2011: A New Direction

2011: Happy New Year


I plan to take this website in a new direction this year.

It is more like an intensification of the present course. I really started to get my bearings around the middle of last year and have been firing on all cylinders for about three months now.

Here are our virtues:

(1) Practical – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be relentlessly practical. We are going to focus on the practical things (long term strategy and short term tactics) that we can do in the real world to reverse our decline and turn the tables on our enemies.

(2) Realistic – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be realistic about our circumstances. We are going to accept reality as it exists as our starting point. This is America in 2011 and you will never assume otherwise from reading our material.

(3) Engaged – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be engaged with the system. We are going to work within the hated system to advance our views on subjects like immigration.

(4) Optimistic – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will have an optimistic, upbeat tone. I’m sick of hearing “we are doomed” and “all is lost.” There are a lot of things we can do to improve our situation.

(5) Radical – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be a truly radical website. We are not going to just talk and let one year bleed into the next. I promise you we will be acting in all sorts of ways.

(6) Focused – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be focused. We are not going to waste our time on vague generalities, sterile navel gazing, wild fantasies, and gauzy idealism. We are going to focus like a laser on specific pieces of legislation in Congress and the state legislatures that move the ball forward on important issues.

(7) Populist – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will have a populist tone. I think the vast majority of White people agree with us on fundamental issues like immigration and multiculturalism. We are not going to talk down to ordinary people.

(8) Effective – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be effective. You saw a preview of this in the fight against the DREAM Act.

(9) Normal – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be normal. We are going to project an image of being normal, ordinary White Americans who are passionate about issues like immigration and multiculturalism.

(10) Positive – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be positive. I think Kelso has demonstrated the value of staying positive. I’m going to start ignoring the vanguard and focus on more positive lines of analysis.

(11) Building Bridges – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will attempt to build bridges to the mainstream. We are going to try to make it as easy as possible for ordinary people to feel comfortable here.

(12) Constructive – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will always search for constructive solutions to our problems. There is always something we should be doing that we are not doing.

This is what is going to make us different.

The task we are setting here is to try to make conservatives more racially conscious while making White Nationalists more effective. Next year we will revisit this post and assess our progress by this measuring stick.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Denise

    I believe they inherited their Homeland from their Father Lucifer.

    This Homeland is either Hell or Outer Darkness depending on the theology you subscribe to.

    They are Satan’s seed, true sons of perdition.

  2. Hunter Wallace says:
    >Tea Party Nation condemns the NAACP, SPLC, and ACLU as “hate groups.”

    This is very close to what they should be doing. If they only had the courage to take it one step further and use “anti-White hate groups”, it would be 100% accurate and would have greatly magnified the effect.

    This is something to watch for with respectable conservatives, they have a habit of watering things down slightly, to make their life a little easier and this is why they are not on the offensive yet. You have to constantly remind them not to do that, if they are serious about taking America back.

    I hope this year, you focus on larger issues like this, instead of arguing with the vanguard, because you never know, an in the closet Pro White, on the way up in the Tea Party or Republicans, might be reading your blog on the sly and taking notes.

  3. “on WN sites like the phora and Stormfront, most White Nationalists regard opposing and destroying Israel and Zionism as higher priorities than stopping non-White immigration into the USA and Europe.”

    This hardly amounts to “support” for race-replacement immigration. It is merely a matter of emphasis on a desire to see Jews, who they regard as the prime movers of race-replacement immigration, struck where Jews are especially vulnerable according to the internal logic of liberalism as Israel is an ethnonationalist, apartheid state. They apparently believe Israel, as the cardinal manifestation of Jewish hypocrisy, is the fracture line par excellence that needs to be pressed on to turn public sentiment against Jews. And if the Zionist state were to collapse it is likely it would be only the first domino of Jewish power to fall – an absolute catastrophe for Jews.

    These are not unreasonable propositions to my mind. Of course Hunter’s insinuation that some White Nationalists ultimately “support” race-replacement immigration was never intended by him as anything but a rhetorical slight. Fine as far as it goes, the problem is you apparently took it as a sincere effort at analysis. Unless I am mistaken, and Hunter in fact seeks to mislead his readers about the true motivations of other White Nationalists. I don’t think Hunter would wish to do that.

  4. Vanguardists do support race replacement of Whites by Hispanics. They think it will make America more “anti-Zionist” because Mexicans are more anti-Semitic than Whites.

    As noted above, Otis the Sweaty has come here to make that very argument several times now. I am not making this up.

