eastern europe and most of them are lying
“The Christian Church has promoted racial integration since Christ, said all men are equal.”
The Church supports the dominant culture. They used to preach slavery and segregation.
“The WN approach must look at the world as it is”
Yes, but the world isn’t how it looks – white flight proves it.
Good. The project needs advertising. So far there is only a couple of people who volunteered to help. More are needed.
Only to return to the field after being King.
After being dictator.
I like the idea of using that ranking designation shown in the link you provided, though I don’t know how well newbs would take to being labeled “slaves”.
Then just write “doulos” instead of slaves. Everybody will think it is exciting.
The Church supports the dominant culture. They used to preach slavery and segregation.
The Church does not alway support the dominant culture. Do you think when Nero was using the members of the Church as human torches to light his way that they were somehow supporting the dominant culture? We need to stomp this meme out now because it is not true.
‘Sounds cool, but I fear using the terms army and ranks will only give ammunition to the enemy. They will use it prove malign intent.’
I agree.
Is there any way to emphasize the notions of nurturing, repairing, rebuilding, etc.?
It would be a little too Indian to call this Satyagraha, but what this will be doing is closer to Gandhi than to the Swamp Fox.
For that matter, there were plenty of role models who might serve to underline the Americanism of the enterprise. Lindbergh, perhaps, or Henry Ford. Ranks could be factory themed : engine oiler, mechanic, etc., or aviation oriented, or anything except military.
Social Entrepreneur
Mind Weapon
But I think Matt’s ideas are all great, and I don’t think military ranks will make us get rounded up and put into camps. It’s an Intellectual Army, a Mind-Weapon Army.
I just think that the slave/peasant ranks that another commenter made are apt, and the higher ranks would be something like Social Entrepreneur and Mind Weapon. because that’s what we should strive for.
Amen to Kievsky above….
“The Church does not alway support the dominant culture. Do you think when Nero was using the members of the Church as human torches to light his way that they were somehow supporting the dominant culture? We need to stomp this meme out now because it is not true.”
Obviously not when Christianity is itself being persecuted by the dominant culture.
However, the point stands. The Church has completely turned around on issues of race since the dominant culture turned around on issues of race. Therefore it’s not some immutable problem. They can be turned round again.
(MP. I think The Continental Army name and officer ranks are a good idea – an army or advocates.)
Wandrin : “However, the point stands. The Church has completely turned around on issues of race since the dominant culture turned around on issues of race. Therefore it’s not some immutable problem. They can be turned round again.”
And just how is the WN’s movement going to change the christian , Jewish, Muslim etc cults views on race as whites are reduced to a minority?
Lets see the world and our condition for what is a struggle that will require unity and organization not fanciful idealism.
“And just how is the WN’s movement going to change the christian , Jewish, Muslim etc cults views on race as whites are reduced to a minority?”
One point at a time.
The Church has completely turned around on issues of race since the dominant culture turned around on issues of race. Therefore it’s not some immutable problem. They can (in theory) be turned round again.
As a project, why not look at supporting charities that support poor Whites in Appalachia?
Drawing nationwide White attention to the plight of our own and drawing media attention to WN organizations that are doing something to support poor White Communities dispels the “hate” camps myths about WN movements (MSMs/SPLC) and puts their self loathing White support base into a precarious position.
Seeing poor White communities in America on the TV is a taboo in our society -that is why we need to put the spotlight on the issue. It will eventually compel most good natured Whites to support their own who are not currently in the WN movement. We advertise our efforts and this will drive natural curiosity and hopefully start pulling more Whites into the WN movement once they realize the fight we are up against.
Also, to disrupt the liberal counter-attack, it would be too easy to call the “hate” camp on their BS as we are only taking care of our own and they are the ones who are against Whites supporting their own -they do not want us to unify. If we do, that is the tipping point and they know it.
I am with Kievsky with regards to the discussion on rank for your Continental Army Matt. This is an intellectual activist organization you are establishing and military ranks remind me of defunct militias which the Marxist MSM have plenty of old war footage (remember the Michigan Militia and all the rednecks wearing military rank?) to pull out to use against us.
