The Hard Right

Harry Reid attempts to screw over White America and fails

District of Corruption

The final victory over the DREAM Act on the Senate floor in Washington yesterday was an important milestone in carving out a space for the “Hard Right” in pro-White circles.

I can envision a new tribe of White Nationalists that are relentlessly practical, realistic, engaged with the system, optimistic, adaptable, sympathetic towards ordinary people, not alienated, focused on tractable goals, willing to work with conservatives, make incremental progress, and reach out to build bridges to a mass constituency.

The motto of this movement: bark softly, bite modestly, but most importantly, hit back.

Yesterday, a faction of the White Nationalist community chose to “hit back” against the coalition of our enemies pushing the DREAM Act amnesty, and helped to deliver a knock out punch to their legislative agenda. They won’t be pulling themselves up off the floor for at least two years.

We have learned a few lessons from this experience:

(1) Conservatives are not worthless – Conservatives are not worthless. If properly motivated and organized, they can win important victories. The lion’s share of the credit in defeating the DREAM Act goes to the grassroots conservatives who lit a fire underneath wavering Republican Senators and forced them to vote for our agenda or gamble with political suicide.

(2) Ordinary people are not lemmings – The entire mainstream media spent four months pushing the DREAM Act, but White people were smart enough to see through their lies. The fate of the DREAM Act was literally in the hands of John McCain and Lindsey Graham. There were enough “lemmings” out there in Arizona and South Carolina though (and Montana and Nebraska too, it seems) to scare them into voting no on cloture.

(3) Better is better – The enemy is reacting to the defeat of the DREAM Act with threats to punish Democratic Senators, withhold votes from Barack Obama, and go nuclear with a full fledged civil disobedience campaign that will result in more racial polarization which works in our favor.

This victory over the DREAM Act has energized restrictionist forces with a new boost of confidence and serves as a fresh reminder of our ability to flex our political muscle to get what we want out of politicians. We can now turn our attention from playing defense this year to shifting into offense formation next year.

(4) The system is not broken – It turns out the system wasn’t broken after all. The problem was that White Nationalists had been led astray by fantasists and the vanguard, lacked a realistic strategy for fighting back, and had grown so alienated and unsympathetic that they were unable to communicate with their audience or properly analyze political reality.

As amazing as it sounds to some White Nationalist ears, the problem all along was that the enemy was just better at gaming the system than we were. When effective organizations like NumbersUSA started to correct this imbalance, we began to turn the tide on the immigration front.

(5) The collapse wasn’t necessary – A collapse of civilization wasn’t necessary to win the battle over the DREAM Act. You could sit around in your pajamas, crack open a cold beer, and bombard wavering Senators with emails, phone calls, and keyboard strokes, or if you are a talk radio host like Michael Savage, you could just run your mouth for hours on end until a sufficient number of lemmings were screaming at the capitol switchboard about “amnesty” to make voting for the DREAM Act radioactive.

(6) The collapse didn’t come – The collapse hasn’t come along to boost the sagging fortunes of the vanguard. On the contrary, the victory of the DREAM Act has demonstrated that it is a much more effective use of your time to work within the system, speak modestly, organize through groups like NumbersUSA, and form alliances with the hated conservatives to twist the arms of the likes of a Jon Tester or a Ben Nelson.

(7) ZOG stumbles – Every Jew in the Senate voted for the DREAM Act. Jewish organizations like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society were pushing the bill. The Jewish media was putting out relentless propaganda in support of the DREAM Act.

Guess what?

The omnipotent Jews lost this round. They lost it because Jewish Power cannot compete with White Power when Whites get serious, organized, angry, engaged, and determined to fight back – something which hitherto has rarely happened.

The problem all along was that the Jews and their allies were better at gaming the system. The solution was for Whites to catch up and make progress along the learning curve.

(8) Reform wins the day – Empty threats of revolution did nothing to stop the DREAM Act. Neither did hiding out in a bunker, crying on vBulletin and WordPress wailing walls, living in a fantasy world, or the Laptop Luftwaffe bombarding comment threads with radical anonymous electrons.