  5. There is no way the claim can reasonably be made that “Vanguardist” generally welcome the Mestizo invasion for reasons of anti-Semitism, or for any other reason so far as that goes. There is a large faction of people who support Palestinians and/or Iranians based on the above ‘enemy of enemy = friend’ formula, but that is only in Palestine and Muslim lands generally.

  6. The vanguardists come here all the time to preach “worse is better.” Several commentators have specifically made the claim that opposition to “neocon foreign wars” and fighting “Zionism” is a higher priority than immigration.

    How many times did they come here to attack the conservatives and Republicans who opposed the DREAM Act?

  7. No one has ever said that vanguardists don’t post anonymous comments on the internet. The point is that they do nothing else to reverse our decline and delight in obstructing our efforts.

    They are radicals in rhetoric only.

  8. “Vanguardists do support race replacement of Whites by Hispanics.”

    How many of these are there but a few scattered eccentric and intellectually limited individuals such that they become obsessed with and can only reason within that one groove to the exclusion of considering the larger picture? Uttering the name “Otis the Sweat” ten times twenty will not convince.

  9. HW: “The vanguardists come here all the time to preach “worse is better.” Several commentators have specifically made the claim that opposition to “neocon foreign wars” and fighting “Zionism” is a higher priority than immigration.”

    Big difference between the above and supporting Mestizo invasion.

  10. “No one has ever said that vanguardists don’t post anonymous comments on the internet. The point is that they do nothing else to reverse our decline and delight in obstructing our efforts.”

    I guess Hunter is saying that anonymous postings of the Mantra in appropriate places are “doing nothing” … else, etc. blah, blah.

    I guess Hunter is saying that the strategy and tactics of reversing White Genocide, developed by Bob Whitaker and used by many “vanguardists” is just a load of crap because it’s not conventional, voting-style, politics.

    I guess Hunter thinks the ONLY way to bring down a closed system is by “voting” and working inside the rule-set the closed system has itself developed to enslave us. Yeah, right.

  11. Hunter are you saying that there a two different groups of Jews, both hostile to Whites, but the neocons will allow our survival if we obey and serve them?

  12. There’s nothing unique about what Hunter proposes people do to take back their government and people have been voting for Republicans for at least 30 years trying to regain control over the system and it hasn’t worked. Why? Because the system is gamed on both sides and Hunter don’t bother cutting and pasting your GOP talking points on here. We’ve seen them on here over and over again like a broken record.

  13. @Gregor:
    “I guess Hunter is saying that the strategy and tactics of reversing White Genocide, developed by Bob Whitaker and used by many “vanguardists” is just a load of crap because it’s not conventional, voting-style, politics.”

    Bob Whitaker coaches anyone that is Pro White and is willing to put their ego aside and learn what works in the field. I’ve also heard he is *the* most quoted Pro White in the BNP and they aren’t what I’d call vanguardists. So that person could be vanguard, but just as likely they could be not.

    Speaking for myself, I am not against vanguardists. The people I have a beef with, are those that alienate themselves and by implication all of us, from the wider community and demoralize everyone they interact with.

    @Solutrean Social Club
    >Big difference between the above and supporting Mestizo invasion.

    You are either Pro White or Pro White genocide. Being obsessed with Jews and Israel, while our people face genocide, by Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, Arabs, Indians, is not rational nor is it Pro White. The only issue is White survival.

    IMHO we should be focused on ways to normalize and popularize Pro White philosophy as soon as possible. James Edwards, Bob Whitaker, Horus the Avenger, Andrew Yeoman and now the BNP, deliberately project certain kinds of images to achieve this goal. Considering they are fully aware of what we are facing, doing it day in day out, must require iron discipline.

  14. Gregor,

    (1) I’m saying that typing radical anonymous comments on the internet and doing nothing else in the real world doesn’t work.

    (2) There is nothing wrong with the mantra.

    (3) I point out anti-White double standards all the time in places where I am not simply preaching to a White Nationalist choir.

    (4) The mantra is used most effectively before a mass audience of non-WNs.

    (5) Voting is obviously effective.

    (6) The Tea Party intimidated Republican Senators who might have voted for the DREAM Act by knocking off pro-amnesty RINOs like Arlen Specter and Robert Bennett.

    (7) In case you haven’t noticed, there is nothing stopping us from winning in the “closed system.” We defeated every attempt at amnesty made in Congress over the last decade.

    (8) Don’t be silly. The system wasn’t designed to “enslave” anyone.

    (9) Vanguardists don’t participate in the system. The causes of their marginalization are hardly mysterious.