I fully support your efforts, but think this should be marketed as an enlightenment movement and military ranks denote military action.
Charities – great idea
Ranks – if it’s not military ranks and Continental Army then perhaps something else that’s still historical, rooted in western civ and has a sense of solidity
cursus honorum was the Roman political ranking
Quaestor, Aedile, Tribune, Praetor, Proconsul, Consul
There must be a realization that as far as “christianity” is concerned, there is a false and a true. The “christianity” that is seen in the world as denominations, sects, etc, is part of the false.
It is a false system which “goes along to get along” with the system of this world, called Babylon. Symbolically it is a continuous playing out down through history of the intitial situation of Adam and Eve. She, historically represented down through the present day in which we have the female principle “on top” and men seemingly cowering in the closet; not all men mind you (no offence meant to the posters and commenters here), but a large portion, is continuously” feeding Adam” and he is eating the fruit she offers, thereby going along to get along.
Yes, wimpified “christianity” as is present today is one cause of many for the present circumstances. But that is changing, and you folks here are laying the foundation for the coming change.
Just keep in mind that TRUE christianity is actually “hidden in plain site” throughout the country in the lives of many individuals and families who are returning to the true gender roles as represented in the nature of the “two sphered” God.
Also: Joe webb has an excellent post up at occidental observer blog along the same lines of this post.
However, the point stands. The Church has completely turned around on issues of race since the dominant culture turned around on issues of race.
Well… Which is it? Is the Church simply Jewish poison that led the way, or is it the dominant culture that is corrupting the Church?
Not that you, yourself, have tried to have it both ways but the complaint is made in this contradictory fashion constantly in WN circles.
Yes. What Justin said. Preach it.
I have a personal view but i’ll go along with whatever i think would work best politically (however i’m not 100% sure what that is).
At this moment i go along with Greg Johnson’s line here:
Personally, my preferred option is Jesus as a hellenized jew who therefore rejected judaism completely (because it’s a ****ed up desert-nazi religion) but, like a horror movie monster, just as early Christianity was making its escape an old testament tentacle wrapped around it’s leg and attached itself like a blood-sucking parasite.
In essence that would mean New Testament only bounded by common sense and science i.e Diversity Kills, with a bit less celibacy and a bit more be fruitful and multiply.
But like i say i’ll go with whatever works best.
I think ranks are appropriate and fun, but it might be best to use archaic rank names, as they are not threatening and fit in with the theme. Some ideas:
1) Coronet
2) Adjutant
3) Captain
4) Major
5) Colonel
6) Brigadier
7) General
I am surprised that a few people are so concerned about being prosecuted by ZOG. I am not sure what Washington’s punishment was for cowardice during the Revolution, probably flogging. People that are afraid of receiving a rank probably would not be willing to do much of anything substantial, I would imagine.
Here is the link to a Christian Charity based in Johnson City, TN called the Appalachia Service Project (ASP): http://asphome.org/
ASP is one of several Charities that directly support White families in rural poor communities year round in Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, and West Virginia. The organization does not imply this directly, but you can see from going to their website that all the volunteers (college students, adult volunteers, etc) and families supported are White.
This Charity also has several online networks it uses for exposure of their activities such as Flickr, Twitter, facebook, and You Tube which could facilitate exposure to WN communities such as OD. Are there OD t-shirts volunteers could wear?
“I reckon developing some sort of training manual for White Advocates would be a cool project for somebody.”
I think Tom Metzger has something like this, “the Survivalists Manual,” or something like that. I have not seen a copy, but considering Metzger’s heavy emphasis on staying out of jail and under the radar of law enforcement, or, as he calls it, “the Iron Heel,” it no doubt is of some value.
Also, using the techniques of the Left, though modifying them for our purpose, is a must that needs to be stressed far more than it is. These methods work, as is obvious. Instead of using these methods, however, far too many Right Wingers reject them out of hand simply because the Left uses them. Techniques are like tools, however, and can be used as such.