When all that anger and energy was channeled through votes, primary challenges, fundraising for Tea Party candidates, and organizations like NumberUSA, and then redirected like a laser at the House and Senate in Washington, it made all the difference in the world.

Final Thoughts

This works. That doesn’t.

That is the thought I take away from the fight against the DREAM Act. I first got involved in the White Nationalist movement over my concerns about immigration. I now see a way to start making some progress on this issue.

My instinct is to fight back. That is where I am headed next year. We are going to “take action” all right, but in an effective way. I am going to take the lessons learned from Arizona, the success of the Tea Party, and the defeat of the DREAM Act to map out a “Hard Right” strategy for advancing pro-White views into the mainstream.

Yes, We Can

… if we want to get serious about reversing our racial decline.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s important to remember that we only won a very important battle here but the war is far from over. I e-mailed and called the office of my senator, Joe Lieberman, apparently to no avail. Thank God he and his fellow Jews didn’t prevail, for now that is. If only the new Congress coming will keep the momentum going in our direction.

  2. “The omnipotent Jews lost this round. They lost it because Jewish Power cannot compete with White Power when Whites get serious, organized, angry, engaged, and determined to fight back – something which hitherto has rarely happened.”

    Most of the Whites in the USA are of Germanic stock – wholly or partially – and this may explain their apathy. Many Germanics do not act until the final moment, preferring to bide their time instead; even Tacitus noted this in his work GERMANIA:

    Whenever they are not fighting, they pass much of their time in the chase, and still more in idleness, giving themselves up to sleep and to feasting, the bravest and the most warlike doing nothing, and surrendering the management of the household, of the home, and of the land, to the women, the old men, and all the weakest members of the family. They themselves lie buried in sloth, a strange combination in their nature that the same men should be so fond of idleness, so averse to peace. It is the custom of the states to bestow by voluntary and individual contribution on the chiefs a present of cattle or of grain, which, while accepted as a compliment, supplies their wants. They are particularly delighted by gifts from neighbouring tribes, which are sent not only by individuals but also by the state, such as choice steeds, heavy armour, trappings, and neck-chains. We have now taught them to accept money also. –

  3. Kalki writes:
    “Most of the Whites in the USA are of Germanic stock – wholly or partially – and this may explain their apathy.”

    I don’t know WTF you are talking about. I am of Germanic stock and all the Americans I know who are, are hardworking and conscientious. Stop your BS trolling please.

  4. I believe in defense in depth.

    The GOP, “conservatives”, American nationalists, white nationalists, and the true radicals all have their place.

    Full-spectrum practical politics is working, just so long as there is a firewall between the vanguard and the public face. That is why I prefer Romney over Ron Paul because Paul doesn’t abide by that firewall and Romney does.

    This website, etc.. can act as the cordon sanitaire between the mainstream and the vanguard. But given our aging and dwindling population, we ought not demoralize any of our people. We just can’t afford to.

  5. The vanguard could be doing any number of constructive things right now:

    (1) The public schools are problem. Here you have an area where you can “reject the system” and create alternative institutions like private schools or a home schooling curriculum for kids.

    (2) If the vanguardists took the collapse scenario seriously, they could respond in all sorts of practical ways like stressing the importance of securing firearms and getting proper military training. They could learn how to grow their own food.

    (3) A real vanguard is supposed to be the spearhead of a mass movement. Well, the vanguard could infiltrate a mass movement like the Tea Party and try to steer it in a positive direction.

    (4) The vanguard insists on the importance of metapolitics. That’s all well and good. There is plenty of areas where they could have a positive impact in that sphere.

    I’ve mentioned The Birth of a Nation, The Israel Lobby, The Bell Curve, Death of the West, HBD, the anti-White concept, the mantra and so on. They could debunk MLK and the Civil Rights Movement.

    (5) The vanguard believes in the importance of television. Why not launch a pro-White television network then?