  15. Alex (aka Daley),

    (1) I don’t see Jews as being all that different from blacks.

    (2) Blacks have historical grievances against Whites.

    (3) As with every group, the extent of this hostility varies.

    (4) There are some Jews who are not hostile to Whites.

    (5) Jews have a negative impact upon our society.

    (6) If Jews simply left us alone, I wouldn’t have a problem with them.

    (7) I resent Jews because of what they do, not who they are.

  16. Rodger,

    (1) The only thing that has stopped the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform over the last ten years is voting for Republicans.

    (2) Like the Democrats, there are different factions within the Republican Party.

    (3) Specifically, there are pro-business Republicans and populist conservatives who are at odds on immigration.

    (4) The populist conservatives were marginalized under the Bush administration, but even then were strong enough to defeat amnesty.

    (5) Now the populist conservatives have the upper hand on immigration policy.

    (6) The smart thing to do is to rid the Republican Party of the last remaining pro-amnesty traitors. There are only 4 returning Republicans who voted for the DREAM Act in 2010.

    (7) There is no conspiracy rigging the system. Our enemies are simply far better at gaming the system and using it to their advantage.

    (8) We have made progress precisely because organizations like NumbersUSA and FAIR are getting more and more successful at defeating the pro-business lobbies.

    (9) You don’t have any viable alternative to working within the system.

    (10) We can work within the system to advance our interests … or sit around feeling sorry for ourselves and spreading defeatism like you guys.

    (11) Why can’t you find another wailing wall instead of coming here and trying to disrupt what we are doing?

    (12) If you want to be a useful defeatist, why do you feel compelled to come here to my website? I obviously disagree with you.

  17. “(8) Effective – In contrast to other White Nationalist websites, Occidental Dissent will be effective. You saw a preview of this in the fight against the DREAM Act.”

    Are you taking credit for the defeat of the DREAM act?

    “Vanguardists do support race replacement of Whites by Hispanics. They think it will make America more “anti-Zionist” because Mexicans are more anti-Semitic than Whites.

    As noted above, Otis the Sweaty has come here to make that very argument several times now. I am not making this up.”

    I’ve never heard anyone else say this, it’s obviously not something that 99% of the people you call “vanguardists” believe.

    “(1) The only thing that has stopped the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform over the last ten years is voting for Republicans.”

    It was the losses in Congress in 2006 and McCains’s loss that laid the groundwork for the current GOP reversal on immigration. NOT voting Republican was an essential step promoting restrictionism up until this year and will be probably become so again in the near future.

  18. (1) No, I am not.

    (2) A tactic is doing what you can with what you got.

    (3) I used my influence here to persuade White Nationalists reading this website to act in a constructive way.

    (4) We certainly contributed to the defeat of the DREAM Act. I have voted for both Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby in Alabama over the years.

    (5) Specifically, Otis the Sweaty has made that argument in the comments here several times.

    (6) NumbersUSA and the House Immigration Caucus is what laid the groundwork for the defeat of the DREAM Act.

    (7) We lost a lot of good members in the 2006 and 2008 elections. My own Republican congressman Terry Everett retired and was replaced by Bobby Bright. Virgil Goode was defeated by Tom Perriello.

    (8) NOT voting for corporate Republicans and replacing them with populist conservative Republicans is what worked. Letting populist conservative Republicans like Virgil Goode get defeated by pro-amnesty progressive Democrats like Tom Perriello accomplished nothing.

  19. Robert in Arabia: I read the essay and the comments. Clueless. Nobody said anything about the Jewish origins of modern feminism. Men and women have been carrying out their biologically ordained roles for as long as there have been humans, until the 1970s. Feminism is little more than a Jewish overclass unleashing its females against the hated Goyim.

  20. Hunter, you sound like a partisan politician or worse, Rush Limbaugh windbagging on the radio about Democrats and their spending while fawning over the disaster that was the Bush administration. The populists or whatever label they call themselves at the appropriate time must have been marginalized alot further back than during Bush presidency what with forty plus years of nonstop immigration and no one challenging it except for some cosmetic measures and those were implemented by Bill Clinton in 1996. Obama is an example of “worse is better” and even you would have to admit that it payed out some dividends by sparking some racial consciousness in people.

  21. (1) I vote on the basis of self interest, not partisanship. I voted against George W. Bush twice.

    (2) I support Republicans (Brewer, King, Tancredo) who I think are advancing our interests. I oppose Republicans (Bush, McCain, Whitman) who are not.

    (3) I have never made an argument for partisanship on this website.