    Blacks have Black Entertainment Television. Hispanics have Univision. Whites have nothing similar. The vanguard could step up to the plate in that area.

    (6) The vanguardists are voraciously opposed to conservatives and the GOP on the internet. Well, the vanguard could support its own institutions like the A3P.

    They could hold their own rallies. They could organize their own events. The only vanguardist group that really does anything like that is the NSM.

    Dislike the Republican Party? Join the A3P and run candidates who can beat the Republicans then.

    I really shouldn’t call these people the vanguard or vanguardists. That’s only a fashionable label which they like to use to style themselves. “Revolutionaries” is another.

    In reality, there isn’t much of a vanguard to speak of (although I am told you can join it for a $120 cash donation) and all the hot rhetoric about revolution amounts to nothing more than talk and wishful thinking based on unlikely scenarios.

    “We The Alienated” is a more accurate description of the vanguard.

    Aside from complaining about our racial decline, posting anonymous comments on the internet, and nursing a powerful and counterproductive sense of alienation, the vanguard isn’t doing much at all and isn’t a vanguard of anything resembling a mass movement.

  6. This is an example of a good article. I wish Hunter Wallace always maintained high standards like this. Yet he continued to publish barely literate, poorly composed articles by Jack Ryan and a couple of others. Please, at least have someone edit his articles.

  7. The Next Fight:

    WASHINGTON — Fresh off of passing a law to combat illegal immigration that was so controversial the federal government sued to block it, Arizona’s Republican-controlled Legislature is poised to push the limits of immigration policy yet again, this time by challenging the basic rules that decide who is an American.

    The effort in Arizona, spearheaded by longtime anti-illegal immigration crusader and incoming state Senate President Russell Pearce, is remarkable for two reasons. First, it moves the focus of the immigration debate from those who are in the country illegally to their children, who currently become American citizens if they are born in the United States. Second, Arizona will not be alone in questioning the principle of “birthright citizenship,” because lawmakers in at least a dozen more states also have agreed to push similar legislation.

    “On many issues we have led the pack,” says Arizona state Rep. John Kavanaugh, a Republican who supports the effort. “But we have no problem leaving the gate with a whole host of other states.” . . .

    Keep on pushing the envelope. Be a winner. Hit back. Knock the enemy down. Then start kicking them to turn a defeat into a rout.

  8. Nietzsche wrote: “That is why I prefer Romney over Ron Paul because Paul doesn’t abide by that firewall and Romney does.”

    Romney? He has flipped flopped on so many issues he doesn’t know which way is up. The only thing Romney cares about is power and he will take any position he thinks will get himself elected.

    As for Hunters comments above: It would behoove us all to study the fluid political strategy of Vladimir Lenin. He was not opposed in the least to co-operation and alliances even with elective parliamentary parties if the tactical situation at the time warranted it.

  9. You neocons are so scared that Ron Paul just might take the primary in 2012 and why shouldn’t he? His popularity has grown considerably with his Campaign for Liberty and he is the original founder of the Tea Party Movement before it was co-opted. There is no one to oppose him. Palin is a intellectual lightweight and a warmonger who’ll start WWIII while Romney will scare away the Southerners and Christians.

  10. So, if Republicans wins the White House, and win some more seats in government, we should, in theory, be okay for longer than two years – right?

  11. We pioneered the Main Stream approach in Texas in the 90’s

    No funny costumes or spewing hatred for others. Instead we preached (Its All Right to be White) it worked for the National Alliance. Public relations and Outreach helped start four units for the Alliance, and put the jews on the defensive in two short years.

  12. I voted for Ron Paul in 2008.

    I would be overjoyed to see Ron Paul win the presidency in 2012, but he is a rigid ideologue with no appeal outside his following on the internet. That’s just the blunt truth about the matter. He has done nothing to address this problem.

    The proof that Ron Paul is not a viable candidate is that the Tea Party should be propelling him into the White House. Unfortunately, Ron Paul couldn’t have possibly blown a greater opportunity to position himself at the forefront of the movement. This was the backlash that libertarians had been waiting on for decades.