    (4) I have consistently argued in favor of replacing the pro-amnesty business Republicans with the restrictionist populist conservative Republicans.

    (5) I haven’t “fawned over the disaster” of the Bush administration anywhere. I simply recognize the fact that restrictionists have leverage over Republicans that they do not have over most Democrats.

    (4) That’s why the Republicans who once supported the DREAM Act like Brownback voted against it this time. It is also why Bush ditched Harriet Miers and built the border fence.

    (5) I have nothing against Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage. They are on the right side of the immigration issue. Limbaugh and Savage were actually of some use in defeating comprehensive immigration reform.

    (6) I cannot say the same about the vanguard.

    (7) The populist conservatives made an issue of illegal immigration in California in 1990s. For decades, illegal immigration was an issue that mainly affected the border states. There have always been people opposed to immigration, but only recently has the problem become nationalized and intensely polarizing.

    (8) Last time I checked, the vanguard did absolutely nothing about immigration for forty years. In fact, they didn’t win a single election anywhere in America, not even for an office as lowly as county coroner.

    (9) The Democrats controlled Congress until 1994. The Republican Congress passed an immigration reform package in 1996, but Clinton and Bush deliberately neglected the border. The problem was not so much Congress, which got better after 1994, as it was the White House.

    (10) How was Obama better? In what way is he better?

    Reid pushed comprehensive immigration reform and attempted to pass the DREAM Act three times this year. The only reason we won is because there were enough Republicans in the Senate to block the bills with the threat of a filibuster.

    (11) Whites were already fed up with amnesty by the second Bush term. It was one of the major reasons the Republicans lost Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008.

    (12) The decline in support for comprehensive immigration reform began in 2006, when Bush made the big push for amnesty that summer before the fall elections, not in 2009 when Obama was sworn into office.

    (13) The various crackdowns at the state level have been going on for years. Georgia passed its law in 2005, Arizona in 2007, South Carolina in 2008, etc. SB 1070 is only the latest in a trend that began in the early 2000s.

    (14) Conservatives have gained mileage out of their defeats.

    (15) Vanguardists don’t seem to understand the importance of doing that.

  22. What’s more likely to happen?

    (1) The conservatives change their ways, grow a spine, become more racial, and oust the worst traitors in the GOP?

    (2) The vanguard does something effective to reverse our racial decline?


    In all seriousness, what is more likely to happen?

    Conservatives rethink their position on race or Michael O’Meara and Harold Covington lead a successful vanguardist insurrection in the Pacific Northwest?

  23. Hunter, you’ve got the winning strategy and the energy to move it along.

    * Most Whites are euro-peasant stock of the Huddled Masses/Wretched Refuse. They do what they’re told to do or they ape the example of their rulers. These same Whites will fall back into line when faced with a strong, confident “American” (meaning that in the traditional sense exemplified by the Founding Fathers).

    I find my own clients, even up into senior executive ranks, are more often than not extremely concerned about the future of White America. Of course, it takes weeks and more than one beer for them to have the courage to say this to me, so…

    * Live the life. Walk the walk. Be normal. Set the example for others to follow.

    * Loose the Hitler talk. They lost. They are losers. Their ideas sucked for everyone but H’s cronies and they paid by having their necks stretched. Do you really think Americans, historically of British stock, give a rat’s rear about Nazis, Nietzsche, and Nibelungenlied? That’s half the problem.

    * Whites still have access to “The System” and proof of this is that TPTB spend so much time gaming it. When the day comes when Our Royal Masters act with arbitrary fiat, then we’ll know we’re on the outside looking in. Until then, THEY NEED US. See the above point about LEADING BY EXAMPLE.




    * As for “White Secession” well, it’s only the cities that suck and they are crumbling anyway. Who wants them and the liability they represent? If every black and Jew exited Manhattan today it would still be a decrepit mess not worth the fix up cost. The countryside is ours for the taking, especially from Pennsylvania to Maine. (And it’s cheap, too.)

    * No jobs? What’s the matter with you, begging for your living?! WORK FOR YOURSELF. CREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY.

    * Remember that the politicians still need us. Period. They only do what they do because the Huddled Masses and their offspring were more interested in filthy lucre and selfish indulgence than the Liberty that attracted them to Ellis Island in the first place. BAH HUMBUG. Back to your euro-hovels, all of you!

  24. Joe,

    I really think we need to have yet another discussion about why Adolf Hitler lost the Second World War. Quite honestly, we haven’t had enough of those over the last sixteen years on the internet.

    Just kidding man.


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