    The “lightweight” Sarah Palin could teach Ron Paul a thing or two about practical politics.

  13. Kalki writes:
    “Most of the Whites in the USA are of Germanic stock – wholly or partially – and this may explain their apathy.”

    My paternal and maternal DNA trace back to Deutschland – my haplogroup is I1 (Y-DNA) – nothing lazy about me or my ancestors, sir.

  14. The “lightweight” Sarah Palin could teach Ron Paul a thing or two about practical politics.

    You mean calling for bombing Iranian nuclear sites don’t you?

  15. Someone needs to teach Sarah Palin a few things about practical politics, like being able to speak effectively. I can’t believe people would pay to listen to this woman spit out word salad.

  16. When Palin speaks, she comes of as uneducated which is why, at least in-part, she’s so popular. By and large, the masses never obtained an education beyond high school.

  17. The GOP elites are serious about stopping Paul and Palin. They despise both of them and want Romney, Daniels, or Jeb Bush to win the presidency. I think we can safely assume those are the three most anti-White candidates in the race.

  18. It’s as though she’s searching in her mind for more words to string together as she’s talking to someone or an audience at the same time she’s doing that annoying body language.

  19. The 2012 Presidential Election is still 23 months away. Look at this from Gerald Celente: .
    I bring this to your attention gentlemen because ALOT can change in 23 months! Maybe Ron Paul will be the nominee or maybe Romney or Palin will move farther to the right, who knows right now. I am pleased about the current situation with the DREAM Act. I sincerely hope the new Congress lives up to my greatest hopes for it.

  20. You neocons are so scared that Ron Paul just might take the primary in 2012 and why shouldn’t he? His popularity has grown considerably with his Campaign for Liberty and he is the original founder of the Tea Party Movement before it was co-opted. There is no one to oppose him. Palin is a intellectual lightweight and a warmonger who’ll start WWIII while Romney will scare away the Southerners and Christians.

    This is what I mean about a “groupthink” that comes from isolating yourself on WN websites. Back in the 2008 campaign I read too much of Stormfront and whitecivilrights I actually started to believe their wild speculation on how Paul was the most popular candidtate out there. That is until I just started to talk to ordinary Americans, mostly white republicans for that matter, and found out nobody even had Ron Paul on their radar. The whole thing was a fantasy of a small 3% of the public who were bookworm types into fringe ideologies like libertarianism and conspiracy theory. To think Ron Paul would win the primary is about as misguided as thinking the WNBA will overtake the NFL. (Actually a perfect analogy as I had a god awful lesbian college professor who seriously believed that the WNBA was going to be a big hit when it came out.)

  21. I do not want Palin, the liberals are right about her being an airhead. Can’t we get a smart white guy instead of a puppet like Bush Jr, Palin, or that idiotic affirmative action negro and his baby mama defiling the White House.

  22. If Palin doesn’t run (and I don’t think she will) Mike Huckabee will most likely be the Republican nominee. If Obama faces a serious challenge in the primaries then Huckabee may very well be elected president (especially if he runs on finally bringing home the troops from Afghanistan.)

  23. Considering the outright anti-white bigotry & hate taught in our public schools, I agree with Hunter Wallace when he says above: “The public schools are problem. Here you have an area where you can ‘reject the system’ and create alternative institutions like private schools or a home schooling curriculum for kids.”

    In California, a statewide charter school has been created that combines paid home schooling, texts, field trips, etc., that a parent can use with some modifications to turn out well-educated students without the brain-washing.

    In fact, home teaching can easily include an unaccredited class called “Detecting Misleading Claims.” Such an extra class wouldn’t have to find its necessary material from state-provided texts, the local newspaper would supply an endless supply of object lessons that can be used to strengthen little minds to resist the kinds of defamation through slurs, caricatures, and stereotypes that are apt to go unremarked elsewhere.

    Might have to teach the art of answering state tests with the answer the state wants, but that’s something we’ve all had to learn at one time or another.

  24. “I detest that bag of wind even more than I do Romney.”

    He ran strongly last time and he has a lot of support among white conservative Christians in the South and Midwest (even in Michigan!) who are very wary of Romney who they see as the same old, same old country club Republican.

  25. He ran strongly last time and he has a lot of support among white conservative Christians in the South and Midwest (even in Michigan!) who are very wary of Romney who they see as the same old, same old country club Republican.

    As if pro-War and pro-La Raza Mike Huckabee is much better. He has advocated for Amnesty, which even Mitt Romney claims to oppose.

  26. From what I have seen so far, it looks like Sarah Palin is more likely to survive “the collapse” of the system than someone who frequents this website. She just shot and gutted that caribou on the last episode that Maureen Dowd compared to Barack Obama.

  27. “As if pro-War and pro-La Raza Mike Huckabee is much better. He has advocated for Amnesty, which even Mitt Romney claims to oppose.”

    I didn’t say he was better. I said he was more likely to win.

  28. I didn’t say you said he was. But, you are correct; he is more likely to win, and he is more popular among Red-State & Republican voters. His background convinces many he is one of them.

  29. Another thing that Huckabee has been doing is taking a more “nuanced” approach to the war on terror. While fully supporting our troops blah blah blah, he believes the terrorists mainly consist of small cells scattered here and there and he advocates lots of special ops raids all over the place rather than a big push to tame the Iraq Sunnis or the Afghan/Paki Pashtuns or whomever.

    This will resonate with the American public given that we are bankrupt and can’t afford these foreign wars anyway. Obama is vulnerable on this issue as his foreign policy is considerably to the “right” (interventionist) of even Dwight Eisenhower’s!

  30. “From what I have seen so far, it looks like Sarah Palin is more likely to survive “the collapse” of the system than someone who frequents this website.”

    I would imagine most Alaskans fall into this category.

  31. “I would imagine most Alaskans fall into this category.”

    Actually Alaska only produces something like 4% of its own food, right down there at the bottom with Massachussetts. That’s a lot of moose and caribou they are going to have to shoot if they can no longer import corn flakes!

  32. Nietsche said:

    “I believe in defense in depth.
    The GOP, “conservatives”, American nationalists, white nationalists, and the true radicals all have their place.”

    Thank you for a sensible statement! I, myself, have said that before. You’d think it wasn’t rocket science…

  33. How to win at politics with nothing more than White Sheople to work with…

    First of all, you can’t come off like a loser. This does not mean act like you’re too big to worry about losing; or that somehow it’s your responsibility to look after the Little People.

    It means, stop apologizing for who you are and what you want. Hell, we pay the salaries of these schmucks in DC and every state capitol.

    Act like it – and demand they act like it too.

    We used to have this idea, long before political correctness warped our behaviour, called “Righteous Indignation”.

    When I call the hirelings in DC etc., I be sure to introduce myself as “Mister Mountain”. I then tell the young skull full of mush where I live, where I went to school, how much of a tax payment I made last year.

    Then I tell him that I cannot believe senator Blowhard would do thus-and-such and it pisses me off to no end that he does.

    “Who does he think he is? It’s my damned country and this is against everything I and my family have believed for (fill in your appropriate number of) years!

    “Remember to tell him that MISTER MOUNTAIN said this!

    “Thank you and please have a nice day!”

    Knocks ’em for a loop every time.

    Why do I do this? Do I really think Mr Blowhard will care? Do I really think he will even get the message?

    Of course not. At most it will be a tick mark on a tally sheet.

    But my real audience is the telephone clerk.

    My goal is to impart a reflexive averse condition, Pavlov-style, into his head. To make him doubt his reality.

    It’s hard to do this from a position of authority but it must be done without a hint of self-doubt; absolutely no obsequious butt-kissing or grovelling as these turkeys so often expect (and receive).

    It must be done as someone accustomed to giving orders to servants.

    How many conservo/rightwing/WN/whatever do you know that are so defensive, so apologetic, so — timid that it’s no wonder no one would do as they say?

    We’re still in charge. It’s still our damned country.


  34. They could not care less about the tone of your rhetoric. The only thing that matters to them is that your check to the IRS doesn’t bounce.

  35. In my family, there is a saying that “it is better to deal with the devil you know than the one you don’t.” So, please bear with me and be patient while I put my thesis out there that it is best for the White Nationalist Cause if Barak Obama is re-elected to the Presidency in 2012.

    The Tea Party activists can pooh-pooh the very idea that racism wasn’t motivating them. Their language, goals and cause were very aracial. If you think about it BO’s agenda wasn’t any more anti-White than those of the previous liberal establishment elite. In fact, if all these leftist, anti-White actions were being pushed through by President John Edwards or McCain, I highly doubt if the Whites would be this mobilized. It was BO that put a black face and a Chicago boyz-in-the-hood swagger to it. White people who, in the past, would be upset, but carry on, because it was a White face behind the wheel of the vehicle that drove their hopes and dreams into a ditch, sat up and took notice and started to resist.

    Barak Obama being re-elected in 2012 is a good thing for Whites. It’s a bad thing for Whites if a White Republican takes the WH, because the average lemming figures we’ve won and goes back to sleep, not realizing they’ve let a Zionist fox into the hen house. The only thing a White Republican candidate can bring to the White House is a Neo Con who will simultaneously kill off our White young people by getting us embroiled in Iran or Yemen or any other Arab country that is looking cross-eyed at Israel. In the meantime, he WILL go with Rove’s brilliant strategy to woo the Mestizos via “comprehensive immigration reform.” Been there, done that, got the tee shirt with Dubya “Family Values Don’t Stop At The Border” Bush.

    I like Obama for much the same reasons the Neo Cons hate him. He’s a Crypto Black Muslim Nationalist. That means he says one thing and does another. He doffs that stupid yarmulke and goes to the Wailing Wall and kisses Jewish booty, but he keeps the USA out of Iran while trying to get us the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan. He co-opts La Raza’s “Si, Se Puede” mantra with his own “Yes, We Can” mantra, but he finds some way to drag his ass about amnestying illegal mestizos – who are sucking up all those diversity benefits and affirmative action perks that he feels belongs to black folk – even though he had a super majority to ram it through as he did the health care bill.

    I have more trust in a Black Muslim Nationalist than I do in any Closet Open Borders Supporter White Neo Con Race Traitors that the Republicans may dish up in 2012. And that is all we will get, count on it. To me, they are nothing more than Zionist Judas Goats leading the White Sheeple into the pen to be sheared by the Usual Suspects. We need to keep the WH out of Republican hands at least until 2017.

    In the meantime, we need to focus on some more House cleaning in Congress. We need to target those White Republican race traitors who voted for the DREAM act and/or pushed any kind of amnesty in the past. They need to be lanced from the ass of politics like the boil they are. Get together national pacs from all over the country and the world, if need be, to help their opponents take them out. We don’t need a repeat of twenty million dollars being an effective way to keep a candidate like John McCain-Kennedy/McCain-Feingold in office because a better candidate couldn’t come up with the ready.

    Keeping a Black Liberal in the WH keeps White Conservatives on their guard, questioning, researching, double-checking and organizing an unofficial resistance. By the time 2016 rolls around, Whites will hopefully acquire this habit no matter what the color of the elected official may be. Or that is what I am hoping.

    Until then, White Nationalists can train up young candidates without a paper or electronic trail and help them infiltrate both parties. Like Jews, we need to have White Nationalists on every side of the issue. For the left, there’s the concept of National Bolshevism. For the center, there’s National Libertarianism. For the right, there is National Fascism. White Nationalists can infiltrate the antiwar movement and the ecology movement, as well. White Nationalists must stop allowing OTHERS to herd the White race towards any one pen. The idea is that we ALL need to get active and present a solid racial bloc that needs to be pandered to, or we are going to see definite problems in the future.

    Not ALL radicalism is bad for Whites. Believe it or not, Hunter, the Vanguardists are NOT a bad PR problem for Whites. It is NOT young Neo-Nazi skinheads that are hurting us. IMO, it’s the LACK of visible young White racists. The PR idea that is more dangerous and insidious to Whites is the idea that Whites are old, stodgy, and set in their ways. Our problem is that older White people are organizing politically and voting. “Tick Tock” Wise’s attitude is that all the Anti-Whites have to do is wait for us to die out through old age comes from this. That is why the left throws around that “old, white geezer” epithet so freely that even they believe it.

    The youth are naturally energetic and easy to radicalize. In fact, I am convinced that salvation for White Nationalism ultimately comes from the left, not the right. That is why WNists need to focus on them. We need to get on and infiltrate the college campuses. I know we face an uphill battle there because the Jews are guarding that preserve for all they are worth, but there ARE leftist causes that are ripe for infiltration. The environmentalist movement. The anti-war movement. The pro-Palestine movement.

    There are other Non-White groups we can network with. For one thing it provides an aracial ass cover. For another it exposes innocent but intelligent White idealists to the raw racial agenda behind these Non-White groups. The sharper knives in the drawer will study what is going on and be formidable weapons for White Nationalism. A prime example of a White radical leftist who worked with Jews and Non-Whites who became a very effective voice for WNism is Kevin McDonald. Sometimes, it takes a thief to catch a thief. In fact, White leftist feminist, Hillary Rodham Clinton belatedly went where moderate “conservative” White male, John McCain dared not go and openly embraced the White working class. Had she gone there from jump street, SHE’D be President, not Barak Obama.

    For all you Vanguardists who love Ron Paul, I share your admiration for the man, but I do not see him as President Paul in 2012 and he will be too old by 2016. IMO, the party establishment machine is too powerful right now to give him a presidential forum.

    Mind you, I disagree with the Mainstreamers that Ron Paul is NOT popular; he’s just not a well-known name like that bimbo Sarah Palin. Furthermore the media and the party establishment machine go out of their way to cut off his mike and mute his voice with the American people. I watched the Republican Debates on the Fox “Rah, Rah, Israel” NeoCon Network. The man was the ONLY candidate that was consistently cheered by the crowd in many of his statements. And many of them consisted of his classic anti-interventionist, fiscal conservative, smart money positions. During the Fox exit polls, consistently led the pack. He particularly galvanized YOUNG conservatives. Furthermore, RP is well liked and well respected even by leftists. I saw him on The View and the respect showered on this principled man even by those hardcore leftist twits impressed me.

    If we could find a smart, younger, telegenic White male candidate with a good speaking voice and an agile mind who could co-opt many of Ron Paul’s positions – while giving due credit to Paul for his inspiration – I think we would have a shoo-in for the White House. I could see him picking up votes across the White political spectrum, left and right. He could galvanize young voters at college campuses who know there are no jobs to graduate to and pull a WNist coup.

    The important thing is the Mainstreamers and the Vanguardists need to remember that we have a common cause, give each other more respect and work together. I am an older conservative Mainstreamer, if you will. However, I am convinced that only the Vanguardists are radical and far-seeing enough to attract/galvanize/fire up the young, who seem so lost and apathetic they worry me. Vanguardists scare the hell out of older conservatives, because they don’t pull their punches. Their message is too blunt. If they were doctors, their bedside manners would suck. Moreover, they don’t have the patience to coddle people who are set in their ways. That is where the Mainstreamers are needed. They can disseminate the message in such a way that doesn’t scare the conservatives. They can use aracial terminology and ideas that hide an implicit White Nationalist agenda. But we need each other and we need to recognize that.

  36. No one named “Huckabee” or “Obama” will ever be POTUS…oh, wait….Actually, there isn’t going to be any operational President post-2012 election, because there isn’t going to be a “United” States. In the meantime HW and friends, enjoy the game of politics, for what it’s worth.

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